Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void FillFormFromRegistry()
     if (!stateLoaded)
         if (AppCuKey != null)
             // get the MRU list of .... whatever
             _completions = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection();
             string c = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Completions, "");
             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
                 string[] items = c.Split('¡');
                 if (items != null && items.Length > 0)
                     foreach (string item in items)
             // Can also store/retrieve items in the registry for
             //   - textbox contents
             //   - checkbox state
             //   - splitter state
             //   - and so on
             stateLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SaveUserPrefs()
            double leftColWidth = this.innerGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].ActualWidth;


            int x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Runs, 0);

            AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Runs, x);

            var bt = this.listView1.SelectedItem as BrowserTab;

            if (bt != null)
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_LastUrl, bt.LocationUrl);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void LoadUserPrefs()
            string s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Geometry);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                double[] p = Array.ConvertAll <string, double>(s.Split(','),
                                                               new Converter <string, double>((t) => { return(Double.Parse(t)); }));
                if (p != null && p.Length == 5)
                    Left        = p[0];
                    Top         = p[1];
                    Width       = p[2];
                    Height      = p[3];
                    WindowState = (System.Windows.WindowState)((int)p[4]);
                else if (p != null && p.Length == 6)
                    Left   = p[0];
                    Top    = p[1];
                    Width  = p[2];
                    Height = p[3];
                    var lcWidth = p[4];
                    WindowState = (System.Windows.WindowState)((int)p[5]);

                    this.innerGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width =
                        new System.Windows.GridLength(lcWidth);

            LastUrlViewed = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_LastUrl);

            int x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ReloadIntervalInMs, 0);

            if ((x != 0) && (x > 1000) && (x < 180 * 1000))
                ReasonableInterval = new TimeSpan(x * 10000);
                ReasonableInterval = new TimeSpan(2800 * 10000);  // 3.2s
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_ReloadIntervalInMs, 2800);
        private void SaveFormToRegistry()
            if (AppCuKey == null)


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbXpath.Text))
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_XPathExpression, this.tbXpath.Text);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbPrefix.Text))
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Prefix, this.tbPrefix.Text);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tbXmlns.Text))
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Xmlns, this.tbXmlns.Text);

            AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_LastRun, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss"));
            int x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Runs, 0);

            AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Runs, x);

            // store the size of the form
            int w = 0, h = 0, left = 0, top = 0;

            if (this.Bounds.Width < this.MinimumSize.Width || this.Bounds.Height < this.MinimumSize.Height)
                // RestoreBounds is the size of the window prior to last minimize action.
                // But the form may have been resized since then!
                w    = this.RestoreBounds.Width;
                h    = this.RestoreBounds.Height;
                left = this.RestoreBounds.Location.X;
                top  = this.RestoreBounds.Location.Y;
                w    = this.Bounds.Width;
                h    = this.Bounds.Height;
                left = this.Location.X;
                top  = this.Location.Y;
                                            left, top, w, h, (int)this.WindowState));

            // workitem 3392
            // store the position of splitter
            // AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Splitter, this.splitContainer3.SplitterDistance.ToString());

            // the Xpath expression MRU list
            var    converted = _xpathExpressionMruList.ToList().ConvertAll(z => z.XmlEscapeIexcl());
            string history   = String.Join("¡", converted.ToArray());

            AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_History, history);
        private void FillFormFromRegistry()
            if (!stateLoaded)
                if (AppCuKey != null)
                    // fill the various textboxes

                    var s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_XPathExpression);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbXpath.Text = s;

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Prefix);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbPrefix.Text = s;

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Xmlns);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbXmlns.Text = s;

                    // get the MRU list of XPath expressions
                    _xpathExpressionMruList = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection();
                    string historyString = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_History, "");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(historyString))
                        string[] items = historyString.Split('¡');
                        if (items != null && items.Length > 0)
                            foreach (string item in items)

                            // insert the most recent expression into the box?
                            this.tbXpath.Text = _xpathExpressionMruList[_xpathExpressionMruList.Count - 1];

                    // set the geometry of the form
                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Geometry);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                        int[] p = Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(s.Split(','),
                                                                 new Converter <string, int>((t) => { return(Int32.Parse(t)); }));
                        if (p != null && p.Length == 5)
                            this.Bounds = ConstrainToScreen(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]));

                    // workitem 3392 - don't need this
                    // set the splitter
                    // s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Splitter);
                    // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    //   {
                    //     try
                    //     {
                    //         int x = Int32.Parse(s);
                    //         this.splitContainer3.SplitterDistance = x;
                    //     }
                    //     catch { }
                    // }

                    stateLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void LoadUrlHistory()
            watchedUrlHistory = new MruDictionary <String, BrowserTab>(HISTORY_ENTRIES);

            var mruPath = _AppRegyPath + "\\URLs";
            var dirPath = _AppRegyPath + "\\Dirs";

            var mruKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(mruPath, true);
            var dirKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(dirPath, true);

            if (mruKey == null || dirKey == null)

                // Get the list of items for which we want reload. This
                // is a string of characters ABCD....  The presence of a
                // char indicates that we want reload for that
                // particular item in the URLs list.
                string reloads = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_WantReloads);

                // Restore the history, in reverse order, so the last one stored,
                // is treated as the most recent item.
                for (int i = HISTORY_ENTRIES; i >= 0; i--)
                    string c   = new String((char)(i + 65), 1); // ascii char A,B,C (etc)
                    string url = (string)mruKey.GetValue(c);

                    // Is there a URL associated with that letter?
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                        string j = (string)dirKey.GetValue(c);
                        // Is there a set of directories to watch associated
                        // with that letter?
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(j))
                            var split = j.Split(new char[] { ',' },
                            var slist = new System.Collections.Generic.List <String>();
                            var bt = new BrowserTab
                                PathsToMonitor = slist
                            if (reloads != null && reloads.IndexOf(c) >= 0)
                                bt.WantReload = true;
                            watchedUrlHistory.Store(url, bt);
                            // There are no directories to watch.  Therefore
                            // remove the entries for this URL, because they
                            // don't store any useful information. This happens
                            // only during development of this code.
                            dirKey.DeleteValue(c, false);
                        // There's no URL for this letter.  Clean out the dir
                        // entry, just in case, for good registry hygiene.
                        // This happens only during development of this code.
                        dirKey.DeleteValue(c, false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// This app uses the windows registry to store config data for itself.
        ///     - creates a key for this DotNetZip Winforms app, if one does not exist
        ///     - stores and retrieves the most recent settings.
        ///     - this is done on a per user basis. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
        private void FillFormFromRegistry()
            if (!stateLoaded)
                if (AppCuKey != null)
                    var s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_DirectoryToZip);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbDirectoryToZip.Text     = s;
                        this.tbDirectoryInArchive.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(this.tbDirectoryToZip.Text);

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_SelectionToZip);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbSelectionToZip.Text = s;

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_SelectionToExtract);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbSelectionToExtract.Text = s;

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ZipTarget);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbZipToCreate.Text = s;

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ZipToOpen);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbZipToOpen.Text = s;

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ExtractLoc);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbExtractDir.Text = s;
                        this.tbExtractDir.Text = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Encoding);
                    if (s != null)

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Compression);
                    if (s != null)

                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Encryption);
                    if (s != null)
                        this.tbPassword.Text = "";

                    int x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ZipFlavor, 0);
                    if (x >= 0 && x <= 2)
                        this.comboFlavor.SelectedIndex = x;

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Zip64Option, 0);
                    if (x >= 0 && x <= 2)
                        this.comboZip64.SelectedIndex = x;

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_ExtractExistingFileAction, 0);
                    if (x >= 0 && x <= comboExistingFileAction.Items.Count)
                        this.comboExistingFileAction.SelectedIndex = x;

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_FormTab, 1);
                    if (x == 0 || x == 1)
                        this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = x;

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_HidePassword, 1);
                    this.chkHidePassword.Checked = (x != 0);

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_OpenExplorer, 1);
                    this.chkOpenExplorer.Checked = (x != 0);

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_TraverseJunctions, 1);
                    this.chkTraverseJunctions.Checked = (x != 0);

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_RecurseDirs, 1);
                    this.chkRecurse.Checked = (x != 0);

                    x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_RemoveFiles, 1);
                    this.chkRemoveFiles.Checked = (x != 0);

                    // get the MRU list of selection expressions
                    _selectionCompletions = new System.Windows.Forms.AutoCompleteStringCollection();
                    string history = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_SelectionCompletions, "");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(history))
                        string[] items = history.Split('¡');
                        if (items != null && items.Length > 0)
                            foreach (string item in items)

                    // set the geometry of the form
                    s = (string)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Geometry);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                        int[] p = Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(s.Split(','),
                                                                 new Converter <string, int>((t) => { return(Int32.Parse(t)); }));
                        if (p != null && p.Length == 5)
                            this.Bounds = ConstrainToScreen(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]));

                            // Starting a window minimized is confusing...
                            //this.WindowState = (FormWindowState)p[4];

                    AppCuKey = null;

                    tbPassword_TextChanged(null, null);

                    stateLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void SaveFormToRegistry()
            if (this.tbExtractDir.InvokeRequired)
                return;                                   // skip it
            if (AppCuKey != null)
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_DirectoryToZip, this.tbDirectoryToZip.Text);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_SelectionToZip, this.tbSelectionToZip.Text);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_SelectionToExtract, this.tbSelectionToExtract.Text);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_ZipTarget, this.tbZipToCreate.Text);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_ZipToOpen, this.tbZipToOpen.Text);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Encoding, this.comboEncoding.SelectedItem.ToString());
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Compression, this.comboCompression.SelectedItem.ToString());
                if (this.tbPassword.Text == "")
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_mostRecentEncryption))
                        AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Encryption, _mostRecentEncryption);
                    AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Encryption, this.comboEncryption.SelectedItem.ToString());

                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_ExtractLoc, this.tbExtractDir.Text);

                int x = this.comboFlavor.SelectedIndex;
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_ZipFlavor, x);

                x = this.comboZip64.SelectedIndex;
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Zip64Option, x);

                x = this.comboExistingFileAction.SelectedIndex;
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_ExtractExistingFileAction, x);

                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_FormTab, this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex);

                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_LastRun, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss"));
                x = (Int32)AppCuKey.GetValue(_rvn_Runs, 0);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_Runs, x);

                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_HidePassword, this.chkHidePassword.Checked ? 1 : 0);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_OpenExplorer, this.chkOpenExplorer.Checked ? 1 : 0);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_TraverseJunctions, this.chkTraverseJunctions.Checked ? 1 : 0);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_RecurseDirs, this.chkRecurse.Checked ? 1 : 0);
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_RemoveFiles, this.chkRemoveFiles.Checked ? 1 : 0);

                // the selection completion list
                var    converted = _selectionCompletions.ToList().ConvertAll(z => z.XmlEscapeIexcl());
                string history   = String.Join("¡", converted.ToArray());
                AppCuKey.SetValue(_rvn_SelectionCompletions, history);

                // store the size of the form
                int w = 0, h = 0, left = 0, top = 0;
                if (this.Bounds.Width < this.MinimumSize.Width || this.Bounds.Height < this.MinimumSize.Height)
                    // RestoreBounds is the size of the window prior to last minimize action.
                    // But the form may have been resized since then!
                    w    = this.RestoreBounds.Width;
                    h    = this.RestoreBounds.Height;
                    left = this.RestoreBounds.Location.X;
                    top  = this.RestoreBounds.Location.Y;
                    w    = this.Bounds.Width;
                    h    = this.Bounds.Height;
                    left = this.Location.X;
                    top  = this.Location.Y;
                                                left, top, w, h, (int)this.WindowState));
