Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary> Adds all of the colliderObjects to a handy dictionary named collToPart.
        /// Also determines the length of this body part by looking at all of these colliders,
        /// thenceby setting _topVector </summary>
        /// <param name="characterPhysics">The parent CharacterPhysics class</param>
        internal void Initialize(CharacterPhysics characterPhysics)
            _pp = characterPhysics;
            if (parentPart != null)
                _parent = _pp.bodyParts.First(part => part.bodyPart == parentPart);
            _rb   = _pp.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
            _root = _pp.transform;

            Vector3    objPos   = bodyPart.transform.position;
            Vector3    farPoint = objPos;
            Collider2D farColl  = bodyPart.GetComponent <Collider2D>();

            foreach (GameObject co in colliderObjects)
                Collider2D[] colliders = co.GetComponents <Collider2D>();
                foreach (Collider2D collider in colliders)
                    if (Vector3.Distance(collider.bounds.center, objPos) >= Vector3.Distance(farPoint, objPos))
                        farPoint = collider.bounds.center;
                        farColl  = collider;
                    _pp.collToPart.Add(collider, this);
            farPoint =
                Vector3.Distance(farPoint + farColl.bounds.extents, objPos) <
                Vector3.Distance(farPoint - farColl.bounds.extents, objPos) ?
                bodyPart.transform.InverseTransformPoint(farPoint - farColl.bounds.extents) :
                bodyPart.transform.InverseTransformPoint(farPoint + farColl.bounds.extents);
            _topVector = new Vector3(farPoint.x, 0);

            if (lowerLimit < -360)
                float old = lowerLimit;
                lowerLimit %= 360;
                upperLimit += lowerLimit - old;
            if (upperLimit > 720)
                float old = upperLimit;
                upperLimit %= 360;
                lowerLimit += upperLimit - old;
            if (isLeg)
//                _pp.StartCoroutine(_CheckStep()); //TODO FIXME Checkstep is dumb and bad and needs to be made less bad

                List <GameObject> partsTemp   = _pp._nonLegBendParts.ToList();
                List <float>      amountsTemp = _pp._nonLegBendAmounts.ToList();
                _pp._nonLegBendParts   = partsTemp.ToArray();
                _pp._nonLegBendAmounts = amountsTemp.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary> Partially/completely suppress the physics system for a list of parts </summary>
 /// <param name="mods"> List of mods, which specify the part, extent, and duration of suppression </param>
 public void SuppressPhysics(List <CharacterPhysicsMod> mods)
     foreach (var mod in mods)
         BodyPartClass part = collToPart[mod.collider];
         part.SuppressAmount = mod.dampPercent;
     if (_actuallySuppressPhysics == null)
         _actuallySuppressPhysics = StartCoroutine(_ActuallySuppressPhysics());