Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActivePokemon(List <BaseStat> baseStatList)
            baseStat = baseStatList[0];
            Random random = new Random();

            IVHP      = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVAttack  = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVDefense = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVSPAtk   = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVSPDef   = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVSpeed   = random.Next(0, 31);
            nature    = (NatureType)random.Next(0, 24);

            EVHP      = 0;
            EVAttack  = 0;
            EVDefense = 0;
            EVSPAtk   = 0;
            EVSPDef   = 0;
            EVSpeed   = 0;

            status = MajorStatus.None;

            isNamed  = false;
            nickname = baseStat.Name;
            level    = 1;

            currentHP = HP;

            move    = new ActiveMove[4];
            move[0] = null;
            move[1] = null;
            move[2] = null;
            move[3] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Whether this pokemon hits the target pokemon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attack">attack used</param>
        /// <param name="target">target pokemon</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool hits(ActiveMove attack, BattlePokemon target)
            bool doesHit = false;

            double chance = target.chanceToHit(this, attack.bMove);

            if (chance < 1.0 && chance > 0.0)
                Random random = new Random();
                double roll   = random.NextDouble();
                if (roll < chance)
                    doesHit = true;
                    doesHit = false;
            //chance greater than 1 will always hit
            else if (chance >= 1.0)
                doesHit = true;
            //chance less than 0 will never hit
                doesHit = false;

Ejemplo n.º 3
 public BattleChoice()
     choiceType = ChoiceType.NONE;
     pMove      = null;
     pSwitchTo  = null;
     target     = null;
     pItem      = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new battlechoice containing instructions to use the specified move on the specified target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="move">move to use</param>
        /// <param name="inTarget">target battleposition</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BattleChoice UseMove(ActiveMove move, BattlePosition inTarget)
            BattleChoice choice = new BattleChoice();

            choice.choiceType = ChoiceType.MOVE;
            choice.target     = inTarget;
            choice.pMove      = move;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        //This region is for saving and loading moves that active pokemon have
        #region ActiveMove

        public static void SaveActiveMove(ActiveMove inMove, BinaryWriter writer)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static ActiveMove LoadActiveMove(BinaryReader reader)
            ActiveMove move = new ActiveMove(MoveList.move[reader.ReadInt32()]);

            move.currentPP = reader.ReadInt32();
            move.PPUpUses  = reader.ReadByte();
            move.maxPP     = move.bMove.basePP + Convert.ToInt32(0.2 * Convert.ToDouble(move.PPUpUses));

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Does damage to the target based on stats and attack power and hidden move type and also STAB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attack"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        public void doHiddenPowerDamageTo(ActiveMove attack, BattlePokemon target)
            double dDamage = 0.0;
            int    damage  = 0;
            //only this part changes for hidden power
            double strength = TypeStrengths.typeStrength(pokemon.hiddenPowerType, target);
            double stab     = 1.0;

            //calculate Same Type Attack Bonus
            if (attack.bMove.moveType == pokemon.baseStat.Type1.ToString() || attack.bMove.moveType == pokemon.baseStat.Type2.ToString())
                stab = 1.5;

            if (strength > 0.0)
                Random random   = new Random();
                double modifier = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(85, 100)) / 100.0;
                if (attack.bMove.moveKind == "Special")
                    dDamage = stab * strength * modifier * (((2.0 * pokemon.level + 10.0) / 250.0) * (Convert.ToDouble(effectiveSpAtk) / Convert.ToDouble(target.effectiveSpDef)) * pokemon.hiddenPowerPower + 2);
                    damage  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(dDamage));
                    target.currentHealth -= damage;
                //I know that hidden power is only special, but screw you!
                else if (attack.bMove.moveKind == "Physical")
                    dDamage = stab * strength * modifier * (((2.0 * pokemon.level + 10.0) / 250.0) * (Convert.ToDouble(effectiveAtk) / Convert.ToDouble(target.effectiveDef)) * pokemon.hiddenPowerPower + 2);
                    damage  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(dDamage));
                    target.currentHealth -= damage;

                //show message saying it hit, or was supereffective
                //show message saying it was ineffective
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ActivePokemon(int id, Trainer _trainer)
            trainer  = _trainer;
            baseStat = BaseStatsList.GetBaseStats(id);

            //individual stuff
            Random random = new Random();

            IVHP      = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVAttack  = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVDefense = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVSPAtk   = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVSPDef   = random.Next(0, 31);
            IVSpeed   = random.Next(0, 31);
            nature    = (NatureType)random.Next(0, 24);

            EVHP      = 0;
            EVAttack  = 0;
            EVDefense = 0;
            EVSPAtk   = 0;
            EVSPDef   = 0;
            EVSpeed   = 0;

            status = MajorStatus.None;

            isNamed  = false;
            nickname = baseStat.Name;
            level    = 1;

            currentHP = HP;

            move    = new ActiveMove[4];
            move[0] = null;
            move[1] = null;
            move[2] = null;
            move[3] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private double typeModifier(ActiveMove attack, BattlePokemon target)
     return(TypeStrengths.typeStrength(attack, target));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    //I think it will be used for direct damages
    public int GetDamage(Pokemon pokemon, Pokemon target, ActiveMove activeMove, int directDamage = -1)//movedata comes from active move?? //DirectDamage for confusion and stuff
        MoveData moveData = activeMove.activeData.moveData;
        RelayVar relayVar;

        if (moveData == null && directDamage == -1)
            return(-1);                                        //No moveData and no directDamage
        if (directDamage != -1)
            moveData = new MoveData(basePower: directDamage,
                                    type: Globals.Type.Unknown,
                                    category: Globals.MoveCategory.Physical,
                                    willCrit: false);

        //if not ignoreImmunity return false (do it before?

        if (moveData.ohko != Globals.OHKO.Null)
            return(target.maxhp);                         //Fissure, Sheer cold
        if (moveData.eventMethods.damageCallback != null) //mirro coat, naturesmaddnes, hyper fang...
            relayVar = new RelayVar();
            moveData.eventMethods.StartCallback("damageCallback", this, relayVar, target.targetData, pokemon.myPokemon, null);
        if (moveData.damageByLevel)
            return(pokemon.level);                        //nightshade, seismic toss
        if (moveData.damage != -1)
            return(moveData.damage);                       //Dragon rage, sonic boom
        /*USING BASE POWER*/
        Globals.MoveCategory category = (moveData.category == Globals.MoveCategory.Null) ? Globals.MoveCategory.Physical : moveData.category;
        if (moveData.defensiveCategory != Globals.MoveCategory.Null)
            category = moveData.defensiveCategory;

        int basePower = moveData.basePower;

        if (moveData.eventMethods.basePowerCallback != null)
            relayVar = new RelayVar();
            moveData.eventMethods.StartCallback("basePowerCallback", this, relayVar, target.targetData, pokemon.myPokemon, moveData);
            basePower = relayVar.integerValue;
        if (basePower < 0)
            return(-1);                      //Return -1 means no dealing damage
        basePower = Mathf.Max(1, basePower); //Min value will be 1
        Debug.Log("Power after basePowerCallback: " + basePower);

        int[] critMultiplier = { 0, 24, 8, 2, 1 };
        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: moveData.critRatio);
        relayVar = RunEvent("ModifyCritRatio", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        int critRatio = Mathf.Clamp(relayVar.integerValue, 0, 4);

        //Set crit
        activeMove.activeData.crit = moveData.willCrit;
        if (!activeMove.activeData.crit)
            activeMove.activeData.crit = RandomScript.RandomChance(1, critMultiplier[critRatio]);
        if (activeMove.activeData.crit)
            relayVar = new RelayVar(booleanValue: activeMove.activeData.crit);
            relayVar = RunEvent("CriticalHit", target.targetData, null, moveData);
            activeMove.activeData.crit = relayVar.booleanValue;

        //Happens after crit calculation
        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: basePower);
        relayVar = RunEvent("BasePower", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar, true);
        if (relayVar.getEndEvent() && relayVar.integerValue != -1)
        basePower = Mathf.Max(1, relayVar.integerValue);

        Debug.Log("Power after basepower: " + basePower);

        int     level       = pokemon.level;
        Pokemon attacker    = pokemon;
        Pokemon defender    = target;
        string  attackStat  = (category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical) ? "Atk" : "SpA";
        string  defenseStat = (category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical) ? "Def" : "SpD";
        int attack;
        int defense;

        int atkBoosts = (moveData.useTargetOffensive) ? defender.boosts.GetBoostValue(attackStat) : attacker.boosts.GetBoostValue(attackStat);
        int defBoosts = (moveData.useSourceDefensive) ? attacker.boosts.GetBoostValue(defenseStat) : defender.boosts.GetBoostValue(defenseStat);

        bool ignoreNegativeOffensive = moveData.ignoreNegativeOffensive;
        bool ignorePositiveDefensive = moveData.ignorePositiveDefensive;

        if (activeMove.activeData.crit)
            ignoreNegativeOffensive = true;
            ignorePositiveDefensive = true;

        bool ignoreOffensive = moveData.ignoreOffensive || (ignoreNegativeOffensive && atkBoosts < 0);
        bool ignoreDefensive = moveData.ignoreDefensive || (ignorePositiveDefensive && defBoosts > 0);

        if (ignoreOffensive)
            //this.debug('Negating (sp)atk boost/penalty.');
            atkBoosts = 0;

        if (ignoreDefensive)
            //this.debug('Negating (sp)def boost/penalty.');
            defBoosts = 0;

        if (moveData.useTargetOffensive)
            attack = defender.CalculateStat(attackStat, atkBoosts);
            attack = attacker.CalculateStat(attackStat, atkBoosts);

        if (moveData.useSourceDefensive)
            defense = attacker.CalculateStat(defenseStat, defBoosts);
            defense = defender.CalculateStat(defenseStat, defBoosts);

        Debug.Log("attack: " + attack + " defense: " + defense);

        //Apply stat modifiers
        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: attack);
        relayVar = RunEvent("Modify" + attackStat, attacker.targetData, defender.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        attack   = relayVar.integerValue;

        relayVar = new RelayVar(integerValue: defense);
        relayVar = RunEvent("Modify" + defenseStat, defender.targetData, attacker.myPokemon, moveData, relayVar);
        defense  = relayVar.integerValue;

        Debug.Log("After modifiers attack: " + attack + " defense: " + defense);

        //int(int(int(2 * L / 5 + 2) * A * P / D) / 50);
        int baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.FloorToInt(2f * level / 5f + 2f) * basePower * attack / defense) / 50f);

        Debug.Log("baseDamage: " + baseDamage);

        // Calculate damage modifiers separately (order differs between generations)
        return(ModifyDamage(baseDamage, pokemon, target, activeMove));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     projectiles       = new List <GameObject>();
     am                = GetComponent <ActiveMove>();
     am.source.canMove = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public OperaMove2NPC(SceneEntity hero) : base("OperaMove2NPC", hero)
     action = new ActiveMove(hero);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void AddNewMove(ActiveMove move)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public int ModifyDamage(int baseDamage, Pokemon pokemon, Pokemon target, ActiveMove activeMove)
        Globals.Type type = activeMove.activeData.moveData.type;
        baseDamage += 2;

        RelayVar relayVar;

        //MultiTarget should go here but not needed

        //Weather modifier
        relayVar   = new RelayVar(integerValue: baseDamage);
        relayVar   = RunEvent("WeatherModifyDamage", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, activeMove.activeData.moveData, relayVar);
        baseDamage = relayVar.integerValue;

        Debug.Log("Weather modifier: " + baseDamage);

        if (activeMove.activeData.crit)
            baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * 1.5f);

        Debug.Log("Crit modifier: " + baseDamage);

        //Not a modifier
        baseDamage = RandomScript.Randomizer(baseDamage);
        Debug.Log("Random modifier: " + baseDamage);

        if (pokemon.HasType(type))
            baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * ((activeMove.activeData.stab != -1) ? activeMove.activeData.stab : 1.5f));

        Debug.Log("STAB modifier: " + baseDamage);

        activeMove.activeData.typeMod = Mathf.Clamp(target.RunEffectiveness(activeMove), -6, 6);
        if (activeMove.activeData.typeMod > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < activeMove.activeData.typeMod; i++)
                baseDamage *= 2;

        if (activeMove.activeData.typeMod < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i > activeMove.activeData.typeMod; i--)
                baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage / 2f);

        Debug.Log("Types modifier: " + baseDamage);

        //Burn Status
        if (pokemon.statusId == "brn" && activeMove.activeData.moveData.category == Globals.MoveCategory.Physical && !pokemon.HasAbilityActive(new string[] { "guts" }))
            if (activeMove.id != "facade")
                baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * 0.5f);

        Debug.Log("Burn modifier: " + baseDamage);

        // Final modifier. Modifiers that modify damage after min damage check, such as Life Orb.
        relayVar   = new RelayVar(integerValue: baseDamage);
        relayVar   = RunEvent("ModifyDamage", pokemon.targetData, target.myPokemon, activeMove.activeData.moveData, relayVar);
        baseDamage = relayVar.integerValue;

        Debug.Log("other modifier: " + baseDamage);

        //Z breaking protect
        if (activeMove.activeData.zPowered && activeMove.activeData.zBrokeProtect)
            baseDamage = Mathf.FloorToInt(baseDamage * 0.25f);

        Debug.Log("z break protect modifier: " + baseDamage);

        if (baseDamage < 1)
            baseDamage = 1;

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public ActionMovingAOE(SceneEntity hero) : base("ActionMovingAOE", hero)
     actionMove = new ActiveMove(hero);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public OperaSkill(SceneEntity hero) : base("OperaSkill", hero)
     actionType = Action.ACTION_TYPE.OPERA;
     action     = new ActiveMove(hero);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static double typeStrength(ActiveMove inMove, ActivePokemon inPoke)
     return(typeStrength(inMove.bMove.moveType, inPoke.baseStat.Type1.ToString(), inPoke.baseStat.Type2.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 18
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
            int    value  = TypeChart.BattleTypeChart["" + typeDefense].damageTaken["" + typeAttack];
            string result = (value == 0) ? " is ok against " : (value == 1) ? " is super effective against " : (value == 2) ? "is not very effective against " : (value == 3) ? " does not affect " : "wat";
            Debug.Log(typeAttack + result + typeDefense);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X))
            //LOG TEMPLATEDATA

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
            int   previousMod = 6144;
            int   nextMod     = 5325;
            int   nextValue   = (previousMod * nextMod + 2048);
            int   test        = nextValue >> 12;
            float end         = (float)test / 4096f;
            float wat         = (6144f / 4096f) * (5325f / 4096f);
            Debug.Log("((previousMod * nextMod + 2048) >> 12) / 4096 \n" +
                      "((" + previousMod + "*" + nextMod + "+ 2048) >> 12) / 4096 \n" +
                      "((" + previousMod + " * " + nextMod + " + 2048) = " + nextValue + "\n" +
                      nextValue + " >> 12 = " + test + "\n" +
                      test + " / 4096 = " + end

            Debug.Log("" + 6144f / 4096f + " * " + 5325f / 4096f + " = " + wat);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V))
            //LOG BATTLE STATS
            Globals.StatsTable baseStats = new Globals.StatsTable(hp: 45, atk: 49, def: 49, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 45);
            Globals.StatsTable stats     = baseStats.ShallowCopy();// new Globals.StatsTable(hp: 45, atk: 49, def: 49, spa: 65, spd: 65, spe: 45);
            PokemonSet         set       = new PokemonSet();
            set.ivs    = new Globals.StatsTable();
            set.evs    = new Globals.StatsTable();
            set.level  = 50;
            set.nature = new Globals.Nature("Testing");//, plus: "hp", minus: "spe");

            Debug.Log("Testing Stats: hp: " + stats.hp + ", atk:" + stats.atk + ", def:" + stats.def + ", spa:" + stats.spa + ", spd:" + stats.spd + ", spe:" + stats.spe);
            Debug.Log("Base stats used: hp: " + baseStats.hp + ", atk:" + baseStats.atk + ", def:" + baseStats.def + ", spa:" + baseStats.spa + ", spd:" + baseStats.spd + ", spe:" + baseStats.spe);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B))
            //LOG HIDDEN POWER
            Globals.HiddenPower hp = new Globals.HiddenPower(hpIvs);
            Debug.Log("Hidden Power: " + hp.hpType + " " + hp.hpPower);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N))
            //LOG CAN MEGA EVOLVE
            TemplateData templateData = Pokedex.BattlePokedex["rayquaza"];
            PokemonSet   set          = new PokemonSet();
            set.itemId  = "abomasite";
            set.movesId = new string[] { "tackle" };
            Debug.Log("Can mega evolve " + CanMegaEvolve(templateData, set));

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))
            //LOG CAN ULTRA BURST
            TemplateData templateData = Pokedex.BattlePokedex["necrozmadawnwings"];
            PokemonSet   set          = new PokemonSet();
            set.itemId  = "ultranecroziumz";
            set.movesId = new string[] { "tackle" };
            Debug.Log("Can ultra burst " + CanUltraBurst(templateData, set));

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
            //LOG POKEMON DATA
            Battle     battle = new Battle();
            PokemonSet set    = new PokemonSet(
                speciesId: "bulbasaur",
                name: "Flamenco",
                level: 50,
                gender: Globals.GenderName.M,
                happiness: 100,
                pokeball: "MajoBall",
                shiny: false,
                abilityId: "overgrow",
                itemId: "normaliumz",
                movesId: new string[] { "tackle", "absorb", "caca", "10000000voltthunderbolt" },
                evs: new Globals.StatsTable(spd: 252, def: 252, spe: 6),
                ivs: BestHiddenPowers.HiddenPowers["Ice"],
                nature: Natures.BattleNatures["adamant"],
                ppBoosts: new int[] { 3, 1, 0, 2 }
            Pokemon testPoke = new Pokemon(battle, set, new Battle.Team(new PokemonSet[] { set }), null);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
            MoveData move = Moves.BattleMovedex["test"];


            Battle.RelayVar relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar();

            Debug.Log("I was a " + relayVar.integerValue + " before");
            move.eventMethods.StartCallback("onModifyAtk", null, relayVar, null, null, null);
            Debug.Log("But now, thanks to the StartCallback method, I am a " + relayVar.integerValue);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
            //Single event test
            Battle   b    = new Battle();
            MoveData move = Moves.BattleMovedex["test"];

            Battle.RelayVar tororo = b.SingleEvent("ModifyAtk", move);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
            Battle           b    = new Battle();
            PokemonSet       set1 = new PokemonSet(speciesId: "bulbasaur", name: "Tentomon", level: 50, gender: Globals.GenderName.F, abilityId: "testingrunevent", itemId: "testingrunevent", movesId: new string[] { "testingrunevent" });
            Battle.Team      t1   = new Battle.Team(new PokemonSet[] { set1 });
            GameObject       go1  = new GameObject();
            PokemonCharacter pc1  = go1.AddComponent <PokemonCharacter>();
            pc1.Init(b, set1, t1);
            pc1.pokemonData.isActive = true;
            t1.pokemons  = new PokemonCharacter[] { pc1 };
            t1.teamMoves = new List <ActiveMove>();

            PokemonSet       set2 = new PokemonSet(speciesId: "bulbasaur", name: "Tentomon", level: 50, gender: Globals.GenderName.F, abilityId: "testingrunevent", itemId: "testingrunevent", movesId: new string[] { "testingrunevent" });
            Battle.Team      t2   = new Battle.Team(new PokemonSet[] { set2 });
            GameObject       go2  = new GameObject();
            PokemonCharacter pc2  = go2.AddComponent <PokemonCharacter>();
            pc2.Init(b, set2, t2);
            pc2.pokemonData.isActive = true;
            t2.pokemons  = new PokemonCharacter[] { pc2 };
            t2.teamMoves = new List <ActiveMove>();

            b.teams = new Battle.Team[] { t1, t2 };

            MoveData        move     = Moves.BattleMovedex["testingrunevent"];
            Battle.RelayVar relayVar = new Battle.RelayVar(integerValue: move.basePower);
            relayVar = b.RunEvent("BasePower", pc1.targetScript, pc2, move, relayVar, true);

            //public int GetDamage(Pokemon pokemon, Pokemon target, ActiveMove activeMove, int directDamage = -1)//movedata comes from active move?? //DirectDamage for confusion and stuff
            GameObject go3 = new GameObject();
            ActiveMove am  = go3.AddComponent <ActiveMove>();
            am.activeData = new ActiveMove.ActiveMoveData(move.id);
            int damage = b.GetDamage(pc1.pokemonData, pc2.pokemonData, am);

            Debug.Log("Damage " + damage);
Ejemplo n.º 19
	public ActionWalk(SceneEntity hero):base("ActionWalk",hero)
		action = new ActiveMove(hero);