Ejemplo n.º 1
        static string addGetMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo) {
            var getMethod = componentInfo.isSingletonComponent
                    ? "\n        static readonly $Type $nameComponent = new $Type();\n"
                    : "\n        public $Type $name { get { return ($Type)GetComponent($Ids.$Name); } }\n";

            return buildString(componentInfo, getMethod);
 static string generateIndicesLookup(string lookupTag, ComponentInfo[] componentInfos) {
     return addClassHeader(lookupTag)
             + addIndices(componentInfos)
             + addComponentNames(componentInfos)
             + addComponentTypes(componentInfos)
             + addCloseClass();
        /// <summary>
        ///   Generates the contents of the source code files to write.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="componentInfos">Data about all available entity components.</param>
        /// <returns>Contents and names of the source code files to write.</returns>
        public CodeGenFile[] Generate(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos)
            // Generate methods for initializing components from dictionaries.
            var codeGenFiles =
                componentInfos.Where(info => info.generateMethods && !info.isSingletonComponent)
                        info =>
                            new CodeGenFile
                                fileName = info.fullTypeName + ClassFileNameSuffix,
                                fileContent = AddDefaultPoolCode(info).ToUnixLineEndings()

            // Generate methods for creating entities and adding components from blueprints.
                new CodeGenFile
                    fileName = "BlueprintPoolExtensions",
                    fileContent =
                        AddBlueprintPoolCode(componentInfos.Where(info => info.generateMethods)).ToUnixLineEndings()

            return codeGenFiles.ToArray();
        static string addHasMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            var hasMethod = componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? @"
            public bool $prefix$Name {
            get { return HasComponent($Ids.$Name); }
            set {
                if (value != $prefix$Name) {
                    if (value) {
                        AddComponent($Ids.$Name, $nameComponent);
                    } else {

            public Entity $Prefix$Name(bool value) {
            $prefix$Name = value;
            return this;
            " : @"
            public bool has$Name { get { return HasComponent($Ids.$Name); } }
            return buildString(componentInfo, hasMethod);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public CodeGenFile[] Generate(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos) {
     return componentInfos
         .Where(info => info.generateMethods)
         .Select(info => new CodeGenFile {
             fileName = info.fullTypeName + CLASS_SUFFIX,
             fileContent = generateComponentExtension(info).ToUnixLineEndings()
 // Important: This method should be called after Generate(poolNames)
 // This will overwrite the empty lookups with the actual content.
 public CodeGenFile[] Generate(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos) {
     var orderedComponentInfos = componentInfos.OrderBy(info => info.typeName).ToArray();
     var lookupTagToComponentInfosMap = getLookupTagToComponentInfosMap(orderedComponentInfos);
     return lookupTagToComponentInfosMap
         .Select(kv => new CodeGenFile {
             fileName = kv.Key,
             fileContent = generateIndicesLookup(kv.Key, kv.Value.ToArray()).ToUnixLineEndings()
Ejemplo n.º 7

        static string addEntityMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo) {
            return addEntityClassHeader()
                    + addGetMethods(componentInfo)
                    + addHasMethods(componentInfo)
                    + addAddMethods(componentInfo)
                    + addReplaceMethods(componentInfo)
                    + addRemoveMethods(componentInfo)
                    + addCloseClass();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 static string addAddMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
     public Entity Add$Name($typedArgs) {
     var component = CreateComponent<$Type>($Ids.$Name);
     return AddComponent($Ids.$Name, component);
 static string addContextGetMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     var getMehod = componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? @"
     public Entity $nameEntity { get { return GetGroup($TagMatcher.$Name).GetSingleEntity(); } }
     " : @"
     public Entity $nameEntity { get { return GetGroup($TagMatcher.$Name).GetSingleEntity(); } }
     public $Type $name { get { return $nameEntity.$name; } }
     return buildString(componentInfo, getMehod);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 static string addDefaultPoolCode(ComponentInfo componentInfo) {
     var code = addNamespace();
     code += addEntityMethods(componentInfo);
     if (componentInfo.isSingleEntity) {
         code += addPoolMethods(componentInfo);
     code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
     code += closeNamespace();
     return code;
 public CodeGenFile[] Generate(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos)
     var generatorName = GetType().FullName;
     return componentInfos
         .Where(info => info.generateMethods)
         .Select(info => new CodeGenFile(
             info.fullTypeName + "GeneratedExtension",
Ejemplo n.º 12
 static string addAddMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
     public Entity Add$Name($typedArgs) {
     var componentPool = GetComponentPool($Ids.$Name);
     var component = ($Type)(componentPool.Count > 0 ? componentPool.Pop() : new $Type());
     return AddComponent($Ids.$Name, component);
 // Important: This method should be called before Generate(componentInfos)
 // This will generate empty lookups for all contexts.
 public CodeGenFile[] Generate(string[] contextNames)
     var emptyInfos = new ComponentInfo[0];
     var generatorName = GetType().FullName;
     return contextNames
         .Select(contextName => contextName.ContextPrefix() + CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_COMPONENT_LOOKUP_TAG)
         .Select(lookupTag => new CodeGenFile(
             generateIndicesLookup(lookupTag, emptyInfos),
 // Important: This method should be called after Generate(contextNames)
 // This will overwrite the empty lookups with the actual content.
 public CodeGenFile[] Generate(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos)
     var orderedComponentInfos = componentInfos.OrderBy(info => info.typeName).ToArray();
     var lookupTagToComponentInfosMap = getLookupTagToComponentInfosMap(orderedComponentInfos);
     var generatorName = GetType().FullName;
     return lookupTagToComponentInfosMap
         .Select(kv => new CodeGenFile(
             generateIndicesLookup(kv.Key, kv.Value.ToArray()),
 // Important: This method should be called before Generate(componentInfos)
 // This will generate empty lookups for all pools.
 public CodeGenFile[] Generate(string[] poolNames) {
     var emptyInfos = new ComponentInfo[0];
     if (poolNames.Length == 0) {
         poolNames = new [] { string.Empty };
     return poolNames
         .Select(poolName => poolName + CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_COMPONENT_LOOKUP_TAG)
         .Select(lookupTag => new CodeGenFile {
             fileName = lookupTag,
             fileContent = generateIndicesLookup(lookupTag, emptyInfos).ToUnixLineEndings()
        // Important: This method should be called before Generate(componentInfos)
        // This will generate empty lookups for all pools.
        public CodeGenFile[] Generate(string[] poolNames)
            var emptyInfos    = new ComponentInfo[0];
            var generatorName = GetType().FullName;

                   .Select(poolName => poolName.PoolPrefix() + CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_COMPONENT_LOOKUP_TAG)
                   .Select(lookupTag => new CodeGenFile(
                               generateIndicesLookup(lookupTag, emptyInfos),
Ejemplo n.º 17
        static string addDefaultPoolCode(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            var code = addNamespace();

            code += addEntityMethods(componentInfo);
            if (componentInfo.isSingleEntity)
                code += addPoolMethods(componentInfo);
            code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
            code += closeNamespace();
Ejemplo n.º 18
         * MATCHER

        static string addMatcher(ComponentInfo componentInfo, bool onlyDefault = false)
            const string matcherFormat = @"
    public partial class $TagMatcher {

        static IMatcher _matcher$Name;

        public static IMatcher $Name {
            get {
                if(_matcher$Name == null) {
                    var matcher = (Matcher)Matcher.AllOf($Ids.$Name);
                    matcher.componentNames = $Ids.componentNames;
                    _matcher$Name = matcher;

                return _matcher$Name;

            if (onlyDefault)
                if (componentInfo.contexts.Contains(CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_CONTEXT_NAME))
                    return(buildString(componentInfo, matcherFormat));
                var contextIndex = 0;
                var matchers     = componentInfo.contexts.Aggregate(string.Empty, (acc, contextName) => {
                    if (!contextName.IsDefaultContextName())
                        return(acc + buildString(componentInfo, matcherFormat, contextIndex++));
                        contextIndex += 1;

                return(buildString(componentInfo, matchers));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        static object addPoolAddMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            return(componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
        public Entity Set$Name($typedArgs) {
            if (has$Name) {
                throw new EntitasException(""Could not set $name!\n"" + this + "" already has an entity with $Type!"",
                    ""You should check if the pool already has a $nameEntity before setting it or use pool.Replace$Name()."");
            var entity = CreateEntity();
            return entity;
        static string addIndices(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos) {
            const string fieldFormat = "    public const int {0} = {1};\n";
            const string totalFormat = "    public const int TotalComponents = {0};";
            var code = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < componentInfos.Length; i++) {
                var info = componentInfos[i];
                if (info != null) {
                    code += string.Format(fieldFormat, info.typeName.RemoveComponentSuffix(), i);

            var totalComponents = string.Format(totalFormat, componentInfos.Count(info => info != null));
            return code + "\n" + totalComponents;
 static object addContextAddMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
     public Entity Set$Name($typedArgs) {
     if(has$Name) {
         throw new EntitasException(""Could not set $name!\n"" + this + "" already has an entity with $Type!"",
             ""You should check if the context already has a $nameEntity before setting it or use context.Replace$Name()."");
     var entity = CreateEntity();
     return entity;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        static string addPoolReplaceMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            return(componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
        public Entity Replace$Name($typedArgs) {
            var entity = $nameEntity;
            if (entity == null) {
                entity = Set$Name($args);
            } else {

            return entity;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        // Important: This method should be called before Generate(componentInfos)
        // This will generate empty lookups for all pools.
        public CodeGenFile[] Generate(string[] poolNames)
            var emptyInfos = new ComponentInfo[0];

            if (poolNames.Length == 0)
                poolNames = new [] { string.Empty };
                   .Select(poolName => poolName + CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_COMPONENT_LOOKUP_TAG)
                   .Select(lookupTag => new CodeGenFile {
                fileName = lookupTag,
                fileContent = generateIndicesLookup(lookupTag, emptyInfos).ToUnixLineEndings()
Ejemplo n.º 24
        static string generateComponent(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            const string hideInBlueprintInspector = "[Entitas.Serialization.Blueprints.HideInBlueprintInspectorAttribute]\n";
            const string componentFormat          = @"public class {0} : IComponent {{

    public {1} {2};

            var          memberInfo = componentInfo.memberInfos[0];
            var          code       = string.Format(componentFormat, componentInfo.fullTypeName, memberInfo.type, memberInfo.name);

                        ? hideInBlueprintInspector + code
                        : code);
        static string addComponentNames(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos)
            const string format = "        \"{1}\",\n";
            var code = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < componentInfos.Length; i++) {
                var info = componentInfos[i];
                if (info != null) {
                    code += string.Format(format, i, info.typeName.RemoveComponentSuffix());
            if (code.EndsWith(",\n")) {
                code = code.Remove(code.Length - 2) + "\n";

            return string.Format(@"

            public static readonly string[] componentNames = {{
            {0}    }};", code);
        static string addComponentTypes(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos)
            const string format = "        typeof({1}),\n";
            var code = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < componentInfos.Length; i++) {
                var info = componentInfos[i];
                if (info != null) {
                    code += string.Format(format, i, info.fullTypeName);
            if (code.EndsWith(",\n")) {
                code = code.Remove(code.Length - 2) + "\n";

            return string.Format(@"

            public static readonly System.Type[] componentTypes = {{
            {0}    }};", code);
 static string addContextHasMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     var hasMethod = componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? @"
     public bool $prefix$Name {
     get { return $nameEntity != null; }
     set {
         var entity = $nameEntity;
         if(value != (entity != null)) {
             if(value) {
                 CreateEntity().$prefix$Name = true;
             } else {
     " : @"        public bool has$Name { get { return $nameEntity != null; } }
     return buildString(componentInfo, hasMethod);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        static string addContextHasMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            var hasMethod = componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? @"
        public bool $prefix$Name {
            get { return $nameEntity != null; }
            set {
                var entity = $nameEntity;
                if(value != (entity != null)) {
                    if(value) {
                        CreateEntity().$prefix$Name = true;
                    } else {
" : @"        public bool has$Name { get { return $nameEntity != null; } }

            return(buildString(componentInfo, hasMethod));
Ejemplo n.º 29
         * HELPERS

        static string buildString(ComponentInfo componentInfo, string format)
            format = createFormatString(format);
            var a0_type               = componentInfo.fullTypeName;
            var a1_name               = componentInfo.typeName.RemoveComponentSuffix();
            var a2_lowercaseName      = a1_name.LowercaseFirst();
            var poolNames             = componentInfo.pools;
            var a3_tag                = poolNames.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : poolNames[0];
            var lookupTags            = componentInfo.ComponentLookupTags();
            var a4_ids                = lookupTags.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : lookupTags[0];
            var fieldInfos            = componentInfo.fieldInfos;
            var a5_fieldNamesWithType = fieldNamesWithType(fieldInfos);
            var a6_fieldAssigns       = fieldAssignments(fieldInfos);
            var a7_fieldNames         = fieldNames(fieldInfos);
            var prefix                = componentInfo.singleComponentPrefix;
            var a8_prefix             = prefix.UppercaseFirst();
            var a9_lowercasePrefix    = prefix.LowercaseFirst();

            return(string.Format(format, a0_type, a1_name, a2_lowercaseName,
                                 a3_tag, a4_ids, a5_fieldNamesWithType, a6_fieldAssigns, a7_fieldNames,
                                 a8_prefix, a9_lowercasePrefix));
Ejemplo n.º 30
         * HELPERS

        static string buildString(ComponentInfo componentInfo, string format, int contextIndex = 0)
            format = createFormatString(format);
            var a0_type                = componentInfo.fullTypeName;
            var a1_name                = componentInfo.typeName.RemoveComponentSuffix();
            var a2_lowercaseName       = a1_name.LowercaseFirst();
            var contextNames           = componentInfo.contexts;
            var a3_tag                 = contextNames[contextIndex].ContextPrefix();
            var lookupTags             = componentInfo.ComponentLookupTags();
            var a4_ids                 = lookupTags.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : lookupTags[contextIndex];
            var memberInfos            = componentInfo.memberInfos;
            var a5_memberNamesWithType = memberNamesWithType(memberInfos);
            var a6_memberAssigns       = memberAssignments(memberInfos);
            var a7_memberNames         = memberNames(memberInfos);
            var prefix                 = componentInfo.singleComponentPrefix;
            var a8_prefix              = prefix.UppercaseFirst();
            var a9_lowercasePrefix     = prefix.LowercaseFirst();

            return(string.Format(format, a0_type, a1_name, a2_lowercaseName,
                                 a3_tag, a4_ids, a5_memberNamesWithType, a6_memberAssigns, a7_memberNames,
                                 a8_prefix, a9_lowercasePrefix));
Ejemplo n.º 31
        static string generateComponentExtension(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            var code = addNamespace();

            code += addEntityMethods(componentInfo);
            if (componentInfo.isSingleEntity)
                code += addPoolMethods(componentInfo);

            if (componentInfo.generateComponent)
                // Add default matcher
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo, true);
                code += closeNamespace();
                // Add custom matchers
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
                       + generateComponent(componentInfo)
                       + code);

            if (componentInfo.pools.Length == 0)
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
                code += closeNamespace();
                // Add default matcher
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo, true);
                code += closeNamespace();
                // Add custom matchers
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
                code  = addUsings("Entitas") + code;

        static Dictionary<string, ComponentInfo[]> getLookupTagToComponentInfosMap(ComponentInfo[] componentInfos) {
            var currentIndex = 0;
            var orderedComponentInfoToLookupTagsMap = componentInfos
                .Where(info => info.generateIndex)
                .ToDictionary(info => info, info => info.ComponentLookupTags())
                .OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value.Length);

            return orderedComponentInfoToLookupTagsMap
                .Aggregate(new Dictionary<string, ComponentInfo[]>(), (map, kv) => {
                    var info = kv.Key;
                    var lookupTags = kv.Value;
                    var incrementIndex = false;
                    foreach (var lookupTag in lookupTags) {
                        if (!map.ContainsKey(lookupTag)) {
                            map.Add(lookupTag, new ComponentInfo[componentInfos.Length]);

                        var infos = map[lookupTag];
                        if (lookupTags.Length == 1) {
                            // Component has only one lookupTag. Insert at next free slot.
                            for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) {
                                if (infos[i] == null) {
                                    infos[i] = info;
                        } else {
                            // Component has multiple lookupTags. Set at current index in all lookups.
                            infos[currentIndex] = info;
                            incrementIndex = true;
                    if (incrementIndex) {
                    return map;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public static string[] ComponentLookupTags(this ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            .Select(poolName => poolName.PoolPrefix() + CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_COMPONENT_LOOKUP_TAG)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public static string[] ComponentLookupTags(this ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            .Select(contextName => contextName.ContextPrefix() + CodeGenerator.DEFAULT_COMPONENT_LOOKUP_TAG)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 static string generateComponentExtension(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return(componentInfo.pools.Length == 0
                 ? addDefaultPoolCode(componentInfo)
                 : addCustomPoolCode(componentInfo));
        static string generateComponent(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            const string componentFormat = @"public class {0} : IComponent {{
            public {1} {2};

            var memberInfo = componentInfo.memberInfos[0];
            return string.Format(componentFormat, componentInfo.fullTypeName, memberInfo.type, memberInfo.name);
        static string generateComponentExtension(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            var code = addNamespace();
            code += addEntityMethods(componentInfo);
            if (componentInfo.isSingleEntity) {
                code += addPoolMethods(componentInfo);

            if (componentInfo.generateComponent) {
                // Add default matcher
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo, true);
                code += closeNamespace();
                // Add custom matchers
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
                return addUsings("Entitas")
                    + generateComponent(componentInfo)
                    + code;

            if (componentInfo.pools.Length == 0) {
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
                code += closeNamespace();
            } else {
                // Add default matcher
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo, true);
                code += closeNamespace();
                // Add custom matchers
                code += addMatcher(componentInfo);
                code = addUsings("Entitas") + code;

            return code;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 static string generateComponentExtension(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return componentInfo.pools.Length == 0
                 ? addDefaultPoolCode(componentInfo)
                 : addCustomPoolCode(componentInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        * MATCHER
        static string addMatcher(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            const string matcherFormat = @"
            public partial class $TagMatcher {
            static IMatcher _matcher$Name;

            public static IMatcher $Name {
            get {
                if (_matcher$Name == null) {
                    var matcher = (Matcher)Matcher.AllOf($Ids.$Name);
                    matcher.componentNames = $Ids.componentNames;
                    _matcher$Name = matcher;

                return _matcher$Name;
            if (componentInfo.pools.Length == 0) {
                return buildString(componentInfo, matcherFormat);

            var poolIndex = 0;
            var matchers = componentInfo.pools.Aggregate(string.Empty, (acc, poolName) => {
                return acc + buildString(componentInfo, matcherFormat, poolIndex++);

            return buildString(componentInfo, matchers);
Ejemplo n.º 40
         * HELPERS
        static string buildString(ComponentInfo componentInfo, string format, int poolIndex = 0)
            format = createFormatString(format);
            var a0_type = componentInfo.fullTypeName;
            var a1_name = componentInfo.typeName.RemoveComponentSuffix();
            var a2_lowercaseName = a1_name.LowercaseFirst();
            var poolNames = componentInfo.pools;
            var a3_tag = poolNames.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : poolNames[poolIndex];
            var lookupTags = componentInfo.ComponentLookupTags();
            var a4_ids = lookupTags.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : lookupTags[poolIndex];
            var memberInfos = componentInfo.memberInfos;
            var a5_memberNamesWithType = memberNamesWithType(memberInfos);
            var a6_memberAssigns = memberAssignments(memberInfos);
            var a7_memberNames = memberNames(memberInfos);
            var prefix = componentInfo.singleComponentPrefix;
            var a8_prefix = prefix.UppercaseFirst();
            var a9_lowercasePrefix = prefix.LowercaseFirst();

            return string.Format(format, a0_type, a1_name, a2_lowercaseName,
                a3_tag, a4_ids, a5_memberNamesWithType, a6_memberAssigns, a7_memberNames,
                a8_prefix, a9_lowercasePrefix);
Ejemplo n.º 41
 static string addPoolMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return addPoolClassHeader()
             + addPoolGetMethods(componentInfo)
             + addPoolHasMethods(componentInfo)
             + addPoolAddMethods(componentInfo)
             + addPoolReplaceMethods(componentInfo)
             + addPoolRemoveMethods(componentInfo)
             + addCloseClass();
Ejemplo n.º 42
 static string addRemoveMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
     public Entity Remove$Name() {
     return RemoveComponent($Ids.$Name);
Ejemplo n.º 43
        static string addPoolReplaceMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
            return componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
            public Entity Replace$Name($typedArgs) {
            var entity = $nameEntity;
            if (entity == null) {
                entity = Set$Name($args);
            } else {

            return entity;
Ejemplo n.º 44
 static string addPoolRemoveMethods(ComponentInfo componentInfo)
     return componentInfo.isSingletonComponent ? string.Empty : buildString(componentInfo, @"
     public void Remove$Name() {