static void Load ()
		mLoaded			= true;
		mPartial		= EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Partial");
		mFontName		= EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Font Name");
		mAtlasName		= EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Atlas Name");
		mSpriteName		= EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Selected Sprite");
		mFontData		= GetObject("NGUI Font Asset") as TextAsset;
		mFontTexture	= GetObject("NGUI Font Texture") as Texture2D;
		mFont			= GetObject("NGUI Font") as UIFont;
		mAtlas			= GetObject("NGUI Atlas") as UIAtlas;
		mAtlasPadding	= EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Atlas Padding", 1);
		mAtlasTrimming	= EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Atlas Trimming", true);
		mAtlasPMA		= EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Atlas PMA", true);
		mUnityPacking	= EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Unity Packing", true);
		mForceSquare	= EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI Force Square Atlas", true);
		mPivot			= (UIWidget.Pivot)EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Pivot", (int)mPivot);
		mLayer			= EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Layer", -1);
		mDynFont		= GetObject("NGUI DynFont") as Font;
		mDynFontSize	= EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI DynFontSize", 16);
		mDynFontStyle	= (FontStyle)EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI DynFontStyle", (int)FontStyle.Normal);
		mColorMode		= (ColorMode)EditorPrefs.GetInt("NGUI Color Mode", (int)ColorMode.Blue);
		mAllDCs			= EditorPrefs.GetBool("NGUI All DCs", false);

		if (mLayer < 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(LayerMask.LayerToName(mLayer))) mLayer = -1;

		if (mLayer == -1) mLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI");
		if (mLayer == -1) mLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("GUI");
		if (mLayer == -1) mLayer = 5;

		EditorPrefs.SetInt("UI Layer", mLayer);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Surface( int width, int height, ColorMode colorMode )
     this.Width = width;
     this.Height = height;
     this.ColorMode = colorMode;
     this.BytesPerPixel = ( int )colorMode;
     this.Data = new byte[ width * height * ( int )colorMode ];
 public SpawnSpiderWaveAction(string spPoint, List<AIAction> def, List<AIAction> close, List<AIAction> att, float del = 0f)
     colorMode = ColorMode.RANDOM;
     spawnPoint = spPoint;
     defaultActions = def;
     closeActions = close;
     attackChipActions = att;
     delay = del;
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the IImageProvider into a Bitmap. If the passed Bitmap is non-null, and it matches the passed size and color mode, it will be reused. Otherwise this method creates a new Bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageProvider">The image provider to render the image content of.</param>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The Bitmap to reuse, if possible. If null is passed, a new Bitmap is created.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The desired size of the rendered image.</param>
        /// <param name="outputOption">Specifies how to fit the image into the rendered rectangle, if the aspect ratio differs.</param>
        /// <returns>A task resulting in either the reused Bitmap, or a new one if necessary.</returns>
        public static Task<Bitmap> GetBitmapAsync(this IImageProvider imageProvider, Bitmap bitmap, Size size, ColorMode colorMode, OutputOption outputOption)
            if (bitmap == null || bitmap.Dimensions != size || bitmap.ColorMode != colorMode)
                bitmap = new Bitmap(size, colorMode);

            return imageProvider.GetBitmapAsync(bitmap, outputOption).AsTask();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public Surface( int width, int height, ColorMode colorMode, byte[] data )
     if( data.Length != ( width * height * ( int )colorMode ) )
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "data", "data is not the right size" );
     this.Width = width;
     this.Height = height;
     this.ColorMode = colorMode;
     this.BytesPerPixel = ( int )colorMode;
     this.Data = data;
 public SpawnSpiderWaveAction(bool current, int colorOffset, string spPoint, List<AIAction> def, List<AIAction> close, List<AIAction> att, float del = 0f)
     colorMode = ColorMode.CURRENT;
     this.colorOffset = colorOffset;
     spawnPoint = spPoint;
     defaultActions = def;
     closeActions = close;
     attackChipActions = att;
     delay = del;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		private void SwitchToNextColorMode()

			if (_currentMode > ColorMode.Unicolor)
				_currentMode = ColorMode.SoftRandom;

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static Format ConvertToFormat(ColorMode mode)
     switch (mode)
         case ColorMode.Bit16:
             throw new NotSupportedException();
         case ColorMode.Bit32:
             return Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm;
             throw new NotImplementedException(mode.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static Format ConvertToFormat(ColorMode mode)
     switch (mode)
         case ColorMode.Bit16:
             return Format.A4R4G4B4;
         case ColorMode.Bit32:
             return Format.A8R8G8B8;
             throw new NotImplementedException(mode.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the IImageProvider into a Bitmap. If the passed Bitmap is non-null, and it matches the passed size and color mode, it will be reused. Otherwise this method creates a new Bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageProvider">The image provider to render the image content of.</param>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The Bitmap to reuse, if possible. If null is passed, a new Bitmap is created.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The desired size of the rendered image.</param>
        /// <param name="outputOption">Specifies how to fit the image into the rendered rectangle, if the aspect ratio differs.</param>
        /// <returns>A task resulting in either the reused Bitmap, or a new one if necessary.</returns>
        public static async Task<Bitmap> GetBitmapAsync(this IImageProvider imageProvider, Bitmap bitmap, Size size, ColorMode colorMode, OutputOption outputOption)
            if (bitmap == null || bitmap.Dimensions != size || bitmap.ColorMode != colorMode)
                bitmap = new Bitmap(size, colorMode);

            using (var renderer = new BitmapRenderer(imageProvider, bitmap, outputOption))
                return await renderer.RenderAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public MSSensorMUXBase (SensorPort Port, MSSensorMUXPort Address, ColorMode SensorMode) : base (Port, (byte)Address, I2CMode.LowSpeed)
			base.Initialise ();
			if (SensorMode == ColorMode.Reflection)
				Mode = 0;
			else if (SensorMode == ColorMode.Ambient)
				Mode = 1;
			else if (SensorMode == ColorMode.Color)
				Mode = 2;

			NumberOfM = 2;
			SetSensorMode ();
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public static Color Lerp(Color original, Color other, float t, ColorMode mode = ColorMode.replace)
        switch(mode) {
        case ColorMode.replace:
            return Color.Lerp(original, other, t);

        case ColorMode.add:
            return Color.Lerp(original, original + other, t);

        case ColorMode.subtract:
            return Color.Lerp(original, original - other, t);

        case ColorMode.multiply:
            return Color.Lerp(original, original * other, t);

        case ColorMode.divide:
            return Color.Lerp(original, new Color(original.r / other.r, original.g / other.g, original.b / other.b, original.a / other.a), t);

        return original;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public LineStyle(string rrggbbaa, ColorMode mode, int width)
     this._color = rrggbbaa;
     this._colorMode = mode;
     this._width = width;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic implementation of a map src solid filling renderer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clip">The clipping rectangle.</param>
        /// <param name="scanner">The scans to render.</param>
        /// <param name="dest">The map to render to.</param>
        /// <param name="src">The source map.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset of the source map.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The color blending mode to use.</param>
        /// <param name="isAA">True if anti-aliasing is enabled.</param>
        public static void SolidCopyRender(Rectangle clip, Scanner scanner, DataMap<ARGB> dest, DataMap<ARGB> src, Point2D offset, ColorMode mode = ColorMode.NORMAL, bool isAA = true)
            IUnsafeMap uDest = dest as IUnsafeMap;
            IUnsafeMap uSrc = src as IUnsafeMap;
            if(uDest == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Destination image does not support advanced color rendering!");
            if(uSrc == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Source image does not support advanced color rendering!");
            byte* addr = uDest.BeginUnsafeOperation();
            int width = dest.Width;
            int stride = uDest.GetStride();
            byte* srcAddr = uSrc.BeginUnsafeOperation();
            int srcWidth = src.Width;
            int srcStride = uSrc.GetStride();

            for(int y = scanner.yMin; y <= scanner.yMax; y++)
                double x1 = Max(scanner[y].min, clip.Min.X);
                double x2 = Min(scanner[y].max, clip.Max.X);
                //Anti-Aliasing variables
                //x1 vars are x min side
                //x2 vars are x max side
                //xb vars are y min side
                //xa vars are y max side
                double x1b = 0, x1a = 0;
                double x2b = 0, x2a = 0;
                int left;
                int right;
                    bool hasMin = false, hasMax = false;
                    //if not at ymin or ymin is a clipped min (aka we have another "ghost" scan)
                    if(y > scanner.yMin || scanner.isYMinClipped)
                        x1b = Max(scanner[y - 1].min, clip.Min.X);
                        x2b = Min(scanner[y - 1].max, clip.Max.X);
                        x1b = (x1b + x1) / 2;
                        x2b = (x2b + x2) / 2;
                        hasMin = true;
                    //if not at ymax or ymax is a clipped max (aka we have another "ghost" scan)
                    if(y < scanner.yMax || scanner.isYMaxClipped)
                        x1a = Max(scanner[y + 1].min, clip.Min.X);
                        x2a = Min(scanner[y + 1].max, clip.Max.X);
                        x1a = (x1a + x1) / 2;
                        x2a = (x2a + x2) / 2;
                        hasMax = true;

                        //if single line shape, just make everything literal
                            x1b = x1a = x1;
                            x2b = x2a = x2;
                        }else//if at ymin, extrapolate max->current into current->min
                            x1b = x1 - (x1a - x1);
                            x2b = x2 - (x2a - x2);
                    }else//if at ymax, extrapolate min->current into current->max
                        x1a = x1 + (x1 - x1b);
                        x2a = x2 + (x2 - x2b);

                    //if aa, round toward center, otherwise round away to match default renderer
                    left = (int)Math.Ceiling(Max(x1b, x1a));
                    right = (int)Math.Floor(Min(x2b, x2a));
                    //if not aa, round away to match default renderer
                    left = (int)Math.Floor(x1);
                    right = (int)Math.Ceiling(x2);

                //if valid center
                if(left <= right)
                    //solid fill with blend modes
                    byte* ptr = addr + (left + (y * width)) * stride;
                    byte* srcPtr = srcAddr + ((left + offset.X) + ((y + offset.Y) * srcWidth)) * srcStride;
                    byte* endPtr = ptr + (right - left + 1) * stride;
                        case ColorMode.BLEND:
                            while(ptr != endPtr)
                                //*((ARGB*)ptr) &= *((ARGB*)srcPtr);
                                //manually inline blending
                                ARGB srcColor = *(ARGB*)srcPtr;
                                ARGB color = *(ARGB*)ptr;
                                int aComp = 255 - srcColor.A;
                                color = new ARGB{A = (byte)(srcColor.A + color.A),
                                                 R = (byte)(((srcColor.R * srcColor.A) + (color.R * aComp)) >> 8),
                                                 G = (byte)(((srcColor.G * srcColor.A) + (color.G * aComp)) >> 8),
                                                 B = (byte)(((srcColor.B * srcColor.A) + (color.B * aComp)) >> 8)};
                                *(ARGB*)ptr = color;
                                ptr += stride;
                                srcPtr += srcStride;
                        case ColorMode.NORMAL:
                            while(ptr != endPtr)
                                *((ARGB*)ptr) = *((ARGB*)srcPtr);
                                ptr += stride;
                                srcPtr += srcStride;
                        case ColorMode.MASK:
                            while(ptr != endPtr)
                                if((*((ARGB*)srcPtr)).A != 0)
                                    *((ARGB*)ptr) = *((ARGB*)srcPtr);
                                ptr += stride;
                                srcPtr += srcStride;
                //if aa, add smoothing to edges
                    int center = (left + right) / 2;
                    if(Min(x1b, x1a) != left)
                        AAEdgeCopy(addr, width, stride, x1b, x1a, y, srcAddr, srcWidth, srcStride, offset, true, clipMax: Min(center, clip.Max.X));
                    if(Max(x2b, x2a) != right)
                        AAEdgeCopy(addr, width, stride, x2b + 1, x2a + 1, y, srcAddr, srcWidth, srcStride, offset, false, clipMin: Max(center + 1, clip.Min.X));

Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void stampSButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     MyColor = ColorMode.StampS;
     this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        static public void ToBitmap(List <byte> bytes)
            ColorMode colorMode = (ColorMode)bytes[0];
            ushort    W         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes.ToArray(), 1);
            ushort    H         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes.ToArray(), 3);

            BitmapColor[,] colors = new BitmapColor[W, H];
            BitmapColor baseColor = BitmapColor.CreateColor(colorMode, Color.Empty);
            int         counter   = 0;

            if (colorMode == ColorMode.GrayScale_encoded)
                List <bool> bits = new List <bool>();
                Encoder.Decode(bytes, 5, bytes.Count - 5, p => bits.Add(p));
                var decodeResult = CreateSequence(p =>
                    byte b = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        if (p * 8 + i < bits.Count)
                            BitWise.SSetBit(ref b, i, bits[p * 8 + i] ? 1 : 0);
                }, (int)Math.Ceiling(bits.Count / 8f)).ToList();

                bytes = new List <byte>();
                bytes.AddRange(new byte[5] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            else if (colorMode == ColorMode.Binary_encoded)
                List <bool> controlBits = new List <bool>();
                Encoder.Decode(bytes, 5, bytes.Count - 5, p => controlBits.Add(p));
                bytes = new List <byte>();
                bytes.AddRange(new byte[5] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                bytes.AddRange(controlBits.Select(p => (byte)(p ? 1 : 0)));
            else if (colorMode == ColorMode.Binary)
                List <bool> controlBits = new List <bool>();

                for (int i = 5; i < bytes.Count; i++)
                    for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++)
                        controlBits.Add(BitWise.Bit(bytes[i], b) == 1);

                bytes = new List <byte>();
                bytes.AddRange(new byte[5] {
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                bytes.AddRange(controlBits.Select(p => (byte)(p ? 1 : 0)));

            for (int x = 0; x < W; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
                    colors[x, y] = BitmapColor.CreateColor(colorMode, Color.Empty);
                    colors[x, y].FromBytes(bytes.Skip(baseColor.BytesPerColor * counter + 5).Take(baseColor.BytesPerColor).ToArray());

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(W, H);

            for (int x = 0; x < W; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
                    bmp.SetPixel(x, y, colors[x, y].ToRGB());

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private static bool AddColour(XElement liElement, XNamespace defaultNamespace, XNamespace xNamespace, XDocument doc, string swatchName = "", ColorMode mode = ColorMode.All)
            var name = liElement.Elements("span").First().Value;
            var hex  = liElement.Elements("span").Last().Value;

            var prefix = "Primary";

            if (name.StartsWith("A", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (mode == ColorMode.PrimaryOnly)

                prefix = "Accent";
                name   = name.Skip(1).Aggregate("", (current, next) => current + next);
                if (mode == ColorMode.AccentOnly)

            var backgroundColourElement = new XElement(defaultNamespace + "Color", hex);

            // new XAttribute()
            backgroundColourElement.Add(new XAttribute(xNamespace + "Key", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", swatchName, prefix, name)));

            var   liClass = liElement.Attribute("class").Value;
            Color foregroundColour;

            if (!ClassNameToForegroundIndex.TryGetValue(liClass, out foregroundColour))
                throw new Exception("Unable to map foreground color from class " + liClass);

            var foreGroundColorHex = string.Format("#{0}{1}{2}{3}",

            var foregroundColourElement = new XElement(defaultNamespace + "Color", foreGroundColorHex);

            foregroundColourElement.Add(new XAttribute(xNamespace + "Key", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}Foreground", swatchName, prefix, name)));

Ejemplo n.º 18
 public ColorControl(Control control, ColorMode mode, Color defaultColor)
     this.Control = control;
     this.Mode    = mode;
     this.Default = defaultColor;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private IVisualization2d GenerateGrid(int offset, int itemByteWidth, int itemHeight,
                                              int colStride, int rowStride, int cellStride, int count,
                                              ColorMode colorConvMode, bool isFirstOdd, bool isHighBitFlipped)
            // We allow the stride entries to be zero to indicate a "dense" bitmap.
            if (colStride == 0)
                colStride = 1;
            if (rowStride == 0)
                rowStride = itemByteWidth * colStride;
            if (cellStride == 0)
                cellStride = rowStride * itemHeight;

            if (offset < 0 || offset >= mFileData.Length ||
                itemByteWidth <= 0 || itemByteWidth > MAX_DIM ||
                itemHeight <= 0 || itemHeight > MAX_DIM ||
                count <= 0 || count > MAX_DIM)
                // should be caught by editor
                mAppRef.ReportError("Invalid parameter");

            if (colStride <= 0 || colStride > MAX_DIM)
                mAppRef.ReportError("Invalid column stride");
            if (rowStride < itemByteWidth * colStride - (colStride - 1) || rowStride > MAX_DIM)
                mAppRef.ReportError("Invalid row stride");

            int lastOffset = offset + (cellStride * (count - 1)) +
                             rowStride * itemHeight - (colStride - 1) - 1;

            if (lastOffset >= mFileData.Length)
                mAppRef.ReportError("Bitmap runs off end of file (last offset +" +
                                    lastOffset.ToString("x6") + ")");

            // Set the number of horizontal cells.  For small counts we try to make it square,
            // for larger counts we use a reasonable power of 2.
            int hcells;

            if (count > 128)
                hcells = 32;
            else if (count > 64)
                hcells = 16;
            else if (count >= 32)
                hcells = 8;
                hcells = (int)Math.Sqrt(count + 1);

            int vcells = (count + hcells - 1) / hcells;

            // Create a bitmap with room for each cell, plus a 1-pixel transparent boundary
            // between them and around the edges.
            VisBitmap8 vb = new VisBitmap8(1 + hcells * itemByteWidth * 7 + hcells,
                                           1 + vcells * itemHeight + vcells);


            int cellx = 1;
            int celly = 1;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                RenderBitmap(mFileData, offset + idx * cellStride,
                             itemByteWidth, itemHeight, colStride, rowStride,
                             colorConvMode, isFirstOdd, isHighBitFlipped,
                             vb, cellx, celly);

                cellx += itemByteWidth * 7 + 1;
                if (cellx == vb.Width)
                    cellx  = 1;
                    celly += itemHeight + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor, creates new OCR Plugin for specified sampling resolution and color mode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="samplingResolution">
 ///            image sampling resolution (dimensions) </param>
 /// <param name="colorMode"> recognition color mode </param>
 public OcrPlugin(Dimension samplingResolution, ColorMode colorMode) : base(OCR_PLUGIN_NAME)
     this.samplingResolution = samplingResolution;
     this.colorMode          = colorMode;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        Material targetMat = target as Material;

        // Update inspector if user changed shader.
        if ( != "Colr/Master Shader")

        var shdr = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Shader");

        if (isVisible && !shdr.hasMultipleDifferentValues && shdr.objectReferenceValue != null)
            string[] keywordsCurrent = targetMat.shaderKeywords;

            if (targets == null || targets.Length == 0)

            TextureProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_MainTex"), "Texture");

            ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_TopColor"), "Top Color");
            ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_BottomColor"), "Bottom Color");

            // ---- FRONT ----
            frontMode        = (ColorMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Front color override", frontMode);
   = frontMode != ColorMode.OFF;
            using (var group = new EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope(showFront.faded))
                if (group.visible)

                    if (frontMode == ColorMode.GRADIENT)
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_FrontTopColor"), "Front Top Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_FrontBottomColor"), "Front Bottom Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_FrontTopColor"), "Color");


            // ---- BACK ----
            backMode        = (ColorMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Back color override", backMode);
   = backMode != ColorMode.OFF;
            using (var group = new EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope(showBack.faded))
                if (group.visible)

                    if (backMode == ColorMode.GRADIENT)
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_BackTopColor"), "Back Top Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_BackBottomColor"), "Back Bottom Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_BackTopColor"), "Color");


            // ---- LEFT ----
            leftMode        = (ColorMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Left color override", leftMode);
   = leftMode != ColorMode.OFF;
            using (var group = new EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope(showLeft.faded))
                if (group.visible)

                    if (leftMode == ColorMode.GRADIENT)
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_LeftTopColor"), "Left Top Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_LeftBottomColor"), "Left Bottom Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_LeftTopColor"), "Color");


            // ---- RIGHT ----
            rightMode        = (ColorMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Right color override", rightMode);
   = rightMode != ColorMode.OFF;
            using (var group = new EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope(showRight.faded))
                if (group.visible)

                    if (rightMode == ColorMode.GRADIENT)
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_RightTopColor"), "Right Top Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_RightBottomColor"), "Right Bottom Color");
                        ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_RightTopColor"), "Color");


            // ---- FOG ----
            fogBottom = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Fade bottom to fog", fogBottom);

            // ---- ADDITIVE ----
            if (fogBottom)
                independentSides = true;
                independentSides = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Do not mix colors of sides", independentSides);

            // ---- GRADIENT ----
            if (frontMode != ColorMode.SOLID || backMode != ColorMode.SOLID ||
                leftMode != ColorMode.SOLID || rightMode != ColorMode.SOLID ||
                FloatProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_GradientYStartPos"), "Gradient start Y");
                float h = FloatProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_GradientHeight"), "Gradient height");
                if (h < 0)
                    targetMat.SetFloat("_GradientHeight", 0);

            ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_LightTint"), "Light Color");

            ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_AmbientColor"), "Ambient Color");
            RangeProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_AmbientPower"), "Ambient Power");

            lightmapOn = ArrayUtility.Contains(keywordsCurrent, LIGHTMAP_COLR_ON);
            using (var group = new EditorGUILayout.ToggleGroupScope("Enable Lightmap", lightmapOn))
                lightmapOn = group.enabled;
                ColorProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_LightmapColor"), "Lightmap Color");
                RangeProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_LightmapPower"), "Lightmap Power");

            RangeProperty(GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_Rotation"), "Gradient Angle");
            GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_Offset").vectorValue =
                EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Angle Origin",
                                             GetMaterialProperty(targets, "_Offset").vectorValue);

            // If a value changed.
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override void SelectPreviousMode()
     Mode = Mode.Previous();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public Color(UnityEngine.Color color, ColorMode mode)
     this.color = color;
     this.mode  = mode;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override void SelectNextMode()
     Mode = Mode.Next();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the NXTColorSensor class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">Mode.</param>
 public NXTColorSensor(SensorPort port, ColorMode mode) :  base(port)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 int GetColor(Color color, ColorMode colorMode)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public LabelStyle(string rrggbbaa, ColorMode mode, double scale)
     this._color = rrggbbaa;
     this._colorMode = mode;
     this._scale = scale;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves to next mode
 /// </summary>
 public void SelectNextMode()
     _colorMode = ColorMode.Next();
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void SetColorMode(ColorMode mode)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves to previous mode
 /// </summary>
 public void SelectPreviousMode()
     _colorMode = ColorMode.Previous();
 public PrintJobProperties(ColorMode colorMode, PlexMode plexMode)
     this.ColorMode = colorMode;
     this.PlexMode  = plexMode;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Selected mode
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>String representing selected mode</returns>
 public string SelectedMode()
Ejemplo n.º 33
 IplDepth GetImageDepth(ColorMode colorMode)
        private static Tuple<string, XDocument> ToResourceDictionary(XElement sectionElement, out bool empty, bool named = false, ColorMode mode = ColorMode.All)
            empty = true;

            var colour = GetColourName(sectionElement);

            XNamespace defaultNamespace = @"";

            var xNamespace = XNamespace.Get("");
            var doc =
                new XDocument(new XElement(defaultNamespace + "ResourceDictionary",
                    new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "x", xNamespace)));

            foreach (var liElement in sectionElement.Element("ul").Elements("li").Skip(1))
                if (AddColour(liElement, defaultNamespace, xNamespace, doc, named ? colour : "", mode))
                    empty = false;

            return new Tuple<string, XDocument>(colour, doc);

Ejemplo n.º 35
        private List <string> BuildPatternFromImage(string p_imageFileName, int p_gridWidth, int p_gridHeight, ColorMode p_mode)
            BitmapSource bmp = new BitmapImage(new Uri(p_imageFileName));

            byte[] rawPixels = new byte[bmp.PixelWidth * bmp.PixelHeight * 4];

            bmp.CopyPixels(rawPixels, bmp.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            double cellWidth  = (double)bmp.PixelWidth / p_gridWidth;
            double cellHeight = (double)bmp.PixelHeight / p_gridHeight;

            Console.WriteLine("Width: " + cellWidth + ", Height: " + cellHeight);

            List <string> ret = new List <string>();

            Dictionary <string, int> votes = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // Pull out a list of the colors
            for (double j = 0; j < bmp.PixelHeight; j += cellHeight)
                Console.WriteLine("Processing line " + Math.Round(j) + ", " + (j / cellHeight));
                for (double i = 0; i < bmp.PixelWidth; i += cellWidth)
                    double average_r = 0;
                    double average_g = 0;
                    double average_b = 0;

                    //Debug.WriteLine("=== Sampling cell " + i + ", " + j);

                    double pixelCount = 0;

                    foreach (var c in _Palette)
                        votes[c.Key] = 0;

                    double cellMargin = 3;
                    double cellStep   = 1;

                    //Console.WriteLine("Processing region at " + (i) + ", " + (j));

                    for (double cellj = cellMargin; cellj < cellHeight - cellMargin; cellj += cellStep)
                        for (double celli = cellMargin; celli < cellWidth - cellMargin; celli += cellStep)
                            var index = (int)((j + cellj) * bmp.PixelWidth + (i + celli)) * 4;

                            var r = rawPixels[index + 2];
                            var g = rawPixels[index + 1];
                            var b = rawPixels[index];

                            if ((r + g + b) / 2 < 1)
                            //if ((r + g + b) / 2 > 253) continue;

                            average_r += r;
                            average_g += g;
                            average_b += b;

                            pixelCount += 1;

                            votes[GetClosestColor(Color.FromRgb(rawPixels[index + 2], rawPixels[index + 1], rawPixels[index]))]++;

                    average_r /= pixelCount;
                    average_g /= pixelCount;
                    average_b /= pixelCount;

                    if (p_mode == ColorMode.Average)
                        ret.Add(GetClosestColor(Color.FromRgb((byte)average_r, (byte)average_g, (byte)average_b)));
                    else if (p_mode == ColorMode.Voting)
                        if (votes.Any(p_v => p_v.Value > 0))
                            ret.Add(votes.OrderBy(p_v => p_v.Value).Last().Key);

                            //Debug.WriteLine("=== Done sampling cell, color = " + color );
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported color mode");

            //Debug.Assert(ret.Count == p_gridHeight * p_gridWidth);

Ejemplo n.º 36
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the connected sensor's mode
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mode">The requested mode.</param>
		public void SetMode(ColorMode mode)
			Mode = (byte)mode;
Ejemplo n.º 37
        private static Tuple <string, XDocument> ToResourceDictionary(XElement sectionElement, out bool empty, bool named = false, ColorMode mode = ColorMode.All)
            empty = true;

            var colour = GetColourName(sectionElement);

            XNamespace defaultNamespace = @"";

            var xNamespace = XNamespace.Get("");
            var doc        =
                new XDocument(new XElement(defaultNamespace + "ResourceDictionary",
                                           new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "x", xNamespace)));

            foreach (var liElement in sectionElement.Element("ul").Elements("li").Skip(1))
                if (AddColour(liElement, defaultNamespace, xNamespace, doc, named ? colour : "", mode))
                    empty = false;

            return(new Tuple <string, XDocument>(colour, doc));
Ejemplo n.º 38
 private void RadioGrayscale_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (RadioGrayscale.Checked)
         colorMode = ColorMode.Grayscale;
Ejemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic implementation of a constant src solid filling renderer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clip">The clipping rectangle.</param>
        /// <param name="scanner">The scans to render.</param>
        /// <param name="dest">The map to render to.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The constant value.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The color blending mode to use.</param>
        /// <param name="isAA">True if anti-aliasing is enabled.</param>
        public static void SolidConstRender(Rectangle clip, Scanner scanner, DataMap<ARGB> dest, ARGB value, ColorMode mode = ColorMode.NORMAL, bool isAA = true)
            //for constants, we can early return on blend and mask when alpha is 0
            if((mode == ColorMode.BLEND || mode == ColorMode.MASK) && value.A == 0) return;
            //mask at non-zero is equivalent to normal
            if(mode == ColorMode.MASK) mode = ColorMode.NORMAL;
            //blend at opaque is equivalent to normal
            if(mode == ColorMode.BLEND && value.A == 255) mode = ColorMode.NORMAL;

            IUnsafeMap uDest = dest as IUnsafeMap;
            if(uDest == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Destination image does not support advanced color rendering!");
            byte* addr = uDest.BeginUnsafeOperation();
            int width = dest.Width;
            int stride = uDest.GetStride();

            for(int y = scanner.yMin; y <= scanner.yMax; y++)
                double x1 = Max(scanner[y].min, clip.Min.X);
                double x2 = Min(scanner[y].max, clip.Max.X);
                //Anti-Aliasing variables
                //x1 vars are x min side
                //x2 vars are x max side
                //xb vars are y min side
                //xa vars are y max side
                double x1b = 0, x1a = 0;
                double x2b = 0, x2a = 0;
                int left;
                int right;
                    bool hasMin = false, hasMax = false;
                    //if not at ymin or ymin is a clipped min (aka we have another "ghost" scan)
                    if(y > scanner.yMin || scanner.isYMinClipped)
                        x1b = Max(scanner[y - 1].min, clip.Min.X);
                        x2b = Min(scanner[y - 1].max, clip.Max.X);
                        x1b = (x1b + x1) / 2;
                        x2b = (x2b + x2) / 2;
                        hasMin = true;
                    //if not at ymax or ymax is a clipped max (aka we have another "ghost" scan)
                    if(y < scanner.yMax || scanner.isYMaxClipped)
                        x1a = Max(scanner[y + 1].min, clip.Min.X);
                        x2a = Min(scanner[y + 1].max, clip.Max.X);
                        x1a = (x1a + x1) / 2;
                        x2a = (x2a + x2) / 2;
                        hasMax = true;

                        //if single line shape, just make everything literal
                            x1b = x1a = x1;
                            x2b = x2a = x2;
                        }else//if at ymin, extrapolate max->current into current->min
                            x1b = x1 - (x1a - x1);
                            x2b = x2 - (x2a - x2);
                    }else//if at ymax, extrapolate min->current into current->max
                        x1a = x1 + (x1 - x1b);
                        x2a = x2 + (x2 - x2b);

                    //if aa, round toward center
                    left = (int)Math.Ceiling(Max(x1b, x1a));
                    right = (int)Math.Floor(Min(x2b, x2a));
                    //if not aa, round away from center to match default renderer
                    left = (int)Math.Floor(x1);
                    right = (int)Math.Ceiling(x2);
                //if valid center
                if(left <= right)
                    //solid fill with blend modes
                    byte* ptr = addr + (left + (y * width)) * stride;
                    byte* endPtr = ptr + (right - left + 1) * stride;
                        case ColorMode.BLEND:
                            //precalc value
                            ARGB preValue = new ARGB{A = (byte)(255 - value.A),
                                                     R = (byte)((value.R * value.A) >> 8),
                                                     G = (byte)((value.G * value.A) >> 8),
                                                     B = (byte)((value.B * value.A) >> 8)};
                            while(ptr != endPtr)
                                //*((ARGB*)ptr) &= value;
                                //manually inline blending
                                ARGB color = *(ARGB*)ptr;
                                color = new ARGB{A = (byte)(value.A + color.A),
                                                 R = (byte)(preValue.R + ((color.R * preValue.A) >> 8)),
                                                 G = (byte)(preValue.G + ((color.G * preValue.A) >> 8)),
                                                 B = (byte)(preValue.B + ((color.B * preValue.A) >> 8))};
                                *(ARGB*)ptr = color;
                                ptr += stride;
                        case ColorMode.NORMAL:
                            while(ptr != endPtr)
                                *((ARGB*)ptr) = value;
                                ptr += stride;
                //if aa, add smoothing to edges
                    int center = (left + right) / 2;
                    if(Min(x1b, x1a) != left)
                        AAEdgeConst(addr, width, stride, x1b, x1a, y, value, true, clipMax: Min(center, clip.Max.X));
                    if(Max(x2b, x2a) != right)
                        AAEdgeConst(addr, width, stride, x2b + 1, x2a + 1, y, value, false, clipMin: Max(center + 1, clip.Min.X));

Ejemplo n.º 40
 private void RadioRGB_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (RadioRGB.Checked)
         colorMode = ColorMode.RGB;
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public LabelStyle(Color color, float scale, ColorMode newColorMode)
     Color = color;
     m_scale = scale;
     colorMode = newColorMode;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public void colorMode(ColorMode mode, float range)
     m_range1 = m_range2 = m_range3 = range;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the default palette for a given bit depth and color mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depth">The given bit depth.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The given color mode.</param>
        /// <returns>The requested default palette.</returns>
        public static int[] GetPalette(BitDepth depth, ColorMode mode)
            if (mode == ColorMode.Grayscale)
                if (depth == BitDepth.OneBpp)
                    return OneBppGrayscale;
                else if (depth == BitDepth.TwoBpp)
                    return TwoBppGrayscale;
                else if (depth == BitDepth.FourBpp)
                    return FourBppGrayscale;
                else if (depth == BitDepth.EightBpp)
                    return EightBppGrayscale;
            else if (mode == ColorMode.RGB)
                if (depth == BitDepth.FourBpp)
                    return FourBppRGB121;
                else if (depth == BitDepth.EightBpp)
                    return EightBppRGB332;
                else if (depth == BitDepth.SixteenBpp)
                    return SixteenBppRGB565;
            else if (mode == ColorMode.ARGB)
                if (depth == BitDepth.EightBpp)
                    return EightBppARGB2222;
                else if (depth == BitDepth.SixteenBpp)
                    return SixteenBppARGB4444;
                throw new ArgumentException("No default palette for this color mode.");

            throw new InvalidOperationException("You should never see this message.");
Ejemplo n.º 44
			internal void BeforeSet(ColorMode colorMode)
				byte[] pixelData;
				ushort rows;
				ushort columns;

				if (colorMode == ColorMode.Color)
					var image = new BasicColorImageSequenceIod
							SamplesPerPixel = 3,
							PhotometricInterpretation = PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb,
							PixelRepresentation = 0,
							PixelAspectRatio = new PixelAspectRatio(1, 1),
							PlanarConfiguration = 0,
							BitsStored = 8,
							BitsAllocated = 8,
							HighBit = 7

					this.PrintItem.GetPixelData(this, colorMode, out rows, out columns, out pixelData);
					image.PixelData = pixelData;
					image.Rows = rows;
					image.Columns = columns;

					var image = new BasicGrayscaleImageSequenceIod
							SamplesPerPixel = 1,
							PhotometricInterpretation = PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2,
							PixelRepresentation = 0,
							PixelAspectRatio = new PixelAspectRatio(1, 1),
							BitsStored = 8,
							BitsAllocated = 8,
							HighBit = 7

					this.PrintItem.GetPixelData(this, colorMode, out rows, out columns, out pixelData);
					image.PixelData = pixelData;
					image.Rows = rows;
					image.Columns = columns;

Ejemplo n.º 45
        private static Texture2D CreateModifiedTextureClone(Texture2D originalTexture, Color32 newColor, byte searchForRed, ColorMode colorMode, AlphaMode alphaMode)
            Texture2D tempTexture = CreateRWTextureFromNonReadableTexture(originalTexture);
            int       tWidth      = normalTexture.width;
            int       tHeight     = normalTexture.height;

            var oldPixels = tempTexture.GetPixels32();

            Color[] newPixels = new Color[tWidth * tHeight];

            byte red   = 0;
            byte green = 0;
            byte blue  = 0;
            byte alpha = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < oldPixels.Length; i++)
                if (oldPixels[i].r == searchForRed)
                    switch (colorMode)
                    case ColorMode.Change:
                        red   = newColor.r;
                        green = newColor.g;
                        blue  = newColor.b;

                    case ColorMode.Ignore:
                        red   = oldPixels[i].r;
                        green = oldPixels[i].g;
                        blue  = oldPixels[i].b;

                    case ColorMode.Negative:
                        int redNegative = oldPixels[i].r - newColor.r;
                        red = redNegative < 0 ? byte.MinValue : (byte)redNegative;
                        int greenNegative = oldPixels[i].g - newColor.g;
                        green = greenNegative < 0 ? byte.MinValue : (byte)greenNegative;
                        int blueNegative = oldPixels[i].b - newColor.b;
                        blue = blueNegative < 0 ? byte.MinValue : (byte)blueNegative;

                    case ColorMode.Positive:
                        int redPositive = oldPixels[i].r + newColor.r;
                        red = redPositive > 255 ? byte.MaxValue : (byte)redPositive;
                        int greenPositive = oldPixels[i].g + newColor.g;
                        green = greenPositive > 255 ? byte.MaxValue : (byte)greenPositive;
                        int bluePositive = oldPixels[i].b + newColor.b;
                        blue = bluePositive > 255 ? byte.MaxValue : (byte)bluePositive;

                    switch (alphaMode)
                    case AlphaMode.Change:
                        alpha = newColor.a;

                    case AlphaMode.Ignore:
                        alpha = oldPixels[i].a;

                    case AlphaMode.Negative:
                        int alphaNegative = oldPixels[i].a - newColor.a;
                        alpha = alphaNegative < 0 ? byte.MinValue : (byte)alphaNegative;

                    case AlphaMode.Positive:
                        int alphaPositive = oldPixels[i].a + newColor.a;
                        alpha = alphaPositive > 255 ? byte.MaxValue : (byte)alphaPositive;

                    newPixels[i] = new Color32(red, green, blue, alpha);
                    newPixels[i] = oldPixels[i];

            Texture2D result = new Texture2D(tWidth, tHeight);


Ejemplo n.º 46
 public void colorMode(ColorMode mode)
     currentColorMode = mode;
Ejemplo n.º 47
    private void ColorTab()
        if (highlightMaterial == null || !ResourcesDirectory.IsCustomMaterial(highlightMaterial))
            highlightMaterial = ResourcesDirectory.MakeCustomMaterial(colorMode, allowAlpha);
            if (allowAlpha)
                highlightMaterial.color = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.25f);
                highlightMaterial.color =;
            if (handler != null)
        ColorMode newMode;

        if (colorModeSet == ColorModeSet.UNLIT_ONLY)
            newMode = ColorMode.UNLIT;
            string[] colorModes;
            if (colorModeSet == ColorModeSet.OBJECT)
                colorModes = OBJECT_COLOR_MODES;
            else if (allowAlpha)
                colorModes = TRANSPARENT_COLOR_MODES;
                colorModes = OPAQUE_COLOR_MODES;
            // TODO: this is ugly
            int m = System.Array.IndexOf(colorModes, COLOR_MODE_NAMES[(int)colorMode]);
            m = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(m, colorModes,
                                        colorModes.Length, GUIStyleSet.instance.buttonTab);
            newMode = (ColorMode)System.Array.IndexOf(COLOR_MODE_NAMES, colorModes[m]);
        if (newMode != colorMode)
            Material newMat = ResourcesDirectory.MakeCustomMaterial(newMode, allowAlpha);
            newMat.color      = highlightMaterial.color;
            highlightMaterial = newMat;
            colorMode         = newMode;
            if (handler != null)
        if (colorPicker == null)
            colorPicker         = gameObject.AddComponent <ColorPickerGUI>();
            colorPicker.enabled = false;
            colorPicker.includeAlpha = allowAlpha;
            colorPicker.handler      = (Color c) =>
                highlightMaterial.color = c;
                if (handler != null)
Ejemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders bitmap data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data source, typically the file data.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset into data of the first byte.</param>
        /// <param name="byteWidth">Width, in bytes, of the data to render.  Each byte
        ///   represents 7 pixels in the output (more or less).</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height, in lines, of the data to render.</param>
        /// <param name="colStride">Column stride.  The number of bytes used to hold each
        ///   byte of data.  Must be >= 1.</param>
        /// <param name="rowStride">Row stride.  The number of bytes used to hold each row
        ///   of data.  Must be >= (colStride * byteWidth - (colStride - 1)).</param>
        /// <param name="colorMode">Color conversion mode.</param>
        /// <param name="isFirstOdd">If true, render as if we're starting on an odd column.
        ///   This affects the colors.</param>
        /// <param name="isHighBitFlipped">If true, render as if the high bit has the
        ///   opposite value.  This affects the colors.</param>
        /// <param name="vb">Output bitmap object.</param>
        /// <param name="xstart">Initial X position in the output.</param>
        /// <param name="ystart">Initial Y position in the output.</param>
        private void RenderBitmap(byte[] data, int offset, int byteWidth, int height,
                                  int colStride, int rowStride, ColorMode colorMode, bool isFirstOdd,
                                  bool isHighBitFlipped, VisBitmap8 vb, int xstart, int ystart)
            int bx = xstart;
            int by = ystart;

            switch (colorMode)
            case ColorMode.Mono: {
                // Since we're not displaying this we don't need to worry about
                // half-pixel shifts, and can just convert 7 bits to pixels.
                for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                    int colIdx = 0;
                    for (int col = 0; col < byteWidth; col++)
                        byte val = data[offset + colIdx];
                        for (int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++)
                            if ((val & 0x01) == 0)
                                vb.SetPixelIndex(bx, by, (int)HiResColors.Black0);
                                vb.SetPixelIndex(bx, by, (int)HiResColors.White0);
                            val >>= 1;
                        colIdx += colStride;
                    bx = xstart;
                    offset += rowStride;

            case ColorMode.SimpleColor: {
                // Straightforward conversion, with no funky border effects.  This
                // represents an idealized version of the hardware.

                // Bits for every byte, plus a couple of "fake" bits on the ends so
                // we don't have to throw range-checks everywhere.
                const int OVER     = 2;
                bool[]    lineBits = new bool[OVER + byteWidth * 7 + OVER];
                bool[]    hiFlags  = new bool[OVER + byteWidth * 7 + OVER];
                for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                    // Unravel the bits.  Note we do each byte "backwards", i.e. the
                    // low bit (which is generally considered to be on the right) is
                    // the leftmost pixel.
                    int idx    = OVER;          // start past "fake" bits
                    int colIdx = 0;
                    for (int col = 0; col < byteWidth; col++)
                        byte val      = data[offset + colIdx];
                        bool hiBitSet = (val & 0x80) != 0;

                        for (int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++)
                            hiFlags[idx]  = hiBitSet ^ isHighBitFlipped;
                            lineBits[idx] = (val & 0x01) != 0;
                            val >>= 1;
                        colIdx += colStride;

                    // Convert to color.
                    int lastBit = byteWidth * 7;
                    for (idx = OVER; idx < lastBit + OVER; idx++)
                        int colorShift = hiFlags[idx] ? 2 : 0;
                        if (lineBits[idx] && (lineBits[idx - 1] || lineBits[idx + 1]))
                            // [X]11 or [1]1X; two 1s in a row is always white
                            vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by, (byte)HiResColors.White0);
                        else if (lineBits[idx])
                            // [0]10, color pixel
                            bool isOdd = ((idx & 0x01) != 0) ^ isFirstOdd;
                            if (isOdd)
                                vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by,
                                                 (byte)((int)HiResColors.Green + colorShift));
                                vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by,
                                                 (byte)((int)HiResColors.Purple + colorShift));
                        else if (lineBits[idx - 1] && lineBits[idx + 1])
                            // [1]01, keep color going
                            bool isOdd = ((idx & 0x01) != 0) ^ isFirstOdd;
                            if (isOdd)
                                vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by,
                                                 (byte)((int)HiResColors.Purple + colorShift));
                                vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by,
                                                 (byte)((int)HiResColors.Green + colorShift));
                            // [0]0X or [X]01
                            vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by, (byte)HiResColors.Black0);

                    // move to next row
                    bx = xstart;
                    offset += rowStride;

            case ColorMode.IIgsRGB: {
                // Color conversion similar to what CiderPress does, but without the
                // half-pixel shift (we're trying to create a 1:1 bitmap, not 1:2).
                // This replicates some of the oddness in Apple IIgs RGB monitor output,
                // but it's not quite right though.  For example:
                //                   observed                 generated
                //  d5 2a:    blue   [dk blue] purple       ... black ...
                //  aa 55:    orange [yellow]  green        ... white ...
                //  55 aa:    purple [lt blue] blue         ... black ...
                //  2a d5:    green  [brown]   orange       ... black ...
                // KEGS doesn't seem to try to model this; it shows solid colors with no
                // wackiness.  AppleWin in "Color TV" mode shows similar effects, but is
                // much blurrier (by design).
                bool[] lineBits = new bool[byteWidth * 7];
                bool[] hiFlags  = new bool[byteWidth * 7];          // overkill, but simpler
                int[]  colorBuf = new int[byteWidth * 7];
                for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                    // Unravel the bits.
                    int idx    = 0;
                    int colIdx = 0;
                    for (int col = 0; col < byteWidth; col++)
                        byte val      = data[offset + colIdx];
                        bool hiBitSet = (val & 0x80) != 0;

                        for (int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++)
                            hiFlags[idx]  = hiBitSet ^ isHighBitFlipped;
                            lineBits[idx] = (val & 0x01) != 0;
                            val >>= 1;
                        colIdx += colStride;

                    // Convert to color.
                    int lastBit = byteWidth * 7;
                    for (idx = 0; idx < lastBit; idx++)
                        int colorShift = hiFlags[idx] ? 2 : 0;
                        if (!lineBits[idx])
                            // Bit not set, set pixel to black.
                            colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.Black0;
                            // Bit set, set pixel to white or color.
                            if (idx > 0 && colorBuf[idx - 1] != (int)HiResColors.Black0)
                                // previous bit was also set, this is white
                                colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.White0;

                                // the previous pixel is part of a run of white
                                colorBuf[idx - 1] = (int)HiResColors.White0;
                                // previous bit not set *or* was first pixel in line;
                                // set color based on whether this is even or odd pixel col
                                bool isOdd = ((idx & 0x01) != 0) ^ isFirstOdd;
                                if (isOdd)
                                    colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.Green + colorShift;
                                    colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.Purple + colorShift;

                            // Do we have a run of the same color?  If so, smooth the
                            // color out. Note that white blends smoothly with everything.
                            if (idx > 1 && (colorBuf[idx - 2] == colorBuf[idx] ||
                                            colorBuf[idx - 2] == (int)HiResColors.White0))
                                colorBuf[idx - 1] = colorBuf[idx];

                    // Write to bitmap.
                    for (idx = 0; idx < lastBit; idx++)
                        vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by, (byte)colorBuf[idx]);

                    // move to next row
                    bx = xstart;
                    offset += rowStride;

                // just leave the bitmap empty
                mAppRef.ReportError("Unknown ColorMode " + colorMode);
        private static bool AddColour(XElement liElement, XNamespace defaultNamespace, XNamespace xNamespace, XDocument doc, string swatchName = "", ColorMode mode = ColorMode.All)
            var name = liElement.Elements("span").First().Value;
            var hex = liElement.Elements("span").Last().Value;

            var prefix = "Primary";
            if (name.StartsWith("A", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (mode == ColorMode.PrimaryOnly)
                    return false;

                prefix = "Accent";
                name = name.Skip(1).Aggregate("", (current, next) => current + next);
                if (mode == ColorMode.AccentOnly)
                    return false;

            var backgroundColourElement = new XElement(defaultNamespace + "Color", hex);
            // new XAttribute()
            backgroundColourElement.Add(new XAttribute(xNamespace + "Key", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", swatchName, prefix, name)));

            var liClass = liElement.Attribute("class").Value;
            Color foregroundColour;
            if (!ClassNameToForegroundIndex.TryGetValue(liClass, out foregroundColour))
                throw new Exception("Unable to map foreground color from class " + liClass);

            var foreGroundColorHex = string.Format("#{0}{1}{2}{3}",

            var foregroundColourElement = new XElement(defaultNamespace + "Color", foreGroundColorHex);
            foregroundColourElement.Add(new XAttribute(xNamespace + "Key", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}Foreground", swatchName, prefix, name)));

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 50
 /// <summary>
 /// Switch mode RGB/HSV.
 /// </summary>
 public void SwitchMode()
     ColorMode = ColorMode == ColorMode.Rgb ? ColorMode.Hsv : ColorMode.Rgb;
        private void SetColorSettingMode(ColorMode mode, bool autoSave)
            bool modeBlackAndWhite = mode == ColorMode.BlackAndWhite;
            bool modeGrayscale = mode == ColorMode.Grayscale;
            bool modeColor = mode == ColorMode.Color;

            SetChecked(barButtonItemBlackAndWhite, modeBlackAndWhite);
            SetChecked(barButtonItemGrayscale, modeGrayscale);
            SetChecked(barButtonItemColor, modeColor);
            if (modeColor)
            else if (modeGrayscale)
            else if (modeBlackAndWhite)
            if (autoSave)
                scanProfile.CurrentColorMode = mode;

            BrightnessValueChanged(scanProfile.Brightness, false);
            ContrastValueChanged(scanProfile.Contrast, false);
            GammaValueChanged(scanProfile.Gamma, false);
            SetEnable(barButtonItemSmoothing, scanProfile.CurrentColorMode != ColorMode.BlackAndWhite);
            SetEnable(barEditItemSmoothingTrackBar, scanProfile.CurrentColorMode != ColorMode.BlackAndWhite);
            SetEnable(barStaticItemSmoothing, scanProfile.CurrentColorMode != ColorMode.BlackAndWhite);
            SetEnable(barEditItemSmoothingValue, scanProfile.CurrentColorMode != ColorMode.BlackAndWhite);
Ejemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Set mode RGB/HSV.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetMode(ColorMode mode)
     RgbSliders.SetActive(mode == ColorMode.Rgb);
     HsvSliders.SetActive(mode == ColorMode.Hsv);
     Mode.text = mode == ColorMode.Rgb ? "HSV" : "RGB";
Ejemplo n.º 53
 private void RadioPaletted_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (RadioPaletted.Checked)
         colorMode = ColorMode.Paletted;
Ejemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MonoBrick.EV3.ColorSensor"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">Mode.</param>
 public ColorSensor(ColorMode mode) :  base((SensorMode)mode)
 public PrintJobProperties(ColorMode colorMode, PlexMode plexMode)
     this.ColorMode = colorMode;
     this.PlexMode = plexMode;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public static void decode(ref Color[] dst, int dst_offset, Color32[] src, int src_offset, int count, ColorMode inMode, bool useGamma)
     if (inMode == ColorMode.RGBM8)
         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
             RGB.fromRGBM(ref dst[i + dst_offset], src[i + src_offset], useGamma);
         pixelCopy(ref dst, dst_offset, src, src_offset, count);
         if (useGamma)
             mset.Util.applyGamma(ref dst, Gamma.toLinear);
         clearAlpha(ref dst, dst_offset, count);
        public void SetColorMode(ColorMode pMode, float pHue=0)
            vColorMode = pMode;

            Color color = Color.white;

            if ( vColorMode == ColorMode.Custom ) {
                color = HsvToColor(pHue, 1, 1);

            for ( int i = 0 ; i < Count ; ++i ) {
                GameObject cube = vCubes[i];

                if ( vColorMode == ColorMode.Random ) {
                    color = cube.GetComponent<DemoCube>().ColorRandom;

                cube.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color = color;
Ejemplo n.º 58
 public void fromHorizCrossTexture(Texture2D tex, ColorMode texColorMode, bool useGamma)
     fromHorizCrossTexture(tex, 0, texColorMode, useGamma);
Ejemplo n.º 59
			public void GetPixelData(ImageBox imageBox, ColorMode colorMode, out ushort rows, out ushort columns, out byte[] pixelData)
				Platform.CheckMemberIsSet(GetPixelDataCallback, "GetPixelDataCallback");
				GetPixelDataCallback(imageBox, colorMode, out rows, out columns, out pixelData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this function to make a custom inspector.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            foreach (var d in targets.Cast <UIEffect>())
                var mat = d.material;
                if (d.isTMPro && mat)
                    var        so    = new SerializedObject(d);
                    EffectMode eMode = (EffectMode)GetEnum <EffectMode>(mat);
                    ColorMode  cMode = (ColorMode)GetEnum <ColorMode>(mat);
                    BlurMode   bMode = (BlurMode)GetEnum <BlurMode>(mat);
                    bool       aBlur = mat.IsKeywordEnabled("EX");
                    if (d.effectMode != eMode || d.colorMode != cMode || d.blurMode != bMode || so.FindProperty("m_AdvancedBlur").boolValue != aBlur)
                        so.FindProperty("m_EffectMode").intValue    = (int)eMode;
                        so.FindProperty("m_ColorMode").intValue     = (int)cMode;
                        so.FindProperty("m_BlurMode").intValue      = (int)bMode;
                        so.FindProperty("m_AdvancedBlur").boolValue = aBlur;

            bool isAnyTMPro = targets.Cast <UIEffect>().Any(x => x.isTMPro);
            var  c          = target as UIEffect;

            // Effect material.
            var spMaterial = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_EffectMaterial");


            // Effect setting.
            var spToneMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_EffectMode");

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isAnyTMPro))

            // When tone is enable, show parameters.
            if (spToneMode.intValue != (int)EffectMode.None)

            // Color setting.
            var spColorMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ColorMode");

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isAnyTMPro))

            // When color is enable, show parameters.
            //if (spColorMode.intValue != (int)ColorMode.Multiply)

                SerializedProperty spColor = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Color");
                if (spColor == null && serializedObject.targetObject is UIEffect)
                    spColor = new SerializedObject(serializedObject.targetObjects.Select(x => (x as UIEffect).targetGraphic).ToArray()).FindProperty(!isAnyTMPro ? "m_Color" : "m_fontColor");

                EditorGUI.showMixedValue = spColor.hasMultipleDifferentValues;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
                spColor.colorValue = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(contentEffectColor, spColor.colorValue, true, false, false);
                spColor.colorValue = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(contentEffectColor, spColor.colorValue, true, false, false, null);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())


            // Blur setting.
            var spBlurMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_BlurMode");
            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isAnyTMPro))

            // When blur is enable, show parameters.
            if (spBlurMode.intValue != (int)BlurMode.None)

                var spAdvancedBlur = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_AdvancedBlur");
                using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(isAnyTMPro))


            c.ShowTMProWarning(_shader, _mobileShader, _spriteShader, mat => { });

            ShowMaterialEditors(c.materials, 1, c.materials.Length - 1);
