Ejemplo n.º 1
    // ConfigureAnt
    // You can find how to initialize devices on thisisant.com in the download documents section
    public void ConfigureAnt(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType channelType, byte userChannel, ushort deviceNum, byte deviceType, byte transType, byte radioFreq, ushort channelPeriod, bool pairing, int USBNum)
        this.channelType   = channelType;
        this.userChannel   = userChannel;
        this.deviceNum     = deviceNum;
        this.deviceType    = deviceType;
        this.transType     = transType;
        this.radioFreq     = radioFreq;
        this.channelPeriod = channelPeriod;
        this.pairing       = pairing;

        RXQueue                  = new Queue <byte[]>(16);
        messageQueue             = new Queue <ANT_Response>(16);
        device                   = AntManager.Instance.devices[USBNum];
        channel                  = device.getChannel(userChannel);
        channel.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse);
        channel.assignChannel(channelType, 0, 0);
        channel.setChannelID(deviceNum, pairing, deviceType, transType, 0);
        channel.setChannelFreq(radioFreq, 0);
        channel.setChannelPeriod(channelPeriod, 0);
        isBackgroundScan = false;

        broadcasting = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator Reconnect(uint serial)
        Debug.Log("looking for usb device " + serial.ToString());
        // polling to try and find the USB device
        while (true)
            if (ANT_Common.getNumDetectedUSBDevices() > 0)
                ANT_Device device = new ANT_Device();
                if (device.getSerialNumber() == serial)
                    Debug.Log("usb found!");
                    foreach (AntChannel channel in AntManager.Instance.channelList)

                    yield break;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Shut down the ant device connection.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Shutdown()
     // Clean up ANT
     Console.WriteLine("Disconnecting module...");
     ANT_Device.shutdownDeviceInstance(ref device0);  // Close down the device completely and completely shut down all communication
     Console.WriteLine("Demo has completed successfully!");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Init()
                Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to an ANT USB device...");
                device0 = new ANT_Device();                                                      // Create a device instance using the automatic constructor (automatic detection of USB device number and baud rate)
                device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse); // Add device response function to receive protocol event messages

                channel0 = device0.getChannel(USER_ANT_CHANNEL);                                 // Get channel from ANT device
                channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse);        // Add channel response function to receive channel event messages
                Console.WriteLine("Initialization was successful!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (device0 == null)    // Unable to connect to ANT
                    throw new Exception("Could not connect to any device.\n" +
                                        "Details: \n   " + ex.Message);
                    throw new Exception("Error connecting to ANT: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public PowerChannel(ANT_Device device, int ant_channel, byte network_num, ushort deviceNumber)
            channel = device.getChannel(ant_channel);    // Get channel from ANT device
            channel.channelResponse += ChannelResponse;  // Add channel response function to receive channel event messages

            if (!channel.assignChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, network_num, 500))
                throw new Exception("Error assigning channel");

            if (!channel.setChannelID(deviceNumber, false, POWER_DEVICE_TYPE, USER_TRANSTYPE, 500))
                throw new Exception("Error configuring Channel ID");

            if (!channel.setChannelFreq(USER_RADIOFREQ, 500))
                throw new Exception("Error configuring Radio Frequency");

            if (!channel.setChannelPeriod(USER_CH_PERIOD, 500))
                throw new Exception("Error configuring Channel Period");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType channelType;                                          ///< 0 = Master, 1 = Slave

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize parameters for a HRM device connection.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
                Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to an ANT USB device...");
                // Create a device instance using the automatic constructor (automatic detection of USB device number and baud rate)
                device0 = new ANT_Device();
                // Add device response function to receive protocol event messages
                device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);

                // Get channel from ANT device
                channel0 = device0.getChannel(USER_ANT_CHANNEL);
                // Add channel response function to receive channel event messages
                channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse);

                Console.WriteLine("Initialization was successful!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Unable to connect to ANT
                // Please make sure you have an usb that is able to connect to garmin devices.
                // It is required for this project, see: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/10997.
                if (device0 == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not connect to any device.\n" +
                                        "Details: \n   " + ex.Message);
                    throw new Exception("Error connecting to ANT: " + ex.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void Shutdown()
     // Clean up ANT
     Debug.WriteLine("Disconnecting module...");
     ANT_Device.shutdownDeviceInstance(ref device);  // Close down the device completely and completely shut down all communication
     Debug.WriteLine("ANT device shutdowned successfully!");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void Init()
     usbDevice = new ANT_Device();
     usbDevice.setNetworkKey(0, NETWORK_KEY);
     network = new AntPlus.Types.Network(0, NETWORK_KEY, CHANNEL_FREQUENCY);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal bool Init()
            bool result = true;

                Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to an ANT USB device 0...");
                device0 = new ANT_Device();
                device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);
                channel0 = device0.getChannel(0);
                channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse0);
                Console.WriteLine("Initialization 0 was successful!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = false;
                if (device0 == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to device 0.\n" + "Details: \n   " + ex.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error connecting to ANT: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the host search parameters, and begin the search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="antDevice">ANT USB device</param>
        public void ConfigureHost(ANT_Device antDevice)
            // Configure ANT channel parameters
            antfsHost.SetNetworkKey(Demo.NetworkNumber, Demo.NetworkKey);
            antfsHost.SetChannelID(Demo.DeviceType, Demo.TransmissionType);

            // Configure search parameters
            if (antfsHost.AddSearchDevice(ClientDeviceID, Demo.ClientManufacturerID, Demo.ClientDeviceType) == 0)
                throw new Exception("Error adding search device: ");

            if (Demo.AntfsBroadcast)
                // If we want to use ANT-FS broadcast mode, and start the channel in broadcast mode,
                // setup callback to handle responses for channel 0 while in broadcast mode
                channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(HandleChannelResponses);

                // Configure the channel as a slave, and look for messages from the master in the channel callback
                // This demo will automatically switch to ANT-FS mode after a few seconds
                if (!antDevice.setNetworkKey(Demo.NetworkNumber, Demo.NetworkKey, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring network key");
                if (!channel0.assignChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, Demo.NetworkNumber, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error assigning channel");
                if (!channel0.setChannelID(DeviceNumber, false, Demo.DeviceType, Demo.TransmissionType, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring Channel ID");
                if (!channel0.setChannelFreq(Demo.SearchRF, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring radio frequency");
                if (!channel0.setChannelPeriod(Demo.ChannelPeriod, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring channel period");
                if (!channel0.openChannel(500))
                    throw new Exception("Error opening channel");
                // Start searching directly for an ANT-FS client matching the search criteria
                // NOTE: If not interested in the payload while in broadcast mode and intend to start a session right away,
                // you can specify useRequestPage = true to search for broadcast devices, and automatically request them
                // to switch to ANT-FS mode
                antfsHost.SearchForDevice(Demo.SearchRF, ConnectRF, DeviceNumber);

            Console.WriteLine("Searching for devices...");

            // Setup a timer, so that we can cancel the search if no device is found
            searchTimer = new Timer(SearchExpired, null, SearchTimeout * 1000, Timeout.Infinite); // convert time to milliseconds
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //Creates the ANTDevice instances and calls the setupAndOpen routine according to the selected demo mode
        public bool startUp()
            //The managed library will throw ANTExceptions on errors
            //We run this in a try catch because we want to print any errors instead of crash
                //Regardless of selection we need to connect to the first device
                //The library has an automatic constructor to automatically connect to the first available device
                //You can still manually choose which device to connect to by using the parameter constructor,
                // ie: ANTDeviceInstance = new ANTDevice(0, 57600)
                device0 = new ANT_Device();
                //device0 = new ANT_Device(0, 57600);

                //First we want to setup the response functions so we can see the feedback as we setup
                //To do this, the device and each channel have response events which are fired when feedback
                //is received from the device, including command acknowledgements and transmission events.
                device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(device0_deviceResponse);
                device0.getChannel(0).channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(d0channel0_channelResponse);

//                textBox_device0.Text = "Device 0 Connected" + Environment.NewLine;
//                textBox_Display.Text = "Starting Mode: d0 only - Slave Scan" + Environment.NewLine;

                setupAndOpenScan(device0, ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00);
            catch (Exception ex)
//                textBox_Display.AppendText("Error: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine);
//                if (device0 == null)    //We print another message if we didn't connect to any device to be a little more helpful
//                    textBox_Display.AppendText("Could not connect to any devices, ensure an ANT device is connected to your system and try again." + Environment.NewLine);
//                textBox_Display.AppendText(Environment.NewLine);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void SerialError(ANT_Device sender, ANT_Managed_Library.ANT_Device.serialErrorCode error, bool isCritical)
            WriteLog("Processing SerialError: " + error);

            WriteLog("Trying to recover USB ANT Dongle...");

            device0  = null;
            channel0 = null;
            bReset   = true;

            while (device0 == null)
                    WriteLog("Trying to connect to USB ANT Dongle...");
                    device0 = new ANT_Device();
                catch (Exception ex)
            WriteLog("USB ANT Dongle has been recovered");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 static void Init()
         Console.WriteLine("Attempting to connect to an ANT USB device 0...");
         device0 = new ANT_Device();
         device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);
         channel0 = device0.getChannel(0);
         channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse0);
         Console.WriteLine("Initialization 0 was successful!");
         channel1 = device0.getChannel(1);
         channel1.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse1);
         Console.WriteLine("Initialization 1 was successful!");
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (device0 == null)
             throw new Exception("Could not connect to device 0.\n" +
                                 "Details: \n   " + ex.Message);
             throw new Exception("Error connecting to ANT: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        void findUsableAntDevice()
            List <ANT_Device> unusableDevices = new List <ANT_Device>();

                antStick = new ANT_Device();

                //Get new devices until we
                //lowpri and prox search is enough now to ensure we get a device that behave as we expected
                while (antStick.getDeviceCapabilities().lowPrioritySearch == false || antStick.getDeviceCapabilities().ProximitySearch == false)
                    unusableDevices.Add(antStick); //keep the last device ref so we don't see it again
                    antStick = new ANT_Device();   //this will throw an exception when there are no devices left

                if (!antStick.setNetworkKey(0, ANTPLUS_NETWORK_KEY, 500))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Failed to set network key");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ANT_Device.shutdownDeviceInstance(ref antStick);                       //Don't leave here with an invalid device ref
                throw new Exception("Could not connect to valid USB2: " + ex.Message); //forward the exception
                //Release all the unusable devices
                foreach (ANT_Device i in unusableDevices)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public void Init(byte USBDeviceNum = 0)
        if (ANT_Common.getNumDetectedUSBDevices() < USBDeviceNum)
            Debug.Log("ANT+ cannot detect USB device #" + USBDeviceNum);

        // if (deviceList == null)
        //   deviceList = new List<ANT_Device>();
        if (messageQueue == null)
            messageQueue = new Queue <ANT_Response>(16);
        if (errorQueue == null)
            errorQueue = new Queue <SerialError>(16);
        if (channelList == null)
            channelList = new List <AntChannel>();

        //init the device
        if (devices[USBDeviceNum] == null)
            devices[USBDeviceNum] = new ANT_Device(USBDeviceNum, 57000);
            devices[USBDeviceNum].deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);
            devices[USBDeviceNum].serialError    += new ANT_Device.dSerialErrorHandler(SerialErrorHandler);
            devices[USBDeviceNum].setNetworkKey(0, NETWORK_KEY, 500);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 void SerialErrorHandler(ANT_Device sender, ANT_Device.serialErrorCode error, bool isCritical)
     if (onSerialError != null)
         SerialError serialError = new SerialError(sender, error, isCritical);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void Reconnect(ANT_Device previousDevice)
     device = previousDevice;
     device.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);
     device.serialError    += new ANT_Device.dSerialErrorHandler(SerialErrorHandler);
     device.setNetworkKey(0, NETWORK_KEY, 500);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public void Reconnect(ANT_Device previousDevice)
        int usbNum = previousDevice.getOpenedUSBDeviceNum();

        devices[usbNum] = previousDevice;
        previousDevice.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);
        previousDevice.serialError    += new ANT_Device.dSerialErrorHandler(SerialErrorHandler);
        previousDevice.setNetworkKey(0, NETWORK_KEY, 500);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        current_speed = 0;
        current_rpm   = 0;
        speedData     = new ANTRawData[2];
        rpmData       = new ANTRawData[2];

        if (bikeController == null)
            bikeController = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent <BikeControl>();

            dev0 = new ANT_Device();

            dev0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(dev0_deviceResponse);

            dev0.getChannel(0).channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(speedSensorResponse);
            dev0.getChannel(1).channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(cadenceSensorResponse);

            dev0.setNetworkKey(0, new byte[] { 0xB9, 0xA5, 0x21, 0xFB, 0xBD, 0x72, 0xC3, 0x45 });

            channel_speed   = dev0.getChannel(0);
            channel_cadence = dev0.getChannel(1);

            channel_speed.assignChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, 0, timeout);
            channel_speed.setChannelID(0, false, 123, 0, timeout);
            channel_speed.setChannelPeriod(8118, timeout);
            channel_speed.setChannelFreq(57, timeout);

            channel_cadence.assignChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, 0, timeout);
            channel_cadence.setChannelID(0, false, 122, 0, timeout);
            channel_cadence.setChannelPeriod(8102, timeout);
            channel_cadence.setChannelFreq(57, timeout);


            bikeController.is_ant_used = true;
        catch (System.Exception)
            bikeController.is_ant_used = false;

        Debug.Log("ANT Reset : " + bikeController.is_ant_used);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //pulsante fine
            button2.Enabled = true;
            button3.Enabled = false;
            MessageBox.Show("SESSIONE INTERROTTA");

            ANT_Device.shutdownDeviceInstance(ref device0);  // Close down the device completely and completely shut down all communication
            trainerSpeeds.Maximum = 1;

            listViewTrainers.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void DisableTracking()
     nativeTransmitterIsRunning = false;
     lock (this) {
         if (this.antDevice != null)
             this.antDevice             = (ANT_Device)null;
             this.antfsBroadcastChannel = (ANT_Channel)null;
        public void StartCommunication()
            antDevice = new ANT_Device();
            var networkKeyString = File.ReadAllLines("ant-network.key").FirstOrDefault(l => !l.StartsWith("#"))?.Trim();

            antDevice.setNetworkKey(0, StringToByteArray(networkKeyString));
            antDevice.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(device0_deviceResponse);
            antDevice.getChannel(0).channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(d0channel0_channelResponse);
            threadSafePrintLine("ANT+ USB Device Connected");
            setupAndOpen(antDevice, ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Master_Transmit_0x10, 17, 0); // FE-C
            setupAndOpen(antDevice, ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Master_Transmit_0x10, 11, 1); // Power
Ejemplo n.º 23
 static void AllocateUSBDongle()
     WriteLog("Allocating USB ANT Dongle...");
         device0 = new ANT_Device();
     catch (Exception ex)
         WriteLog("USB ANT Dongle is already allocated !");
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private void CloseAllChannles()
     if (channel0 != null)
         Console.WriteLine("Closing Channel");
         channel0 = null;
     if (device0 != null)
         device0 = null;
     //dispose time and wait object and semaphore
Ejemplo n.º 25
    public void Init()
        messageQueue = new Queue <ANT_Response>(16);
        errorQueue   = new Queue <SerialError>(16);
        channelList  = new List <AntChannel>();

        //init the device
        if (device == null)
            device = new ANT_Device();
            device.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse);
            device.serialError    += new ANT_Device.dSerialErrorHandler(SerialErrorHandler);
            device.setNetworkKey(0, NETWORK_KEY, 500);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 static void ReleaseUSBDongle()
     WriteLog("Releasing USB ANT Dongle...");
         ANT_Device.shutdownDeviceInstance(ref device0);
     catch (Exception ex)
         WriteLog("USB ANT Dongle is already released !");
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public void ReOpen(ANT_Device device)
        if (broadcasting)

        this.device = device;

        if (!isBackgroundScan)
            ConfigureAnt(channelType, userChannel, deviceNum, deviceType, transType, radioFreq, channelPeriod, pairing, device.getOpenedUSBDeviceNum());
            ConfigureScan(userChannel, (ushort)device.getOpenedUSBDeviceNum());
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public Network()
            device = new ANT_Device();                                                      // Create a device instance using the automatic constructor (automatic detection of USB device number and baud rate)
            device.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse); // Add device response function to receive protocol event messages

            device.ResetSystem();                                                           // Soft reset
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);                                             // Delay 500ms after a reset

            // If you call the setup functions specifying a wait time, you can check the return value for success or failure of the command
            // This function is blocking - the thread will be blocked while waiting for a response.
            // 500ms is usually a safe value to ensure you wait long enough for any response
            // If you do not specify a wait time, the command is simply sent, and you have to monitor the protocol events for the response,
            if (!device.setNetworkKey(USER_NETWORK_NUM, USER_NETWORK_KEY, 500))
                throw new Exception("Error configuring network key");

Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static void Init()
         ANT_TAPING.device0 = new ANT_Device();
         ANT_TAPING.device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(ANT_TAPING.DeviceResponse);
         ANT_TAPING.channel0 = ANT_TAPING.device0.getChannel((int)ANT_TAPING.USER_ANT_CHANNEL);
         ANT_TAPING.channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ANT_TAPING.ChannelResponse);
     catch (Exception ex)
         bool flag = ANT_TAPING.device0 == null;
         if (flag)
             throw new Exception("Could not connect to any device.\nDetails: \n   " + ex.Message);
         throw new Exception("Error connecting to ANT: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /*  public static async void SendDeviceProperties()
         * {
         *    try
         *    {
         *        Console.WriteLine("Sending device properties:");
         *        Random random = new Random();
         *        TwinCollection telemetryConfig = new TwinCollection();
         *        reportedProperties["DeviceProperty"] = random.Next(1, 6);
         *        Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reportedProperties));
         *        await Client.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties);
         *    }
         *    catch (Exception ex)
         *    {
         *        Console.WriteLine();
         *        Console.WriteLine("Error in sample: {0}", ex.Message);
         *    }
         * }

        private static async void SendTelemetryAsync(CancellationToken token)
                //ANT Part
                byte USER_RADIOFREQ = 57;                                                     // RF Frequency + 2400 MHz
                //ANTPLUS KEY
                byte[] USER_NETWORK_KEY = { 0xB9, 0xA5, 0x21, 0xFB, 0xBD, 0x72, 0xC3, 0x45 }; // key
                byte   USER_NETWORK_NUM = 0;
                //Use USB dongle to connect ANT+ device
                ANT_Device USB_Dongle;
                USB_Dongle = new ANT_Device();
                USB_Dongle.setNetworkKey(USER_NETWORK_NUM, USER_NETWORK_KEY);
                ANT_Channel      Channel0       = USB_Dongle.getChannel(0);
                Network          AntPlusNetwork = new Network(USER_NETWORK_NUM, USER_NETWORK_KEY, USER_RADIOFREQ);
                HeartRateDisplay HR             = new HeartRateDisplay(Channel0, AntPlusNetwork);
                Console.WriteLine(">>ANT+ Tuen on...");

                while (true)
                    byte currentHeartbeat   = HR.HeartRate;
                    var  telemetryDataPoint = new
                        heartbeat = currentHeartbeat,
                    var messageString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telemetryDataPoint);
                    var message       = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messageString));
                    await Client.SendEventAsync(message);

                    Console.WriteLine("{0} > Sending heartbeat signal : {1}", DateTime.Now, messageString);
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Intentional shutdown: {0}", ex.Message);