Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestRemovals(bool firstSendServer, bool secondSendServer, bool thirdSendServer)
            var rootServer = new InternRoot <object>().Static(1);

            rootServer.Bind(LifetimeDefinition.Lifetime, ServerProtocol, "top");
            var rootClient = new InternRoot <object>().Static(1);

            rootClient.Bind(LifetimeDefinition.Lifetime, ClientProtocol, "top");

            var stringToSend = "This string is nice and long enough to overshadow any interning overheads";

            IProtocol Proto(bool server) => server ? ServerProtocol : ClientProtocol;
            InternRoot <object> Root(bool server) => server ? rootServer : rootClient;

            var firstSendBytes = MeasureBytes(Proto(firstSendServer), () => { Root(firstSendServer).Intern(stringToSend); });

            var secondSendBytes =
                MeasureBytes(Proto(secondSendServer), () => { Root(secondSendServer).Intern(stringToSend); });

            Assert.AreEqual(0, secondSendBytes, "Re-interning a value should not resend it");

            var removalSendBytes = MeasureBytes(Proto(true), () =>

            var thirdSendBytes = MeasureBytes(Proto(thirdSendServer), () => { Root(thirdSendServer).Intern(stringToSend); });

            Assert.AreEqual(thirdSendBytes, firstSendBytes, "Re-sending removed value uses different amount of bytes, bug?");

            Console.WriteLine($"Removal sent {removalSendBytes}");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestMonomorphic()
            var rootServerMono = new InternRoot <long>(Serializers.ReadLong, Serializers.WriteLong).Static(1);

            rootServerMono.Bind(LifetimeDefinition.Lifetime, ServerProtocol, "top1");
            var rootServerPoly = new InternRoot <object>().Static(2);

            rootServerPoly.Bind(LifetimeDefinition.Lifetime, ServerProtocol, "top2");

            var sentBytesMono = MeasureBytes(ServerProtocol, () => rootServerMono.Intern(0L));

            // bytes: message header (8+4+2), long (8), InternId (4)
            Assert.AreEqual(14 + 8 + 4, sentBytesMono, "Monomorphic intern roots must not have polymorphic overhead");

            var sentBytesPoly = MeasureBytes(ServerProtocol, () => rootServerPoly.Intern(0L));

            // bytes: message header(8+4+2), type RdId (8), value length (4), long (8), InternId(4)
            Assert.AreEqual(14 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 4, sentBytesPoly, "Polymorphic roots must use polymorphic writes");