protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // Simple command -------------------------------------------


            // Command and checkbox ---------------------------------


            // Command and custom event -----------------------------

            CustomEventEditText.SetCommand <string, View.FocusChangeEventArgs>(
                "This message shows on FocusChange");

            // Command and static parameter -----------------------------

                "Hello Evolve, this is a static message!");

            // Command and dynamic parameter ----------------------------

            var parameterBinding = this.SetBinding(() => MyEditText.Text);

            DynamicParameterButton.SetCommand(Vm.ShowMessageCommand, parameterBinding);

            // Subscribing to events to avoid linker issues in release mode ---------------------------------
            // This "fools" the linker into believing that the events are used.
            // In fact we don't even subscribe to them.
            // See

            if (_falseFlag)
                SimpleCommandButton.Click += (s, e) =>
                StaticParameterButton.Click += (s, e) =>
                DynamicParameterButton.Click += (s, e) =>

                MyCheckBox.CheckedChange += (s, e) =>
                CustomEventEditText.FocusChange += (s, e) =>
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SaveConfigForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = 1;

            foreach (var i in envList)
                MyCheckBox myCheckBox = new MyCheckBox();

                myCheckBox.Name     = index.ToString();
                myCheckBox.Location = new Point(0, (index - 1) * 50);

                myCheckBox.Num       = index++;
                myCheckBox.TaskName  = i.Key;
                myCheckBox.TaskImage = Tools.GetImage(i.Key.ToLower());
                // myCheckBox.TaskImage = Image.FromFile($"{Config.IconPath}/{i.Key.ToLower()}.png");

            index = 1;
            foreach (var i in softwareList)
                MyCheckBox myCheckBox = new MyCheckBox();

                myCheckBox.Name     = index.ToString();
                myCheckBox.Location = new Point(0, (index - 1) * 50);

                myCheckBox.Num       = index++;
                myCheckBox.TaskName  = i.Key;
                myCheckBox.TaskImage = Tools.GetImage(i.Key.ToLower());
                // myCheckBox.TaskImage = Image.FromFile($"{Config.IconPath}/{i.Key.ToLower()}.png");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var bindingExpression = MyCheckBox.GetBindingExpression(ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty);

            if (bindingExpression == null)
                MessageBox.Show("IsChecked property is not bound!");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void AddCheckBox(Repeater list)
     foreach (Control c in list.Controls)
         CheckBox   checkbox = (CheckBox)c.FindControl("MenuBox");
         string     strId    = ((HiddenField)c.FindControl("MenuIDHid")).Value;
         MyCheckBox cb       = new MyCheckBox(checkbox, strId);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void AddCheckBox(Repeater list)
     foreach (Control c in list.Controls)
         CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)c.FindControl("MenuBox");
         string strId = ((HiddenField)c.FindControl("MenuIDHid")).Value;
         MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(checkbox, strId);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // 0  1
        private StackPanel createTreeViewItem(string value, BitmapImage btmapImg, bool hasMyCheckBox, int level, MyTreeViewItem item)
            StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();

            panel.Height      = 45;
            panel.Width       = 200;
            panel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

            if (btmapImg != null)
                Image img = new Image();
                img.Source = btmapImg;
                panel.Children.Add(img); //加入图片

            Label lb = new Label();

            lb.FontSize            = 17;
            lb.Foreground          = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 59, 59));
            lb.Content             = value;
            lb.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            lb.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            lb.Foreground          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
            panel.Children.Add(lb); //加入文字标签

            if (hasMyCheckBox)
                MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType t = MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.unknow;
                switch (level)
                case -1:

                case 0:

                case  1:
                    t = MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.buildingType;

                case 2:
                    t = MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.cabTyp;

                case 3:
                    t = MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.deviceType;
                MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(t, item);
                cb.Click += cb_Checked;
                panel.Children.Add(cb); //加入最后一个checkbox
            public MyInkCanvas(MyWindow myWindow, MyCheckBox chkbox, int cnt)
                this._myWindow = myWindow;
                this.Children.Add(new TextBlock()
                    Text = cnt.ToString()

                 * This exmple is based on a real leak I experienced while developing my SheetMusic Viewer
                 * Each instance of the InkCanvas had a rendering of a sheet music page
                 * As I played the piano reading the music, each page I turned was leaked
                 * (and sheet music PDF files consume a lot of memory), eventually
                 * causing an OutOfMemory exception.
                 * Thousands of CheckBox eventhandlers:
                 * Subscribing to the Checked method can cause a leak: the single ChkBox on the form is the Publisher of the Checked Event,
                 * and it holds a list of the subscribers in it's System.Windows.EventHandlersStore _listStore
                 * Children of "-- MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyCheckBox 0x21591f6c"
                 * -- MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyCheckBox 0x21591f6c
                 * -> _dispatcher = System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher 0x035feb50
                 * -> _dType = System.Windows.DependencyObjectType 0x21592064
                 * -> _effectiveValues = System.Windows.EffectiveValueEntry[] 0x21599554
                 * -> MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyWindow 0x2158d4a0
                 * -> System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Windows.DependencyObject> 0x215922ec
                 * -> System.Windows.DeferredThemeResourceReference 0x038a8d20
                 * -> System.Windows.EventHandlersStore 0x21599548
                 * -> _entries = MS.Utility.SingleObjectMap 0x21599604
                 * -> _loneEntry = MS.Utility.FrugalObjectList<System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo> 0x215995f8
                 * -> _listStore = MS.Utility.ArrayItemList<System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo> 0x215a41d4
                 * -> _entries = System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo[] 0x3a94c858
                 * -> System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler 0x21599528
                 * -> System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler 0x21599614
                 * -> _target = MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyInkCanvas 0x21595aa8
                 * -> System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler 0x2159cf7c
                 * -> _target = MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyInkCanvas 0x215996ac
                 * -> System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler 0x215a08a8
                 * -> _target = MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyInkCanvas 0x2159cfd8
                 * -> System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler 0x215a41e4
                 * -> _target = MyCodeToExecute.MyClass+MyInkCanvas 0x215a0904                If the event subscriber is an empty lambda, then it doesn't leak: the eventhandler count goes up

                chkbox.Checked += (o, e) =>
                    var y = arr;
                    // the lambda needs to refer to a mem var else no leak: the # ev handlers goes up, but WPF is smart: they're all the same handler
                    //   _myWindow._MyClass.logger.LogMessage("Click" + (_myWindow.numClicks++).ToString());
//                chkbox.Checked += ChkboxHandler;
        public Admin_Control(User Admin)
            AdminName = Admin.GetFullName;
            lblWelcomAdmin.Text = "Welcome " + AdminName;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

            MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox();

            //populate dropdownList
            lblLastAdminLogin.Text = "Last Login: " + Admin.LastLoginDate.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public Admin_Control(User Admin)
            AdminName = Admin.GetFullName;
            lblWelcomAdmin.Text = "Welcome " + AdminName;
            this.WindowState    = FormWindowState.Maximized;

            MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox();


            //populate dropdownList
            lblLastAdminLogin.Text = "Last Login: " + Admin.LastLoginDate.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public Game()
     controlPanel = new MyTableLayoutPanel(3, 1, "AAS300", "A");
             imageFeedBack         = new MyCheckBox("Image Feed Back");
             imageFeedBack.Checked = true;
             controlPanel.AddControl(imageFeedBack, 0, 0);
             showImageFeedBack                 = new MyCheckBox("Show Image Feed Back");
             showImageFeedBack.Checked         = false;
             showImageFeedBack.CheckedChanged += ShowImageFeedBack_CheckedChanged;
             controlPanel.AddControl(showImageFeedBack, 0, 0);
             Panel pnl = new Panel();
                 pnl.Dock       = DockStyle.Fill;
                 pnl.AutoScroll = true;
                     generalSettings      = new MyInputField();
                     generalSettings.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
                     generalSettings.AddField("Image Feed Back Width", imageFeedBackSize.Width.ToString()).TextChanged   += (o, e) => { try { imageFeedBackSize.Width = int.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("Image Feed Back Height", imageFeedBackSize.Height.ToString()).TextChanged += (o, e) => { try { imageFeedBackSize.Height = int.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("Port", SocketHandler.port.ToString()).TextChanged           += (o, e) => { try { SocketHandler.port = int.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("darryMode", darryMode.ToString()).TextChanged               += (o, e) => { try { darryMode = bool.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("max_upward_speed", max_upward_speed.ToString()).TextChanged += (o, e) => { try { max_upward_speed = double.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("alpha", alpha.ToString()).TextChanged                  += (o, e) => { try { alpha = double.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("重利", gravity.ToString()).TextChanged                   += (o, e) => { try { gravity = double.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("升力", liftForce.ToString()).TextChanged                 += (o, e) => { try { liftForce = double.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("可見障礙物數量", obstacleCount.ToString()).TextChanged        += (o, e) => { try { obstacleCount = int.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("存活區的範圍", rangeY.ToString()).TextChanged                += (o, e) => { try { rangeY = Interval.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("障礙物距離的範圍", obstacleDistance.ToString()).TextChanged    += (o, e) => { try { obstacleDistance = Interval.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("障礙物寬度(通過時間)的範圍", obstacleWidth.ToString()).TextChanged += (o, e) => { try { obstacleWidth = Interval.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("障礙物通道底部高度的範圍", obstacleY.ToString()).TextChanged       += (o, e) => { try { obstacleY = Interval.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
                     generalSettings.AddField("障礙物通道寬度的範圍", obstacleHeight.ToString()).TextChanged    += (o, e) => { try { obstacleHeight = Interval.Parse((o as MyTextBox).Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("格式不正確"); } };
             controlPanel.AddControl(pnl, 2, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void updateValidSquaresForSelectedCB(MyCheckBox cb)
            if (cb.Checked)
                //cb.Image = ResizeImage(Properties.Resources.BlackKnight,  cb.Size.Width/2, cb.Size.Height/2);
                cb.BackColor = MyCheckBox.chessBoardSelectedColor;
                cb.BackColor = cb.checkerBoardColor;
            //Disable All Invalid moves
            Game       currGame = ((Game)gamesListBox.SelectedItem);
            Board      board    = currGame.gameBoard;
            BoardSpace boardPos = cb.getLinkedBoardSpace();

            if (boardPos.piece != null && boardPos.piece.color == currGame.color)
                List <Move> validMoves = boardPos.piece.getAvailableMoves(board);

                foreach (Move mv in validMoves)
                    // Highlight valid Moves
                    bool found = false;
                    for (int row = 1; row <= 8; row++)
                        for (Char col = 'A'; col <= 'H'; col++)
                            MyCheckBox itCB = chessBoardList[row - 1, col - 'A'];
                            if (itCB.getLinkedBoardSpace().position.Item2 == mv.toSpace.position.Item2 && itCB.getLinkedBoardSpace().position.Item1 == mv.toSpace.position.Item1)
                                itCB.BackColor = MyCheckBox.chessBoardValidMoveColor;
                                found          = true;
                            if (found)
        /// <summary>
        /// Repopulates the ScriptPanel with scripts from the current ScriptManager instance.
        /// </summary>
        private void RepopulatePanel()
            foreach (var item in _sm.Scripts)
                var box    = new MyCheckBox();
                var button = new MyButton();
                button.Script = item;

                box.Tag     = item.ScriptName;
                box.Text    = item.ScriptName;
                box.Script  = item;
                box.Checked = item.Enabled;

                _mainForm.AddScriptControlsToPanel(box, button);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a checkbox to the panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">MyCheckBox object</param>
        /// <param name="button">MyButton object</param>
        public void AddScriptControlsToPanel(MyCheckBox box, MyButton button)
            int i = 1;

            if (_checkBoxList.Count > 0)
                i += _checkBoxList[_checkBoxList.Count - 1].Location.Y / 20;
            box.Location        = new Point(30, i * 20);
            box.AutoSize        = true;
            box.CheckedChanged += ScriptPanelCheckedChanged;
            button.Location     = new Point(10, (i * 20));
            button.Text         = "action";
            button.Visible      = true;
            button.Size         = new Size(15, 15);
            button.Click       += ScriptPanelActionClick;
Ejemplo n.º 14

    #region [ Private Methods ]

    /// <summary>
    /// Adjusts colors for the window and its children in case the MdiForm
    /// is inactive.
    /// </summary>
    private static void SetupInactiveColors(Window w)
        if (w == null)

        w.BackColorInact        = Color.Black;
        w.BorderBackColorInact  = Color.Black;
        w.CaptionBackColorInact = Color.Black;
        w.BorderForeColorInact  = Color.DarkGray;

        foreach (Window child in w.Children)
            child.AccessKeyForeColor    = Color.Gray;
            child.BorderBackColorInact  = Color.Black;
            child.BackColorInact        = Color.Black;
            child.CaptionBackColorInact = Color.Black;
            child.BorderForeColorInact  = Color.DarkGray;

            if (child is MyGroupBox)
                child.ForeColorInact = Color.DarkGray;
            else if (child is MyTextBox)
                MyTextBox field = child as MyTextBox;
                field.BorderForeColorInact = field.Multiline
                    ? Color.DarkGray : Color.Black;
                //field.BorderForeColorInact = Color.Black;
                field.BorderForeColor = Color.Black;
                field.ForeColorInact  = Color.Gray;
            else if (child is MyComboBox)
                MyComboBox field = child as MyComboBox;
                field.HeaderBackColorInact    = Color.Black;
                field.HeaderForeColorInact    = Color.Gray;
                field.BorderForeColorInact    = Color.Black;
                field.ScrollBarForeColorInact = Color.Black;
            else if (child is MyListView)
                MyListView field = child as MyListView;
                field.ForeColorInact           = Color.DarkGray;
                field.HeaderBackColorInact     = Color.Black;
                field.FooterBackColorInact     = Color.Black;
                field.CurrentRowBackColorInact = Color.DarkGray;
                field.CurrentRowForeColorInact = Color.Black;
                field.HeaderForeColorInact     = Color.DarkGray;
                field.FooterForeColorInact     = Color.DarkGray;
            else if (child is MyCheckBox)
                MyCheckBox field = child as MyCheckBox;
                field.ForeColorInact        = Color.DarkGray;
                field.ForeColor             = Color.DarkGray;
                field.CaptionForeColorInact = Color.Gray;
                field.CaptionForeColor      = Color.Gray;
            else if (child is MyLabel)
                child.AccessKeyForeColor = Color.DarkGray;
                child.ForeColorInact     = Color.DarkGray;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public InsertedInformationsPartnersCustomCell()
            this.SetBinding(InsertedInformationsPartnersCustomCell.PartnerIdProperty, "Id");

            Grid GridWrapper = new Grid()
                Padding           = new Thickness(5, 0),
                RowSpacing        = 1,
                ColumnSpacing     = 1,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

            GridWrapper.SetBinding(Grid.BackgroundColorProperty, "RowColor");

            GridWrapper.RowDefinitions = new RowDefinitionCollection()
                new RowDefinition()
                    Height = 35
                new RowDefinition()
                    Height = 25

            GridWrapper.ColumnDefinitions = new ColumnDefinitionCollection()
                new ColumnDefinition()
                    Width = new GridLength(6, GridUnitType.Star)
                new ColumnDefinition()
                    Width = new GridLength(5, GridUnitType.Star)
                new ColumnDefinition()
                    Width = new GridLength(10, GridUnitType.Star)
                new ColumnDefinition()
                    Width = new GridLength(4, GridUnitType.Star)
            var CheckboxColumnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition()


            Label      PhoneLabel = null, GroupLabel = null, NameLabel = null, CodeLabel = null, AddressLabel = null;
            MyCheckBox CheckBox = null;

            PhoneLabel = new Label()
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, FontSize = 16, TextColor = Color.FromHex("222222")
            GroupLabel = new Label()
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, FontSize = 16, TextColor = Color.FromHex("222222")
            NameLabel = new Label()
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, FontSize = 16, TextColor = Color.FromHex("222222")
            CodeLabel = new Label()
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, FontSize = 16, TextColor = Color.FromHex("222222")
            AddressLabel = new Label()
                LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.TailTruncation, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, FontSize = 13
            CheckBox = new MyCheckBox()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

            GridWrapper.Children.Add(PhoneLabel, 0, 0);
            GridWrapper.Children.Add(GroupLabel, 1, 0);
            GridWrapper.Children.Add(NameLabel, 2, 0);
            GridWrapper.Children.Add(CodeLabel, 3, 0);
            GridWrapper.Children.Add(AddressLabel, 0, 1);
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(AddressLabel, 4);
            GridWrapper.Children.Add(CheckBox, 4, 0);
            Grid.SetRowSpan(CheckBox, 2);

            PhoneLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Phone");
            GroupLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Group");
            NameLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Name");
            CodeLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Code");
            AddressLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Address");
            AddressLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextColorProperty, "DescriptionColor");
            CheckboxColumnDefinition.SetBinding(ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty, "CheckBoxColumnWidth");
            CheckBox.SetBinding(MyCheckBox.CheckedProperty, "Selected", BindingMode.TwoWay);
            CheckBox.SetBinding(MyCheckBox.IsVisibleProperty, "CanBeSelectedInMultiselection");

            View = GridWrapper;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void boardSqaureCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyCheckBox cb = (MyCheckBox)sender;

            List <MyCheckBox> selectedSpaces = getSelectedSquareInChessBoard();

            cb.lastTimeSelected = DateTime.Now;

            if (selectedSpaces.Count > 2)
                if (!cb.Checked)
                    cb.Checked = false;
                if (selectedSpaces.Count == 2)
                    String     move      = "";
                    MyCheckBox fromSpace = null;
                    MyCheckBox toSpace   = null;
                    if (DateTime.Compare(selectedSpaces[0].lastTimeSelected, selectedSpaces[1].lastTimeSelected) < 0)
                        fromSpace = selectedSpaces[0];
                        toSpace   = selectedSpaces[1];
                        fromSpace = selectedSpaces[1];
                        toSpace   = selectedSpaces[0];

                    if (toSpace.BackColor == MyCheckBox.chessBoardValidMoveColor)
                        move = $"{fromSpace.Name.ToLower()}{toSpace.Name.ToLower()}";

                        if (!((Game)gamesListBox.SelectedItem).makeMove(move))
                            //toSpace.Checked = false;

                            if (toSpace.getLinkedBoardSpace().piece != null && toSpace.getLinkedBoardSpace().piece.color ==
                                // Select this piece instead
                                fromSpace.Checked = false;
                                toSpace.Checked = false;
                            toSpace.Checked   = false;
                            fromSpace.Checked = false;
                        if (toSpace.getLinkedBoardSpace().piece != null && toSpace.getLinkedBoardSpace().piece.color ==
                            // Select this piece instead
                            resetCheckBoxDefaultColors(visualOnly: true);
                            fromSpace.Checked = false;
                            toSpace.BackColor = MyCheckBox.chessBoardSelectedColor;
                            toSpace.Checked   = true;
                            //MessageBox.Show($"Move '{move}' is Invalid.");
                            toSpace.Checked = false;
                else if (selectedSpaces.Count == 1)
                    // Non selected Reset Colors
                    resetCheckBoxDefaultColors(visualOnly: true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void gamesListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListBox b = (ListBox)sender;

            // Set Browser

            foreach (Control item in Controls.OfType <MyCheckBox>())
                Array.Clear(chessBoardList, 0, chessBoardList.Length);
                Array.Clear(opBoardList, 0, opBoardList.Length);

            if (b.SelectedIndex != -1)
                Game currGame = ((Game)b.Items[b.SelectedIndex]);
                currGame.clockStateUpdated += clockStateUpdated;
                currGame.BoardUpdated      += updateGUIAfterBoardChange;
                currGame.GameOver          += gameHasEnded;

                Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + ((Game)b.Items[b.SelectedIndex]).getBoard().printBoard((currGame.color == ChessmanColor.white) ? : ChessmanColor.white) + Environment.NewLine);

                // Set Opponent Board and Clock Labels
                oppBoardNameLbl.Text    = $"{currGame.opponentName}'s Board";
                oppClockNameLbl.Text    = $"{currGame.opponentName}'s Clock";
                playerClockNameLbl.Text = $"{currentAccount.username}'s Clock";

                oppClockTimeLbl.Location = new Point(playerClockTimeLbl.Location.X, oppClockTimeLbl.Location.Y);

                oppClockTimeLbl.Width = playerClockTimeLbl.Width = Math.Max(oppClockNameLbl.Width, playerClockNameLbl.Width);

                int       yPos            = 0;
                int       xPos            = 0;
                int       cbXDim          = 100;
                int       cbYDim          = 100;
                int       edgeBuffer      = 15;
                Rectangle screenRectangle = RectangleToScreen(ClientRectangle);

                int titleHeight = screenRectangle.Top - Top;

                turnLbl.AutoSize = false;
                turnLbl.Size     = new Size((8 * cbXDim), turnLbl.Size.Height);

                int initialXPos = oppClockNameLbl.Location.X + Math.Max(oppClockNameLbl.Width, playerClockNameLbl.Width) + edgeBuffer;

                turnLbl.Location = new Point(initialXPos, turnLbl.Location.Y);

                int initialYPos = turnLbl.Height + turnLbl.Location.Y + edgeBuffer;

                Size = new Size(initialXPos + (8 * cbXDim) + 2 * edgeBuffer, initialYPos + (8 * cbYDim) + edgeBuffer + titleHeight);

                if (currGame.color ==
                    for (int row = 7; row >= 0; row--)
                        // Initial Cb positon = 333x, 441y
                        int effectiveRow = 8 - row;
                        yPos = initialYPos + (cbYDim * (effectiveRow - 1));
                        for (int col = 7; col >= 0; col--)
                            xPos = initialXPos + (col * cbXDim);
                            Char tmp = (Char)('H' - col);

                            //boardState[row, col] = new BoardSpace(tmp, effectiveRow);

                            MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(tmp, effectiveRow, currGame);
                            cb.GotFocus  += opBoardSqaureGotFocus;
                            cb.AutoSize   = false;
                            cb.Appearance = Appearance.Button;
                            cb.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                            cb.Click     += boardSqaureCheckChanged;
                            cb.Name       = $"{tmp}{effectiveRow}";

                            bool legendPrinted = false;
                            if (enableLegends)
                                if (col == 7 && effectiveRow == 8) // Use As Legend Corner
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{tmp.ToString().ToUpper()}{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (effectiveRow == 8) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Column Legends
                                    cb.Text       = tmp.ToString().ToUpper();
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (col == 7) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                            if (!legendPrinted)
                                cb.Text      = cb.Name;
                                cb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                cb.Font      = new Font(cb.Font.FontFamily, 8);

                            cb.Size     = new Size(cbXDim, cbYDim);
                            cb.Location = new Point(xPos, yPos);

                            chessBoardList[row, col] = cb;
                    for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
                        // Initial Cb positon = 333x, 441y
                        yPos = initialYPos + (cbYDim * row);
                        for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
                            xPos = initialXPos + (col * cbXDim);
                            Char tmp          = (Char)('A' + col);
                            int  effectiveRow = 8 - row;
                            //boardState[row, col] = new BoardSpace(tmp, effectiveRow);

                            MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(tmp, row + 1, currGame);
                            cb.GotFocus  += opBoardSqaureGotFocus;
                            cb.AutoSize   = false;
                            cb.Appearance = Appearance.Button;
                            cb.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                            cb.Click     += boardSqaureCheckChanged;
                            cb.Name       = $"{tmp}{effectiveRow}";

                            bool legendPrinted = false;
                            if (enableLegends)
                                if (col == 0 && effectiveRow == 1) // Use As Legend Corner
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{tmp.ToString().ToUpper()}{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (effectiveRow == 1) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Column Legends
                                    cb.Text       = tmp.ToString().ToUpper();
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (col == 0) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                            if (!legendPrinted)
                                cb.Text      = cb.Name;
                                cb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                cb.Font      = new Font(cb.Font.FontFamily, 8);

                            cb.Size     = new Size(cbXDim, cbYDim);
                            cb.Location = new Point(xPos, yPos);

                            chessBoardList[row, col] = cb;

                // Setup Opponents Board

                yPos       = 0;
                xPos       = 0;
                edgeBuffer = 15;

                initialXPos = edgeBuffer;

                initialYPos = oppBoardNameLbl.Height + oppBoardNameLbl.Location.Y + edgeBuffer;

                cbXDim = cbYDim = Math.Min((Size.Height - initialYPos - edgeBuffer) / 8, (oppClockNameLbl.Location.X + (Math.Max(oppClockNameLbl.Width, playerClockNameLbl.Width) - initialXPos - 2 * edgeBuffer)) / 8);

                oppBoardNameLbl.Width = 8 * cbXDim;

                if (!(currGame.color ==
                    for (int row = 7; row >= 0; row--)
                        // Initial Cb positon = 333x, 441y
                        int effectiveRow = 8 - row;
                        yPos = initialYPos + (cbYDim * (effectiveRow - 1));
                        for (int col = 7; col >= 0; col--)
                            xPos = initialXPos + (col * cbXDim);
                            Char tmp = (Char)('H' - col);

                            //boardState[row, col] = new BoardSpace(tmp, effectiveRow);

                            MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(tmp, effectiveRow, currGame);

                            cb.GotFocus       += opBoardSqaureGotFocus;
                            cb.CheckedChanged += opBoardSqaureCheckedChanged;
                            cb.AutoSize        = false;
                            cb.Appearance      = Appearance.Button;
                            cb.ImageAlign      = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                            cb.Name            = $"{tmp}{effectiveRow}";

                            bool legendPrinted = false;
                            if (enableLegends)
                                if (col == 7 && effectiveRow == 8) // Use As Legend Corner
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{tmp.ToString().ToUpper()}{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (effectiveRow == 8) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Column Legends
                                    cb.Text       = tmp.ToString().ToUpper();
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (col == 7) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                            if (!legendPrinted)
                                cb.Text      = cb.Name;
                                cb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                cb.Font      = new Font(cb.Font.FontFamily, 6);

                            cb.Size     = new Size(cbXDim, cbYDim);
                            cb.Location = new Point(xPos, yPos);

                            opBoardList[row, col] = cb;
                    for (int row = 0; row < 8; row++)
                        // Initial Cb positon = 333x, 441y
                        yPos = initialYPos + (cbYDim * row);
                        for (int col = 0; col < 8; col++)
                            xPos = initialXPos + (col * cbXDim);
                            Char tmp          = (Char)('A' + col);
                            int  effectiveRow = 8 - row;
                            //boardState[row, col] = new BoardSpace(tmp, effectiveRow);

                            MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(tmp, (row + 1), currGame);
                            cb.GotFocus       += opBoardSqaureGotFocus;
                            cb.CheckedChanged += opBoardSqaureCheckedChanged;
                            cb.AutoSize        = false;
                            cb.Appearance      = Appearance.Button;
                            cb.ImageAlign      = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                            cb.Name            = $"{tmp}{effectiveRow}";

                            bool legendPrinted = false;
                            if (enableLegends)
                                if (col == 0 && effectiveRow == 1) // Use As Legend Corner
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{tmp.ToString().ToUpper()}{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (effectiveRow == 1) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Column Legends
                                    cb.Text       = tmp.ToString().ToUpper();
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                                else if (col == 0) // Use As Legend
                                    // Set Row Legends
                                    cb.Text       = $"{effectiveRow}";
                                    cb.TextAlign  = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                    legendPrinted = true;
                            if (!legendPrinted)
                                cb.Text      = cb.Name;
                                cb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
                                cb.Font      = new Font(cb.Font.FontFamily, 6);

                            cb.Size     = new Size(cbXDim, cbYDim);
                            cb.Location = new Point(xPos, yPos);

                            opBoardList[row, col] = cb;

Ejemplo n.º 18
 public Form1()
     this.Size = new Size(700, 500);
     this.FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing;
         TLPmain = new MyTableLayoutPanel(2, 1, "PA", "P");
             TXBoutput = new MyTextBox(true);
             TLPmain.AddControl(TXBoutput, 0, 0);
             TLPbtn = new MyTableLayoutPanel(1, 5, "A", $"AAAPS{Database.scopeSize.Width}");
                 BTNstart = new MyButton("Start");
                 BTNstart.Click += BTNstart_Click;
                 TLPbtn.AddControl(BTNstart, 0, 0);
                 BTNscan = new MyButton("Scan");
                 BTNscan.Click += BTNscan_Click;
                 TLPbtn.AddControl(BTNscan, 0, 1);
                 CHBpressKey = new MyCheckBox("Press Key");
                 CHBpressKey.CheckedChanged += CHBpressKey_CheckedChanged;
                 CHBpressKey.Checked = true;
                 TLPbtn.AddControl(CHBpressKey, 0, 2);
                 LBL = new MyLabel("");
                 TLPbtn.AddControl(LBL, 0, 3);
                 PBX = new PictureBox();
                 PBX.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                 PBX.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
                 TLPbtn.AddControl(PBX, 0, 4);
             TLPmain.AddControl(TLPbtn, 1, 0);
     socketHandler = new SocketHandler();
     socketHandler.logAppended += SocketHandler_logAppended;
     socketHandler.msgReceived += SocketHandler_msgReceived;
         Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
             int pre_count = 0;
             while (true)
                 if (socketHandler.dataConnectionCounter != pre_count) SocketHandler_logAppended((pre_count = socketHandler.dataConnectionCounter).ToString() + " communications");
         thread.IsBackground = true;
         Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
               while (true)
                   PBX.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                       var bmp = getFeedBackImage();
                       if (bmp == null) LBL.Text = "Unavailable";
                       else LBL.Text = (IsLive(bmp) ? "Alive" : "Dead");
                       var preImg = PBX.Image;
                       PBX.Image = bmp;
                       if (preImg != null) preImg.Dispose();
         thread.IsBackground = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void SetItemList()
            Font            boldFont       = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial Narrow", 12, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            Font            standarFont    = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial Narrow", 12, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            int             heightSpace    = 40;
            FlowLayoutPanel flowItemHeader = new FlowLayoutPanel
                FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                Height        = 40,
                Width         = Panel.Width

            int   padingSpace = (int)Panel.Width / 10;
            Label CodeHeader  = new Label
                Text   = $"Code",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label WantedAmountHeader = new Label
                Text   = $"Desire Amount",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label location = new Label
                Text   = $"Location",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label kltLabel = new Label
                Text   = $"KLT",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label bomUnitLabel = new Label
                Text   = $"BOM unit",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label warehouseUnitLabel = new Label
                Text   = $"Warehouse unit",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label stockAmountLabel = new Label
                Text   = $"Stock Amount",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label originLabel = new Label
                Text   = $"Origin",
                Width  = padingSpace - 10,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label availableAmountHeader = new Label
                Text   = $"ChosenAmount",
                Width  = padingSpace,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont

            Label selectedHeader = new Label
                Text   = $"",
                Width  = padingSpace,
                Height = heightSpace,
                Font   = boldFont




            foreach (MaterialOrder material in materialList)
                FlowLayoutPanel flowItem = new FlowLayoutPanel
                    FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                    Height        = heightSpace,
                    Width         = Panel.Width

                Label code = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.OriginalCode}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                Label locationItem = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.Location}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                Label kltItem = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.Ktl}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                Label wantedAmount = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.WantedAmount}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                Label stockAmount = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.StockTotal}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                Label bomUnit = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.BOMUnit}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                Label warehouseUnit = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.WarehouseUnit}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont
                Label origin = new Label
                    Text   = $"{material.OriginName}",
                    Width  = padingSpace,
                    Height = heightSpace,
                    Font   = standarFont

                MyTextBox input = new MyTextBox(material);
                input.Text = material.AvailableAmount + "";
                //input.Width = padingSpace;
                MyCheckBox checkbox = new MyCheckBox(material);
                //checkbox.Width = padingSpace;




Ejemplo n.º 20
            public MyWindow(MyClass MyClass)
                this._MyClass = MyClass;
                this.Loaded  += (ol, el) =>
                        _MyClass._logger.LogMessage("In Form Load");

                        var strxaml =
            <RowDefinition Height=""auto""/>
            <RowDefinition Height=""*""/>
        <StackPanel x:Name=""_sp"" Grid.Row=""0"" HorizontalAlignment=""Left"" Height=""30"" VerticalAlignment=""Top"" Orientation=""Horizontal"">
        <DockPanel x:Name=""_dp"" Grid.Row=""1""/>
                        Width  = 400;
                        Height = 600;
                        var strReader  = new System.IO.StringReader(strxaml);
                        var xamlreader = XmlReader.Create(strReader);

                        var grid = (Grid)(XamlReader.Load(xamlreader));
                        grid.DataContext = this;
                        this.Content     = grid;
                        var sp = (StackPanel)grid.FindName("_sp");
                        chkBox = new MyCheckBox()
                            Content = "Check Me"
                        var btnGo = new MyButton()
                            Content = "_Go"
                        dp           = (DockPanel)grid.FindName("_dp");
                        btnGo.Click += (o, e) =>
                                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                var lstEventHandlers = GetRoutedEventHandlerList <MyCheckBox>(chkBox, MyCheckBox.CheckedEvent);
                                _MyClass._logger.LogMessage("# evHandlers = " + lstEventHandlers.Length.ToString());
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                this.Content = ex.ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.Content = ex.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 21
    /// <summary>
    /// Adjusts colors for the window and its children in case the MdiForm
    /// is active (in focus).
    /// </summary>
    private static void SetupActiveColors(Window w)
        if (w == null)

        w.BackColorInact        = w.BackColor;
        w.BorderBackColorInact  = w.BackColor;
        w.CaptionBackColorInact = w.BackColor;
        w.BorderForeColorInact  = Application.Theme.BorderForeColorInact;

        foreach (Window child in w.Children)
            child.AccessKeyForeColor    = Application.Theme.MenuAccessKeyForeColor;
            child.BorderBackColorInact  = w.BackColor;
            child.BackColorInact        = w.BackColor;
            child.CaptionBackColorInact = w.BackColor;
            child.BorderForeColorInact  = w.BorderForeColorInact;

            if (child is MyGroupBox)
                child.ForeColorInact  = Color.DarkCyan;
                child.ForeColor       = Color.DarkCyan;
                child.BorderForeColor = child.BorderForeColorInact;
            else if (child is MyTextBox)
                MyTextBox field = child as MyTextBox;
                field.BorderForeColorInact = field.Multiline
                    ? Color.DarkCyan : w.BackColor;
                field.BorderForeColor = Color.DarkCyan;
                field.ForeColorInact  = Color.Gray;
                //field.ForeColorInact = field.TabStop ? Color.Gray : Color.Cyan;
            else if (child is MyComboBox)
                MyComboBox field = child as MyComboBox;
                field.HeaderForeColorInact    = Color.Gray;
                field.HeaderBackColor         = field.ReadOnly ? Color.DarkCyan : Color.DarkMagenta;
                field.CurrentRowBackColor     = field.HeaderBackColor;
                field.CurrentRowForeColor     = field.HeaderForeColor;
                field.HeaderBackColorInact    = w.BackColor;
                field.BorderForeColorInact    = w.BackColor;
                field.BorderForeColor         = Color.DarkCyan;
                field.ScrollBarForeColorInact = w.BackColor;
            else if (child is MyListView)
                MyListView field = child as MyListView;
                field.ForeColorInact           = field.ForeColor;
                field.HeaderBackColorInact     = w.BackColor;
                field.FooterBackColorInact     = w.BackColor;
                field.CurrentRowBackColorInact = Color.DarkGray;
                field.CurrentRowForeColorInact = Color.White;
                field.BorderForeColorInact     = field.BorderForeColor;
                field.HeaderForeColorInact     = field.HeaderForeColor;
                field.FooterForeColorInact     = field.FooterForeColor;
            else if (child is MyCheckBox)
                MyCheckBox field = child as MyCheckBox;
                field.ForeColorInact        = Color.DarkCyan;
                field.ForeColor             = Color.Gray;
                field.CaptionForeColorInact = Color.Gray;
                field.CaptionForeColor      = Color.White;
            else if (child is MyLabel)
                child.AccessKeyForeColor = Application.Theme.MenuAccessKeyForeColor;
                child.ForeColorInact     = Color.DarkCyan;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public HitbaseCheckBox(MainCDUserControl dlg) : base(dlg)
     checkBox          = new MyCheckBox(this);
     checkBox.Checked += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(checkBox_Checked);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private void CreateControls(Control panel, EntityStructure entityStructure, List <DefaultValue> dsdefaults)
            BindingData = new BindingSource[entityStructure.Fields.Count - 1];
            int maxlabelsize = 0;
            int maxDatasize  = 0;

            foreach (EntityField col in entityStructure.Fields)
                int x = getTextSize(col.fieldname);
                if (maxlabelsize < x)
                    maxlabelsize = x;
            maxDatasize = this.Width - maxlabelsize - 20;
            List <string> FieldNames = new List <string>();
            var           starth     = 25;
            int           startleft  = maxlabelsize + 90;
            int           valuewidth = 100;

            for (int i = 0; i < entityStructure.Fields.Count - 1; i++)
                ReportFilter r = new ReportFilter();
                r.FieldName    = entityStructure.Fields[i].fieldname;
                r.Operator     = null;
                r.FilterValue  = null;
                r.FilterValue1 = null;
                r.valueType    = entityStructure.Fields[i].fieldtype;
                BindingData[i]            = new BindingSource();
                BindingData[i].DataSource = r;
                EntityField col = entityStructure.Fields[i];
                    DefaultValue coldefaults = dsdefaults.Where(o => o.propertyName == col.fieldname).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (coldefaults == null)
                        coldefaults = dsdefaults.Where(o => col.fieldname.Contains(o.propertyName)).FirstOrDefault();
                    string           coltype = col.fieldtype;
                    RelationShipKeys FK      = entityStructure.Relations.Where(f => f.EntityColumnID == col.fieldname).FirstOrDefault();
                    Label l = new Label
                        Top         = starth,
                        Left        = 10,
                        AutoSize    = false,
                        BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle,
                        Text        = col.fieldname,
                        BackColor   = Color.White,
                        ForeColor   = Color.Red
                    l.Size      = TextRenderer.MeasureText(col.fieldname, l.Font);
                    l.Height   += 10;
                    l.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    l.Width     = maxlabelsize;
                    ComboBox cbcondition = new ComboBox
                        Left = l.Left + l.Width + 10,
                        Top  = starth
                    //string DisplayField = FK.EntityColumnID;
                    //cbcondition.DataSource = Visutil.controlEditor.GetDisplayLookup(ds.DatasourceName, FK.ParentEntityID, FK.ParentEntityColumnID);
                    //cbcondition.DisplayMember = DisplayField;
                    //cbcondition.ValueMember = FK.ParentEntityColumnID;
                    cbcondition.DataSource            = AddFilterTypes();
                    cbcondition.DisplayMember         = "FilterDisplay";
                    cbcondition.ValueMember           = "FilterValue";
                    cbcondition.SelectedValueChanged += Cb_SelectedValueChanged;

                    cbcondition.Width  = 50;
                    cbcondition.Height = l.Height;
                    // cbcondition.SelectedText
                    cbcondition.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("SelectedValue", BindingData[i], "Operator", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));
                    //  cbcondition.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;

                    if (FK != null)
                        ComboBox cb = new ComboBox
                            Left = startleft,
                            Top  = starth
                        string DisplayField = FK.EntityColumnID;
                        cb.DataSource    = Visutil.controlEditor.GetDisplayLookup(ds.DatasourceName, FK.ParentEntityID, FK.ParentEntityColumnID);
                        cb.DisplayMember = DisplayField;
                        cb.ValueMember   = FK.ParentEntityColumnID;
                        cb.Width         = valuewidth;
                        cb.Height        = l.Height;
                        cb.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("TEXT", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                        cb.SelectedValueChanged += Cb_SelectedValueChanged;
                        //cb.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;

                        starth = l.Bottom + 1;
                        switch (coltype)
                        case "System.DateTime":
                            DateTimePicker dt = new DateTimePicker
                                Left = startleft,
                                Top  = starth
                            dt.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Value", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));

                            dt.Width         = valuewidth;
                            dt.Height        = l.Height;
                            dt.ValueChanged += Dt_ValueChanged;
                            //     dt.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
                            dt.Tag    = i;
                            dt.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short;
                            DateTimePicker dt1 = new DateTimePicker
                                Left = dt.Left + 10 + dt.Width,
                                Top  = starth
                            dt1.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Value", BindingData[i], "FilterValue1", true));

                            dt1.Width         = valuewidth;
                            dt1.Height        = l.Height;
                            dt1.Format        = DateTimePickerFormat.Short;
                            dt1.ValueChanged += Dt_ValueChanged;
                            //     dt.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
                            dt1.Tag = i;

                        case "System.TimeSpan":
                            TextBox t1 = new TextBox
                                Left = startleft,
                                Top  = starth

                            t1.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                            t1.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                            t1.Width     = valuewidth;
                            t1.Height    = l.Height;

                            t1.Tag          = i;
                            t1.TextChanged += T_TextChanged;
                            //  t1.KeyPress += T_KeyPress;
                            //     t1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;

                        case "System.Boolean":
                            CheckBox ch1 = new CheckBox
                                Left = startleft,
                                Top  = starth

                            ch1.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("CheckState", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                            ch1.Text               = "";
                            ch1.Width              = valuewidth;
                            ch1.Height             = l.Height;
                            ch1.CheckStateChanged += Ch1_CheckStateChanged;;
                            //       ch1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
                            ch1.Tag = i;


                        case "System.Char":
                            MyCheckBox ch2 = new MyCheckBox
                                Left = startleft,
                                Top  = starth

                            ch2.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Checked", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                            ch2.Text   = "";
                            ch2.Width  = valuewidth;
                            ch2.Height = l.Height;
                            string[] v = coldefaults.propoertValue.Split(',');

                            if (coldefaults != null)
                                ch2.TrueValue  = v[0].ToCharArray()[0];
                                ch2.FalseValue = v[1].ToCharArray()[0];
                            ch2.CheckStateChanged += Ch1_CheckStateChanged;;
                            //   ch2.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
                            ch2.Tag = i;


                        case "System.Int16":
                        case "System.Int32":
                        case "System.Int64":
                        case "System.Decimal":
                        case "System.Double":
                        case "System.Single":
                            NumericUpDown t3 = new NumericUpDown();

                            t3.Left = startleft;
                            t3.Top  = starth;
                            t3.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Value", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                            t3.TextAlign    = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                            t3.Width        = valuewidth;
                            t3.Height       = l.Height;
                            t3.Tag          = i;
                            t3.TextChanged += T_TextChanged;
                            //t.KeyPress += T_KeyPress;
                            if (entityStructure.PrimaryKeys.Where(x => x.fieldname == col.fieldname).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                t3.Enabled = false;

                            NumericUpDown t2 = new NumericUpDown();
                            t2.Left = t3.Left + t3.Width + 10;
                            t2.Top  = starth;
                            t2.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Value", BindingData[i], "FilterValue1", true));
                            t2.TextAlign    = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                            t2.Width        = valuewidth;
                            t2.Height       = l.Height;
                            t2.Tag          = i;
                            t2.TextChanged += T_TextChanged;
                            //t.KeyPress += T_KeyPress;
                            if (entityStructure.PrimaryKeys.Where(x => x.fieldname == col.fieldname).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                t2.Enabled = false;
                            //   t.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;

                            //   t.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;

                        case "System.String":
                            if (entityStructure.Fields.Where(p => p.fieldname == col.fieldname).FirstOrDefault().Size1 > 1)
                                t1 = new TextBox
                                    Left = startleft,
                                    Top  = starth

                                t1.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                                t1.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                                t1.Width     = valuewidth;
                                t1.Height    = l.Height;

                                t1.TextChanged += T_TextChanged;
                                //  t1.KeyPress += T_KeyPress;
                                if (entityStructure.PrimaryKeys.Any(x => x.fieldname == col.fieldname))
                                    if (entityStructure.Relations.Any(x => x.EntityColumnID == col.fieldname))
                                        t1.Enabled = false;
                                t1.Tag = i;
                                //      t1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
                                ch2 = new MyCheckBox
                                    Left = startleft,
                                    Top  = starth

                                ch2.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Checked", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                                ch2.Text   = "";
                                ch2.Width  = valuewidth;
                                ch2.Height = l.Height;
                                ch2.Tag    = i;

                                if (coldefaults != null)
                                    v              = coldefaults.propoertValue.Split(',');
                                    ch2.TrueValue  = v[0].ToCharArray()[0];
                                    ch2.FalseValue = v[1].ToCharArray()[0];
                                // ch2.CheckStateChanged += Ch1_CheckStateChanged; ;


                                //     ch2.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;

                            TextBox t = new TextBox();

                            t.Left = startleft;
                            t.Top  = starth;
                            t.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", BindingData[i], "FilterValue", true));
                            t.TextAlign    = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                            t.Width        = valuewidth;
                            t.Height       = l.Height;
                            t.Tag          = i;
                            t.TextChanged += T_TextChanged;
                            //t.KeyPress += T_KeyPress;
                            if (entityStructure.PrimaryKeys.Where(x => x.fieldname == col.fieldname).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                t.Enabled = false;
                            //   t.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;


                    // l.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
                    starth = l.Bottom + 1;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.WriteLog($"Error in Loading View ({ex.Message}) ");
        private void _mainForm_FormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(_mainForm.ScriptsFolder, "*.cs"))
                AddScript(file, true);
            foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(_mainForm.ScriptsFolder))
                AddScript(directory, true);
            //load script status from json
            if (_mainForm.LeSettings.ScriptStatus != null)
                foreach (string key in _mainForm.LeSettings.ScriptStatus.Keys)
                    var tempScript = _sm.Scripts.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ScriptName == key);
                    tempScript.Enabled = _mainForm.LeSettings.ScriptStatus[key];
                _mainForm.LeSettings.ScriptStatus = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, bool>();
                foreach (ExecutableScript scriptName in _sm.Scripts)
                    _mainForm.LeSettings.ScriptStatus.Add(scriptName.ScriptName, true);
            foreach (var item in _sm.Scripts)
                var a = new MenuItem[] { };

                var box    = new MyCheckBox();
                var button = new MyButton();
                button.Script = item;

                box.Tag     = item.ScriptName;
                box.Text    = item.ScriptName;
                box.Script  = item;
                box.Checked = item.Enabled;

                _mainForm.AddScriptControlsToPanel(box, button);

                var menuItem = new MenuItem(item.ScriptName);

                var myMenuEnable = new MyMenuItem();
                myMenuEnable.Text   = item.Enabled ? "Disable" : "Enable";
                myMenuEnable.Click += _mainForm_TrayScriptEnableClick;
                myMenuEnable.Script = item;

                var myMenuAction = new MyMenuItem();
                myMenuAction.Text   = "Action";
                myMenuAction.Click += _mainForm_TrayScriptActionClick;
                myMenuAction.Script = item;



Ejemplo n.º 25
        void cb_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MyCheckBox c = (MyCheckBox)sender;

            switch (c.type)
            case MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.buildingType:
                Console.WriteLine(" MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.buildingType");


            case MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.cabTyp:
                Console.WriteLine(" MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.cabTyp");

            case MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.deviceType:
                Console.WriteLine(" MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.deviceType");


            if (c.IsChecked ?? false) //添加
                Console.WriteLine("柜子 " + c.Name + "! ");
                if (page.Content is CabsPage)  //当前 柜子页面
                    Console.WriteLine("当前 柜子页面");
                    checkAllChild(c.TreeNode, true);
                    if (c.type.Equals(MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.buildingType)) //插入一个楼的全部柜子
                        cabspage.insertCab(getPageFrame(), (Building)c.NodeObject);
                        //  cabspage.selectBuildings.Add((Building)c.NodeObject);
                        cabspage.insertCab(getPageFrame(), (Cab)c.NodeObject);
                else if (page.Content is DevicePage) //当前实在 设备页面
                    checkAllChild(c.TreeNode, false);
            else //删除
                if (page.Content is CabsPage)  //当前 柜子页面
                    Console.WriteLine("当前 柜子页面");
                    checkAllChild(c.TreeNode, true);
                    if (c.type.Equals(MyCheckBox.CheckBoxType.buildingType)) //插入一个楼的全部柜子
                        cabspage.deleteCab(getPageFrame(), (Building)c.NodeObject);
                        cabspage.deleteCab(getPageFrame(), (Cab)c.NodeObject);
                    checkAllChild(c.TreeNode, false);
                else if (page.Content is DevicePage) //当前实在 设备页面
                    checkAllChild(c.TreeNode, false);
                //     cabspage.deleteCab();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void initUC(string responseJson)
            initTimer(Parser.FieldParse <string>(responseJson, "timeleft")); // timeLeft - ushhhh

            var slide = JObject.Parse(responseJson)["slide"];

            label3.Text = slide["question"].ToObject <string>();

            slideNumber = slide["slideNumber"].ToObject <int>();
            if (slideNumber.Equals(0))   // it's the first slide
                button1.Visible = false; // can't move back
            isOptional      = slide["isOptional"].ToObject <bool>();
            button2.Enabled = isOptional;

            string image = imageBase64 = slide["image"].ToObject <string>();

            if (image != null && !image.Equals(""))
                pictureBox2.Visible = false;
                panel1.Size         = new Size(440, panel1.Height);

            label1.Text = $"Вопрос №{(slide["slideOrderNumber"].ToObject<int>() + 1).ToString()}";

            if (slide["answerType"].ToObject <string>().Equals("text"))
                flowLayoutPanel1.Visible = false;
                textBox1.Visible         = true;
                textBox1.TextChanged    += answerChanged;

                if (slide["customValue"].ToObject <string>() == null)    // VERIFY!
                    textBox1.GotFocus += removePlaceholder;
                    textBox1.Text      = slide["answers"].Children().ToList()[0]["value"].ToObject <string>();
                    textBox1.Text = slide["customValue"].ToObject <string>();
                linkLabel1.Visible = true;
                List <Answer> answers = slide["answers"].ToObject <List <Answer> >();

                answers = answers.OrderBy(a => a.answerNumber).ToList();    // asc

                foreach (Answer answer in answers)
                    ICheckable chOrRad;
                    if (slide["answerType"].ToObject <string>().Equals("many"))
                        chOrRad = new MyCheckBox();
                        chOrRad = new MyRadioButton();

                    flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add((Control)chOrRad);    // Dangerous, but it works

                    if (!answer.isCustom)
                        chOrRad.setSize(new Size(433, 20));
                        chOrRad.setSize(new Size(13, 20));


                        TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
                        textBox.TextChanged += answerChanged;
                        customTextBox        = textBox;
                        textBox.Enabled      = chOrRad.isChecked();

                        if (slide["customValue"].ToObject <string>() == null)    // verify too
                            textBox.Text      = answer.value;
                            textBox.GotFocus += removePlaceholder;
                            textBox.Text = slide["customValue"].ToObject <string>();
