Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            string allSettings = string.Format("{0} [b]Channel Settings[/b]: \n" +
                                               "[b]StartupChannel:[/b] {1}, [b]AllowTableInfo:[/b] {2}, [b]AllowTableRolls:[/b] {3},\n" +
                                               "[b]AllowCustomTableRolls:[/b] {4}, [b]GreetNewUsers:[/b] {5}, [b]AllowChips:[/b] {6} \n" +
                                               "[b]Add Chips Restriction:[/b] {7} (OnlyOpAddChips), [b]StartWith500Chips[/b]: {8} \n" +
                                               "[b]AllowGames:[/b] {9}",
                                               thisChannel.StartupChannel, thisChannel.AllowTableInfo, thisChannel.AllowTableRolls,
                                               thisChannel.AllowCustomTableRolls, thisChannel.GreetNewUsers, thisChannel.AllowChips,
                                               thisChannel.ChipsClearance.ToString(), thisChannel.StartWith500Chips,

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(allSettings, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            bool characterIsAdmin             = Utils.IsCharacterAdmin(bot.AccountSettings.AdminCharacters, characterName);
            bool characterIsTrustedForChannel = Utils.IsCharacterTrusted(bot.AccountSettings.TrustedCharacters, characterName, channel);

            if (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && command.ops == null)
            else if ((thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin && !characterIsAdmin && !characterIsTrustedForChannel) ||
                     (thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp && !command.ops.Contains(characterName) && !characterIsAdmin))
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot perform [" + Name + "] under the current chip settings for this channel.", channel);
            else if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                bool pot = false;

                int chipAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("pot"))
                    pot = true;

                string messageString = "";
                if (chipAmount <= 0)
                    messageString = "Error: You must specify a number of chips above 0 to add.";
                    messageString = bot.DiceBot.AddChips(characterName, channel, chipAmount, pot);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            bool jokers = false;

            if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("j"))
                jokers = true;

            DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);
            string deckTypeString = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType, customDeckName);

            bot.DiceBot.ResetDeck(jokers, channel, deckType, customDeckName);
            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[i]" + deckTypeString + "Channel deck reset." + (jokers ? " (contains jokers)" : "") + "[/i]", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            int numberRolled = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

            string resultString = "";

            if (numberRolled > DiceBot.MaximumDice)
                resultString = "Error: Cannot roll more than " + DiceBot.MaximumDice + " dice.";
                resultString = bot.DiceBot.RollFitD(numberRolled);

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(resultString, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string channelId = Utils.GetChannelIdFromInputs(rawTerms);

            string sendMessage = "Attempting to join channel: " + channelId;


            //send to character if there is no origin channel for this command
            if (!commandController.MessageCameFromChannel(channel))
                bot.SendPrivateMessage(sendMessage, characterName);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            bool fullShuffle = false;

            if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("eh"))
                fullShuffle = true;

            DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            string deckTypeString = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType, characterName);

            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);

            bot.DiceBot.ShuffleDeck(bot.DiceBot.random, channel, deckType, fullShuffle, customDeckName);
            bot.SendMessageInChannel("[i]" + deckTypeString + "Channel deck shuffled. " + (fullShuffle ? "Hands emptied." : "") + "[/i]", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = "";
                if (terms.Length < 2)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a number (first) and a user name (second).";
                    bool all        = false;
                    int  giveAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(rawTerms);

                    string[] rawTermsMost = new string[rawTerms.Length - 1];

                    for (int i = 1; i < rawTerms.Length; i++)
                        rawTermsMost[i - 1] = rawTerms[i];

                    string targetUserName = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTermsMost).Trim();

                    if (giveAmount <= 0 && !all)
                        messageString = "Error: You must input a number to give an amount of chips.";
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.GiveChips(characterName, targetUserName, channel, giveAmount, all);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";

                if (terms.Length < 1)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a game name.";
                    IGame gametype = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);

                    if (gametype == null)
                        messageString = "Error: Game type not found.";
                        GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype, false);

                        if (sesh != null)
                            double secondsRemain = bot.DiceBot.GetSecondsRemainingOnCountdownTimer(channel, gametype.GetGameName());

                            messageString = sesh.GetStatus(secondsRemain);
                            messageString = "Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            if (BotMain._debug)
                bot.SendMessageInChannel("Command recieved: " + Utils.PrintList(terms), channel);

            bool   debugOverride = false;
            string finalResult   = bot.DiceBot.GetRollResult(terms, debugOverride);

            string userName = "******" + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + "[/i]: ";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(userName + finalResult, channel);

            if (BotMain._debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Command finished: " + finalResult);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowChips)
                string messageString = "";
                if (terms.Length < 1)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a number.";
                    bool pot = false;

                    int chipAmount = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);

                    if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("pot"))
                        pot = true;

                    messageString = "";
                    if (chipAmount <= 0)
                        messageString = "Error: You must specify a number of chips above 0 to remove.";
                        messageString = bot.DiceBot.AddChips(characterName, channel, -1 * chipAmount, pot);


                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);
            string deckTypeString = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType, customDeckName);

            Deck   a          = bot.DiceBot.GetDeck(channel, deckType, customDeckName);
            string sendString = "";

            if (a != null)
                sendString = "[i]" + deckTypeString + "Channel deck contents: [/i]" + a.ToString();
                sendString = "[i]Error: " + deckTypeString + " deck not found[/i]";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendString, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string messageText = "[b]General Commands:[/b]\n!roll, !fitd" +
                                 "\n!drawcard, !resetdeck, !shuffledeck, !endhand, !showhand, !discardcard, !takefromdiscard, !deckinfo, !playcard, !takefromplay, !discardfromplay, !playfromdiscard\n" +
                                 "!register, !addchips, !showchips, !givechips, !bet, !claimpot, !removepile, !takechips, !redeemchips, !removechips\n" +
                                 "!joinchannel, !leavethischannel\n!botinfo, !uptime, !help\n" +
                                 "!rolltable, !savetable, !deletetable, !tableinfo\n" +
                                 "!joingame, !leavegame, !cancelgame, !startgame, !gamestatus, !gamecommand, !gc\n" +
                                 "[b]Channel Op only Commands:[/b]\n" +
                                 "!removeallpiles, !setstartingchannel, !updatesetting, !viewsettings\n" +
                                 "For full information on commands, see the profile [user]Dice Bot[/user].";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel))
                bot.SendPrivateMessage(messageText + "\nMost of [user]Dice Bot[/user]'s functions require it to be in a [b]channel[/b]. You can invite it to a private channel and then use [b]!joinchannel[/b] to test commands.", characterName);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageText, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void SendRightCommand()
            var inputData = new BotCommandInputModel
                Message = "/stock=aapl.us"

            var mockLogicMessage = new Mock <ILogicMessage>();

            mockLogicMessage.Setup(x => x.CommandMessage(inputData.Message)).Returns(Task.FromResult("APPL.US quote is $93.42 per share”."));

            var botCommandController = new BotCommandController

            var result = botCommandController.Post(inputData);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result.Result, typeof(OkObjectResult));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowTableRolls)
                bool includeLabel   = true;
                bool secondaryRolls = true;

                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("nolabel"))
                    includeLabel = false;
                if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("nosecondary"))
                    secondaryRolls = false;

                int    rollModifier = commandController.GetRollModifierFromCommandTerms(terms);
                string tableName    = commandController.GetTableNameFromCommandTerms(terms);

                SavedRollTable savedTable = Utils.GetTableFromId(bot.SavedTables, tableName);

                if (savedTable.DefaultTable || thisChannel.AllowCustomTableRolls)
                    string sendMessage = bot.DiceBot.GetRollTableResult(bot.SavedTables, tableName, characterName, channel, rollModifier, includeLabel, secondaryRolls, 3);

                    bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
                    bot.SendMessageInChannel("Only default talbes are allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            string customDeckName = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);
            string deckTypeString = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType, customDeckName);

            Deck a = bot.DiceBot.GetDeck(channel, deckType, customDeckName);

            string sendString = "";

            if (a != null)
                string cardsString  = a.GetCardsRemaining() + " / " + a.GetTotalCards();
                string jokersString = a.ContainsJokers() ? " [i](contains jokers)[/i] " : "";
                sendString = "[i]" + deckTypeString + "Channel deck cards remaining: [/i]" + cardsString + jokersString;
                sendString = "[i]Error: " + deckTypeString + " deck not found[/i]";
            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendString, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            var thisCharacterTables = bot.SavedTables.Where(a => a.OriginCharacter == characterName);

            string sendMessage = "No tables found for " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName);

            if (thisCharacterTables.Count() > 0)
                string tablesList = "";
                foreach (SavedRollTable savedTable in thisCharacterTables)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tablesList))
                        tablesList += ", ";

                    tablesList += savedTable.TableId;
                sendMessage = "Tables found for " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + ": " + tablesList;

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController,
                               string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel,
                               UserGeneratedCommand command, CardMoveType moveType)
            CardCommandOptions options = new CardCommandOptions(commandController, terms, characterName);

            if (!(moveType == CardMoveType.DiscardCard || moveType == CardMoveType.PlayCard))
                options.redraw = false;

            string customDeckString           = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);
            string deckTypeString             = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(options.deckType, customDeckString);
            string cardDrawingCharacterString = Utils.GetCharacterStringFromSpecialName(options.characterDrawName);

            int numberDiscards = 0;

            string actionString = "";

            switch (moveType)
            case CardMoveType.DiscardCard:
                actionString = bot.DiceBot.DiscardCards(options.moveCardsList, options.all, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);

            case CardMoveType.PlayCard:
                actionString = bot.DiceBot.PlayCards(options.moveCardsList, options.all, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);

            case CardMoveType.ToHandFromDiscard:
                actionString = bot.DiceBot.TakeCardsFromDiscard(options.moveCardsList, options.all, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);

            case CardMoveType.ToPlayFromDiscard:
                actionString = bot.DiceBot.PlayCardsFromDiscard(options.moveCardsList, options.all, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);

            case CardMoveType.ToHandFromPlay:
                actionString = bot.DiceBot.TakeCardsFromPlay(options.moveCardsList, options.all, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);

            case CardMoveType.ToDiscardFromPlay:
                actionString = bot.DiceBot.DiscardCardsFromPlay(options.moveCardsList, options.all, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);

            if (numberDiscards > 1 || numberDiscards == 0)
                options.cardsS = "s";
            string messageOutput = "[i]" + cardDrawingCharacterString + ": " + deckTypeString + "Card" + options.cardsS +
                                   " " + Utils.GetCardMoveTypeString(moveType) + "[/i] " + actionString;
            string trueDraw           = "";
            string privateMessageDraw = "";

            if (options.redraw)
                messageOutput     += "\n [i]Redrawn:[/i] " + bot.DiceBot.DrawCards(numberDiscards, options.jokers, options.deckDraw, channel, options.deckType, options.characterDrawName, options.secretDraw, out trueDraw);
                privateMessageDraw = "[i]Redrawn:[/i] " + trueDraw;

            if (options.secretDraw && options.redraw && !(options.characterDrawName == DiceBot.DealerName || options.characterDrawName == DiceBot.BurnCardsName || options.characterDrawName == DiceBot.DiscardName))
                bot.SendPrivateMessage(privateMessageDraw, characterName);

            if (options.secretDraw)
                string redrawSecretString = options.redraw ? " (and redrew)" : "";
                string newMessageOutput   = "[i]" + cardDrawingCharacterString + ": " + deckTypeString + numberDiscards + " Card" + options.cardsS + " " + Utils.GetCardMoveTypeString(moveType) + " (secret)" + redrawSecretString + "[/i] ";
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(newMessageOutput, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageOutput, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
     bot.SendMessageInChannel("Goodbye~", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            GameCommand c = new GameCommand();

            c.Run(bot, commandController, rawTerms, terms, characterName, channel, command);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";

                IGame gametype = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);

                if (gametype == null)
                    //TODO: make this code somewhere else - it's repeated in many game commands
                    //check game sessions and see if this channel has a session for anything
                    var gamesParticipated = bot.DiceBot.GameSessions.Where(a => a.ChannelId == channel && a.Players.Contains(characterName));
                    if (gamesParticipated.Count() == 0)
                        messageString = "Error: Game type not found.";
                    else if (gamesParticipated.Count() > 1)
                        messageString = "Error: You must specify a game type if you are in more than one game.";
                    else if (gamesParticipated.Count() == 1)
                        GameSession sesh = gamesParticipated.First();
                        gametype = sesh.CurrentGame;
                if (gametype != null)
                    GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype, false);
                    if (sesh != null)
                        if (!sesh.Players.Contains(characterName))
                            messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " has not joined " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + ".";
                            messageString = bot.DiceBot.LeaveGame(characterName, channel, gametype);

                            messageString += "\n" + sesh.Players.Count + " / " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetMaxPlayers() + " players ready.";

                            if (sesh.CurrentGame.GetType() == typeof(Roulette))

                            if (sesh.Players.Count >= sesh.CurrentGame.GetMinPlayers())
                                messageString += "[b] (Ready to start!)[/b]";
                        messageString = "Error: Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            MoveCards.Run(bot, commandController, rawTerms, terms, characterName, channel, command, CardMoveType.ToDiscardFromPlay);

            //bool all = false;
            //bool redraw = false;
            //bool secretDraw = false;
            //string characterDrawName = commandController.GetCharacterDrawNameFromCommandTerms(characterName, terms);
            //if (characterDrawName == DiceBot.DiscardName)
            //    characterDrawName = characterName;

            //if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("all"))
            //    all = true;
            //if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && terms.Contains("redraw"))
            //    redraw = true;
            //if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1 && (terms.Contains("s") || terms.Contains("secret")))
            //    secretDraw = true;

            //List<int> discardsTemp = Utils.GetAllNumbersFromInputs(terms);
            //List<int> discards = new List<int>();

            ////decrease all the numbers by 1 to match array indexes, rather than the card position for a player
            //if (discardsTemp.Count > 0)
            //    foreach (int i in discardsTemp)
            //    {
            //        discards.Add(i - 1);
            //    }

            //string cardsS = "";
            //if (discards.Count > 1)
            //    cardsS = "s";

            //DeckType deckType = commandController.GetDeckTypeFromCommandTerms(terms);

            //string deckTypeString = Utils.GetDeckTypeStringHidePlaying(deckType);
            //string cardDrawingCharacterString = Utils.GetCharacterStringFromSpecialName(characterDrawName);

            //int numberDiscards = 0;
            //string messageOutput = "[i]" + cardDrawingCharacterString + ": " + deckTypeString + "Card" + cardsS + " discarded from play:[/i] " + bot.DiceBot.DiscardCardsFromPlay(discards, all, channel, deckType, characterDrawName, out numberDiscards);
            //if (redraw)
            //    string trueDraw = "";
            //    messageOutput += "\n [i]Redrawn:[/i] " + bot.DiceBot.DrawCards(numberDiscards, false, true, channel, deckType, characterDrawName, secretDraw, out trueDraw);

            //if (secretDraw && !(characterDrawName == DiceBot.DealerName || characterDrawName == DiceBot.BurnCardsName))
            //    bot.SendPrivateMessage(messageOutput, characterName);

            //if (secretDraw)
            //    string redrawSecretString = redraw ? " (and redrew)" : "";
            //    string newMessageOutput = "[i]" + cardDrawingCharacterString + ": " + deckTypeString + "Card" + cardsS + " discarded from play: (secret)" + redrawSecretString + "[/i] ";
            //    bot.SendMessageInChannel(newMessageOutput, channel);
            //    bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageOutput, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";

                if (terms.Length < 1)
                    messageString = "Error: This command requires a game name.";
                    IGame gametype = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);

                    if (gametype == null)
                        //check game sessions and see if this channel has a session for anything
                        var gamesPresent = bot.DiceBot.GameSessions.Where(a => a.ChannelId == channel);
                        if (gamesPresent.Count() == 0)
                            messageString = "Error: No game sessions are active in this channel to cancel.";
                        else if (gamesPresent.Count() > 1)
                            messageString = "Error: You must specify a game type if more than one game session exists in the channel.";
                        else if (gamesPresent.Count() == 1)
                            GameSession sesh = gamesPresent.First();
                            gametype = sesh.CurrentGame;

                    if (gametype == null)
                        messageString = "Error: Game type not found.";
                        GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype, false);

                        if (sesh != null)
                            messageString = bot.DiceBot.IssueGameCommand(characterName, channel, sesh, terms);
                            messageString = "Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string saveJson    = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTerms);
            string sendMessage = "";

                //accept JSON format deck
                SavedDeck d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SavedDeck>(saveJson);

                FChatDicebot.DiceFunctions.Deck newDeck = new DiceFunctions.Deck(DiceFunctions.DeckType.Custom);


                string newDeckId = Utils.GetCustomDeckName(characterName);

                var thisCharacterDecks = bot.SavedDecks.Where(a => a.OriginCharacter == characterName);

                SavedDeck existingDeck = Utils.GetDeckFromId(bot.SavedDecks, newDeckId);

                if (thisCharacterDecks.Count() >= BotMain.MaximumSavedTablesPerCharacter && existingDeck == null)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: A character can only save up to 3 decks at one time. Delete or overwrite old decks.";
                else if (existingDeck != null && existingDeck.OriginCharacter != characterName)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: This table name is taken by a different character.";
                else if (newDeckId.Length < 2)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: Deck name too short.";
                else if (newDeck.GetTotalCards() <= 0)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: No card entries found for this deck.";
                else if (newDeck.GetTotalCards() > BotMain.MaximumCardsInDeck)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: Deck contains more than " + BotMain.MaximumCardsInDeck + " cards.";
                    SavedDeck newSavedDeck = new SavedDeck()
                        DeckList        = newDeck.GetDeckList(),
                        DeckId          = newDeckId,
                        OriginCharacter = characterName

                    if (existingDeck != null)

                    Utils.WriteToFileAsData(bot.SavedDecks, Utils.GetTotalFileName(BotMain.FileFolder, BotMain.SavedDecksFileName));

                    bot.DiceBot.ResetDeck(false, channel, DeckType.Custom, newDeckId);
                    sendMessage = "[b]Success[/b]. Deck saved by [user]" + characterName + "[/user]. Draw from this deck using !drawcard custom";
            catch (Exception)
                sendMessage = "Failed to parse deck entry data. Make sure the Json is correctly formatted.";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            string saveJson    = Utils.GetFullStringOfInputs(rawTerms);
            string sendMessage = "";

                FChatDicebot.DiceFunctions.RollTable newTable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FChatDicebot.DiceFunctions.RollTable>(saveJson);
                newTable.Name = Utils.LimitStringToNCharacters(newTable.Name, BotMain.MaximumCharactersTableName);
                string newTableId = newTable.Name.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();

                newTable.Description = Utils.LimitStringToNCharacters(newTable.Description, BotMain.MaximumCharactersTableDescription);

                var thisCharacterTables = bot.SavedTables.Where(a => a.OriginCharacter == characterName);

                SavedRollTable existingTable = Utils.GetTableFromId(bot.SavedTables, newTableId);

                if (thisCharacterTables.Count() >= BotMain.MaximumSavedTablesPerCharacter && existingTable == null)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: A character can only save up to 3 tables at one time. Delete or overwrite old tables.";
                else if (existingTable != null && existingTable.OriginCharacter != characterName)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: This table name is taken by a different character.";
                else if (newTableId.Length < 2)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: Table name too short.";
                else if (newTable.TableEntries == null)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: No table entries found for this table.";
                else if (newTable.TableEntries.Count > BotMain.MaximumSavedEntriesPerTable)
                    sendMessage = "Failed: Table contains more than " + BotMain.MaximumSavedEntriesPerTable + " entries.";
                    foreach (FChatDicebot.DiceFunctions.TableEntry t in newTable.TableEntries)
                        t.Name        = Utils.LimitStringToNCharacters(t.Name, BotMain.MaximumCharactersTableName);
                        t.Description = Utils.LimitStringToNCharacters(t.Description, BotMain.MaximumCharactersTableEntryDescription);

                        if (t.Triggers != null && t.Triggers.Count > BotMain.MaximumRollTriggersPerEntry)
                            t.Triggers = t.Triggers.Take(BotMain.MaximumRollTriggersPerEntry).ToList();

                    SavedRollTable newSavedRollTable = new SavedRollTable()
                        Table           = newTable,
                        OriginCharacter = characterName,
                        DefaultTable    = false,
                        TableId         = newTableId

                    if (existingTable != null)

                    Utils.WriteToFileAsData(bot.SavedTables, Utils.GetTotalFileName(BotMain.FileFolder, BotMain.SavedTablesFileName));

                    sendMessage = "[b]Success[/b]. Table saved by [user]" + characterName + "[/user]. Roll on this table using !rolltable " + newTableId;
            catch (Exception)
                sendMessage = "Failed to parse table entry data. Make sure the Json is correctly formatted.";

            bot.SendMessageInChannel(sendMessage, channel);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";

                IGame gametype    = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);
                bool  keepSession = terms.Contains("keepsession") || terms.Contains("keepgame");
                bool  endSession  = terms.Contains("endsession") || terms.Contains("endgame");

                if (gametype == null)
                    //check game sessions and see if this channel has a session for anything
                    var gamesParticipated = bot.DiceBot.GameSessions.Where(a => a.ChannelId == channel && a.Players.Contains(characterName));
                    if (gamesParticipated.Count() == 0)
                        messageString = "Error: Game type not found.";
                    else if (gamesParticipated.Count() > 1)
                        messageString = "Error: You must specify a game type if you are in more than one game.";
                    else if (gamesParticipated.Count() == 1)
                        GameSession sesh = gamesParticipated.First();
                        gametype = sesh.CurrentGame;
                if (gametype != null) //gametype can be set above after being null so this should no longer be 'else'
                    GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype);

                    if (sesh != null)
                        ChipPile potChips = bot.DiceBot.GetChipPile(DiceBot.PotName, channel);

                        if (sesh.Ante > 0 && potChips.Chips > 0)
                            messageString = "The pot already has chips in it. The pot must be empty before starting a game with ante.";
                        else if (sesh.CurrentGame.GetMinPlayers() > sesh.Players.Count)
                            messageString = "Cannot start " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " because there are currently less than [b]" + sesh.CurrentGame.GetMinPlayers() + " players[/b].";
                        else if (sesh.State == GameState.GameInProgress)
                            messageString = "Cannot start " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " because the game is already in progress. Please finish the current round first.";
                        else if (sesh.CurrentGame.GetType() == typeof(Roulette) && !bot.DiceBot.CountdownFinishedOrNotStarted(channel, sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName()))
                            double secondsRemain = bot.DiceBot.GetSecondsRemainingOnCountdownTimer(channel, gametype.GetGameName());

                            messageString = "Cannot start " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " because the starting countdown is not yet finished. [b]" + secondsRemain.ToString("N3") + " seconds [/b]remain.";
                            messageString  = sesh.CurrentGame.GetStartingDisplay();
                            messageString += "\n" + bot.DiceBot.StartGame(channel, gametype, bot, keepSession, endSession);

                            if (sesh.CurrentGame.GetType() == typeof(Roulette))
                                bot.DiceBot.StartCountdownTimer(channel, gametype.GetGameName(), characterName, 5 * 60 * 1000);

                        messageString = "Error: Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public virtual void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            if (thisChannel.AllowGames)
                string messageString = "";
                int    ante          = Utils.GetNumberFromInputs(terms);
                if (ante < 0)
                    ante = 0;

                if (ante > 0 && !thisChannel.AllowChips)
                    messageString = Name + " [b]with chips[/b] is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.";
                    IGame gametype = commandController.GetGameTypeFromCommandTerms(bot.DiceBot, terms);

                    if (gametype == null)
                        //check game sessions and see if this channel has a session for anything
                        var gamesPresent = bot.DiceBot.GameSessions.Where(a => a.ChannelId == channel);
                        if (gamesPresent.Count() == 0)
                            messageString = "Error: No game type specified. [i]You must create a game session by specifying the game type as the first player.[/i]";
                        else if (gamesPresent.Count() > 1)
                            messageString = "Error: You must specify a game type if more than one game session exists in the channel.";
                        else if (gamesPresent.Count() == 1)
                            GameSession sesh = gamesPresent.First();
                            gametype = sesh.CurrentGame;
                    if (gametype != null)
                        if (!gametype.AllowAnte() && ante > 0)
                            messageString = Name + " cannot be played with ante. Try joining the game without an ante amount.";
                            GameSession sesh = bot.DiceBot.GetGameSession(channel, gametype);

                            if (sesh != null)
                                ChipPile characterChips = bot.DiceBot.GetChipPile(characterName, channel);

                                if (sesh.Players.Contains(characterName))
                                    messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " is already in " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + ".";
                                else if (sesh.Players.Count > sesh.CurrentGame.GetMaxPlayers())
                                    messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot join " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " because it is already at the [b]maximum amount of players[/b].";
                                else if (ante > 0 && characterChips.Chips < ante)
                                    messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot make a bet for " + ante + " because they do not have enough chips.";
                                    //TODO: change game join logic so that each game uses its own method to verify and add players
                                    if (gametype.GetType() == typeof(Roulette))
                                        #region gametype roulette
                                        RouletteBet betType   = RouletteBet.NONE;
                                        int         betNumber = -1;

                                        if (terms.Contains("red"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.Red;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("black"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.Black;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("even"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.Even;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("odd"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.Odd;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("first12"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.First12;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("second12"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.Second12;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("third12"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.Third12;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("firsthalf"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.OneToEighteen;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("secondhalf"))
                                            betType = RouletteBet.NineteenToThirtySix;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#1"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 1;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#2"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 2;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#3"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 3;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#4"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 4;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#5"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 5;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#6"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 6;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#7"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 7;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#8"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 8;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#9"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 9;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#10"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 10;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#11"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 11;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#12"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 12;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#13"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 13;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#14"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 14;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#15"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 15;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#16"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 16;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#17"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 17;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#18"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 18;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#19"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 19;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#20"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 20;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#21"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 21;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#22"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 22;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#23"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 23;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#24"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 24;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#25"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 25;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#26"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 26;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#27"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 27;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#28"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 28;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#29"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 29;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#30"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 30;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#31"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 31;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#32"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 32;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#33"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 33;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#34"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 34;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#35"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 35;
                                        else if (terms.Contains("#36"))
                                            betType   = RouletteBet.SpecificNumber;
                                            betNumber = 36;

                                        if (betType == RouletteBet.NONE)
                                            messageString = "No bet type was found in the [b]!joingame " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + "[/b] command. Try adding a bet amount and a bet type.";
                                        else if (ante <= 0)
                                            messageString = "No bet amount was found in the [b]!joingame " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + "[/b] command. Try adding a bet amount and a bet type.";
                                            RouletteBetData betData = new RouletteBetData()
                                                bet = betType,
                                                specificNumberBet = betNumber,
                                                characterName     = characterName,
                                                amount            = ante

                                            string timerString = "";

                                            double secondsRemain = bot.DiceBot.GetSecondsRemainingOnCountdownTimer(channel, gametype.GetGameName());

                                            if (secondsRemain > 0)
                                                timerString = "[i] (game can begin in " + secondsRemain.ToString("N3") + " seconds)[/i]";

                                            string addDataString = bot.DiceBot.AddGameData(channel, gametype, betData);

                                            if (addDataString != "success")
                                                messageString = "Error: Failed to add bet data to game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + ". Game session terminated.";
                                                bot.DiceBot.CancelGame(channel, gametype);
                                                messageString = bot.DiceBot.JoinGame(characterName, channel, gametype);

                                                messageString += "\n" + sesh.Players.Count + " / " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetMaxPlayers() + " players ready.";

                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timerString))
                                                    messageString += timerString;
                                                else if (sesh.Players.Count >= sesh.CurrentGame.GetMinPlayers())
                                                    messageString += "[b] (Ready to start!)[/b]";
                                        bool anteJustSet = false;
                                        if (!sesh.AnteSet) //leave as separate if
                                            sesh.AnteSet = true;
                                            anteJustSet  = true;
                                            sesh.Ante    = ante > 0 ? ante : 0;

                                        if (anteJustSet && ante > 0 && characterChips.Chips < sesh.Ante)
                                            messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " does not have [b]" + ante + " chips[/b] to start a game with an ante this high.";
                                            bot.DiceBot.RemoveGameSession(channel, sesh.CurrentGame);
                                        else if (sesh.AnteSet && ante > 0 && sesh.Ante != ante)
                                            messageString = "The ante for " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " has already been set to something else. Use [b]!joingame " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + "[/b] without an ante.";
                                        else if (characterChips.Chips < sesh.Ante)
                                            messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot join " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " because they have less than the ante amount of [b]" + sesh.Ante + " chips.[/b]";
                                        else if (sesh.Players.Contains(characterName))
                                            messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " is already in " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + ".";
                                        else if (sesh.Players.Count > sesh.CurrentGame.GetMaxPlayers())
                                            messageString = Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " cannot join " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetGameName() + " because it is already at the [b]maximum amount of players[/b].";
                                            messageString  = bot.DiceBot.JoinGame(characterName, channel, gametype);
                                            messageString += "\n" + sesh.Players.Count + " / " + sesh.CurrentGame.GetMaxPlayers() + " players ready.";

                                            if (sesh.Players.Count >= sesh.CurrentGame.GetMinPlayers())
                                                messageString += "[b] (Ready to start!)[/b]";
                                }//end too many players or player already joined
                                messageString = "Error: Game session for " + gametype.GetGameName() + " not found or created.";
                            } //end game session null
                    }         //end if gametype != null

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(messageString, channel);
                bot.SendMessageInChannel(Name + " is currently not allowed in this channel under " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags("Dice Bot") + "'s settings for this channel.", channel);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public override void Run(BotMain bot, BotCommandController commandController, string[] rawTerms, string[] terms, string characterName, string channel, UserGeneratedCommand command)
            SettingType changed = SettingType.NONE;

            ChannelSettings thisChannel = bot.GetChannelSettings(channel);

            bool setValue = false;

            if (terms != null && terms.Length >= 1)
                if (terms.Contains("useeicons"))
                    changed = SettingType.UseEicons;
                if (terms.Contains("greetnewusers"))
                    changed = SettingType.GreetNewUsers;
                if (terms.Contains("allowtablerolls"))
                    changed = SettingType.AllowTableRolls;
                if (terms.Contains("allowcustomtablerolls"))
                    changed = SettingType.AllowCustomTableRolls;
                if (terms.Contains("allowtableinfo"))
                    changed = SettingType.AllowTableInfo;
                if (terms.Contains("allowchips"))
                    changed = SettingType.AllowChips;
                if (terms.Contains("allowgames"))
                    changed = SettingType.AllowGames;
                if (terms.Contains("usevcaccount"))
                    changed = SettingType.UseVcAccountForChips;
                if (terms.Contains("startupchannel"))
                    changed = SettingType.StartupChannel;
                if (terms.Contains("startwith500chips"))
                    changed = SettingType.StartWith500Chips;
                if (terms.Contains("onlyopaddchips"))
                    changed = SettingType.OnlyOpAddChips;
                if (terms.Contains("onlyopbotcommands"))
                    changed = SettingType.OnlyOpBotCommands;
                if (terms.Contains("onlyopdeckcontrols"))
                    changed = SettingType.OnlyOpDeckControls;
                if (terms.Contains("onlyoptablecommands"))
                    changed = SettingType.OnlyOpTableCommands;

                if (terms.Contains("on") || terms.Contains("true"))
                    setValue = true;
                if (terms.Contains("off") || terms.Contains("false"))
                    setValue = false;

            switch (changed)
                case SettingType.NONE:
                case SettingType.UseEicons:
                    thisChannel.UseEicons = setValue;
                case SettingType.GreetNewUsers:
                    thisChannel.GreetNewUsers = setValue;
                case SettingType.AllowTableRolls:
                    thisChannel.AllowTableRolls = setValue;
                case SettingType.AllowCustomTableRolls:
                    thisChannel.AllowCustomTableRolls = setValue;
                case SettingType.AllowTableInfo:
                    thisChannel.AllowTableInfo = setValue;
                case SettingType.AllowChips:
                    thisChannel.AllowChips = setValue;
                case SettingType.AllowGames:
                    thisChannel.AllowGames = setValue;
                case SettingType.UseVcAccountForChips:
                    thisChannel.UseVcAccountForChips = setValue;
                case SettingType.StartupChannel:
                    thisChannel.StartupChannel = setValue;
                case SettingType.StartWith500Chips:
                    thisChannel.StartWith500Chips = setValue;
                case SettingType.OnlyOpAddChips:
                        if(thisChannel.ChipsClearance != ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin)
                                thisChannel.ChipsClearance = ChipsClearanceLevel.ChannelOp;
                                thisChannel.ChipsClearance = ChipsClearanceLevel.NONE;
                case SettingType.OnlyOpBotCommands:
                    thisChannel.OnlyChannelOpsCanUseAnyBotCommands = setValue;
                case SettingType.OnlyOpDeckControls:
                    thisChannel.OnlyChannelOpsCanUseDeckControls = setValue;
                case SettingType.OnlyOpTableCommands:
                    thisChannel.OnlyChannelOpsCanUseTableCommands = setValue;

            if (changed == SettingType.NONE)
                string output = "Setting not found. Be sure to specify which setting to change, followed by 'true' or 'false'. Settings use the same name displayed in the !viewsettings command.";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(output, channel);
                Utils.WriteToFileAsData(bot.SavedChannelSettings, Utils.GetTotalFileName(BotMain.FileFolder, BotMain.ChannelSettingsFileName));

                string output = "(Channel setting updated) " + Utils.GetCharacterUserTags(characterName) + " set " + changed + " to " + setValue;

                if (changed == SettingType.OnlyOpAddChips && thisChannel.ChipsClearance == ChipsClearanceLevel.DicebotAdmin)
                    output = "(" + changed + " Channel setting cannot be updated for this channel) ";

                bot.SendMessageInChannel(output, channel);