Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void RunFinalTests(CandidateSolution <double, StateData> candidate, out double finalScore, out string testDetails)
            var           sampleData = new Dataset();
            StringBuilder sb         = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("Test results at " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());

            // run through our test data and see how close the answer the genetic program
            // comes up with is to the training data.  Lower fitness scores are better than bigger scores
            double totalDifference = 0;

            while (true)
                var row = sampleData.GetRowOfTestingData();
                if (row == null)

                // populate vars with values from row of the training data
                for (int i = 0; i < Dataset.NumColumns; i++)
                    if (i != Dataset.LabelColumnIndex)
                        candidate.SetVariableValue("v" + i, row[i]);
                var result = candidate.Evaluate();

                // now figure the difference between the calculated value and the training data
                var actualAnswer = row[Dataset.LabelColumnIndex];
                var diff         = result - actualAnswer;
                totalDifference += diff * diff;
                Console.WriteLine("Ans: " + actualAnswer.ToString(" 0") + " AI: " + result.ToString("0.00"));
                sb.AppendLine(actualAnswer.ToString("0.0") + ", " + result.ToString("0.000"));

            totalDifference = Math.Sqrt(totalDifference);
            finalScore      = (float)totalDifference;
            sb.AppendLine("\"Final score\", " + finalScore.ToString("0.000"));
            testDetails = sb.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static float EvaluateCandidate(CandidateSolution <double, StateData> candidate)
            var sampleData = new Dataset();

            // run through our test data and see how close the answer the genetic program
            // comes up with is to the training data.  Lower fitness scores are better than bigger scores
            double totalDifference = 0;

            while (true)
                var row = sampleData.GetRowOfTrainingData();
                if (row == null)

                // populate vars with values from row of the training data, and then get the calculated value
                for (int i = 0; i < Dataset.NumColumns; i++)
                    if (i != Dataset.LabelColumnIndex)
                        candidate.SetVariableValue("v" + i, row[i]);
                var result = candidate.Evaluate();

                // now figure the difference between the calculated value and the training data
                var actualAnswer = row[Dataset.LabelColumnIndex];
                var diff         = result - actualAnswer;
                totalDifference += diff * diff;

            // sqrt of the summed squared diffences
            totalDifference = Math.Sqrt(totalDifference);

            // fitness function returns a float
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // each candidate gets evaluated here
        private float EvaluateCandidate(CandidateSolution <bool, ProblemState> candidate)
            int playerChips = 0;

            for (int handNum = 0; handNum < TestConditions.NumHandsToPlay; handNum++)
                // for each hand, we generate a random deck.  Blackjack is often played with multiple decks to improve the house edge
                MultiDeck deck = new MultiDeck(TestConditions.NumDecks);
                // always use the designated dealer upcard (of hearts), so we need to remove from the deck so it doesn't get used twice
                deck.RemoveCard(dealerUpcardRank, "H");

                Hand dealerHand = new Hand();
                Hand playerHand = new Hand();
                dealerHand.AddCard(new Card(dealerUpcardRank, "H"));

                // save the cards in state, and reset the votes for this hand

                // do the intial wager
                int totalBetAmount = TestConditions.BetSize;
                playerChips -= TestConditions.BetSize;

                // outer loop is for each hand the player holds.  Obviously this only happens when they've split a hand
                for (int handIndex = 0; handIndex < candidate.StateData.PlayerHands.Count; handIndex++)
                    candidate.StateData.HandIndex = handIndex;
                    playerHand = candidate.StateData.PlayerHand; // gets the current hand, based on index

                    // loop until the hand is done
                    var currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerDrawing;

                    // check for player having a blackjack, which is an instant win
                    if (playerHand.HandValue() == 21)
                        // if the dealer also has 21, then it's a tie
                        if (dealerHand.HandValue() != 21)
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerBlackjack;
                            playerChips     += TestConditions.BlackjackPayoffSize;
                            // a tie means we just ignore it and drop through
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison;

                    // check for dealer having blackjack, which is either instant loss or tie
                    if (dealerHand.HandValue() == 21)
                        currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison;

                    // player draws
                    while (currentHandState == TestConditions.GameState.PlayerDrawing)
                        // get the decision
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForDoubleDown = 0;
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForHit        = 0;
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForStand      = 0;
                        candidate.StateData.VotesForSplit      = 0;
                        candidate.Evaluate();   // throw away the result, because it's meaningless

                        // look at the votes to see what to do
                        var action = GetAction(candidate.StateData);

                        // if there's an attempt to double-down with more than 2 cards, turn into a hit
                        if (action == ActionToTake.Double && playerHand.Cards.Count > 2)
                            action = ActionToTake.Hit;

                        // if we're trying to split, but don't have a pair, turn that into a stand?
                        if (action == ActionToTake.Split && !playerHand.IsPair())
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Vote for split without a pair");

                        switch (action)
                        case ActionToTake.Hit:
                            // hit me
                            // if we're at 21, we're done
                            if (playerHand.HandValue() == 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing;
                            // did we bust?
                            if (playerHand.HandValue() > 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerBusted;

                        case ActionToTake.Stand:
                            // if player stands, it's the dealer's turn to draw
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing;

                        case ActionToTake.Double:
                            // double down means bet another chip, and get one and only card card
                            playerChips    -= TestConditions.BetSize;
                            totalBetAmount += TestConditions.BetSize;
                            if (playerHand.HandValue() > 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.PlayerBusted;
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing;

                        case ActionToTake.Split:
                            // do the split and add the hand to our collection
                            var newHand = new Hand();
                            playerHand.Cards[1] = deck.DealCard();

                            //Debug.WriteLine("TID " + AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId() + " " +
                            //    "is splitting and has " + candidate.StateData.PlayerHands.Count + " hands");
                            Debug.Assert(candidate.StateData.PlayerHands.Count < 5, "Too many hands for player");

                            // our extra bet
                            playerChips -= TestConditions.BetSize;
                            // we don't adjust totalBetAmount because each bet pays off individually, so the total is right
                            //totalBetAmount += TestConditions.BetSize;

                    // if the player busted, nothing to do, since chips have already been consumed.  Just go on to the next hand
                    // on the other hand, if the player hasn't busted, then we need to play the hand for the dealer
                    while (currentHandState == TestConditions.GameState.DealerDrawing)
                        // if player didn't bust or blackjack, dealer hits until they have 17+ (hits on soft 17)
                        if (dealerHand.HandValue() < 17)
                            if (dealerHand.HandValue() > 21)
                                currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.DealerBusted;
                                playerChips     += totalBetAmount * 2; // the original bet and a matching amount
                            // dealer hand is 17+, so we're done
                            currentHandState = TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison;

                    if (currentHandState == TestConditions.GameState.HandComparison)
                        int playerHandValue = playerHand.HandValue();
                        int dealerHandValue = dealerHand.HandValue();

                        // if it's a tie, give the player his bet back
                        if (playerHandValue == dealerHandValue)
                            playerChips += totalBetAmount;
                            if (playerHandValue > dealerHandValue)
                                // player won
                                playerChips += totalBetAmount * 2;  // the original bet and a matching amount
                                // player lost, nothing to do since the chips have already been decremented

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void AddStrategyForUpcard(Card.Ranks upcardRank, Strategy result, CandidateSolution <bool, ProblemState> candidate)
            Card dealerCard = new Card(upcardRank, Card.Suits.Diamonds);

            // do pairs
            for (var pairedRank = Card.Ranks.Ace; pairedRank >= Card.Ranks.Two; pairedRank--)
                // build player hand
                Hand playerHand = new Hand();
                playerHand.AddCard(new Card(pairedRank, Card.Suits.Hearts));
                playerHand.AddCard(new Card(pairedRank, Card.Suits.Spades));

                // find strategy
                SetupStateData(candidate.StateData, playerHand, dealerCard);

                // get the decision and store in the strategy object
                var action = GetActionFromCandidate(candidate.StateData);

                result.SetActionForPair(upcardRank, pairedRank, action);

            // then soft hands
            // we don't start with Ace, because that would be AA, which is handled in the pair zone
            // we also don't start with 10, since that's blackjack.  So 9 is our starting point
            for (int otherCard = 9; otherCard > 1; otherCard--)
                // build player hand
                Hand playerHand = new Hand();

                // first card is an ace, second card is looped over
                playerHand.AddCard(new Card(Card.Ranks.Ace, Card.Suits.Hearts));
                playerHand.AddCard(new Card((Card.Ranks)otherCard, Card.Suits.Spades));

                // find strategy
                SetupStateData(candidate.StateData, playerHand, dealerCard);

                // get the decision and store in the strategy object
                var action = GetActionFromCandidate(candidate.StateData);
                result.SetActionForSoftHand(upcardRank, otherCard, action);

            // hard hands.
            for (int hardTotal = 20; hardTotal > 4; hardTotal--)
                // build player hand
                Hand playerHand = new Hand();

                // divide by 2 if it's even, else add one and divide by two
                int firstCardRank  = ((hardTotal % 2) != 0) ? (hardTotal + 1) / 2 : hardTotal / 2;
                int secondCardRank = hardTotal - firstCardRank;

                // 20 is always TT, which is a pair, so we handle that by building a 3 card hand
                if (hardTotal == 20)
                    playerHand.AddCard(new Card(Card.Ranks.Ten, Card.Suits.Diamonds));
                    firstCardRank  = 6;
                    secondCardRank = 4;

                // we don't want pairs, so check for that
                if (firstCardRank == secondCardRank)

                playerHand.AddCard(new Card((Card.Ranks)firstCardRank, Card.Suits.Diamonds));
                playerHand.AddCard(new Card((Card.Ranks)secondCardRank, Card.Suits.Spades));

                // find strategy
                SetupStateData(candidate.StateData, playerHand, dealerCard);

                // get the decision and store in the strategy object
                var action = GetActionFromCandidate(candidate.StateData);
                result.SetActionForHardHand(upcardRank, hardTotal, action);