Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void TinhTongSoChuCaiXuatHien(string chuoi)
            chuoi = String.Join("", chuoi.Where(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)));
            chuoi = chuoi.Trim().ToUpper();
            List <string> mangKiTuXuatHien = new List <string>();

             * .Where(Char.IsLetterOrDigit)
             * .GroupBy(c => c)
             * .Aggregate((seed, next) =>
             * {
             *  mangKiTuXuatHien.Add(next.Key + ": " + next.Count());
             *  return seed;
             * });
             * richTextBoxSoChuCaiCau4.Text = String.Join("\n", mangKiTuXuatHien);
             * txtTongSoChuCaiXuatHienCau4.Text = mangKiTuXuatHien.Count().ToString();*/

            var FreQ = from x in chuoi
                       group x by x into y
                       select y;

            foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
                mangKiTuXuatHien.Add(ArrEle.Key + ": " + ArrEle.Count());
            richTextBoxSoChuCaiCau4.Text     = String.Join("\n", mangKiTuXuatHien);
            txtTongSoChuCaiXuatHienCau4.Text = mangKiTuXuatHien.Count().ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> words = new List <string>()
                "the", "bike", "this", "it", "tenth", "mathematics"
            var outputList = words.Where(x => x.Contains("th")).ToList();

            foreach (var word in words)

            List <string> classGrades = new List <string>()

            var        gradeAverage        = classGrades.ToList();
            List <int> studentGrade        = new List <int>();
            double     studentGradeAverage = 0;

            foreach (var result in gradeAverage)
                studentGrade = result.Split(',').Select(m => int.Parse(m)).ToList();
                var studentAverage = studentGrade.Where(x => x != studentGrade.Min()).Average();
                studentGradeAverage += studentAverage;
            Console.WriteLine("Class Average is: " + studentGradeAverage / 4);

            string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
            var    counts    = from x in userInput
                               group x by x into y
                               select y;

            foreach (var ArrEle in counts)
                Console.WriteLine("Character " + ArrEle.Key + ": " + ArrEle.Count() + " times");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void TinhTongSoCapTrung(string chuoi)
            chuoi = String.Join("", chuoi.Where(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)));
            chuoi = chuoi.Trim().ToUpper();
            List <string> mangCapTrung = new List <string>();
            List <string> mangTam      = new List <string>();

            /*if (chuoi.StartsWith("0x"))
             * {
             *  //return
             *  MessageBox.Show(chuoi.Skip(2)
             *   .Select((x, i) => new { index = i, value = x })
             *   .GroupBy(pair => pair.index / 2)
             *   .Select(grp => string.Join("", grp.Select(x => x.value)))
             *   .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(x, 16))
             *   .ToArray().ToString());
             * }*/
            int j = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < chuoi.Length; i++)
                if (j == chuoi.Length)
                    string cap = "";
                    cap = cap + chuoi[i] + chuoi[j];
            var FreQ = from x in mangTam
                       group x by x into y
                       select y;

            foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
                if (ArrEle.Count() > 1)
                    mangCapTrung.Add(ArrEle.Key + ": " + ArrEle.Count());
            txtTongSoCapTrungCau4.Text   = mangCapTrung.Count().ToString();
            richTextBoxCapTrungCau4.Text = String.Join("\n", mangCapTrung);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// public static string Encrypt(string text, int n)
        //    if (n <= 0)
        //    {
        //        return text;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        for (int j = n; j >= 1; j--)
        //        {
        //            string s = "";
        //string s2 = "";

        //            for (int i = 0; i<text.Length; i++)
        //            {
        //                if (i % 2 == 1)
        //                {
        //                    s += text[i];
        //                }
        //                else
        //                    s2 += text[i];
        //            }
        //            text = String.Concat(s, s2);
        //        }
        //        return text;
        //    }
        //    public static string Encrypt(string text, int n)
        //    {
        //        if (text == "" || text == null || n <= 0) { return text; } // Sanity Check

        //        string odd = "";
        //        string even = "";

        //        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        //        {
        //            for (int j = 0; j < text.Length; j++)
        //            {
        //                switch (j % 2)
        //                {
        //                    case 0:
        //                        even += text[j];
        //                        break;
        //                    case 1:
        //                        odd += text[j];
        //                        break;
        //                    default:
        //                        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.");
        //                        break;
        //                }
        //                //Console.WriteLine("Index: " + (j < 10 ? "0" + j.ToString() : j.ToString()) + " Char: " + text[j] + " Text: " + "Odd: " + odd + " Even: " + even);
        //            }//end encryption iteration
        //            text = odd + even;
        //            odd = even = "";
        //        }//end n times
        //        return text;
        //    }

        //    public static string Decrypt(string encryptedText, int n)
        //    {
        //        if (encryptedText == "" || encryptedText == null || n <= 0) { return encryptedText; } // Sanity Check

        //        int len = encryptedText.Length;
        //        string evenHalf = "";
        //        string oddHalf = "";

        //        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        //        {
        //            evenHalf = encryptedText.Substring(0, len / 2);
        //            oddHalf = encryptedText.Substring(len / 2, (1 + len) / 2);
        //            //Console.WriteLine("\n    Decrypt Iteration " + i + "\n    Even String: " + evenHalf + "    Odd String: " + oddHalf);
        //            encryptedText = "";
        //            for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
        //            {
        //                switch (j % 2)
        //                {
        //                    case 0:
        //                        encryptedText += oddHalf[0];
        //                        oddHalf = oddHalf.Substring(1);
        //                        break;
        //                    case 1:
        //                        encryptedText += evenHalf[0];
        //                        evenHalf = evenHalf.Substring(1);
        //                        break;
        //                    default:
        //                        Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.");
        //                        break;
        //                }
        //                //Console.WriteLine("Index: " + (j < 10 ? "0" + j.ToString() : j.ToString()) + " Char: " + encryptedText[j] + " Text: " + encryptedText + " Odd: " + oddHalf + " Even: " + evenHalf);
        //            } // end decrypt iteration
        //        } // end n times
        //        return encryptedText;
        //    }
        //////////////////////////////////////////////Program Count digts >1
        public static int DuplicateCount(string str)
            string s    = "";
            var    FreQ = from x in str.ToLower()
                          group x by x into y
                          select y;

            foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
                if (ArrEle.Count() > 1)
                    s += ArrEle.Key;

Ejemplo n.º 5
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string str;

        Console.WriteLine("Specify a string:");
        str = Console.ReadLine();

        var FreQ = from x in str
                   group x by x into y
                   select y;

        Console.WriteLine("The frequency of characters:");
        foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
            Console.WriteLine("Character " + ArrEle.Key + " occurs " + ArrEle.Count() + " times");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string str;

            Console.Write("\nLINQ : Display the characters and frequency of character from giving string : ");
            Console.Write("Input the string : ");
            str = Console.ReadLine();

            var FreQ = from x in str
                       group x by x into y
                       select y;

            Console.Write("The frequency of the characters are :\n");
            foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
                Console.WriteLine("Character " + ArrEle.Key + ": " + ArrEle.Count() + " times");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Main()
            Linq l = new Linq();


            DupString stringdemo = new DupString();

            int[] arr  = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3 };
            var   arr1 = from s in arr
                         group s by s into g
                         select g;


            string str;

            Console.Write("\nLINQ : Display the characters and frequency of character from giving string : ");
            Console.Write("Input the string : ");
            str = Console.ReadLine();

            var FreQ = from x in str
                       group x by x into y
                       select y;

            Console.Write("The frequency of the characters are :\n");
            foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
                Console.WriteLine("Character " + ArrEle.Key + ": " + ArrEle.Count() + " times");

Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input = "1";

            while (input != "0")
                Console.WriteLine("Welcome :)  Press 1 to 8 for general practices and 0 to Close");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input == "1")
                    int[] n1 = { 1, 3, -2, -4, -7, -3, -8, 12, 19, 6, 9, 10, 14 };

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Using multiple WHERE clause to find the positive numbers within the list : ");

                    var nQuery =
                        from VrNum in n1
                        where VrNum > 0
                        where VrNum < 12
                        select VrNum;
                    Console.Write("\nThe numbers within the range of 1 to 11 are : \n");
                    foreach (var VrNum in nQuery)
                        Console.Write("{0}  ", VrNum);
                else if (input == "2")
                    var arr1 = new[] { 3, 9, 2, 8, 6, 5 };

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Find the number and its square of an array which is more than 20 : ");

                    var sqNo = from int Number in arr1
                               let SqrNo = Number * Number
                                           where SqrNo > 20
                                           select new { Number, SqrNo };

                    foreach (var a in sqNo)
                else if (input == "3")
                    int[] arr1 = new int[] { 5, 9, 1, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 7, 3, 7, 6, 8, 5, 4, 9, 6, 2 };
                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Display the number and frequency of number from given array : \n");
                    Console.Write("The numbers in the array  are : \n");
                    Console.Write(" 5, 9, 1, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 7, 3, 7, 6, 8, 5, 4, 9, 6, 2\n");

                    var n = from x in arr1
                            group x by x into y
                            select y;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe number and the Frequency are : \n");
                    foreach (var arrNo in n)
                        Console.WriteLine("Number " + arrNo.Key + " appears " + arrNo.Count() + " times");

                else if (input == "4")
                    string str;

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Display the characters and frequency of character from giving string : ");
                    Console.Write("Input the string : ");
                    str = Console.ReadLine();

                    var FreQ = from x in str
                               group x by x into y
                               select y;
                    Console.Write("The frequency of the characters are :\n");
                    foreach (var ArrEle in FreQ)
                        Console.WriteLine("Character " + ArrEle.Key + ": " + ArrEle.Count() + " times");
                else if (input == "5")
                    string[] arr1 = { "aaa.frx", "bbb.TXT", "xyz.dbf", "abc.pdf", "aaaa.PDF", "xyz.frt", "abc.xml", "ccc.txt", "zzz.txt" };

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Count File Extensions and Group it : ");

                    Console.Write("\nThe files are : aaa.frx, bbb.TXT, xyz.dbf,abc.pdf");
                    Console.Write("\n                aaaa.PDF,xyz.frt, abc.xml, ccc.txt, zzz.txt\n");

                    Console.Write("\nHere is the group of extension of the files : \n\n");

                    var fGrp = arr1.Select(file => Path.GetExtension(file).TrimStart('.').ToLower())
                               .GroupBy(z => z, (fExt, extCtr) => new
                        Extension = fExt,
                        Count     = extCtr.Count()

                    foreach (var m in fGrp)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} File(s) with {1} Extension ", m.Count, m.Extension);
                else if (input == "6")
                    List <string> listOfString = new List <string>();

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Remove Items from List using remove function : ");

                    var _result1 = from y in listOfString
                                   select y;
                    Console.Write("Here is the list of items : \n");
                    foreach (var tchar in _result1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Char: {0} ", tchar);

                    string newstr = listOfString.FirstOrDefault(en => en == "o");

                    var _result = from z in listOfString
                                  select z;
                    Console.Write("\nHere is the list after removing the item 'o' from the list : \n");
                    foreach (var rChar in _result)
                        Console.WriteLine("Char: {0} ", rChar);
                else if (input == "7")
                    char[] charset1 = { 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };
                    int[]  numset1  = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Generate a Cartesian Product of two sets : ");

                    var cartesianProduct = from letterList in charset1
                                           from numberList in numset1
                                           select new { letterList, numberList };

                    Console.Write("The Cartesian Product are : \n");
                    foreach (var productItem in cartesianProduct)
                else if (input == "8")
                    List <Item_mast> itemlist = new List <Item_mast>
                        new Item_mast {
                            ItemId = 1, ItemDes = "Ahmad  "
                        new Item_mast {
                            ItemId = 2, ItemDes = "Ducks"
                        new Item_mast {
                            ItemId = 3, ItemDes = "Danish   "
                        new Item_mast {
                            ItemId = 4, ItemDes = "Qaiser    "
                        new Item_mast {
                            ItemId = 5, ItemDes = "Haroon    "

                    List <Purchase> purchlist = new List <Purchase>
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 100, ItemId = 3, PurQty = 800
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 101, ItemId = 2, PurQty = 650
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 102, ItemId = 3, PurQty = 900
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 103, ItemId = 4, PurQty = 700
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 104, ItemId = 3, PurQty = 900
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 105, ItemId = 4, PurQty = 650
                        new Purchase {
                            InvNo = 106, ItemId = 1, PurQty = 458

                    Console.Write("\nLINQ : Generate a Left Join between two data sets : ");
                    Console.Write("Here is the Item_mast List : ");

                    foreach (var item in itemlist)
                            "Item Id: {0}, Description: {1}",

                    Console.Write("\nHere is the Purchase List : ");

                    foreach (var item in purchlist)
                            "Invoice No: {0}, Item Id : {1},  Quantity : {2}",

                    Console.Write("\nHere is the list after joining  : \n\n");

                    var leftOuterJoin = from itm in itemlist
                                        join prch in purchlist
                                        on itm.ItemId equals prch.ItemId
                                        into a
                                        from b in a.DefaultIfEmpty(new Purchase())
                                        select new
                        itid  = itm.ItemId,
                        itdes = itm.ItemDes,
                        prqty = b.PurQty

                    Console.WriteLine("Item ID\t\tItem Name\tPurchase Quantity");
                    foreach (var data in leftOuterJoin)
                        Console.WriteLine(data.itid + "\t\t" + data.itdes + "\t\t" + data.prqty);