//	Called everytime our object collides with a trigger collider
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider)
        //	We try to identify the object that collided with us as a projectile (laser beam).
        Projectile         missile  = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Projectile>();
        AsteroidController asteroid = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <AsteroidController>();

        //	If our ship collided with a laser beam, we decrease our ship's health in the amount
        //	of damage set by the projectile.  If the ship's health is zero or less, then we destroy
        //	our ship.
        if (missile)
            health -= missile.getDamage();
            missile.Hit();          // The missile is destroyed upon collision with our ship.
            if (health <= 0)
        else if (asteroid)
            health -= asteroid.getDamage();
            if (health <= 0)
        hpText.text = "HP : " + health;