Ejemplo n.º 1
        public MeasureResult Action()
            #region 輸出結果
            CircleResult mResult = null;

            // Local iconic variables

            HObject ho_R19_Circle = null;
            HObject ho_R19_ROI_Image = null, ho_R19_Region = null, ho_R19_ImageReduced = null;
            HObject ho_R19_Edges = null, ho_R19_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R19_SingleSegment = null;
            HObject ho_R19_ContEllipse = null;

            // Local control variables

            HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX;
            HTuple hv_STD_Row;
            HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle;
            HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_STD_R19_Row, hv_STD_R19_Col;
            HTuple hv_STD_R19_V_Row, hv_STD_R19_V_Col, hv_R19_X, hv_R19_Y;
            HTuple hv_R19_Pos_Row, hv_R19_Pos_Col, hv_R19_R;
            HTuple hv_alpha = new HTuple(), hv_R19_low = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19_high = new HTuple(), hv_R19_NumSegments = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(), hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19 = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19_Row = new HTuple(), hv_R19_Column = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19_Radius = new HTuple(), hv_R19_StartPhi = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19_EndPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R19_PointOrder = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19_MinDist = new HTuple(), hv_R19_MaxDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R19_AvgDist = new HTuple(), hv_R19_SigmaDist = new HTuple();

            // Initialize local and output iconic variables
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_Circle);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_Region);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_ImageReduced);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_Edges);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_ContoursSplit);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_SingleSegment);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R19_ContEllipse);

            //Measure: SDMS_R19
            //Author: John Hsieh
            //Date: 2012

            HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false");

            //****Message Args
            hv_msgOffsetY = 100;
            hv_msgOffsetX = 100;

            //****Model Args

            //STD 中心點
            hv_STD_Row = 772;
            hv_STD_Col = 1003;

            //目前圖形 中心點
            hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone();
            hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone();

            //目前圖形 Rotate Angle
            hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone();

            hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive());

            //STD R19_ 位置
            hv_STD_R19_Row = 794;
            hv_STD_R19_Col = 620;

            //STD 向量 STD_R19_
            hv_STD_R19_V_Row = hv_STD_R19_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_STD_R19_V_Col = hv_STD_R19_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            //R19_X, R19_Y 分量
            hv_R19_X = (hv_STD_R19_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R19_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()
            hv_R19_Y = (hv_STD_R19_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R19_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()

            //目前圖形 R19_ 位置
            hv_R19_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R19_Y) + hv_OffsetRow;
            hv_R19_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R19_X) + hv_OffsetCol;

            hv_R19_R = 15;

            HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R19_Circle, hv_R19_Pos_Row, hv_R19_Pos_Col, hv_R19_R);

            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                //dev_display (R19_Circle)
            //stop ()
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R19_Circle, out ho_R19_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R19_ROI_Image, out ho_R19_Region, 100, 255, 15);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R19_ROI_Image, ho_R19_Region, out ho_R19_ImageReduced
            //stop ()
            //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大)
            hv_alpha    = 0.9;
            hv_R19_low  = 2;
            hv_R19_high = 60;
            HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R19_ImageReduced, out ho_R19_Edges, "sobel_fast",
                                     hv_alpha, hv_R19_low, hv_R19_high);
            //stop ()
            HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R19_Edges, out ho_R19_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles",
                                            17, 1, 1);
            //Display the results
            HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R19_ContoursSplit, out hv_R19_NumSegments);
            hv_NumCircles       = 0;
            hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0;
            hv_R19 = 999;
            for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R19_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1))
                HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R19_ContoursSplit, out ho_R19_SingleSegment, hv_i);
                HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R19_SingleSegment, "cont_approx",
                                                       out hv_Attrib);
                if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0)
                    HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R19_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2,
                                                     hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R19_Row, out hv_R19_Column, out hv_R19_Radius,
                                                     out hv_R19_StartPhi, out hv_R19_EndPhi, out hv_R19_PointOrder);
                    HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R19_ContEllipse, hv_R19_Row, hv_R19_Column,
                                                      0, hv_R19_Radius, hv_R19_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive",
                    if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                        HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_R19_ContEllipse, HDevWindowStack.GetActive());
                    HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R19_SingleSegment, "algebraic", -1,
                                                       0, hv_R19_Row, hv_R19_Column, 0, hv_R19_Radius, hv_R19_Radius, out hv_R19_MinDist,
                                                       out hv_R19_MaxDist, out hv_R19_AvgDist, out hv_R19_SigmaDist);
                    hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1;
                    if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R19.TupleGreater(hv_R19_Radius))) != 0)
                        hv_R19  = hv_R19_Radius.Clone();
                        mResult = new CircleResult()
                            Row        = new HTuple(hv_R19_Row),
                            Col        = new HTuple(hv_R19_Column),
                            Radius     = new HTuple(hv_R19_Radius),
                            StartPhi   = new HTuple(hv_R19_StartPhi),
                            EndPhi     = new HTuple(hv_R19_EndPhi),
                            PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R19_PointOrder),

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MeasureResult Action()
            #region 輸出結果
            CircleResult mResult = null;

            HTuple hv_STD_Row;
            HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle;
            HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol;
            HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false");

            //STD 中心點
            hv_STD_Row = 839.5;
            hv_STD_Col = 1046.5;

            //目前圖形 中心點
            hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone();
            hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone();

            //目前圖形 Rotate Angle
            hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone();

            hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            HTuple f_ROI_Row = 765.53125;
            HTuple f_ROI_Col = 704.333333333333;
            HTuple f_radius  = 11.6440268146406;

            HTuple f_ROI_Cur_Row, f_ROI_Cur_Col;
            PositionLocater.ReLocater(hv_STD_Row, hv_STD_Col, hv_AllModelAngle, hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, f_ROI_Row, f_ROI_Col, out f_ROI_Cur_Row, out f_ROI_Cur_Col);

            #region Measure
            var cROIController = new ROIController();
            var cAssistant     = new MeasureAssistant(cROIController);

            var hImage = ho_Image as HImage;

            cAssistant.mThresh         = 40.0;
            cAssistant.mSigma          = 1.0;
            cAssistant.mRoiWidth       = 10;
            cAssistant.mInterpolation  = "nearest_neighbor";
            cAssistant.mSelPair        = false;
            cAssistant.mTransition     = "all";
            cAssistant.mPosition       = "all";
            cAssistant.mDispEdgeLength = 30;
            cAssistant.mDispROIWidth   = true;

            cAssistant.mInitThresh   = 40.0;
            cAssistant.mInitSigma    = 1.0;
            cAssistant.mInitRoiWidth = 10;

            var roiF = new ROICircle()
                ROIMeasureType = MeasureType.Circle
            //roiF.MakeROI(416, 998, 0, 26.5, 71.2);
            roiF.MakeROI(f_ROI_Cur_Row, f_ROI_Cur_Col, f_radius);

            double inc           = 0.3;
            double miniRadius    = 0.2;
            double maxRadius     = 0.6;
            double currentRadius = 0;
            int    doingCount    = 0;
            MeasureViewModel model = null;
            var inBoundry          = false;
                roiF.MakeROI(f_ROI_Cur_Row, f_ROI_Cur_Col, f_radius);
                var fitCircle = new MeasurementCircle(roiF, cAssistant);
                model = fitCircle.GetViewModel();
                if (model.Distance != null && model.Distance.TupleLength() > 0)
                    currentRadius = CameraSystem.ToRealWorldValue(model.Distance.D);
                    inBoundry     = (miniRadius <= currentRadius && currentRadius <= maxRadius);
                    if (inBoundry)
                        mResult = new CircleResult()
                            Row        = new HTuple(model.Row1),
                            Col        = new HTuple(model.Col1),
                            Radius     = new HTuple(model.Distance),
                            StartPhi   = new HTuple(model.StartPhi),
                            EndPhi     = new HTuple(model.EndPhi),
                            PointOrder = new HTuple(model.PointOrder),
                if (currentRadius < miniRadius)
                    f_radius += inc;
                    f_radius -= inc;
                if (doingCount > 15)
            }while (!inBoundry);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public MeasureResult Action()
            #region 輸出結果
            CircleResult mResult = null;

            // Local iconic variables

            HObject ho_R3_Circle = null;
            HObject ho_R3_ROI_Image = null, ho_R3_Region = null, ho_R3_ImageReduced = null;
            HObject ho_R3_Edges = null, ho_R3_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R3_SingleSegment = null;
            HObject ho_R3_ContEllipse = null;

            // Local control variables

            HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX;
            HTuple hv_STD_Row;
            HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle;
            HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_R3_R;
            HTuple hv_STD_R3_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R3_Col = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_STD_R3_V_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R3_V_Col = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_X = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Y = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Pos_Row = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_alpha = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_low = new HTuple(), hv_R3_high = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_R3 = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Row = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_Column = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Radius = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_StartPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R3_EndPhi = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_PointOrder = new HTuple(), hv_R3_MinDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_MaxDist = new HTuple(), hv_R3_AvgDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R3_SigmaDist = new HTuple();

            // Initialize local and output iconic variables
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Circle);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Region);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ImageReduced);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Edges);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ContoursSplit);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_SingleSegment);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ContEllipse);

            //Measure: SDMS_R3
            //Author: John Hsieh
            //Date: 2012
            //HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "Images/STD.bmp");
            //dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle);
            //// dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop
            HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false");

            //****Message Args
            hv_msgOffsetY = 100;
            hv_msgOffsetX = 100;

            //****Model All
            //	out hv_AllModelId);
            //HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_AllModelContours, hv_AllModelId, 1);
            //HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_Image, hv_AllModelId, (new HTuple(0)).TupleRad()
            //	, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), 0.5, 1, 0.5, "least_squares", 6, 0.75, out hv_AllModelRow,
            //	out hv_AllModelColumn, out hv_AllModelAngle, out hv_AllModelScore);

            //****Model Args

            //STD 中心點
            hv_STD_Row = 772;
            hv_STD_Col = 1003;

            //目前圖形 中心點
            hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone();
            hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone();

            //目前圖形 Rotate Angle
            hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone();

            hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive());
            hv_R3_R = 29;

            //STD R3_ 位置
            hv_STD_R3_Row = 252;
            hv_STD_R3_Col = 1381;

            //STD 向量 STD_R3_
            hv_STD_R3_V_Row = hv_STD_R3_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_STD_R3_V_Col = hv_STD_R3_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            //R3_X, R3_Y 分量
            hv_R3_X = (hv_STD_R3_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R3_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()
            hv_R3_Y = (hv_STD_R3_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R3_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()

            //目前圖形 R3_ 位置
            hv_R3_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R3_Y) + hv_OffsetRow;
            hv_R3_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R3_X) + hv_OffsetCol;

            //** 開始計算
            HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R3_Circle, hv_R3_Pos_Row, hv_R3_Pos_Col, hv_R3_R);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R3_Circle, out ho_R3_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R3_ROI_Image, out ho_R3_Region, 100, 255, 15);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R3_ROI_Image, ho_R3_Region, out ho_R3_ImageReduced
            //stop ()
            //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大)
            hv_alpha   = 0.9;
            hv_R3_low  = 20;
            hv_R3_high = 60;
            HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R3_ImageReduced, out ho_R3_Edges, "sobel_fast",
                                     hv_alpha, hv_R3_low, hv_R3_high);
            //stop ()
            HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R3_Edges, out ho_R3_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles",
                                            17, 4, 2);
            //Display the results
            HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R3_ContoursSplit, out hv_R3_NumSegments);
            hv_NumCircles       = 0;
            hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0;
            hv_R3 = 999;
            for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R3_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1))
                HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R3_ContoursSplit, out ho_R3_SingleSegment, hv_i);
                HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R3_SingleSegment, "cont_approx",
                                                       out hv_Attrib);
                if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0)
                    HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R3_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2,
                                                     hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R3_Row, out hv_R3_Column, out hv_R3_Radius,
                                                     out hv_R3_StartPhi, out hv_R3_EndPhi, out hv_R3_PointOrder);

                    hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1;
                    if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R3.TupleGreater(hv_R3_Radius))) != 0)
                        hv_R3   = hv_R3_Radius.Clone();
                        mResult = new CircleResult()
                            Row        = new HTuple(hv_R3_Row),
                            Col        = new HTuple(hv_R3_Column),
                            Radius     = new HTuple(hv_R3_Radius),
                            StartPhi   = new HTuple(hv_R3_StartPhi),
                            EndPhi     = new HTuple(hv_R3_EndPhi),
                            PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R3_PointOrder),
                        //HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, (hv_R3_Pos_Row - hv_msgOffsetY) + 60,
                        //	(hv_R3_Pos_Col + hv_msgOffsetX) - 60);
                        //HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "R3");
                        //stop ()

            //*****R3 End

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public MeasureResult Action()
            #region 輸出結果
            CircleResult mResult = null;
            // Local iconic variables

            HObject ho_R6_Circle = null;
            HObject ho_R6_ROI_Image = null, ho_R6_Region = null, ho_R6_RegionBorder = null;
            HObject ho_R6_RegionDilation = null, ho_R6_ImageReduced = null;
            HObject ho_R6_Edges = null, ho_R6_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R6_SingleSegment = null;
            HObject ho_R6_ContEllipse = null;

            // Local control variables

            HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX;
            HTuple hv_STD_Row;
            HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle;
            HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_R6;
            HTuple hv_STD_R6_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R6_Col = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_STD_R6_V_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R6_V_Col = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_X = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Y = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Pos_Row = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_R6_R = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_R_Max = new HTuple(), hv_R6_R_Inc = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Attrib = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Row = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_Column = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Radius = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_StartPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R6_EndPhi = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_PointOrder = new HTuple(), hv_R6_MinDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_MaxDist = new HTuple(), hv_R6_AvgDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R6_SigmaDist = new HTuple();

            // Initialize local and output iconic variables
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_Circle);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_Region);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_RegionBorder);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_RegionDilation);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ImageReduced);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_Edges);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ContoursSplit);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_SingleSegment);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ContEllipse);

            //Measure: SDMS_R6
            //Author: John Hsieh
            //Date: 2012
            // dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop
            HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false");

            //****Message Args
            hv_msgOffsetY = 100;
            hv_msgOffsetX = 100;

            //****Model Args

            //STD 中心點
            hv_STD_Row = 772;
            hv_STD_Col = 1003;

            //目前圖形 中心點
            hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone();
            hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone();

            //目前圖形 Rotate Angle
            hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone();

            hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive());
            hv_R6 = 999;
            //STD R6_ 位置
            hv_STD_R6_Row = 1292;
            hv_STD_R6_Col = 639;

            //STD 向量 STD_R6_
            hv_STD_R6_V_Row = hv_STD_R6_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_STD_R6_V_Col = hv_STD_R6_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            //R6_X, R6_Y 分量
            hv_R6_X = (hv_STD_R6_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R6_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()
            hv_R6_Y = (hv_STD_R6_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R6_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()

            //目前圖形 R4 位置
            hv_R6_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R6_Y) + hv_OffsetRow;
            hv_R6_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R6_X) + hv_OffsetCol;

            //R6_Region 由半徑 29 開始搜尋, 最大搜尋至 41, Inc =2
            hv_R6_R     = 29;
            hv_R6_R_Max = 41;
            hv_R6_R_Inc = 2;
            while ((int)((new HTuple(hv_R6.TupleEqual(999))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_R6_R.TupleLess(
                                                                                     hv_R6_R_Max)))) != 0)
                HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R6_Circle, hv_R6_Pos_Row, hv_R6_Pos_Col, hv_R6_R);
                HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R6_Circle, out ho_R6_ROI_Image);
                HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_R6_ROI_Image, out ho_R6_Region, 100, 255);
                HOperatorSet.Boundary(ho_R6_Region, out ho_R6_RegionBorder, "inner");
                HOperatorSet.DilationCircle(ho_R6_RegionBorder, out ho_R6_RegionDilation,
                HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R6_ROI_Image, ho_R6_RegionDilation, out ho_R6_ImageReduced
                HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R6_ImageReduced, out ho_R6_Edges, "lanser2",
                                         0.3, 40, 90);

                //fast_threshold (R6_ROI_Image, R6_Region, 80, 255, 15)
                //reduce_domain (R6_ROI_Image, R6_Region, R6_ImageReduced)
                //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大)
                //alpha := 10
                //R6_low := 10
                //R6_high := 60
                //edges_sub_pix (R6_ImageReduced, R6_Edges, 'sobel_fast', alpha, R6_low, R6_high)
                //stop ()
                HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R6_Edges, out ho_R6_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles",
                                                6, 4, 4);

                //Display the results
                HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R6_ContoursSplit, out hv_R6_NumSegments);
                hv_NumCircles       = 0;
                hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0;
                for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R6_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1))
                    HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R6_ContoursSplit, out ho_R6_SingleSegment, hv_i);
                    HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R6_SingleSegment, "cont_approx",
                                                           out hv_Attrib);
                    if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0)
                        HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R6_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2,
                                                         hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R6_Row, out hv_R6_Column, out hv_R6_Radius,
                                                         out hv_R6_StartPhi, out hv_R6_EndPhi, out hv_R6_PointOrder);
                        HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R6_ContEllipse, hv_R6_Row, hv_R6_Column,
                                                          0, hv_R6_Radius, hv_R6_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive",
                        if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                            HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_R6_ContEllipse, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()
                        HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R6_SingleSegment, "algebraic",
                                                           -1, 0, hv_R6_Row, hv_R6_Column, 0, hv_R6_Radius, hv_R6_Radius, out hv_R6_MinDist,
                                                           out hv_R6_MaxDist, out hv_R6_AvgDist, out hv_R6_SigmaDist);
                        hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1;
                        if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R6.TupleGreater(hv_R6_Radius))) != 0)
                            hv_R6   = hv_R6_Radius.Clone();
                            mResult = new CircleResult()
                                Row        = new HTuple(hv_R6_Row),
                                Col        = new HTuple(hv_R6_Column),
                                Radius     = new HTuple(hv_R6_Radius),
                                StartPhi   = new HTuple(hv_R6_StartPhi),
                                EndPhi     = new HTuple(hv_R6_EndPhi),
                                PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R6_PointOrder),
                hv_R6_R = hv_R6_R + hv_R6_R_Inc;


Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化後才能叫用 Action
        /// </summary>
        public MeasureResult Action()
            #region 輸出結果, CircleResult or Distance Result
            CircleResult mResult = null;

            // Local iconic variables

            HObject ho_R1_Circle = null;
            HObject ho_R1_ROI_Image = null, ho_R1_Region = null, ho_R1_ImageReduced = null;
            HObject ho_R1_Edges = null, ho_R1_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R1_SingleSegment = null;
            //HObject ho_R1_ContEllipse = null;

            // Local control variables

            HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX;
            //HTuple hv_AllModelId;
            HTuple hv_STD_Row;
            HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle;
            HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_STD_R1_Row, hv_STD_R1_Col;
            HTuple hv_STD_R1_V_Row, hv_STD_R1_V_Col, hv_R1_X, hv_R1_Y;
            HTuple hv_R1_Pos_Row, hv_R1_Pos_Col, hv_R1_R;
            HTuple hv_alpha = new HTuple(), hv_R1_low = new HTuple(), hv_R1_high = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_R1 = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_limit = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_Row = new HTuple(), hv_R1_Column = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_Radius = new HTuple(), hv_R1_StartPhi = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_EndPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R1_PointOrder = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_MinDist = new HTuple(), hv_R1_MaxDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_R1_AvgDist = new HTuple(), hv_R1_SigmaDist = new HTuple();
            HTuple hv_ResultText = new HTuple(), hv_MeasureReasult;

            // Initialize local and output iconic variables
            //HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_Circle);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_Region);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ImageReduced);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_Edges);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ContoursSplit);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_SingleSegment);
            //HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ContEllipse);

            //Measure: SDMS_R1
            //Author: John Hsieh
            //Date: 2012
            //HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "D:/Projects/Halcon/SDMS/SDMS_Measure/Images/E-1/E1-1.bmp");
            //dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle);
            //dev_update_off ()
            // dev_update_window(...); only in hdevelop
            HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false");

            //****Message Args
            hv_msgOffsetY = 100;
            hv_msgOffsetX = 100;

            //****Model All
            //	out hv_AllModelId);
            //HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_AllModelContours, hv_AllModelId, 1);
            //HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_Image, hv_AllModelId, (new HTuple(0)).TupleRad()
            //	, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), 0.5, 1, 0.5, "least_squares", 6, 0.75, out hv_AllModelRow,
            //	out hv_AllModelColumn, out hv_AllModelAngle, out modelScore);

            //****Model Args

            //STD 中心點
            hv_STD_Row = 772;
            hv_STD_Col = 1003;

            //目前圖形 中心點
            hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone();
            hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone();

            //目前圖形 Rotate Angle
            hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone();

            hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            //STD R1_ 位置
            hv_STD_R1_Row = 589;
            hv_STD_R1_Col = 705;

            //STD 向量 STD_R1_
            hv_STD_R1_V_Row = hv_STD_R1_Row - hv_STD_Row;
            hv_STD_R1_V_Col = hv_STD_R1_Col - hv_STD_Col;

            //R1_X, R1_Y 分量
            hv_R1_X = (hv_STD_R1_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R1_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()
            hv_R1_Y = (hv_STD_R1_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R1_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin()

            //目前圖形 R1_ 位置
            hv_R1_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R1_Y) + hv_OffsetRow;
            hv_R1_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R1_X) + hv_OffsetCol;

            hv_R1_R = 20;
            HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R1_Circle, hv_R1_Pos_Row, hv_R1_Pos_Col, hv_R1_R);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R1_Circle, out ho_R1_ROI_Image);
            HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R1_ROI_Image, out ho_R1_Region, 100, 255, 20);
            HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R1_ROI_Image, ho_R1_Region, out ho_R1_ImageReduced

            //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大)
            hv_alpha   = 0.9;
            hv_R1_low  = 20;
            hv_R1_high = 40;
            HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R1_ImageReduced, out ho_R1_Edges, "sobel_fast",
                                     hv_alpha, hv_R1_low, hv_R1_high);
            //stop ()
            HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R1_Edges, out ho_R1_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles",
                                            17, 1, 1);
            //Display the results
            HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R1_ContoursSplit, out hv_R1_NumSegments);
            hv_NumCircles       = 0;
            hv_Num_Circle_Point = 5;
            hv_R1       = 999;
            hv_R1_limit = 10;
            for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R1_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1))
                HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R1_ContoursSplit, out ho_R1_SingleSegment, hv_i);
                HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R1_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib);

                if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0)
                    HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R1_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2,
                                                     hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R1_Row, out hv_R1_Column, out hv_R1_Radius,
                                                     out hv_R1_StartPhi, out hv_R1_EndPhi, out hv_R1_PointOrder);

                    //HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R1_ContEllipse, hv_R1_Row, hv_R1_Column,
                    //	0, hv_R1_Radius, hv_R1_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive",
                    //	1.0);

                    //HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R1_SingleSegment, "algebraic", -1,
                    //	0, hv_R1_Row, hv_R1_Column, 0, hv_R1_Radius, hv_R1_Radius, out hv_R1_MinDist,
                    //	out hv_R1_MaxDist, out hv_R1_AvgDist, out hv_R1_SigmaDist);

                    hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1;
                    if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R1.TupleGreater(hv_R1_Radius))) != 0)
                        hv_R1 = hv_R1_Radius.Clone();
                        //hv_ResultText = (((("C" + hv_NumCircles) + ": Radius = ") + (hv_R1_Radius.TupleString(
                        //	".3"))) + " / MaxDeviation: ") + (hv_R1_MaxDist.TupleString(".3"));
                        //HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1_Pos_Row - hv_msgOffsetY,
                        //	hv_R1_Pos_Col - hv_msgOffsetX);
                        //HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "R1");

                        #region 組合結果
                        mResult = new CircleResult(new HTuple(hv_R1_Row)
                                                   , new HTuple(hv_R1_Column)
                                                   , new HTuple(hv_R1_Radius)
                                                   , new HTuple(hv_R1_StartPhi)
                                                   , new HTuple(hv_R1_EndPhi)
                                                   , new HTuple(hv_R1_PointOrder))
            hv_MeasureReasult = hv_R1.Clone();
            //****R1 End
