Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main()

            var bot = new BotClient("<your bot token>");

            bot.SetMyCommands(new BotCommand("callback", "new callback"));

            // Long Polling
            var updates = bot.GetUpdates();

            while (true)
                if (updates.Length > 0)
                    foreach (var update in updates)
                        switch (update.Type)
                        case UpdateType.Message:
                            var message = update.Message;
                            if (message.Text.Contains("/callback"))
                                var replyMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup
                                    InlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboardButton[][] {
                                        new InlineKeyboardButton[] {
                                            InlineKeyboardButton.SetCallbackData("Callback", "callback_data")
                                bot.SendMessage(message.Chat.Id, "Message with callback data", replyMarkup: replyMarkup);

                        case UpdateType.CallbackQuery:
                            var query = update.CallbackQuery;
                            bot.AnswerCallbackQuery(query.Id, "HELLO");
                            bot.EditMessageText(new EditMessageTextArgs
                                ChatId    = query.Message.Chat.Id,
                                MessageId = query.Message.MessageId,
                                Text      = $"Click!\n\n{query.Data}"
                    updates = updates = bot.GetUpdates(offset: updates.Max(u => u.UpdateId) + 1);
                    updates = bot.GetUpdates();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Use this method to edit text and game messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.</summary>
        /// <param name="bot">BotClient</param>
        /// <param name="inlineMessageId">Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message</param>
        /// <param name="text">New text of the message, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing</param>
        /// <param name="parseMode">Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See formatting options for more details.</param>
        /// <param name="entities">A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parse_mode</param>
        /// <param name="disableWebPagePreview">Disables link previews for links in this message</param>
        /// <param name="replyMarkup">A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.</param>
        /// <exception cref="BotRequestException">Thrown when a request to Telegram Bot API got an error response.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when a required parameter is null.</exception>
        /// <returns><see cref="Message"/> or <see cref="bool"/>. On success, if edited message is sent by the bot, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.</returns>
        public static T EditMessageText <T>(this BotClient bot, string inlineMessageId, string text, [Optional] string parseMode, [Optional] MessageEntity[] entities, [Optional] bool?disableWebPagePreview, [Optional] InlineKeyboardMarkup replyMarkup)
            var args = new EditMessageTextArgs
                InlineMessageId       = inlineMessageId,
                Text                  = text,
                ParseMode             = parseMode,
                Entities              = entities,
                DisableWebPagePreview = disableWebPagePreview,
                ReplyMarkup           = replyMarkup

            return(bot.EditMessageText <T>(args));