Ejemplo n.º 1
        public byte[] GetRawSongs()
            if (this.id == 0)
                var dataLength = 0;
                //get data length, for faster concat
                for (int i = 0; i < songList.Count; i++)
                    dataLength += songList[i].rawData.Length;

                byte[] midiData = new byte[dataLength];
                int    index    = 0;

                //do fast concat
                for (int i = 0; i < songList.Count; i++)
                    var songRawData = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(songList[i].rawData, 0, songList[i].rawData.Length);
                    for (int j = 0; j < songList[i].rawData.Length; j++)
                        midiData[index + j] = songRawData[j];
                    index += songList[i].rawData.Length;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DecomposeSounds()
            nbInstruments = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, 0x20, 4));

            int indexSoundPtr = 0;
            int soundLength   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nbInstruments; i++)
                Sound sound = new Sound();

                sound.start = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, indexSoundPtr + 0x30, 4));
                soundLength = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, indexSoundPtr + 0x34, 4));

                //grab sound data
                sound.rawData = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(waveTable, sound.start, soundLength);

                sound.loop.offset      = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, indexSoundPtr + 0x3C, 4));
                sound.predictor.offset = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, indexSoundPtr + 0x40, 4));

                if (sound.loop.offset != 0)
                    sound.loop.start = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.loop.offset, 4));
                    sound.loop.end   = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.loop.offset + 4, 4));
                    sound.loop.count = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.loop.offset + 8, 4));
                    sound.loop.state = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.loop.offset + 0xC, 0x20));

                sound.predictor.order       = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.predictor.offset, 4));
                sound.predictor.nPredictors = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.predictor.offset + 4, 4));
                sound.predictor.predictors  = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(ptrTable, sound.predictor.offset + 8, sound.predictor.order * sound.predictor.nPredictors * 8 * 2);

                sound.predictor.predictorShort = new short[sound.predictor.predictors.Length / 2];
                for (int j = 0; j < sound.predictor.predictorShort.Length; j++)
                    sound.predictor.predictorShort[j] = BitConverter.ToInt16(new[] { sound.predictor.predictors[j * 2 + 1], sound.predictor.predictors[j * 2] }, 0);

                if (sound.loop.offset != 0)
                    indexSoundPtr = sound.loop.offset;
                    indexSoundPtr += 0xA0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wavData">the waveData</param>
        /// <param name="predictorOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="predictors"></param>
        /// <param name="npredictors"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static short[] Decode(byte[] wavData, int predictorOrder, short[] predictors, int npredictors)
            int index;
            int pred;

            short[] output = new short[wavData.Length * 2];
            short[] tmpOut = new short[8];

            //flip the predictors
            short[] preds = new short[32 * npredictors];
            for (int j = 0; j < (8 * predictorOrder * npredictors); j++)
                preds[j] = predictors[j];

            int indexIn  = 0;
            int indexOut = 0;

            int i = (wavData.Length / 9) * 9;

            while (i > 0)
                index = (wavData[indexIn] >> 4) & 0xF;
                pred  = (wavData[indexIn] & 0xF);


                short[] pred1 = new short[16];
                for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
                    pred1[j] = preds[pred * 16 + j];

                tmpOut = Decode8(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(wavData, indexIn, 8), index, pred1, tmpOut, pred);
                Array.Copy(tmpOut, 0, output, indexOut, 8);
                indexIn  += 4;
                i        -= 4;
                indexOut += 8;

                tmpOut = Decode8(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(wavData, indexIn, i == 4 ? i:8), index, pred1, tmpOut, pred);
                Array.Copy(tmpOut, 0, output, indexOut, 8);
                indexIn  += 4;
                i        -= 4;
                indexOut += 8;

            //trim 00 end padding
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private int DecomposeSong()
            int songTotalLength = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < songDataAddress.Length; i += 8)
                //starting address song0
                int songAddress = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(songDataAddress, i, 4));
                int songLength  = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(songDataAddress, i + 4, 4)) - songAddress;

                //grab the start address of song
                byte[] songRawData = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, songAddress - positionPtrStart, songLength);

                Song song = new Song(songRawData);
                songTotalLength += songLength;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //search for N64 PtrTable V2 for cutting soundbank
        private void ChunkSoundBank()
            byte[] tmpRawDataN64PtrTable = new byte[16];

            //initialized to 16 to avoid first soundbank set to 0..
            int sizeOfSoundBank = 16;

            //searching N64PtrTableV2 pattern (each one will be stored in a soundbank)
            int position     = initialIndexAudioStart;
            int positionNext = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= 0x15; i++)
                positionNext = CGeneric.SearchBytesInArray(rawData, CGeneric.patternN64PtrTableV2, 0, position + 16, 16);

                //if it's the last, don't search the next, just search the end of the rom
                if (positionNext == -1)
                    positionNext = CGeneric.SearchBytesInArray(rawData, CGeneric.endOfRom, 0, position + 16, 16);

                sizeOfSoundBank = positionNext - position;
                if (i == 0)//for the first soundBank, give
                    byte[] startingEndingAddress = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, RomLangAddress.GetMidiSongSoundBank0(), 0x238);
                    soundBankList.Add(new SoundBank(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, position, sizeOfSoundBank), soundBankList.Count, position, startingEndingAddress));
                    soundBankList.Add(new SoundBank(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, position, sizeOfSoundBank), soundBankList.Count));

                position       += sizeOfSoundBank;
                sizeOfSoundBank = 16;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //chunk RawData into PtrTable, WaveTable and Sfx
        private void ChunkRawData(int id)
            //initialized to 16 to avoid first soundbank set to 0..
            int sizeOfPtrTable = 0;

            //searching waveTable (end of PtrTable) and write ptrTable rawData
            sizeOfPtrTable = CGeneric.SearchBytesInArray(rawData, CGeneric.patternN64WaveTable, 0, 16, 16);
            ptrTable       = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, 0, sizeOfPtrTable);

            //waveTable = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData,ptrTable.Length,rawData.Length - ptrTable.Length);

            int sizeSfx  = 0;
            int sizeMidi = 0;

            //searching midi and sfx
            switch (id)
            case 0:
                sizeMidi = DecomposeSong();

            //there is a midi song and sfx, so with a unknow wavetable length, we need to determine sfx and midi length..
            case 1:
                var startMidi = CGeneric.SearchBytesInArray(rawData, CGeneric.patternMidiSoundBank1, 0, 0, 16);
                sizeMidi = RomLangAddress.GetSizeMidiSoundBank1();
                sizeSfx  = rawData.Length - (startMidi + sizeMidi);

            //there is song but no sfx
            case 2:
                sizeMidi = RomLangAddress.GetSizeMidiSoundBank2();

            //standard computed sfx size and no midi file (dirty check, but seems working pretty well).
                int tmpSfxEqualValue;
                int tmpSfxEqualValue2;
                int tmpSfxEqualValue3;
                int tmpSfxNull;

                for (int i = ptrTable.Length; i < rawData.Length - 16; i += 16)
                    //quick test, for avoiding cpu consuption
                    tmpSfxNull = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, i + 12, 4));
                    if (tmpSfxNull == 0)
                        tmpSfxEqualValue  = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, i, 4));
                        tmpSfxEqualValue2 = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, i + 4, 4));
                        tmpSfxEqualValue3 = CGeneric.ConvertByteArrayToInt(CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, i + 8, 4));
                        var tmpSfxEqualValue4 = tmpSfxEqualValue3++;
                        if (tmpSfxEqualValue != 0 && tmpSfxEqualValue == tmpSfxEqualValue2 && (tmpSfxEqualValue2 == tmpSfxEqualValue4 || tmpSfxEqualValue2 == tmpSfxEqualValue3))
                            sizeSfx = rawData.Length - i;

            //store date with size found previously
            waveTable = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, ptrTable.Length, rawData.Length - (ptrTable.Length + sizeMidi + sizeSfx));
            midi      = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, ptrTable.Length + waveTable.Length, sizeMidi);
            sfx       = CGeneric.GiveMeArray(rawData, ptrTable.Length + waveTable.Length + sizeMidi, sizeSfx);