Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            //Connected Animation

            PopOutStoryboard.Completed += (sender1_, e1_) =>

            if (NavigationRootPage.Current.PageHeader != null)
                var connectedAnimation = ConnectedAnimationService.GetForCurrentView().GetAnimation("controlAnimation");

                if (connectedAnimation != null)
                    var target = NavigationRootPage.Current.PageHeader.TitlePanel;
                    connectedAnimation.TryStart(target, new UIElement[] { subTitleText });

            var item = await ControlInfoDataSource.Instance.GetItemAsync((String)e.Parameter);

            if (item != null)
                Item = item;

                // Load control page into frame.
                var loader = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView();

                string pageRoot = loader.GetString("PageStringRoot");

                string pageString = pageRoot + item.UniqueId + "Page";
                Type   pageType   = Type.GetType(pageString);

                if (pageType != null)

                NavigationRootPage.Current.NavigationView.Header = item?.Title;
                if (item.IsNew && NavigationRootPage.Current.CheckNewControlSelected())

                ControlInfoDataGroup group = await ControlInfoDataSource.Instance.GetGroupFromItemAsync((String)e.Parameter);

                var menuItem = NavigationRootPage.Current.NavigationView.MenuItems.Cast <NavigationViewItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Tag?.ToString() == group.UniqueId);
                if (menuItem != null)
                    menuItem.IsSelected = true;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            var item = await ControlInfoDataSource.Instance.GetItemAsync((string)e.Parameter);

            if (item != null)
                Item = item;

                // Load control page into frame.
                var loader = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView();

                string pageRoot = loader.GetString("PageStringRoot");

                string pageString = pageRoot + item.UniqueId + "Page";
                Type   pageType   = Type.GetType(pageString);

                if (pageType != null)
                    // Pagetype is not null!
                    // So lets generate the github links and set them!
                    var gitHubBaseURI = "https://github.com/microsoft/Xaml-Controls-Gallery/tree/master/XamlControlsGallery/ControlPages/";
                    var pageName      = pageType.Name + ".xaml";
                    PageCodeGitHubLink.NavigateUri   = new Uri(gitHubBaseURI + pageName + ".cs");
                    PageMarkupGitHubLink.NavigateUri = new Uri(gitHubBaseURI + pageName);


                NavigationRootPage.Current.NavigationView.Header = item?.Title;
                if (item.IsNew && NavigationRootPage.Current.CheckNewControlSelected())

                ControlInfoDataGroup group = await ControlInfoDataSource.Instance.GetGroupFromItemAsync((string)e.Parameter);

                var menuItem = NavigationRootPage.Current.NavigationView.MenuItems.Cast <Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.NavigationViewItemBase>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Tag?.ToString() == group.UniqueId);
                if (menuItem != null)
                    menuItem.IsSelected = true;


        protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            var item = await ControlInfoDataSource.Instance.GetItemAsync((String)e.Parameter);

            if (item != null)
                Item = item;

                // Load control page into frame.
                var loader = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView();

                string pageRoot = loader.GetString("PageStringRoot");

                string pageString = pageRoot + item.UniqueId + "Page";
                Type   pageType   = Type.GetType(pageString);

                if (pageType != null)

                NavigationRootPage.Current.NavigationView.Header = item?.Title;
                if (item.IsNew && NavigationRootPage.Current.CheckNewControlSelected())

                ControlInfoDataGroup group = await ControlInfoDataSource.Instance.GetGroupFromItemAsync((String)e.Parameter);

                var menuItem = NavigationRootPage.Current.NavigationView.MenuItems.Cast <Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.NavigationViewItemBase>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Tag?.ToString() == group.UniqueId);
                if (menuItem != null)
                    menuItem.IsSelected = true;


        protected virtual List <PageInfo> ConvertDataContextToList(object context)
            List <PageInfo> infoList = new List <PageInfo>();

            if (context.GetType() == typeof(ObservableCollection <ControlInfoDataGroup>))
                var data = context as ObservableCollection <ControlInfoDataGroup>;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                    ControlInfoDataGroup group = data.ElementAt(i);

                    infoList.Add(new PageInfo(group.Title, typeof(SectionPage), group.UniqueId, group.Items));
            else if (context.GetType() == typeof(ControlInfoDataGroup))
                var data = context as ControlInfoDataGroup;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Items.Count; i++)
                    ControlInfoDataItem item = data.Items[i];

                    infoList.Add(new PageInfo(item.Title, typeof(ItemPage), item.UniqueId));
            else if (context.GetType() == typeof(ObservableCollection <ControlInfoDataItem>))
                var data = context as ObservableCollection <ControlInfoDataItem>;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                    ControlInfoDataItem item = data.ElementAt(i);

                    infoList.Add(new PageInfo(item.Title, typeof(ItemPage), item.UniqueId));

Ejemplo n.º 5
        //private async void controlsSearchBox_TextChanged(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs args)
        //    var groups = await AppUIBasics.Data.ControlInfoDataSource.GetGroupsAsync();
        //    var suggestions = new List<ControlInfoDataItem>();

        //    foreach (var group in groups)
        //    {
        //        var matchingItems = group.Items.Where(
        //            item => item.Title.Contains(sender.Text));

        //        foreach (var item in matchingItems)
        //        {
        //            suggestions.Add(item);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    controlsSearchBox.ItemsSource = suggestions;

        //private void controlsSearchBox_SuggestionChosen(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs args)
        //    var itemId = (args.SelectedItem as ControlInfoDataItem).UniqueId;
        //    this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(ItemPage), itemId);


        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the page with content passed during navigation.  Any saved state is also
        /// provided when recreating a page from a prior session.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// The source of the event; typically <see cref="NavigationHelper"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that provides both the navigation parameter passed to
        /// <see cref="Frame.Navigate(Type, Object)"/> when this page was initially requested and
        /// a dictionary of state preserved by this page during an earlier
        /// session.  The state will be null the first time a page is visited.</param>
        private async void navigationHelper_LoadState(object sender, LoadStateEventArgs e)
            var group = await ControlInfoDataSource.GetGroupAsync((String)e.NavigationParameter);

            Group = group;