Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void InitMenu()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("MAC - " + G_charname, "vania");

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("MAC - " + G_charname);
            Menu.AddLabel("Version: " + G_version);
            Menu.AddLabel("By Mr Articuno");


            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw - " + G_charname, "vaniaDraw");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawDisable", new CheckBox("Turn off all drawings", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawNameLine", new CheckBox("Show names on line", true));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawAARange", new CheckBox("Draw Auto Attack Range", true));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range", true));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range", true));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawCondemnPos", new CheckBox("Draw Condemn Position", true));

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo - " + G_charname, "vaniaCombo");
            ComboMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Allow Q usage in combo", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Allow E usage in combo", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Allow R usage in combo", true));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings");
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Q Direction: Checked - Target, Unchecked Cursor");
            ComboMenu.Add("qsQDirection", new CheckBox("Q Direction", false));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("Q Usage: Checked - Before Auto Attack, Unchecked After Auto Attack");
            ComboMenu.Add("qsQUsage", new CheckBox("Q Usage", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("qsQOutAA", new CheckBox("Q if out of AA range", true));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("rsMinEnemiesForR", new Slider("Min Enemies for cast R: ", 2, 1, 5));
            /*ComboMenu.Add("advTargetSelector", new CheckBox("Use Advanced Target Selector", false));*/
            ComboMenu.Add("forceSilverBolt", new CheckBox("Force Attack 2 Stacked Target", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("checkKillabeEnemyPassive", new CheckBox("Double Check if enemy is killabe", true));

            CondemnMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Condemn - " + G_charname, "vaniaCondemn");
            CondemnMenu.Add("interruptDangerousSpells", new CheckBox("Interrupt Dangerous Spells", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("antiGapCloser", new CheckBox("Anti Gap Closer", true));
                            new KeyBind("Fast Condemn HotKey", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'W'));
            CondemnMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Condemn");
            foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(a => a.IsEnemy))
                CondemnMenu.Add("dnCondemn" + enemy.ChampionName.ToLower(), new CheckBox("Don't Condemn " + enemy.ChampionName, false));
            CondemnMenu.AddGroupLabel("Priority Condemn");
            foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(a => a.IsEnemy))
                CondemnMenu.Add("priorityCondemn" + enemy.ChampionName.ToLower(), new Slider(enemy.ChampionName + " Priority", 1, 1, 5));
            CondemnMenu.Add("condenmErrorMargin", new Slider("Subtract Condemn Push by: ", 20, 0, 100));

            KSMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KS - " + G_charname, "vaniaKillSteal");
            KSMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kill Steal");
            KSMenu.Add("ksQ", new CheckBox("Use Q if killable", false));
            KSMenu.Add("ksE", new CheckBox("Use E if killable", false));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("定墙", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("自动 E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("只定墙当前目标?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("定墙命中率", 2, 1, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("E 推行距离", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("不使用E 当目标能被 X 普攻杀死", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("自动草丛插眼?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("E 皇子旗?"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("Auto E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("Only Stun current target?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("Condemn Hitchance", 2, 1, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("Condemn Push Distance", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("No E if target can be killed with x AA´s", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("Use trinket bush?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("Condemn to J4 Flags?"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("Otomatik E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("Sadece sabitleyecekse?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("Condemn isabet oranı", 2, 1, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("Condemn(E) itme mesafesi(atma)", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("Eger hedef AA ile olecekse E kullanma", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("Ota totem at?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("Jarvanı it(ulti atarken veya ultisi varsa)?"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new ComboBox("E modu", 0, "En iyi", "Eski", "Marksman", "Parlak"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("Oto E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("Sadece secili hedefi stunla?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("E isabet sansi", 33, 1, 100));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("E itme uzakligi", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("Kullanma E hedef su kadar AA da x olucek ise", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("Caliya totem kullan?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("E kullan J4 bayragina?"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("定墙", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new ComboBox("定墙模式", 4, "Best", "Old", "Marksman", "Shine", "ACV"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("自动 E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("只晕眩当前目标?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("晕眩命中率", 2, 1, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("E 推行距离", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("不 E 如果敌人可被普攻 x 下", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("草丛饰品?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("E皇子旗子?"));
 public static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Baskı", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.AddLabel("ZMA>En iyi>Parlak>Eski>Nişancı");
     CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new ComboBox("Baskı modu", 4, "En İyi", "Eski", "Nişancı", "Parlak", "ZMA"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("Otomatik E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("Seçilen hedefi E ile duvara zımbala", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("Baskı hedefi", 2, 1, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("Baskı ile ittirme mesafesi", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("Seçilmeyen kite atılmayan hedefleri E ile öldürme", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("Biblo çalı kullanılsınmı"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("Jarvan 4 Bayragına E at çevir."));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new ComboBox("Condemn Mode", 4, "Best", "Old", "Marksman", "Shine", "ACV"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAuto", new CheckBox("Auto E"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseETarget", new CheckBox("Only Stun current target?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEHitchance", new Slider("Condemn Hitchance", 2, 1, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEPush", new Slider("Condemn Push Distance", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEAA", new Slider("No E if target can be killed with x AA´s", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("AutoTrinket", new CheckBox("Use trinket bush?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("J4Flag", new CheckBox("Condemn to J4 Flags?"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
     CondemnMenu.AddLabel("1:Best 2:New 3:Marksman 4:Shine");
     CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new ComboBox("Condemn Mode", 0, "Best", "New", "Marksman", "Shine"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEauto", new CheckBox("Use auto E?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEc", new CheckBox("Only Stun current target?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("condemnPercent", new Slider("Condemn Hitchance %", 33, 1));
     CondemnMenu.Add("pushDistance", new Slider("Condemn Push Distance", 420, 350, 470));
     CondemnMenu.Add("noeaa", new Slider("No E if target can be killed with x AA´s", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("trinket", new CheckBox("Use trinket bush?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("flashe", new KeyBind("Flash Condemn!", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Y'));
     CondemnMenu.Add("insece", new KeyBind("Flash Insec!", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z'));
     CondemnMenu.Add("insecmodes", new ComboBox("Insec Mode", 0, "To Allys", "To Tower", "To Mouse"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void InitMenu()
            ComboMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings:", "Combo Settings: ");
            ComboMenu.Add("useq", new CheckBox("Auto Q", true));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("1 : PRADA | 2 : MARKSMAN | 3 : VHR | 4: SharpShooter");
            ComboMenu.Add("qmode", new Slider("Q Mode: ", 1, 1, 4));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("1 : NEVER | 2 : E-NOT-READY | 3 : ALWAYS ");
            ComboMenu.Add("qantigc", new Slider("Use Q Antigapcloser ", 1, 1, 3));
            ComboMenu.Add("focus2w", new CheckBox("Try To Focus 2W", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("dontattackwhileinvisible", new CheckBox("Smart Invisible Attacking", true));
            ComboMenu.Add("user", new CheckBox("Use R In Combo", false));

            CondemnMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn Settings:", "Condemn Settings:");
            CondemnMenu.Add("usee", new CheckBox("Auto E", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("edelay", new Slider("E Delay (in ms) ", 0, 0, 100));
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("1 : PRADASMART | 2 : PRADAPERFECT | 3 : MARKSMAN");
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("4 : SHARPSHOOTER | 5 : GOSU | 6 : VHR");
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("7 : PRADALEGACY | 8 : FASTEST | 9 : OLDPRADA");
            CondemnMenu.Add("emode", new Slider("E Mode : ", 8, 1, 9));
            CondemnMenu.Add("useeinterrupt", new CheckBox("Use E To Interrupt", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("useeantigapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E AntiGapcloser", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("ewhenmeleesnear", new CheckBox("Use E when Melee near", false));
            CondemnMenu.Add("epushdist", new Slider("E Push Distance : ", 425, 300, 470));
            CondemnMenu.Add("ehitchance", new Slider("Condemn Hitchance : ", 50, 0, 100));
            CondemnMenu.Add("semiautoekey", new KeyBind("Semi Automatic Condemn", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, "E".ToCharArray()[0]));

            HarassMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings:", "Harass Settings: ");
            HarassMenu.Add("usee3rdwproc", new CheckBox("Use E as 3rd W Proc", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("useqonlyon2stackedenemies", new CheckBox("Use Q If Enemy Have 2W Stacks", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("useqonenemiesnotcs", new CheckBox("Use Q Bonus On ENEMY not CS", false));

            FarmMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Farm Settings:", "Farm Settings: ");
            FarmMenu.Add("useqfarm", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));
            FarmMenu.Add("useejgfarm", new CheckBox("Use E Jungle", true));

            DrawMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Settings:", "Drawing Settings: ");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawwstacks", new CheckBox("Draw W Stacks", true));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static void Condemnmenu()
     CondemnMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
     // CondemnMenu.AddLabel("1: Perfect 2: Smart 3: Sharpshooter 4: Gosu 5: VHR");
     // CondemnMenu.AddLabel("6: Fastest 7: Legacy 8: Marksman 9: Old 10: Hiki 11: VHR2 12: Fluxys");
     CondemnMenu.AddLabel("1:Mejor 2:Nuevo 3:Adc 4:Brillar");
     //CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new Slider("Condemn Mode", 3, 1, 3));
     //  CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new Slider("Condemn Mode", 4, 1, 12));
     CondemnMenu.Add("Condemnmode", new Slider("Condemn Modo", 1, 1, 4));
     //CondemnMenu.Add("condemnmethod1", new CheckBox("Condemn 1(Hiki)", false));
     //CondemnMenu.Add("condemnmethod2", new CheckBox("Condemn 2(VHR)", false));
     //CondemnMenu.Add("condemnmethod3", new CheckBox("Condemn 3(Fluxy)"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEauto", new CheckBox("Usar auto E?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("UseEc", new CheckBox("Sólo stunear objetivo actual (target)?", false));
     CondemnMenu.Add("condemnPercent", new Slider("Condemn Hitchance %", 33, 1));
     CondemnMenu.Add("noeaa", new Slider("No E si el objetivo puede ser muerto x AA´s", 0, 0, 4));
     CondemnMenu.Add("trinket", new CheckBox("Usar trinket bush?"));
     CondemnMenu.Add("pushDistance", new Slider("Condemn Empuje Distancia", 420, 350, 470));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static void Game_OnStart(EventArgs args)
            if (!_Player.ChampionName.ToLower().Contains("vayne"))

            Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, int.MaxValue, SkillShotType.Linear);
            E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 550);
            Condemn.ESpell = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 550, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1200);
            R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R);

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Crayz Vayne", "CrayzVayne");

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Crayz Vayne");
            Menu.AddLabel("Version: " + "");
            Menu.AddLabel("By Crayz Turkis ;)");
            Menu.AddLabel("Have Fun !");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("useQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQKite", new CheckBox("Use Q to Kite Melee", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("useECombo", new CheckBox("Use E (Execute)"));
            ComboMenu.AddLabel("R Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("noRUnderTurret", new CheckBox("Disable R if Target is under enemy turret"));

            CondemnPriorityMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Auto Condemn", "AutoCondemn");
            CondemnPriorityMenu.AddGroupLabel("Condemn Priority");
            foreach (var enem in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(a => a.IsEnemy))
                var champValue = CondemnPriorityMenu.Add(enem.ChampionName + "priority",
                                                         new Slider(enem.ChampionName + ": ", 1, 1, 5));
                var enem1 = enem;
                champValue.OnValueChange += delegate
                    champValue.DisplayName = enem1.ChampionName + ": " + PriorityValues[champValue.CurrentValue];
                champValue.DisplayName = enem1.ChampionName + ": " + PriorityValues[champValue.CurrentValue];
            var sliderValue = CondemnPriorityMenu.Add("minSliderAutoCondemn",
                                                      new Slider("Min Priority for Auto Condemn: ", 2, 1, 5));

            sliderValue.OnValueChange += delegate
                sliderValue.DisplayName = "Min Priority for Auto Condemn: " + PriorityValues[sliderValue.CurrentValue];
            sliderValue.DisplayName = "Min Priority for Auto Condemn: " + PriorityValues[sliderValue.CurrentValue];
                                    new KeyBind("Auto Condemn", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H'));

            CondemnMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Condemn", "Condemn");
            CondemnMenu.AddGroupLabel("Condemn Settings");
            CondemnMenu.Add("pushDistance", new Slider("Push Distance", 410, 350, 420));
            CondemnMenu.Add("condemnPercent", new Slider("Condemn Percent", 33, 1));
            CondemnMenu.AddLabel("Active Mode Settings");
                            new CheckBox("On (saves fps) OFF (360 degree check)", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("condemnCombo", new CheckBox("Condemn in Combo", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("condemnComboTrinket", new CheckBox("Trinket Bush After E", true));
            CondemnMenu.Add("condemnHarass", new CheckBox("Condemn in Harass", true));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q", true));

            FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farming", "Farming");
            FarmMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farming Settings");
            FarmMenu.Add("onlyTumbleToCursor", new CheckBox("Only Tumble To Cursor", false));
            FarmMenu.AddLabel("Last Hit");
            FarmMenu.Add("useQLastHit", new CheckBox("Use Q Last", true));
            FarmMenu.Add("useQWaveClear", new CheckBox("Use Q WaveClear", true));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Menu", "Misc");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Draw Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawERange", new CheckBox("Draw E Range", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("condemnVisualiser", new CheckBox("Draw Condemn", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawStacks", new CheckBox("Draw W Stacks", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("wallJumpKey", new KeyBind("Tumble Walls", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z'));
            DrawMenu.Add("condemnNextAA", new KeyBind("Condemn Next AA", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'E'));
            DrawMenu.Add("antiKalista", new CheckBox("Anti-Kalista"));
            DrawMenu.Add("antiRengar", new CheckBox("Anti-Rengar"));

            InterruptorMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Interrupter", "Interrupter");
            InterruptorMenu.AddGroupLabel("Interrupter Menu");
            InterruptorMenu.Add("enableInterrupter", new CheckBox("Enable Interrupter"));
            var dangerSlider        = InterruptorMenu.Add("dangerLevel", new Slider("Set Your Danger Level: ", 3, 1, 3));
            var dangerSliderDisplay = InterruptorMenu.Add("dangerLevelDisplay",
                                                          new Label("Danger Level: " + DangerSliderValues[dangerSlider.Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue - 1]));

            dangerSlider.Cast <Slider>().OnValueChange += delegate
                dangerSliderDisplay.Cast <Label>().DisplayName =
                    "Danger Level: " + DangerSliderValues[dangerSlider.Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue - 1];

            GapCloserMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Anti-GapClosers", "Anti-GapClosers");
            GapCloserMenu.AddGroupLabel("Anti-GapCloser Menu");
            GapCloserMenu.Add("enableGapCloser", new CheckBox("Enable Anti-GapCloser"));

            Orbwalker.OnPreAttack            += Events.Orbwalker_OnPreAttack;
            Game.OnUpdate                    += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw                   += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += Events.Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Events.Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast   += AIHeroClient_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast          += Obj_AI_Base_OnSpellCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnBasicAttack        += Events.ObjAiBaseOnOnBasicAttack;
            GameObject.OnCreate              += Events.GameObject_OnCreate;