Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        ContestGame.AddCharacter(gameObject, contestName);


        if (hideOnStart)
    private IEnumerator CameraZoomAnimation(string contestName, GameObject thing)
        doingSwitchAnimation = true;

        float   time          = 0;
        Vector3 startPosition = mainCamera.transform.position;
        Vector3 finalPosition = thing.transform.position;

        while (time < zoomDuration)
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            time += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            float progress = time / (zoomDuration + moveOffset);

            //mainCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(zoomStart, zoomAnimEnd, progress);
            Vector3 cameraPos = Vector3.Slerp(startPosition, finalPosition, progress);
            transition.color = Color.Lerp(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0), Color.white, Mathf.Max(0, 2 * time / zoomDuration - 1));
            mainCamera.transform.position = cameraPos;
        mainCamera.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Stop();
        time = 0;
        while (time < outAnimDuration)
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            time            += Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            transition.color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0), Mathf.Max(0, time / outAnimDuration));
        ContestGame contest = ContestGame.Get();

        contest.StartContest(contestName, thing);

        doingSwitchAnimation = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            protected async override Task ExecuteAsync()
                if (StartupDelay > 0)
                    await Task.Delay(StartupDelay);

                ConfigurableContextBotConfig config = null;
                Type robotType = null;

                if (Url != null || File != null)
                    string text = null;

                    if (File != null)
                        text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Path.GetFullPath(File));

                    if (Url != null)
                        using (var webClient = new WebClient())
                            text = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(Url);

                    config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigurableContextBotConfig>(text);
                    if (config.RobotType != null)
                        robotType = Type.GetType(config.RobotType);

                if (TypeName != null)
                    robotType = Type.GetType(TypeName);
                if (robotType == null)
                    if (config?.RobotType != null)
                        robotType = Type.GetType(config.RobotType);
                if (robotType == null)
                    robotType = typeof(ContextTurret);

                if (Name == null && config?.Name != null)
                    Name = config.Name;
                if (Name == null)
                    Name = "robot";

                if (Sprite == null && config?.Sprite != null)
                    Sprite = config.Sprite;
                if (Sprite == null)
                    Sprite = "ship_red";

                if (Color == null && config?.Color != null)
                    Color = config.Color;
                if (Color == null)
                    Color = "red";

                async Task <Robot> CreateRobot(Type innerRobotType = null, string worldKey = null, APIClient apiClient = null)
                    var robot = Activator.CreateInstance(innerRobotType ?? robotType) as Robot;

                    robot.AutoSpawn = true;

                    if (robot is ConfigurableContextBot configBot)
                        configBot.ConfigurationFileName = File;
                        configBot.ConfigurationFileUrl  = Url;
                    if (robot is ConfigurableTreeBot configtBot)
                        configtBot.ConfigurationFileName = File;

                    robot.AutoFire = Firing;
                    robot.Color    = Color;
                    robot.Name     = Name;
                    robot.Target   = Target;
                    robot.Sprite   = Sprite;

                    var connection = await(apiClient ?? API)
                                     .Player.ConnectAsync(worldKey ?? World);

                    robot.Connection = connection;


                if (Scenario != null)
                    var scenario = await UriTools.LoadAsync <ScenarioConfiguration>(Scenario);

                    var tasks = new List <Task>();

                    var contest = await ContestGame.CreateGameAsync(API, scenario.HookURL);

                    foreach (var robotName in scenario.Robots.Keys)
                        var robot = await ConfigurableContextBot.Load(scenario.Robots[robotName]);

                        robot.Name            = robotName;
                        robot.DuelingProtocol = true;
                        robot.Connection      = await contest.API.Player.ConnectAsync(contest.WorldKey);


                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                if (Evolve)
                     * var controller = new RobotEvolutionController();
                     * var ga = controller.CreateGA(async (chromosome) =>
                     * {
                     *  var contest = await ContestGame.CreateGameAsync(API);
                     *  contest.Hook = Hook.Default;
                     *  if (EvolveHook != null)
                     *      JsonConvert.PopulateObject(
                     *          await System.IO.File.ReadAllTextAsync(EvolveHook),
                     *          contest.Hook
                     *      );
                     *  contest.TestRobot = await CreateRobot(
                     *      worldKey: contest.WorldKey,
                     *      apiClient: contest.API
                     *  ) as ConfigurableContextBot;
                     *  if (contest.TestRobot == null)
                     *      throw new Exception("Failed to create robot or it isn't derived from ConfigurableContextBot");
                     *  contest.ChallengeRobot = await CreateRobot(
                     *      worldKey: contest.WorldKey,
                     *      apiClient: contest.API,
                     *      innerRobotType: typeof(ConfigTurret)
                     *  ) as ConfigurableContextBot;
                     *  contest.ChallengeRobot.ConfigurationFileName = EvolveChallengeConfig;
                     *  if (contest.ChallengeRobot == null)
                     *      throw new Exception("Failed to create robot or it isn't derived from ConfigurableContextBot");
                     *  return contest;
                     * }, new RobotEvolutionConfiguration
                     * {
                     *  BehaviorCount = 9,
                     *  FitnessDuration = 60000 * 10
                     * });
                     * ga.Start();
                    var tasks = new List <Task>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Replicas; i++)
                        var robot = await CreateRobot();


                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                    foreach (var task in tasks)
                        if (task.IsFaulted)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Robot Crashed: {task.Exception}");