Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ChartSample()
            BasicChart chart = new BasicChart();

            chart.AllowSelection = true;
            chart.AddAxis(new IntegerAxis(true), AxisPosition.Left);
            chart.AddAxis(new IntegerAxis(true), AxisPosition.Bottom);

            Serie s = new Serie("Some Data");

            s.Color = new Color(0, 1, 0);
            s.AddData(10, 10);
            s.AddData(20, 11);
            s.AddData(30, 15);
            s.AddData(40, 9);
            s       = new Serie("Other Data");
            s.Color = new Color(0, 0, 1);
            s.AddData(10, 20);
            s.AddData(20, 19);
            s.AddData(30, 25);
            s.AddData(40, 26);
            chart.SetAutoScale(AxisDimension.X, true, true);
            chart.SetAutoScale(AxisDimension.Y, true, true);

            PackStart(chart, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public InstrumenationChartView(InstrumentationViewerDialog parent)

            this.parent = parent;

            // The list for the List Mode

            listViewStore  = new ListStore(typeof(ListViewValueInfo), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string));
            listView       = new TreeView();
            listView.Model = listViewStore;

            CellRendererText crx = new CellRendererText();

            listView.AppendColumn("Timestamp", crx, "text", 3);

            TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn();

            col.Title = "Counter";
            CellRendererPixbuf crp = new CellRendererPixbuf();

            col.PackStart(crp, false);
            col.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", 1);
            col.PackStart(crx, true);
            col.AddAttribute(crx, "text", 2);

            listView.AppendColumn("Count", crx, "text", 4);
            listView.AppendColumn("Total Count", crx, "text", 5);
            listView.AppendColumn("Time", crx, "text", 6);

            listView.RowActivated += HandleListViewRowActivated;

            listViewScrolled = new ScrolledWindow();
            listViewScrolled.ShadowType       = ShadowType.In;
            listViewScrolled.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic;
            listViewScrolled.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic;
            boxCharts.PackStart(listViewScrolled, true, true, 0);

            // The series list

            seriesStore      = new ListStore(typeof(bool), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf), typeof(string), typeof(ChartSerieInfo), typeof(String), typeof(String), typeof(String));
            listSeries.Model = seriesStore;

            col       = new TreeViewColumn();
            col.Title = "Counter";
            CellRendererToggle crt = new CellRendererToggle();

            col.PackStart(crt, false);
            col.AddAttribute(crt, "active", 0);

            crp = new CellRendererPixbuf();
            col.PackStart(crp, false);
            col.AddAttribute(crp, "pixbuf", 1);

            crx = new CellRendererText();
            col.PackStart(crx, true);
            col.AddAttribute(crx, "text", 2);

            listSeries.AppendColumn("Last", crx, "text", 4);
            listSeries.AppendColumn("Sel", crx, "text", 5);
            listSeries.AppendColumn("Diff", crx, "text", 6);

            crt.Toggled += SerieToggled;

            countChart = new BasicChart();
            countAxisY = new IntegerAxis(true);
            countAxisX = new DateTimeAxis(true);
            countChart.AddAxis(countAxisX, AxisPosition.Bottom);
            countChart.AddAxis(countAxisY, AxisPosition.Right);
            countChart.OriginY = 0;
            countChart.StartY  = 0;
//			countChart.EndY = 100;
            countChart.AllowSelection = true;
            countChart.SetAutoScale(AxisDimension.Y, false, true);
            countChart.SelectionStart.LabelAxis = countAxisX;
            countChart.SelectionEnd.LabelAxis   = countAxisX;
            countChart.SelectionChanged        += CountChartSelectionChanged;

            timeChart = new BasicChart();
            timeAxisY = new IntegerAxis(true);
            timeAxisX = new DateTimeAxis(true);
            timeChart.AddAxis(timeAxisX, AxisPosition.Bottom);
            timeChart.AddAxis(timeAxisY, AxisPosition.Right);
            timeChart.OriginY        = 0;
            timeChart.StartY         = 0;
            timeChart.EndY           = 100;
            timeChart.AllowSelection = true;
//			timeChart.SetAutoScale (AxisDimension.Y, true, true);
            timeChart.SelectionStart.LabelAxis = timeAxisX;
            timeChart.SelectionEnd.LabelAxis   = timeAxisX;

            frameCharts.PackStart(countChart, true, true, 0);
            frameCharts.PackStart(timeChart, true, true, 0);

            if (App.FromFile)
                if (visibleTime > App.Service.EndTime - App.Service.StartTime)
                    visibleTime = App.Service.EndTime - App.Service.StartTime;
                startTime = App.Service.StartTime;
                endTime   = startTime + visibleTime;
                endTime   = DateTime.Now;
                startTime = endTime - visibleTime;

            DateTime st = App.Service.StartTime;

            if (st > startTime)
                st = startTime;

            chartScroller.Adjustment.Lower = st.Ticks;

            chartScroller.Value = chartScroller.Adjustment.Upper;

            if (!App.FromFile)

            toggleTimeView.Active = true;