public int AddArtifact(Artifact artifact) { var client = ClientHelper.GetClient(authorizator); HttpResponseMessage response = client.Post(Url("Artifacts/"), new ObjectContent<Artifact>(artifact, JsonValueMediaTypeFormatter.DefaultMediaType)); ClientHelper.HandleHTTPErrorCode(response); return response.Content.ReadAs<int>(); }
public ReferenceInfo(Artifact.Artifact artifact) { path = artifact.FileInfo.FullName; fileName = artifact.FileInfo.Name; version = artifact.Version; this.artifact = artifact; }
public void TestSaveFields() { string sRepositoryUrl = TestServerInfo.CombineUrlWithSPServer("/sites/UnitTests/Docs/TestArtifact"); string sTestDocUrl = TestServerInfo.CombineUrlWithSPServer("/sites/UnitTests/ContentTypeTests/SimpleTestDocForUploadingFields.docx"); Repository r = new Repository(TestServerInfo.SPTestServerName, sRepositoryUrl); Artifact a = new Artifact(new Uri(sTestDocUrl), r); }
public void UpdateArtifact(string contextUId, string artifactUId, Artifact artifact) { if (artifactUId != artifact.ArtifactUId || contextUId != artifact.ContextUId) throw new WebFaultException(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); VerifyPermision(artifact); artifactRepository.SaveArtifact(artifact); }
public int AddArtifact(Artifact artifact) { VerifyPermision(artifact); artifactRepository.SaveArtifact(artifact); int count = UpdateCounters(artifact); return count; }
public void GetById_Fails_If_throws_exception_or_returns_null() { var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var repo = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); repo.Insert(artifact); var session = new BidSession() { Artifact = artifact, Date = DateTime.Now }; var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<BidSession, Guid>>(); sut.Insert(session); var result = sut.GetById(session.Id); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(session.Id,result.Id); }
private void CreateBidSession(out Buyer currentBuyer, out BidSession bidSession) { var buyer = new Buyer() { Name = "Ertan", Surname = "Ergun" }; var repoBuyer = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Buyer, Guid>>(); repoBuyer.Insert(buyer); var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var repoArtifact = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); repoArtifact.Insert(artifact); var session = new BidSession() { Artifact = artifact, Date = DateTime.Now }; var repoSession = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<BidSession, Guid>>(); repoSession.Insert(session); bidSession = session; currentBuyer = buyer; }
public void TestArtifactIsNotEqual() { Artifact artefact = new Artifact(); artefact.ResourceUri = ""; artefact.GroupId = "org.openengsb.framework"; artefact.ArtifactId = "openengsb-framework"; artefact.Version = "2.6.0-SNAPSHOT"; artefact.Packaging = "zip"; artefact.Extension = "zip"; artefact.RepoId = "ossrh-snapshot"; artefact.ContextId = "ossrh-snapshot"; artefact.ArtifactLink = ""; Artifact artefactNotEqual = new Artifact(); artefactNotEqual.ResourceUri = ""; artefactNotEqual.GroupId = "org.openengsb.framework"; artefactNotEqual.ArtifactId = "openengsb-framework"; artefactNotEqual.Version = "2.6.0-SNAPSHOT"; artefactNotEqual.Packaging = "zip"; artefactNotEqual.Extension = "zip"; artefactNotEqual.RepoId = "ossrh-snapshot"; artefactNotEqual.ContextId = "ossrh-snapshot"; artefactNotEqual.ArtifactLink = ""; artefactNotEqual.PomLink = "DIFFRENT TO ARTEFACT1"; Assert.AreNotEqual<Artifact>(artefact, artefactNotEqual); }
public void TestIftwoArtifactWithDifferentSpezialVersionValuesReturn1WhenCompared() { Artifact ar = new Artifact(); ar.Version = "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-20130705"; Artifact ar2 = new Artifact(); ar2.Version = "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-20130706"; Assert.AreEqual(ar2.CompareTo(ar), 1); }
public void TestIftwoArtifactWhereOneVersionIsNullReturnMinus1WhenCompared() { Artifact ar = new Artifact(); ar.Version = "3.0.0"; Artifact ar2 = new Artifact(); ar2.Version = null; Assert.AreEqual(ar.CompareTo(ar2), 1); }
public void TestIftwoArtifactWithDifferentValuesReturn1WhenCompared() { Artifact ar = new Artifact(); ar.Version = "3.0.0"; Artifact ar2 = new Artifact(); ar2.Version = "2.0.0"; Assert.AreEqual(ar.CompareTo(ar2), 1); }
public void TestIftwoArtifactWhereTheOthersVersionIsNullReturn1WhenCompared() { Artifact ar = new Artifact(); ar.Version = null; Artifact ar2 = new Artifact(); ar2.Version = "2.0.0"; Assert.AreEqual(ar.CompareTo(ar2), -1); }
public void RarityTest() { var common = new Artifact(2 + (1 * 6) + (0 * 216)); var uncommon = new Artifact(2 + (0 * 6) + (0 * 216)); var rare = new Artifact(0 + (0 * 6) + (0 * 216)); Assert.AreEqual(Rarity.Common, common.rarity); Assert.AreEqual(Rarity.Uncommon, uncommon.rarity); Assert.AreEqual(Rarity.Rare, rare.rarity); }
public static string GetArtifactReferenceFilePath(Artifact.Artifact artifact, string referenceFolder) { string artifactReferenceFolder = GetArtifactReferenceFolder(artifact, referenceFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(artifactReferenceFolder); string artifactReferenceFilePath = Path.Combine(artifactReferenceFolder, String.Concat(artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.FileInfo.Extension)); return artifactReferenceFilePath; }
public void JSON() { GameDB.InitCodecs(); var obj = new Artifact(0); var json = Jboy.Json.WriteObject(obj); var objClone = Jboy.Json.ReadObject<Artifact>(json); Assert.IsTrue( ==; }
public static string GetArtifactReferenceFolder(Artifact.Artifact artifact, string referenceFolder) { //modified artifactFolder to match the .dll searched in NPanday.ProjectImporter.Digest.Model.Reference.cs string artifactFolder = Path.Combine( referenceFolder, string.Format("{0}\\{1}-{2}", artifact.GroupId, artifact.ArtifactId, artifact.Version)); return artifactFolder; }
public void TestGetArtifactById( ) { Repository repo = new Repository( "TestRepository", "LibraryUrl" ); Artifact artifact = new Artifact( "myserver/MyArtifact.docx", repo ); repo.AddArtifact( artifact ); IArtifact foundArtifact = repo.GetArtifactById( "myserver/MyArtifact.docx", "" ); Assert.IsNotNull(foundArtifact); Assert.AreEqual( foundArtifact.Id, artifact.Id ); }
public void TestVersions() { string sRepositoryUrl = TestServerInfo.CombineUrlWithSPServer("/sites/UnitTests/Docs/TestArtifact"); string sTestDocUrl = TestServerInfo.CombineUrlWithSPServer("/sites/UnitTests/Docs/TestArtifact/ThisDocumentHas5Versions.docx"); Repository r = new Repository(TestServerInfo.SPTestServerName, sRepositoryUrl); Artifact a = new Artifact(new Uri(sTestDocUrl), r); Assert.IsNotNull(a.Versions); Assert.AreEqual("5", a.VersionLabel); Assert.AreEqual(5, a.Versions.Count); }
public void Insert_Fails_If_throws_exception() { var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); sut.Insert(artifact); }
public static bool AnalyzeArtifact(Artifact artifact) { if (State.CurrentAP < State.AnalyzeArtifactAPCost) return false; State.CurrentAP -= State.AnalyzeArtifactAPCost; //artifact.Status = ArtifactStatus.Analyzing; artifact.Status = ArtifactStatus.Analyzed; State.Wiring += artifact.Wiring; State.Alloy += artifact.Alloy; State.Chips += artifact.Chips; return true; }
public void TestGetArtifactById_CaseInsensitivity( ) { Repository repo = new Repository( "TestRepository", "LibraryUrl" ); Artifact artifact = new Artifact( "MYSERVER/MyArtifact.docx", repo ); repo.AddArtifact( artifact ); IArtifact foundArtifact = repo.GetArtifactById( "myserver/MyArtifact.docx", "" ); Assert.IsNotNull( foundArtifact ); Assert.AreEqual( foundArtifact.Id, artifact.Id ); foundArtifact = repo.GetArtifactById( "myserver/myartifact.docx", "" ); Assert.IsNull( foundArtifact ); // want to keep case sensitivity for document part }
public void Update_Fails_If_throws_exception() { var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); sut.Insert(artifact); artifact.Description = string.Format("{0} {1}", artifact.Description, "Updated"); sut.Update(artifact); }
public void CreateSession_Fails_if_throws_exception() { var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var repo = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); repo.Insert(artifact); var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IBidSessionManager>(); sut.CreateSession(artifact); }
public static DateTime GetArtifactTimestamp(Artifact.Artifact artifact) { // try maven-metadata-${repoId}.xml or maven-metadata-local.xml string localRepoArtifactFolder = artifact.FileInfo.Directory.FullName; string[] metadataFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(localRepoArtifactFolder, "maven-metadata-*.xml"); DateTime metadataTimestamp; if (!TryGetArtifactTimestampFromMetadataFiles(metadataFilePaths, out metadataTimestamp)) { // if that fails, get the file's timestamp) metadataTimestamp = new FileInfo(artifact.FileInfo.FullName).LastWriteTimeUtc; } return metadataTimestamp; }
public override Color GetBackColor(Artifact issue, Color def) { if (issue.Type == ArtifactType.Defect) return Color.LightCoral; if (issue.Type == ArtifactType.Task) { if(issue.Parent.Type == ArtifactType.Defect) return Color.MistyRose; return Color.LightGreen; } return def; }
/// <summary> /// Function to save artifact details. /// </summary> /// <param name="artifact">artifact information.</param> public void InsertOrUpdate(Artifact artifact) { if (artifact == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(ArtifactConstant); } if (artifact.ArtifactID == default(int)) { this.unitOfWork.Context.Entry(artifact).State = EntityState.Added; } else { this.unitOfWork.Context.Entry(artifact).State = EntityState.Modified; } }
public void Delete_Fails_If_throws_exception_or_returns_not_null() { var buyer = new Buyer() { Name = "Ertan", Surname = "Ergun" }; var repoBuyer = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Buyer, Guid>>(); repoBuyer.Insert(buyer); var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var repoArtifact = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); repoArtifact.Insert(artifact); var session = new BidSession() { Artifact = artifact, Date = DateTime.Now }; var repoSession = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<BidSession, Guid>>(); repoSession.Insert(session); var history = new BidHistory() { Buyer = buyer, Session = session, Bid = 1 }; var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<BidHistory, Guid>>(); sut.Insert(history); var result = sut.GetById(history.Id); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(history.Id, result.Id); sut.Delete(history); result = sut.GetById(history.Id); Assert.Null(result); }
public void SaveArtifact(Artifact artifact) { using (var context = new ScrumFactoryEntities(this.connectionString)) { Artifact oldArtifact = context.Artifacts.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ArtifactUId == artifact.ArtifactUId); if (oldArtifact == null) context.Artifacts.AddObject(artifact); else { context.AttachTo("Artifacts", oldArtifact); context.ApplyCurrentValues<Artifact>("Artifacts", artifact); } context.SaveChanges(); }; }
public void RegisterArtifact_Fails_if_cannot_create_new_artifact() { var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Test", ImagePath = "image", IsDeleted = false }; var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IArtifactManager>(); sut.RegisterArtifact(artifact); var repo = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); var result = repo.GetById(artifact.Id); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(artifact.Id, result.Id); }
public void Delete_Fails_If_throws_exception_or_returns_not_null() { var artifact = new Artifact() { Name = "Test", Description = "Desc", ImagePath = "none" }; var sut = ObjectFactory.Get<IRepository<Artifact, Guid>>(); sut.Insert(artifact); var result = sut.GetById(artifact.Id); Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(artifact.Id, result.Id); sut.Delete(artifact); result = sut.GetById(artifact.Id); Assert.Null(result); }
public void Test_NewArtifactIsValid() { Artifact art = new Artifact(); Assert.True(art != null); }
protected void ReceiveArtifactReward(int itemId) { artifactReward = new Artifact(itemId); Log("Received artifact reward: " +; }
private void RefreshDesc(Artifact data) { this.mTxName.set_text(GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(, false)); ResourceManager.SetSprite(this.mRectIcon.GetComponent <Image>(), GameDataUtils.GetIcon(this.mGodData.model)); string text = string.Empty; string text2 = string.Empty; Artifact.SystemparameterPair systemparameterPair = data.systemParameter.Find((Artifact.SystemparameterPair e) => e.key == EntityWorld.Instance.EntSelf.TypeID); if (systemparameterPair != null || data.system == 5) { switch (data.system) { case 1: { Skill skill = DataReader <Skill> .Get(systemparameterPair.value); if (skill != null) { text = "激活技能:" + GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(, false); text2 = GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(skill.describeId, false); } break; } case 2: { Runes runes = DataReader <Runes> .Get(systemparameterPair.value); Runes_basic runes_basic = DataReader <Runes_basic> .Get(systemparameterPair.value); if (runes != null && runes_basic != null) { text = "激活符文:" + GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(, false); text2 = GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(runes.desc, false); } break; } case 3: { SystemOpen systemOpen = DataReader <SystemOpen> .Get(systemparameterPair.value); if (systemOpen != null) { text2 = GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(systemOpen.bewrite, false); } break; } case 4: { ArtifactSkill artifactSkill = DataReader <ArtifactSkill> .Get(systemparameterPair.value); if (artifactSkill != null) { text = "激活被动:" + GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(, false); text2 = GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(artifactSkill.desc, false); } break; } case 5: text = "激活属性:" + GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(data.skillName, false); text2 = GameDataUtils.GetChineseContent(data.skillExplain, false); break; } } this.mTxTitle.set_text(text); this.mTxContent.set_text(text2); }
private void SetOptionAndArtifact(string key, string value) { SetOption(key, value); Artifact?.Invoke(this, new ArtifactEventArgs(key, value)); }
public ExeAssembler(Artifact artifact, string sourceFullPath, string destinationFullPath, AssembleOptions options, TaskLoggingHelper log) : base(artifact, sourceFullPath, destinationFullPath, options, log) { }
public void RemapIndicesVisitor_RemapsNestedFilesProperly() { // This run has a single result that points to a doubly nested file. var baselineRun = new Run { Tool = new Tool { Driver = new ToolComponent { Name = "Test Tool" } }, Artifacts = new List <Artifact> { new Artifact { Location = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 0 }, Contents = new ArtifactContent { Text = "1" } }, new Artifact { Location = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 1 }, Contents = new ArtifactContent { Text = "1.2" }, ParentIndex = 0 }, new Artifact { Location = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 2 }, Contents = new ArtifactContent { Text = "1.2.3." }, ParentIndex = 1 } }, Results = new List <Result> { new Result { Locations = new List <Location> { new Location { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { ArtifactLocation = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 2 } } } } } } }; // This run has a single result pointing to a single file location. var currentRun = new Run { Tool = new Tool { Driver = new ToolComponent { Name = "Test Tool" } }, Artifacts = new List <Artifact> { new Artifact { Location = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 0 }, Contents = new ArtifactContent { Text = "New" } }, new Artifact { Location = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 1 }, Contents = new ArtifactContent { Text = "Child of new" }, ParentIndex = 0 }, }, Results = new List <Result> { new Result { Locations = new List <Location> { new Location { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { ArtifactLocation = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 0 } } } } } } }; Run mergedRun = currentRun.DeepClone(); // How does this remapping work? First, we initialize the indices remapper // with a set of existing files (analagous to the files list of the most // recent log in a baselining situation). Next, visit a set of results // from the baseline itself, providing the historical set of file data // objects from the baseline. The visit does two things: 1) updates the // visitor files table with the superset of file data objects between // the baseline and current run, 2) updates individual results from the // baseline so that their file index values are correct. // 1. At this point the merged run consists of a copy of the current run. // After visitor construction, we should see that the visitor's // CurrentFiles property is equivalent to mergedRun.Files. The visitor // has also been initialized with a dictionary that uses the complete // file hierarchy as a key into the files array var visitor = new RemapIndicesVisitor(mergedRun.Artifacts, currentLogicalLocations: null); visitor.CurrentArtifacts.Should().BeEquivalentTo(mergedRun.Artifacts); visitor.RemappedArtifacts.Count.Should().Be(mergedRun.Artifacts.Count); // 2. We set HistoricalFiles to point to the old files array from the // baseline run, then visit each baseline result. After each result // visit, any file data objects (including parent files) for the // result have been added to visitor.CurrentFiles, if missing. Each // result fileIndex data is updated. We move the updated result // objects to the merged run. // Various operations mutate state. We will make a copy so that we can // compare our ulitmate results to an unaltered original baseline. Run baselineRunCopy = baselineRun.DeepClone(); visitor.HistoricalFiles = baselineRunCopy.Artifacts; foreach (Result result in baselineRunCopy.Results) { visitor.VisitResult(result); mergedRun.Results.Add(result); } // 3. After completing the results array visit, we'll grab the // files array that represents all merged files from the runs. mergedRun.Artifacts = visitor.CurrentArtifacts; // The artifacts in the merged run are the union of the artifacts from the baseline and // current runs. In this test case, there are no artifacts in common between the two // runs, so the number of artifacts in the merged run is just the sum of the baseline // and current runs. mergedRun.Artifacts.Count.Should().Be(baselineRun.Artifacts.Count + currentRun.Artifacts.Count); // Every artifact in the merged run's artifacts array has an index that points to its // own location in the array, even though the artifacts that came from the baseline run // originally resided at a different index. for (int i = 0; i < mergedRun.Artifacts.Count; i++) { mergedRun.Artifacts[i].Location.Index.Should().Be(i); } // The artifacts from the current run are in the same place as before. The artifacts // from the baseline run have moved to the end of the merged array. Verify this by // matching up their text contents. for (int i = 0; i < currentRun.Artifacts.Count; i++) { int oldIndex = i; int newIndex = i; currentRun.Artifacts[oldIndex].Contents.Text.Should().Be(mergedRun.Artifacts[newIndex].Contents.Text); } for (int i = 0; i < baselineRun.Artifacts.Count; i++) { int oldIndex = i; int newIndex = i + currentRun.Artifacts.Count; baselineRun.Artifacts[oldIndex].Contents.Text.Should().Be(mergedRun.Artifacts[newIndex].Contents.Text); } // The artifact index in the merged run's results have been adjusted as well. for (int i = 0; i < currentRun.Results.Count; ++i) { int oldIndex = currentRun.Results[i].Locations[0].PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.Index; int newIndex = mergedRun.Results[i].Locations[0].PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.Index; mergedRun.Artifacts[newIndex].Contents.Text.Should().Be(currentRun.Artifacts[oldIndex].Contents.Text); } // Verify that the parent index chain for the nested artifacts was updated properly // Recall that visitor placed the artifacts from the baseline run at the end of the // merged run's artifacts array, and that in this test case, the artifacts in the // baseline run were arranged with the most nested artifact at the end. Artifact artifact = mergedRun.Artifacts[mergedRun.Artifacts.Count - 1]; artifact.ParentIndex.Should().Be(3); artifact = mergedRun.Artifacts[artifact.ParentIndex]; artifact.ParentIndex.Should().Be(2); artifact = mergedRun.Artifacts[artifact.ParentIndex]; artifact.ParentIndex.Should().Be(-1); }
public static UserPrize FromArtifact(Artifact artifact) => default;
// Used to trigger an effect upon consuming Ammunition. // Triggered: when consuming an Ammunition-type Artifact, after reducing its Quantity. // artifactConsumed - ammunition that is being consumed. public virtual void OnConsumed(Artifact artifactConsumed) { }
public void RemapIndicesVisitor_RemapsNestedFilesProperly() { // This run has a single result that points to a doubly nested file Run baselineRun = CreateRunWithNestedFilesForTesting(); // This run has a single result pointing to a single file location var currentRun = new Run() { Tool = new Tool { Driver = new ToolComponent { Name = "Test Tool" } }, Artifacts = new List <Artifact> { new Artifact { Location = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 0 }, Contents = new ArtifactContent { Text = "New" } }, }, Results = new List <Result> { new Result { Locations = new List <Location> { new Location { PhysicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation { ArtifactLocation = new ArtifactLocation { Index = 0 } } } } } } }; Run mergedRun = currentRun.DeepClone(); // How does this remapping work? First, we initialize the indices remapper // with a set of existing files (analagous to the files list of the most // recent log in a baselining situation). Next, visit a set of results // from the baseline itself, providing the historical set of file data // objects from the baseline. The visit does two things: 1) updates the // visitor files table with the superset of file data objects between // the baseline and current run, 2) updates individual results from the // baseline so that their file index values are correct. // 1. At this point the merged run consists of a copy of the current run. // After visitor construction, we should see that the visitor's // CurrentFiles property is equivalent to mergedRun.Files. The visitor // has also been initialized with a dictionary that uses the complete // file hierarchy as a key into the files array var visitor = new RemapIndicesVisitor(mergedRun.Artifacts); visitor.CurrentFiles.Should().BeEquivalentTo(mergedRun.Artifacts); visitor.RemappedFiles.Count.Should().Be(mergedRun.Artifacts.Count); // 2. We set HistoricalFiles to point to the old files array from the // baseline run, then visit each baseline result. After each result // visit, any file data objects (including parent files) for the // result have been added to visitor.CurrentFiles, if missing. Each // result fileIndex data is updated. We move the updated result // objects to the merged run. // Various operations mutate state. We will make a copy so that we can // compare our ulitmate results to an unaltered original baseline var baselineRunCopy = baselineRun.DeepClone(); visitor.HistoricalFiles = baselineRunCopy.Artifacts; foreach (Result result in baselineRunCopy.Results) { visitor.VisitResult(result); mergedRun.Results.Add(result); } // 3. After completing the results array visit, we'll grab the // files array that represents all merged files from the runs. mergedRun.Artifacts = visitor.CurrentFiles; // We expect the merged files to be a superset of file data objects from the two runs mergedRun.Artifacts.Count.Should().Be(baselineRun.Artifacts.Count + currentRun.Artifacts.Count); // We expect that every merged file data has a corrected file index for (int i = 0; i < mergedRun.Artifacts.Count; i++) { mergedRun.Artifacts[i].Location.Index.Should().Be(i); } // We should see that the file index of the result we added should be pushed out by 1, // to account for the second run's file data objects being appended to the single // file data object in the first run. mergedRun.Artifacts[mergedRun.Results[0].Locations[0].PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.Index].Contents.Text.Should() .Be(currentRun.Artifacts[currentRun.Results[0].Locations[0].PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.Index].Contents.Text); // Similarly, we expect that all file data objects from the first run have been offset by one for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { baselineRun.Artifacts[i].Contents.Text.Should().Be(mergedRun.Artifacts[i + 1].Contents.Text); } // Finally, we should ensure that the parent index chain was updated properly on merging Artifact fileData = mergedRun.Artifacts[mergedRun.Results[1].Locations[0].PhysicalLocation.ArtifactLocation.Index]; // Most nested fileData.ParentIndex.Should().Be(2); mergedRun.Artifacts[fileData.ParentIndex].ParentIndex.Should().Be(1); mergedRun.Artifacts[mergedRun.Artifacts[fileData.ParentIndex].ParentIndex].ParentIndex.Should().Be(-1); }
public static bool TryResolve(Product product, Version version, OSPlatform os, out Artifact artifact) { var p = product.Moniker; var downloadPath = $"{ArtifactsUrl}/downloads/{product}"; var archive = $"{p}-{version}-{OsMonikers.CurrentPlatformPackageSuffix()}.{product.Extension}"; if (!product.PlatformDependant || version <= product.PlatformSuffixAfter) { archive = $"{p}-{version}.{product.Extension}"; } var downloadUrl = $"{downloadPath}/{archive}"; artifact = new Artifact(product, version, downloadUrl, ArtifactBuildState.Released, null); return(true); }
private void SetCurrentData() { GodWeaponProgressManager.< SetCurrentData > c__AnonStoreyB6 <SetCurrentData> c__AnonStoreyB = new GodWeaponProgressManager.< SetCurrentData > c__AnonStoreyB6(); this.CurSystemData = null; this.CurGodWeaponData = null;
Task GetBudgetAsync([Dense] Artifact artifact, double relics, int currentLevel = 0) { relics = relics.Clamp(0, double.MaxValue); currentLevel = currentLevel.Clamp(0, artifact.MaxLevel ?? int.MaxValue); return(ShowArtifactAsync(artifact, currentLevel, artifact.BudgetArtifact(relics, currentLevel))); }
private void MenuBrowser_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) { if (e.Url.Scheme == "masterplan") { e.Cancel = true; if (e.Url.LocalPath == "new") { OnNewProjectClicked(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "open") { OnOpenProjectClicked(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "last") { OnOpenLastProjectClicked(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "delve") { OnDelveClicked(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "genesis") { Creature c = new Creature(); c.Name = "New Creature"; Masterplan.UI.CreatureBuilderForm dlg = new Masterplan.UI.CreatureBuilderForm(c); dlg.ShowDialog(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "exodus") { CreatureTemplate ct = new CreatureTemplate(); ct.Name = "New Template"; Masterplan.UI.CreatureTemplateBuilderForm dlg = new Masterplan.UI.CreatureTemplateBuilderForm(ct); dlg.ShowDialog(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "minos") { Trap trap = new Trap(); trap.Name = "New Trap"; trap.Attacks.Add(new TrapAttack()); Masterplan.UI.TrapBuilderForm dlg = new Masterplan.UI.TrapBuilderForm(trap); dlg.ShowDialog(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "excalibur") { MagicItem mi = new MagicItem(); mi.Name = "New Magic Item"; Masterplan.UI.MagicItemBuilderForm dlg = new Masterplan.UI.MagicItemBuilderForm(mi); dlg.ShowDialog(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "indiana") { Artifact a = new Artifact(); a.Name = "New Artifact"; Masterplan.UI.ArtifactBuilderForm dlg = new Masterplan.UI.ArtifactBuilderForm(a); dlg.ShowDialog(); } if (e.Url.LocalPath == "manual") { open_manual(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EventMetadata"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="eventId">An <see cref="EventId"/> that uniquely identifies this event.</param> /// <param name="versionedEventSource">The <see cref="VersionedEventSource" /> that this event applies to.</param> /// <param name="correlationId">A <see cref="CorrelationId" /> to relate this event to other artifacts and actions within the system.</param> /// <param name="artifact">The <see cref="Artifact" /> that represents this event.</param> /// <param name="occurred">A timestamp in the form of a <see cref="DateTimeOffset" /> recording when the <see cref="IEvent" /> occurred.</param> /// <param name="originalContext">The <see cref="OriginalContext" /> of the <see cref="IEvent" />.</param> public EventMetadata(EventId eventId, VersionedEventSource versionedEventSource, CorrelationId correlationId, Artifact artifact, DateTimeOffset occurred, OriginalContext originalContext) { Id = eventId; VersionedEventSource = versionedEventSource; CorrelationId = correlationId; Artifact = artifact; Occurred = occurred; OriginalContext = originalContext; }
private static Run CreateRun( IEnumerable <string> analysisTargets, OptionallyEmittedData dataToInsert, OptionallyEmittedData dataToRemove, IEnumerable <string> invocationTokensToRedact, IEnumerable <string> invocationPropertiesToLog, string defaultFileEncoding = null, IDictionary <string, HashData> filePathToHashDataMap = null) { var run = new Run { Invocations = new List <Invocation>(), DefaultEncoding = defaultFileEncoding }; if (analysisTargets != null) { run.Artifacts = new List <Artifact>(); foreach (string target in analysisTargets) { Uri uri = new Uri(UriHelper.MakeValidUri(target), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); HashData hashData = null; if (dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.Hashes)) { filePathToHashDataMap?.TryGetValue(target, out hashData); } var fileData = Artifact.Create( new Uri(target, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), dataToInsert, hashData: hashData); var fileLocation = new ArtifactLocation { Uri = uri }; fileData.Location = fileLocation; // This call will insert the file object into run.Files if not already present fileData.Location.Index = run.GetFileIndex( fileData.Location, addToFilesTableIfNotPresent: true, dataToInsert: dataToInsert, encoding: null, hashData: hashData); } } var invocation = Invocation.Create( emitMachineEnvironment: dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.EnvironmentVariables), emitTimestamps: !dataToRemove.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.NondeterministicProperties), invocationPropertiesToLog); // TODO we should actually redact across the complete log file context // by a dedicated rewriting visitor or some other approach. if (invocationTokensToRedact != null) { invocation.CommandLine = Redact(invocation.CommandLine, invocationTokensToRedact); invocation.Machine = Redact(invocation.Machine, invocationTokensToRedact); invocation.Account = Redact(invocation.Account, invocationTokensToRedact); if (invocation.WorkingDirectory != null) { invocation.WorkingDirectory.Uri = Redact(invocation.WorkingDirectory.Uri, invocationTokensToRedact); } if (invocation.EnvironmentVariables != null) { string[] keys = invocation.EnvironmentVariables.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (string key in keys) { string value = invocation.EnvironmentVariables[key]; invocation.EnvironmentVariables[key] = Redact(value, invocationTokensToRedact); } } } run.Invocations.Add(invocation); return(run); }
private static OrderSensitiveValueComparisonList <Artifact> ConstructFilesChain(IList <Artifact> existingFiles, Artifact currentFile) { var fileChain = new OrderSensitiveValueComparisonList <Artifact>(Artifact.ValueComparer); int parentIndex; do { currentFile = currentFile.DeepClone(); parentIndex = currentFile.ParentIndex; // Index information is entirely irrelevant for the identity of nested files, // as each element of the chain could be stored at arbitrary locations in // the run.files table. And so we elide this information. currentFile.ParentIndex = -1; if (currentFile.Location != null) { currentFile.Location.Index = -1; } fileChain.Add(currentFile); if (parentIndex != -1) { currentFile = existingFiles[parentIndex]; } } while (parentIndex != -1); return(fileChain); }
void update_parcels() { ParcelList.Items.Clear(); foreach (Parcel p in fPoint.Parcels) { string name = p.Name; if (name == "") { name = "(undefined parcel)"; } if (p.MagicItemID != Guid.Empty) { if (Treasure.PlaceholderIDs.Contains(p.MagicItemID)) { // Placeholder } else { MagicItem item = Session.FindMagicItem(p.MagicItemID, SearchType.Global); if (item != null) { name += " (" + item.Info.ToLower() + ")"; } } } if (p.ArtifactID != Guid.Empty) { if (Treasure.PlaceholderIDs.Contains(p.ArtifactID)) { // Placeholder } else { Artifact item = Session.FindArtifact(p.ArtifactID, SearchType.Global); if (item != null) { name += " (" + item.Tier.ToString().ToLower() + " tier)"; } } } ListViewItem lvi = ParcelList.Items.Add(name); lvi.Tag = p; if (p.Details != "") { lvi.SubItems.Add(p.Details); } else { lvi.SubItems.Add("(no details)"); } Hero hero = null; if (p.HeroID != Guid.Empty) { hero = Session.Project.FindHero(p.HeroID); } if (hero != null) { lvi.SubItems.Add("Allocated to " + hero.Name); } else { lvi.SubItems.Add("(not allocated to a PC)"); } } if (ParcelList.Items.Count == 0) { ListViewItem lvi = ParcelList.Items.Add("(no parcels)"); lvi.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; } }
public override Artifact VisitArtifact(Artifact node) { return(base.VisitArtifact(node)); }
public override PhysicalLocation VisitPhysicalLocation(PhysicalLocation node) { if (node.Region == null || node.Region.IsBinaryRegion) { goto Exit; } bool insertRegionSnippets = _dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.RegionSnippets); bool overwriteExistingData = _dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.OverwriteExistingData); bool insertContextCodeSnippets = _dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.ContextRegionSnippets); bool populateRegionProperties = _dataToInsert.HasFlag(OptionallyEmittedData.ComprehensiveRegionProperties); if (insertRegionSnippets || populateRegionProperties || insertContextCodeSnippets) { Region expandedRegion; ArtifactLocation artifactLocation = node.ArtifactLocation; _fileRegionsCache = _fileRegionsCache ?? new FileRegionsCache(_run); if (artifactLocation.Uri == null && artifactLocation.Index >= 0) { // Uri is not stored at result level, but we have an index to go look in run.Artifacts // we must pick the ArtifactLocation details from run.artifacts array Artifact artifactFromRun = _run.Artifacts[artifactLocation.Index]; artifactLocation = artifactFromRun.Location; } // If we can resolve a file location to a newly constructed // absolute URI, we will prefer that if (!artifactLocation.TryReconstructAbsoluteUri(_run.OriginalUriBaseIds, out Uri resolvedUri)) { resolvedUri = artifactLocation.Uri; } if (!resolvedUri.IsAbsoluteUri) { goto Exit; } expandedRegion = _fileRegionsCache.PopulateTextRegionProperties(node.Region, resolvedUri, populateSnippet: insertRegionSnippets); ArtifactContent originalSnippet = node.Region.Snippet; if (populateRegionProperties) { node.Region = expandedRegion; } if (originalSnippet == null || overwriteExistingData) { node.Region.Snippet = expandedRegion.Snippet; } else { node.Region.Snippet = originalSnippet; } if (insertContextCodeSnippets && (node.ContextRegion == null || overwriteExistingData)) { node.ContextRegion = _fileRegionsCache.ConstructMultilineContextSnippet(expandedRegion, resolvedUri); } } Exit: return(base.VisitPhysicalLocation(node)); }
public DllAssembler(Artifact artifact, string sourceFullPath, string destinationFullPath, AssembleOptions options, TaskLoggingHelper log, GacUtil gac) : base(artifact, sourceFullPath, destinationFullPath, options, log) { m_gac = gac; }
public void Artifact_Create_NullUri() { Action action = () => { Artifact.Create(null, OptionallyEmittedData.None); }; action.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>(); }
public void Artifact_DeserializeSingleFileRole() { Artifact actual = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("{\"roles\":[\"analysisTarget\"]}", typeof(Artifact)) as Artifact; actual.Roles.Should().Be(ArtifactRoles.AnalysisTarget); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandRequest"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="correlationId"><see cref="CorrelationId"/> for the request.</param> /// <param name="artifactId"><see cref="ArtifactId">Identifier</see> of the command.</param> /// <param name="generation"><see cref="ArtifactGeneration">Generation</see> of the command.</param> /// <param name="content">Content of the command.</param> public CommandRequest(CorrelationId correlationId, ArtifactId artifactId, ArtifactGeneration generation, IDictionary <string, object> content) { CorrelationId = correlationId; Type = new Artifact(artifactId, generation); Content = content; }
public void Artifact_DeserializeMultipleFileRoles() { Artifact actual = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("{\"roles\":[\"responseFile\",\"resultFile\"]}", typeof(Artifact)) as Artifact; actual.Roles.Should().Be(ArtifactRoles.ResponseFile | ArtifactRoles.ResultFile); }
protected string GetDestinationFullPath(Artifact artifact) { return(Path.Combine(Options.OutputFolder, artifact.ProjectRelativePath)); }
public void Awake() { Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to check for mod compatibility..."); //Check if Mods are loaded. hasClayMan = AssetLoaderAndChecker.CheckForMod("com.Moffein.ClayMen"); hasAncientWisp = AssetLoaderAndChecker.CheckForMod("com.Moffein.AncientWisp"); hasArchWisp = AssetLoaderAndChecker.CheckForMod("com.Nebby1999.ArchaicWisps"); hasMysticItems = AssetLoaderAndChecker.CheckForMod("com.themysticsword.mysticsitems"); Debug.Log("MVP: Mod Compat Checker finished."); //Register Hooks Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to create custom hooks..."); RegisterHooks(); Debug.Log("MVP: Hook creation finished."); //Load Monster Variant Assets Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to load Assets..."); AssetLoaderAndChecker.LoadAssets(); //Initializes Config Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to initialize the Config File."); ConfigLoader.SetupConfigLoader(Config); //Initializes variant spawn chances ConfigLoader.ReadConfig(Config); Debug.Log("MVP: Config creation finished."); //Make sure config values aren't invalid. if (ConfigLoader.EnableConfigcheck) { Debug.Log("MVP: " + ConfigLoader.EnableConfigCheckConfig.Definition.Key + "Is set to True, proceeding to check for bad values in the config..."); AssetLoaderAndChecker.PreventBadValues(Config); } else { Debug.Log("MVP: " + ConfigLoader.EnableConfigCheckConfig.Definition.Key + "Is set to False, skipping to skill registration..."); } //Registers skills Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to register Monster Variants Skills..."); SubClasses.Skills.CustomSkills.RegisterSkills(); Debug.Log("MVP: Monster Variants Skills registered..."); //Register Artifact of Variance if (ConfigLoader.EnableArtifactOfVariance) { Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to Register the Artifact of Variance"); Artifact.InitializeArtifact(); Debug.Log("MVP: Artifact Registered..."); } Debug.Log("MVP: Proceeding to register prefabs"); //Registers Prefabs... hopefully? var Prefabs = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(type => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PrefabBase))); foreach (var prefabType in Prefabs) { PrefabBase prefab = (PrefabBase)System.Activator.CreateInstance(prefabType); prefab.Init(); } //Initializes custom items for monster variants, thanks Komrade for the boilerplate! <3 var ItemTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(type => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MVPItemBase))); foreach (var itemType in ItemTypes) { MVPItemBase item = (MVPItemBase)System.Activator.CreateInstance(itemType); if (ValidateItem(item, Items)) { item.Init(); } } //main hook On.RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer += (orig, self, DamageReport) => { foreach (VariantHandler enemy in DamageReport.victimBody.GetComponents <VariantHandler>()) { if (enemy.isVariant && (DamageReport.victimTeamIndex == (TeamIndex)2)) { if (ConfigLoader.CertainVariantsSpawnMoreEnemies) { TrySpawnEnemy(DamageReport.victimBody); } if (ConfigLoader.EnableItemRewards) { if (Run.instance.isRunStopwatchPaused && ConfigLoader.HiddenRealmItemdropBehavior != "Unchanged") { if (ConfigLoader.HiddenRealmItemdropBehavior == "Halved") { int rng = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 20); if (rng > 10) { ExtraRewards.TryExtraReward(enemy, DamageReport.victimBody, DamageReport.attackerBody); } } else //(Hidden Realm item drop behavior is "Never") { } } else { ExtraRewards.TryExtraReward(enemy, DamageReport.victimBody, DamageReport.attackerBody); } } if (ConfigLoader.EnableGoldRewards) { uint multipliedGold = MultiplyGold.MultiplyMoney(self.goldReward, enemy); self.goldReward = multipliedGold; } if (ConfigLoader.EnableXPRewards) { uint multipliedXP = MultiplyXP.MultiplyExperience(self.expReward, enemy); self.expReward = multipliedXP; } } } orig(self, DamageReport); }; }
private Stream GetContentStream(Uri uri, out Encoding encoding) { Stream stream = null; encoding = null; string failureReason = null; IList <Artifact> files = _currentV2Run.Artifacts; if (uri != null && files != null && _v1FileKeyToV2IndexMap != null) { if (_v1FileKeyToV2IndexMap.TryGetValue(uri.OriginalString, out int index)) { Artifact fileData = files[index]; // We need the encoding because the content might have been transcoded to UTF-8 string encodingName = fileData.Encoding ?? _currentV2Run.DefaultEncoding; encoding = GetFileEncoding(encodingName); if (encoding != null) { if (fileData.Contents?.Binary != null) { // Embedded binary file content byte[] content = Convert.FromBase64String(fileData.Contents.Binary); stream = new MemoryStream(content); } else if (fileData.Contents?.Text != null) { // Embedded text file content byte[] content = encoding.GetBytes(fileData.Contents.Text); stream = new MemoryStream(content); } else if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri && uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFile && File.Exists(uri.LocalPath)) { // External source file try { stream = new FileStream(uri.LocalPath, FileMode.Open); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { failureReason = $"File '{uri.LocalPath}' could not be found: {ex.ToString()}"; } catch (IOException ex) { failureReason = $"File '{uri.LocalPath}' could not be read: {ex.ToString()}"; } catch (SecurityException ex) { failureReason = $"File '{uri.LocalPath}' could not be accessed: {ex.ToString()}"; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { failureReason = $"File '{uri.LocalPath}' could not be accessed: {ex.ToString()}"; } } } else { failureReason = $"Encoding for file '{uri.OriginalString}' could not be determined"; } } } if (stream == null && failureReason == null) { failureReason = $"File '{uri.LocalPath}' could not be opened"; } if (failureReason != null) { // If we get here, we were unable to determine region character offset, so we have to warn the caller // TODO: add a warning to the list } return(stream); }
public override Response Execute() { Artifact activeArtifact = this.ActiveArtifact; int activeWorkspaceId = this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID(); string currentUser = this.Helper.GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.FullName; IDBContext dbcontext = this.Helper.GetDBContext(activeWorkspaceId); bool result = true; ConsoleEventHandlerComment consoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandlerComment(); Response retVal = new Response() { Success = true, Message = String.Empty }; //verify if the comment has a parent if (!(ActiveArtifact.Fields[RELATED_COMMENT_FIELD.ToString()] == null)) { int parentCommentId = (int)ActiveArtifact.Fields[RELATED_COMMENT_FIELD.ToString()].Value.Value; kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs.RDO parentComment = new kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs.RDO(parentCommentId); using (kCura.Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient client = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <kCura.Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.System)) { int workspaceId = this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID(); client.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = workspaceId; parentComment = client.Repositories.RDO.ReadSingle(parentCommentId); client.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = -1; kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs.User userComment = new kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs.User(parentComment.SystemCreatedBy.ArtifactID); userComment = client.Repositories.User.ReadSingle(parentComment.SystemCreatedBy.ArtifactID); if (ActiveArtifact.IsNew) { MailMessage email = new MailMessage(); string userEmail = userComment.EmailAddress; string author = this.Helper.GetAuthenticationManager().UserInfo.FullName; email.To.Add(new MailAddress(userEmail)); // sentEmailNew(email, author); } } } else { using (kCura.Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient client = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <kCura.Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient>(ExecutionIdentity.System)) { string type = string.Empty; int workspaceId = this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID(); client.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = workspaceId; CORE.BLL.Service.RSAPIService.CommentRSAPIService commentRSAPIService = new CORE.BLL.Service.RSAPIService.CommentRSAPIService(client); CORE.DAL.Entities.Comment comment = commentRSAPIService.Get(ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID); ChoiceCollection typeChoices = (ChoiceCollection)this.ActiveArtifact.Fields[COMMENT_TYPE_FIELD_GUID.ToString()].Value.Value; foreach (Choice typeC in typeChoices) { type = typeC.Name; } comment.TypeChoosed = type; auditComment(comment, ActiveArtifact.IsNew, this.Helper.GetDBContext(workspaceId)); } } try { ChoiceCollection typeChoices = (ChoiceCollection)this.ActiveArtifact.Fields[COMMENT_TYPE_FIELD_GUID.ToString()].Value.Value; foreach (Choice typeChoice in typeChoices) { if (typeChoice.Name.Equals("Error")) { result = consoleEventHandler.insertJob(dbcontext, currentUser, activeArtifact); } else { result = consoleEventHandler.deleteJob(dbcontext, activeArtifact.ArtifactID); } } } catch (Exception e) { retVal.Success = false; retVal.Message = e.Message; } return(retVal); }
internal void OnArtifactRemoved(Artifact a, Project project) { ++_version; }
// private void ChangeMode(InfoMode nmode) { if (mode != nmode) { //prev mode switch (mode) { case InfoMode.Expeditions: selectedExpedition = null; expeditionButtonImage.overrideSprite = null; break; case InfoMode.Crews: selectedCrew = null; crewButtonImage.overrideSprite = null; break; case InfoMode.Artifacts: selectedArtifact = null; artifactButtonImage.overrideSprite = null; break; } mode = nmode; if (activeObserver != null) activeObserver.SetActive(false); switch (mode) { case InfoMode.Crews: { listController.PrepareList(crewsData); crewButtonImage.overrideSprite = PoolMaster.gui_overridingSprite; if (Crew.crewsList.Count != 0) { if (selectedCrew == null) SelectItem(0); } else { if (activeObserver != null) { activeObserver.SetActive(false); activeObserver = null; } listController.ChangeEmptyLabelText(Localization.GetPhrase(LocalizedPhrase.NoCrews)); } lastDrawnActionHash = Crew.listChangesMarkerValue; if (!listController.isActiveAndEnabled) listController.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; } case InfoMode.Artifacts: { listController.PrepareList(artifactsData); artifactButtonImage.overrideSprite = PoolMaster.gui_overridingSprite; if (Artifact.artifactsList.Count != 0) { if (selectedArtifact == null) SelectItem(0); } else { if (activeObserver != null) { activeObserver.SetActive(false); activeObserver = null; } listController.ChangeEmptyLabelText(Localization.GetPhrase(LocalizedPhrase.NoArtifacts)); } lastDrawnActionHash = Artifact.listChangesMarkerValue; if (!listController.isActiveAndEnabled) listController.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; } case InfoMode.Expeditions: { listController.PrepareList(expeditionsData); expeditionButtonImage.overrideSprite = PoolMaster.gui_overridingSprite; if (Expedition.expeditionsList.Count != 0) { if (selectedExpedition == null) SelectItem(0); } else { if (activeObserver != null) { activeObserver.SetActive(false); activeObserver = null; } listController.ChangeEmptyLabelText(Localization.GetPhrase(LocalizedPhrase.NoExpeditions)); } lastDrawnActionHash = Expedition.listChangesMarker; if (!listController.isActiveAndEnabled) listController.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; } case InfoMode.Inactive: if (listController.isActiveAndEnabled) listController.gameObject.SetActive(false); lastDrawnActionHash = -1; break; } } }