Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal void RemoveAircraft(Aircraft aircraft)
     aircraft.Squadron = null;
     if (aircraft == Leader) // the old leader is gone, select a new one (only pro forma, since the formation should be broken by this point)
         Leader = AircraftsWithRelPositions.Any() ? AircraftsWithRelPositions.Keys.First() : null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal void AddAircraft(Aircraft aircraft, CCPoint formationPos)
            aircraft.Team     = Team.EnemyTeam; // since squadrons are only for enemies
            aircraft.Squadron = this;
            AircraftsWithRelPositions.Add(aircraft, formationPos);
            if (Leader == null)
                Leader = aircraft;
            // check if you have to adapt the velocity
            float v = aircraft.MaxVelocity * 0.9f;

            if (v < Velocity)
                Velocity = v;