Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static int saveComInfo(string comName, string address, string phone, string email, string web, string password)
            int result;
            DataBaseHelper db = new DataBaseHelper();
            NpgsqlParameter[] param ={
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@comName",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar,70, ParameterDirection.Input, comName),
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@address",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar,100, ParameterDirection.Input, address),
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@phone",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar,20, ParameterDirection.Input, phone),
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@email",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar,40, ParameterDirection.Input, email),
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@website",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar,20, ParameterDirection.Input, web),
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@pass",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar,70, ParameterDirection.Input, password),
                        DataBaseHelper.MakeParam("@retVal",NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer,1, ParameterDirection.Output, 0)

            db.Run("createCompany", param);
            if ((int)param[6].Value == 0)
                result = 0;
            else if ((int)param[6].Value > 0)
                result = (int)param[6].Value;
                result = -1;
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool alarmStatus(string unitID, string speed, string recTimeRevised, string comID, double lat, double lng)
            string rulesValue, rulesOP;
            DataBaseHelper db = new DataBaseHelper();
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            DataSet dsRules = new DataSet();
            string strSQL = "select  isnull(rulesID,0) as rulesID from tblunitwiserules where unitid=" + unitID + " and isActive=1;";
            strSQL += " select  isnull(geofenceid,0) as geofenceid from tblunitwiserules where unitid=" + unitID + " and isGeofenceActive=1";
            ds = db.Run(strSQL);
            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                strSQL = "select f.rulesfor,r.rulesOperator,r.RulesValue from tblrules r inner join tblrulesfor f on f.rulesforid=r.rulesforid where rulesid=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["rulesID"].ToString() + "";
                dsRules = db.Run(strSQL);

                for (int j = 0; j < dsRules.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                    rulesValue = dsRules.Tables[0].Rows[j]["RulesValue"].ToString();
                    rulesOP = dsRules.Tables[0].Rows[j]["rulesOperator"].ToString();

                    if (dsRules.Tables[0].Rows[j]["rulesfor"].ToString() == "Time")
                        if (chkUnitTimeStatus(recTimeRevised, unitID, comID, rulesValue))
                            return true;

                    if (dsRules.Tables[0].Rows[j]["rulesfor"].ToString() == "Speed")

                        if (chkUnitSpeedStatus(unitID, speed, rulesOP, comID, rulesValue))
                            return true;
            if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (ds.Tables[1].Rows[i]["geofenceid"].ToString() != "")
                        if (chkGeofence.isViolate(unitID, comID, lat, lng, ds.Tables[1].Rows[i]["geofenceid"].ToString()))
                            return true;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //public struct PermissionInfo
        //    public bool delete;
        //    public bool view;
        //    public bool edit;
        //    public bool insert;
        //    public int formIDs;
        public static void LoadPermission(string userID)
            DataBaseHelper db = new DataBaseHelper();

            //PermissionInfo []  userPermission = new PermissionInfo[20];
            //int[] formIDs;
            //formIDs = new int[20];


                int i = 0;

                string sql = @"SELECT * FROMtblSchemePermission JOIN tblForms" +
                 			 @" ON(tblSchemePermission.formID = tblForms.id)";
                sql += @" WHERE schemeID = (SELECT schemeID FROM tblUserWiseScheme WHERE userID ="
                    + userID.ToString() + ");";

                ds = db.Run(sql);

                //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                //    {
                //        userPermission[i].delete =  (bool)row["delete"];
                //        userPermission[i].view = (bool)row["view"];
                //        userPermission[i].insert = (bool)row["insert"];
                //        userPermission[i].edit = (bool)row["Edit"];
                //        userPermission[i].formIDs = (int)row["formID"];

                //        i++;
                //    }

            catch (Exception ex)
                //return formIDs;


            //return userPermission;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static bool isViolate(string unitID, string comID, double lat, double lng, string geofenceID)
            double _distance;
            double _radius = 0;
            double _Lat1 = 0, _Lng1 = 0, _Lat2 = 0, _Lng2 = 0;
            string _strSQL = "";
            _strSQL = "select centerLat,centerLng,radius from tblGeofence where comID=" + comID + " and ID=" + geofenceID + "";

                DataBaseHelper _db = new DataBaseHelper();
                DataSet _ds = new DataSet();
                _ds = _db.Run(_strSQL);

                if (_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    _Lat1 = Convert.ToDouble(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["centerLat"].ToString());
                    _Lng1 = double.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["centerLng"].ToString());
                    _radius = double.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["radius"].ToString());
                    _Lat2 = lat;
                    _Lng2 = lng;

                    _distance = DistanceCalculator.CalcDistance(_Lat1, _Lng1, _Lat2, _Lng2);
                    if (_distance > _radius)
                        return true;
                return true;

            catch (Exception ex)

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool saveTimeZone(string location, string utcVal)
            int retVal = 0;
            string strInsertCommand = "insert into tblrptTimeZone(rptLocation,tzValue)";
            strInsertCommand += "values(";
            strInsertCommand += "'" + location + "',";
            strInsertCommand += "'" + utcVal + "')";

                DataBaseHelper db = new DataBaseHelper();
                retVal = db.ExecuteNonQuery(strInsertCommand, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            catch (NpgsqlException ex)

            if (retVal >= 1)
                return true;
                return false;