// change suggested in .99.5 version: Method made public from protected.
 /// <summary>Given a Header return an appropriate datum.</summary>
 public static Data DataFactory(Header hdr)
     if (ImageHDU.IsHeader(hdr))
         return ImageHDU.ManufactureData(hdr);
     else if (RandomGroupsHDU.IsHeader(hdr))
         return RandomGroupsHDU.ManufactureData(hdr);
     else if (useAsciiTables && AsciiTableHDU.IsHeader(hdr))
         return AsciiTableHDU.ManufactureData(hdr);
     else if (BinaryTableHDU.IsHeader(hdr))
         return BinaryTableHDU.ManufactureData(hdr);
     else if (UndefinedHDU.IsHeader(hdr))
         return UndefinedHDU.ManufactureData(hdr);
         throw new FitsException("Unrecognizable header in dataFactory");
Beispiel #2
 public DateTime? ParseExposure(Header header, out bool isMidPoint, out double? fitsExposure)
     if (m_Config.IsTimeStampAndExposure)
         return ParseExposureCase1(header, out isMidPoint, out fitsExposure);
         return ParseExposureCase2(header, out isMidPoint, out fitsExposure);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an ascii table header/data unit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="h">The template specifying the ascii table.</param>
 /// <param name="d"> The FITS data structure containing the table data.</param>
 ///  <exception cref="FitsException"> FitsException if there was a problem with the header.</exception>
 public AsciiTableHDU(Header h, Data d)
     : base((TableData) d)
     myHeader = h;
     data = (AsciiTable) d;
     myData = d;
 /// <summary>
 /// Consructor initislizing header,data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hdr"></param>
 /// <param name="datum"></param>
 public BinaryTableHDU(Header hdr, Data datum)
     : base((TableData)datum)
     myHeader = hdr;
     myData = datum;
     table = (BinaryTable) datum;
Beispiel #5
        private void BuildHeader(Header header, Exposure exposure, Dictionary<string, object> metadata, long maxValue)
            // Set BZERO to half of bitness (32768 for 16-bit)
            header.AddValue("BZERO", 0.5 * maxValue, "");
            header.AddValue("BSCALE", (double)1, "");
            header.AddValue("DATAMIN", 0.0, "");
            header.AddValue("DATAMAX", (double)exposure.MaxDepth, "");
            header.AddValue("CBLACK", (double)exposure.PixelMinValue, "");
            header.AddValue("CWHITE", (double)exposure.PixelMaxValue, "");
            header.AddValue("SWCREATE", "DSImager", "");

            if (metadata != null)
                foreach (var entry in metadata)
                    if (entry.Value is int)
                        header.AddValue(entry.Key, (int)entry.Value, "");
                    if (entry.Value is bool)
                        header.AddValue(entry.Key, (bool)entry.Value, "");
                    if (entry.Value is double)
                        header.AddValue(entry.Key, (double)entry.Value, "");
                    if (entry.Value is string)
                        header.AddValue(entry.Key, (string)entry.Value, "");
                    if (entry.Value is long)
                        header.AddValue(entry.Key, (long)entry.Value, "");
        internal void SaveFitsFrame(string fileName, int width, int height, uint[] framePixels, DateTime timeStamp, float exposureSeconds)
            Fits f = new Fits();

            object data = SaveImageData(width, height, framePixels);

            BasicHDU imageHDU = Fits.MakeHDU(data);

            nom.tam.fits.Header hdr = imageHDU.Header;
            hdr.AddValue("SIMPLE", "T", null);

            hdr.AddValue("BITPIX", 32, null);

            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS", 2, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS1", width, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS2", height, null);

            hdr.AddValue("NOTES", m_Note, null);

            hdr.AddValue("EXPOSURE", exposureSeconds.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "Exposure, seconds");

            hdr.AddValue("DATE-OBS", timeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), m_DateObsComment);

            hdr.AddValue("TANGRAVE", string.Format("{0} v{1}", VersionHelper.AssemblyProduct, VersionHelper.AssemblyFileVersion), "Tangra version");
            hdr.AddValue("END", null, null);


            // Write a FITS file.
            using (BufferedFile bf = new BufferedFile(fileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>Create an ASCII table given a header</summary>
        public AsciiTable(Header hdr)
            nRows = hdr.GetIntValue("NAXIS2");
            nFields = hdr.GetIntValue("TFIELDS");
            rowLen = hdr.GetIntValue("NAXIS1");

            types = new Type[nFields];
            offsets = new int[nFields];
            lengths = new int[nFields];
            nulls = new String[nFields];

            for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i += 1)
                offsets[i] = hdr.GetIntValue("TBCOL" + (i + 1)) - 1;
                String s = hdr.GetStringValue("TFORM" + (i + 1));
                if (offsets[i] < 0 || s == null)
                    throw new FitsException("Invalid Specification for column:" + (i + 1));
                s = s.Trim();
                char c = s[0];
                s = s.Substring(1);
                if (s.IndexOf('.') > 0)
                    s = s.Substring(0, (s.IndexOf('.')) - (0));
                lengths[i] = Int32.Parse(s);

                switch (c)
                    case 'A':
                        types[i] = typeof(String);
                    case 'I':
                        if (lengths[i] > 10)
                            types[i] = typeof(long);
                            types[i] = typeof(int);
                    case 'F':
                    case 'E':
                        types[i] = typeof(float);
                    case 'D':
                        types[i] = typeof(double);

                nulls[i] = hdr.GetStringValue("TNULL" + (i + 1));
                if (nulls[i] != null)
                    nulls[i] = nulls[i].Trim();
 /// <summary>Check if we can find the length of the data for this header.</summary>
 /// <returns><CODE>true</CODE> if this HDU has a valid header.</returns>
 public static new bool IsHeader(Header hdr)
     if(hdr.GetStringValue("XTENSION") != null && hdr.GetIntValue("NAXIS", - 1) >= 0)
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #9
        internal static void SaveDarkOrFlatFrame(string fileName, int width, int height, string notes, float[,] averagedData, float exposureSeconds, int numFrames)
            Fits f = new Fits();

            object data = SaveImageData(width, height, averagedData);

            BasicHDU imageHDU = Fits.MakeHDU(data);

            nom.tam.fits.Header hdr = imageHDU.Header;
            hdr.AddValue("SIMPLE", "T", null);

            hdr.AddValue("BITPIX", -32 /* Floating Point Data*/, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS", 2, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS1", width, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS2", height, null);

            if (notes.Length > HeaderCard.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH)
                notes = notes.Substring(0, HeaderCard.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH);
            hdr.AddValue("NOTES", notes, null);

            if (exposureSeconds > 0)
                hdr.AddValue("EXPOSURE", exposureSeconds.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);
                hdr.AddValue("EXPTIME", exposureSeconds.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);

            hdr.AddValue("SNAPSHOT", numFrames.ToString(), null);
            hdr.AddValue("TANGRAVE", string.Format("{0} v{1}", VersionHelper.AssemblyProduct, VersionHelper.AssemblyFileVersion), null);
            if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseGammaCorrection)
                hdr.AddValue("TANGAMMA", TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.EncodingGamma.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);
            if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.ReverseCameraResponse)
                hdr.AddValue("TANCMRSP", ((int)TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.KnownCameraResponse).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);


            // Write a FITS file.
            using (BufferedFile bf = new BufferedFile(fileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an UndefinedData object using the specified header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h"></param>
        public UndefinedData(Header h)
            int size = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < h.GetIntValue("NAXIS"); i += 1)
                size *= h.GetIntValue("NAXIS" + (i + 1));
            size += h.GetIntValue("PCOUNT");
            if (h.GetIntValue("GCOUNT") > 1)
                size *= h.GetIntValue("GCOUNT");
            size *= System.Math.Abs(h.GetIntValue("BITPIX") / 8);

            data = new byte[size];
            byteSize = size;
Beispiel #11
        private DateTime? ParseExposureCase1(Header header, out bool isMidPoint, out double? fitsExposure)
            isMidPoint = true;
            fitsExposure = null;

            var timeStampCard = header.FindCard(m_Config.TimeStampHeader);
            var exposureCard = header.FindCard(m_Config.ExposureHeader);
            if (timeStampCard != null && exposureCard != null)
                double parsedExposure;
                if (double.TryParse(exposureCard.Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out parsedExposure))
                    fitsExposure = ConvertExposureInSeconds(parsedExposure);

                DateTime parsedTimeStamp;
                if (DateTime.TryParseExact(timeStampCard.Value, m_Config.TimeStampFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out parsedTimeStamp))
                    switch (m_Config.TimeStampType)
                        case TangraConfig.TimeStampType.StartExposure:
                            if (fitsExposure != null)
                                isMidPoint = true;
                                return parsedTimeStamp.AddSeconds(0.5*parsedExposure);
                                return parsedTimeStamp;

                        case TangraConfig.TimeStampType.MidExposure:
                            isMidPoint = true;
                            return parsedTimeStamp;

                        case TangraConfig.TimeStampType.EndExposure:
                            if (fitsExposure != null)
                                isMidPoint = true;
                                return parsedTimeStamp.AddSeconds(-0.5*parsedExposure);
                                return parsedTimeStamp;

            return null;
Beispiel #12
        internal void SaveFitsFrame(string fileName, Header header, int width, int height, object data)
            Fits f = new Fits();

            BasicHDU imageHDU = Fits.MakeHDU(data);

            nom.tam.fits.Header hdr = imageHDU.Header;
            hdr.AddValue("SIMPLE", "T", null);

            hdr.AddValue("BZERO", 0, null);
            hdr.AddValue("BSCALE", 1, null);

            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS", 2, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS1", width, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS2", height, null);

            string[] RESERVED_KEYS = new string[] { "SIMPLE", "NAXIS", "NAXIS1", "NAXIS2", "BZERO", "BSCALE", "END" };

            var cursor = header.GetCursor();

            while (cursor.MoveNext())
                HeaderCard card = header.FindCard((string)cursor.Key);
                if (card != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(card.Key) && !RESERVED_KEYS.Contains(card.Key))
                    hdr.AddValue(card.Key, card.Value, card.Comment);

            hdr.AddValue("NOTES", m_Note, null);
            hdr.AddValue("TANGRAVE", string.Format("{0} v{1}", VersionHelper.AssemblyProduct, VersionHelper.AssemblyFileVersion), "Tangra version");
            hdr.AddValue("END", null, null);


            // Write a FITS file.
            using (BufferedFile bf = new BufferedFile(fileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>Create FITS data object corresponding to a given header.</summary>
        public static Data ManufactureData(Header hdr)
            int gcount = hdr.GetIntValue("GCOUNT", - 1);
            int pcount = hdr.GetIntValue("PCOUNT", - 1);

            if (!hdr.GetBooleanValue("GROUPS") || hdr.GetIntValue("NAXIS1", - 1) != 0 || gcount < 0 || pcount < 0 || hdr.GetIntValue("NAXIS") < 2)
                throw new FitsException("Invalid Random Groups Parameters");

            // Allocate the object.
            Object[][] dataArray;

            if (gcount > 0)
                dataArray = new Object[gcount][];
                for (int i = 0; i < gcount; i++)
                    dataArray[i] = new Object[2];
                dataArray = new Object[0][];

            Object[] sampleRow = GenerateSampleRow(hdr);
            for (int i = 0; i < gcount; i += 1)
                ((Object[][]) dataArray)[i][0] = ((Object[]) ArrayFuncs.DeepClone(sampleRow))[0];
                ((Object[][]) dataArray)[i][1] = ((Object[]) ArrayFuncs.DeepClone(sampleRow))[1];
            return new RandomGroupsData(dataArray);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>Is this a random groups header?</summary>
        /// <param name="myHeader">The header to be tested.</param>
        public static new bool IsHeader(Header hdr)
            if (hdr.GetBooleanValue("SIMPLE"))
                return hdr.GetBooleanValue("GROUPS");

            String s = hdr.GetStringValue("XTENSION");
            if (s.Trim().Equals("IMAGE"))
                return hdr.GetBooleanValue("GROUPS");

            return false;
        internal override void FillHeader(Header h)
            //int[] dims = ArrayFuncs.GetDimensions(dataArray);
            int[] dims = ArrayFuncs.GetDimensions(dataArray.GetValue(0));

            //if (dataArray.Length <= 0 || dataArray[0].Length != 2)
            if(dims.Length != 2)
                throw new FitsException("Data not conformable to Random Groups");

            int gcount = dataArray.Length;
            //Object paraSamp = dataArray[0][0];
            //Object dataSamp = dataArray[0][1];
            Object paraSamp = ((Array)dataArray.GetValue(0)).GetValue(0);
            Object dataSamp = ((Array)dataArray.GetValue(0)).GetValue(1);

            Type pbase = ArrayFuncs.GetBaseClass(paraSamp);
            Type dbase = ArrayFuncs.GetBaseClass(dataSamp);

            if (pbase != dbase)
                throw new FitsException("Data and parameters do not agree in type for random group");

            int[] pdims = ArrayFuncs.GetDimensions(paraSamp);
            int[] ddims = ArrayFuncs.GetDimensions(dataSamp);

            if (pdims.Length != 1)
                throw new FitsException("Parameters are not 1 d array for random groups");

            // Got the information we need to build the header.

            h.Simple = true;
            if (dbase == typeof(byte))
                h.Bitpix = 8;
            else if (dbase == typeof(short))
                h.Bitpix = 16;
            else if (dbase == typeof(int))
                h.Bitpix = 32;
            else if (dbase == typeof(long))
                // Non-standard
                h.Bitpix = 64;
            else if (dbase == typeof(float))
                h.Bitpix = - 32;
            else if (dbase == typeof(double))
                h.Bitpix = - 64;
                throw new FitsException("Data type:" + dbase + " not supported for random groups");

            h.Naxes = ddims.Length + 1;
            h.AddValue("NAXIS1", 0, "");
            for (int i = 2; i <= ddims.Length + 1; i += 1)
                h.AddValue("NAXIS" + i, ddims[i - 2], "");

            h.AddValue("GROUPS", true, "");
            h.AddValue("GCOUNT", dataArray.Length, "");
            h.AddValue("PCOUNT", pdims[0], "");
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a UndefinedData object to correspond to the header description.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hdr"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Data ManufactureData(Header hdr)
     return new UndefinedData(hdr);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary> Update the header to reflect the details of a given column.</summary>
        internal void FillForColumn(Header h, int col, Cursor cursor)
            String tform;

            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            if (IsVarCol(col))
                if (IsLongVary(col))
                    tform = "1Q";
                    tform = "1P";
                tform = "" + sizes[col];
            if (bases[col] == typeof(int))
              tform += "J";
            //else if (bases[col] == typeof(short) || bases[col] == typeof(char))
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(short))// || bases[col] == typeof(char))
              tform += "I";
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(byte))
              tform += "B";
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(float))
              tform += "E";
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(double))
              tform += "D";
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(long))
              tform += "K";
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(bool))
              tform += "L";
            else if (bases[col] == typeof(char) || bases[col] == typeof(String))
              tform += "A";
              throw new FitsException("Invalid column data class:" + bases[col]);

            String key = "TFORM" + (col + 1);
            cursor.Add(key, new HeaderCard(key, tform, null));

            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            if (dimens[col].Length > 0 && ((!IsVarCol(col))))
                System.Text.StringBuilder tdim = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                char comma = '(';
                for (int i = dimens[col].Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
                    comma = ',';
                key = "TDIM" + (col + 1);
                cursor.Add(key, new HeaderCard(key, new String(tdim.ToString().ToCharArray()), null));
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>Create a binary table from given header information.</summary>
        /// <param name="myHeader">header describing what the binary table should look like.</param>
        public BinaryTable(Header myHeader)
            int heapSize = myHeader.GetIntValue("PCOUNT");
            heapOffset = myHeader.GetIntValue("THEAP");

            // .99.1 changes: changed the sequence of code lines.
            int rwsz = myHeader.GetIntValue("NAXIS1");
            nRow = myHeader.GetIntValue("NAXIS2");

            // Subtract out the size of the regular table from
            // the heap offset.

            if (heapOffset > 0)
                heapOffset -= nRow * rwsz;

            if (heapOffset < 0 || heapOffset > heapSize)
                throw new FitsException("Inconsistent THEAP and PCOUNT");

            heap = new FitsHeap(heapSize - heapOffset);
            nCol = myHeader.GetIntValue("TFIELDS");
            rowLen = 0;

            for (int col = 0; col < nCol; col += 1)
                rowLen += ProcessCol(myHeader, col);

            // .99.1 changes: Added to replace new value of NAXIS1 keyword.
            HeaderCard card = myHeader.FindCard("NAXIS1");
            card.Value = rowLen.ToString();
            myHeader.UpdateLine("NAXIS1", card);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>Make a header point to the given object.</summary>
 /// <param name="odata">The random groups data the header should describe.</param>
 internal static Header ManufactureHeader(Data d)
     if (d == null)
         throw new FitsException("Attempt to create null Random Groups data");
     Header h = new Header();
     return h;
Beispiel #20
        // change suggested in .99.1 version: Method added.
        /// <summary>
        /// Overwrite the lines in the header.
        /// Add the new PHDU header to the current one. If keywords appear
        /// twice, the new value and comment overwrite the current contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newHdr">the list of new header data lines to replace the current ones.</param>
        public void UpdateLines(Header newHdr)
            Cursor j = newHdr.GetCursor();

              while (j.MoveNext())
            HeaderCard nextHCard = (HeaderCard)j.Current;

            // updateLine() doesn't work with COMMENTs because
            // this would allow only one COMMENT in total in each header
            if( nextHCard.Key.StartsWith("COMMENT") )
              InsertComment(nextHCard.Comment, cards.Count);
              UpdateLine(nextHCard.Key, nextHCard);
Beispiel #21
        internal void SaveFitsFrame(int frameNo, string fileName, int width, int height, uint[] framePixels, DateTime timeStamp, float exposureSeconds)
            Fits f = new Fits();

            object data = m_ExportAs8BitFloat
                ? (object)SaveNormalizedFloatImageData(width, height, framePixels)
                : (object)SaveImageData(width, height, framePixels);

            BasicHDU imageHDU = Fits.MakeHDU(data);

            nom.tam.fits.Header hdr = imageHDU.Header;
            hdr.AddValue("SIMPLE", "T", null);

            hdr.AddValue("BITPIX", m_ExportAs8BitFloat ? -32 : 32, null);

            hdr.AddValue("BZERO", 0, null);
            hdr.AddValue("BSCALE", 1, null);

            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS", 2, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS1", width, null);
            hdr.AddValue("NAXIS2", height, null);

            hdr.AddValue("EXPOSURE", exposureSeconds.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "Exposure, seconds");

            hdr.AddValue("DATE-OBS", timeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), m_DateObsComment);

            hdr.AddValue("CAMERA", m_VideoCamera, "Video camera model (observer specified)");

            hdr.AddValue("FILENAME", m_VideoController.FileName, null);
            hdr.AddValue("FRAMENO", frameNo, null);

            if (m_VideoFormat == VideoFileFormat.AAV || m_VideoFormat == VideoFileFormat.AAV2)
                hdr.AddValue("NOTES", "No instrumental delay has been applied to DATE-OBS.", null);

                if (m_ExportAs8BitFloat)
                    hdr.AddValue("VIDEOFMT", m_NativeFormat, "Native analogue video format");
                    if (m_IntegrationRate > 0)
                        hdr.AddValue("INTGRRTE", m_IntegrationRate.ToString(), "Integration rate in video frames");
                hdr.AddValue("NOTES", string.Format("Converted from {0} file.", m_VideoFormat), null);

            foreach (var kvp in m_AdditionalFileHeaders)
                hdr.AddValue(kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Item1, kvp.Value.Item2);

            hdr.AddValue("TANGRAVE", string.Format("{0} v{1}", VersionHelper.AssemblyProduct, VersionHelper.AssemblyFileVersion), "Tangra version");
            hdr.AddValue("END", null, null);


            // Write a FITS file.
            using (BufferedFile bf = new BufferedFile(fileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
Beispiel #22
        protected internal virtual ArrayDesc ParseHeader(Header h)
            int bitpix;
            //			int type;
            int ndim;
            int[] dims;
            int i;

            //Object dataArray;
            Type baseClass;

            int gCount = h.GetIntValue("GCOUNT", 1);
            int pCount = h.GetIntValue("PCOUNT", 0);
            if (gCount > 1 || pCount != 0)
                throw new FitsException("Group data treated as images");

            bitpix = (int) h.GetIntValue("BITPIX", 0);

            if (bitpix == 8)
                baseClass = Type.GetType("System.Byte");
            else if (bitpix == 16)
                baseClass = Type.GetType("System.Int16");
            else if (bitpix == 32)
                baseClass = Type.GetType("System.Int32");
            else if (bitpix == 64)
                /* This isn't a standard for FITS yet...*/
                baseClass = Type.GetType("System.Int64");
            else if (bitpix == - 32)
                baseClass = Type.GetType("System.Single");
            else if (bitpix == - 64)
                baseClass = Type.GetType("System.Double");
                throw new FitsException("Invalid BITPIX:" + bitpix);

            ndim = h.GetIntValue("NAXIS", 0);
            dims = new int[ndim];

            // Note that we have to invert the order of the axes
            // for the FITS file to get the order in the array we
            // are generating.

            byteSize = 1;
            for (i = 0; i < ndim; i += 1)
                int cdim = h.GetIntValue("NAXIS" + (i + 1), 0);
                if (cdim < 0)
                    throw new FitsException("Invalid array dimension:" + cdim);
                byteSize *= cdim;
                dims[ndim - i - 1] = (int) cdim;
            byteSize *= Math.Abs(bitpix) / 8;
            if (ndim == 0)
                byteSize = 0;
            return new ArrayDesc(this, dims, baseClass);
 /// <summary>Build an image HDU using the supplied data.</summary>
 /// <param name="obj">the data used to build the image.</param>
 /// <exception cref=""> FitsException if there was a problem with the data.</exception>
 public UndefinedHDU(Header h, Data d)
     myData = d;
     myHeader = h;
Beispiel #24
 private DateTime? ParseExposureCase2(Header header, out bool isMidPoint, out double? fitsExposure)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #25
        internal static Object[] GenerateSampleRow(Header h)
            int ndim = h.GetIntValue("NAXIS", 0) - 1;
            int[] dims = new int[ndim];

            int bitpix = h.GetIntValue("BITPIX", 0);

            Type baseClass;

            switch (bitpix)
                case 8:
                    baseClass = typeof(byte);
                case 16:
                    baseClass = typeof(short);
                case 32:
                    baseClass = typeof(int);
                case 64:
                    baseClass = typeof(long);
                case - 32:
                    baseClass = typeof(float);
                case - 64:
                    baseClass = typeof(double);
                    throw new FitsException("Invalid BITPIX:" + bitpix);

            // Note that we have to invert the order of the axes
            // for the FITS file to get the order in the array we
            // are generating.  Also recall that NAXIS1=0, so that
            // we have an 'extra' dimension.
            for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i += 1)
                long cdim = h.GetIntValue("NAXIS" + (i + 2), 0);
                if (cdim < 0)
                    throw new FitsException("Invalid array dimension:" + cdim);
                dims[ndim - i - 1] = (int) cdim;

            Object[] sample = new Object[2];
            sample[0] = ArrayFuncs.NewInstance(baseClass, h.GetIntValue("PCOUNT"));
            sample[1] = ArrayFuncs.NewInstance(baseClass, dims);

            return sample;
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>Process one column from a FITS Header.</summary>
        private int ProcessCol(Header header, int col)
            String tform = header.GetStringValue("TFORM" + (col + 1));
            // .99 changes
            if (tform == null)
                throw new FitsException("Attempt to process column " + (col + 1) + " but no TFORMn found.");
            tform = tform.Trim();

            String tdims = header.GetStringValue("TDIM" + (col + 1));

            if (tform == null)
                throw new FitsException("No TFORM for column:" + col);
            if (tdims != null)
                tdims = tdims.Trim();

            char type = GetTformType(tform);
            // .99.1 changes: condition changed
            if (type == 'P' || type == 'Q')
                flags[col] |= COL_VARYING;
                // .99.1 changes:
                if (type == 'Q')
                    flags[col] |= COL_LONGVARY;
                type = GetTformVarType(tform);

            int size = GetTformLength(tform);

            // Handle the special size cases.
            // Bit arrays
            if (type == 'X')
                size = (size + 7) / 8;
                flags[col] |= COL_BIT;
                // Variable length arrays (just a two element array )
            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            else if (IsVarCol(col))
                size = 2;
            int bSize = size;

            int[] dims = null;

            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            // Cannot really handle arbitrary arrays of bits.
            if (tdims != null && type != 'X' && !IsVarCol(col))
                dims = GetTDims(tdims);

            if (dims == null)
                // .99.1 change
                if (size == 1)
                    dims = new int[0];
                    dims = new int[] { size };

            if (type == 'C' || type == 'M')
                flags[col] |= COL_COMPLEX;

            Type colBase = null;

            switch (type)
                case 'A':
                    colBase = typeof(byte);
                    flags[col] |= COL_STRING;
                    bases[col] = typeof(String);
                case 'L':
                    colBase = typeof(byte);
                    bases[col] = typeof(bool);
                    flags[col] |= COL_BOOLEAN;
                case 'X':
                case 'B':
                    colBase = typeof(byte);
                    bases[col] = typeof(byte);
                case 'I':
                    colBase = typeof(short);
                    bases[col] = typeof(short);
                    bSize *= 2;
                case 'J':
                    colBase = typeof(int);
                    bases[col] = typeof(int);
                    bSize *= 4;
                case 'K':
                    colBase = typeof(long);
                    bases[col] = typeof(long);
                    bSize *= 8;
                case 'E':
                case 'C':
                    colBase = typeof(float);
                    bases[col] = typeof(float);
                    bSize *= 4;
                case 'D':
                case 'M':
                    colBase = typeof(double);
                    bases[col] = typeof(double);
                    bSize *= 8;
                    throw new FitsException("Invalid type in column:" + col);

            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            if (IsVarCol(col))
                dims = new int[]{nRow, 2};
                colBase = typeof(int);
                bSize = 8;
            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            else if (IsLongVary(col))
                colBase = typeof(long);
                bSize = 16;
            // .99.1 changes: new method for condition check
            else if (IsComplex(col))
                int[] xdims = new int[dims.Length + 1];
                Array.Copy(dims, 0, xdims, 0, dims.Length);
                xdims[dims.Length] = 2;
                dims = xdims;

            modelRow[col] = ArrayFuncs.NewInstance(colBase, dims);
            dimens[col] = dims;
            sizes[col] = size;

            return bSize;
Beispiel #27
 //internal Object dataArray;
 /// <summary>Create an HDU from the given header and data</summary>
 public RandomGroupsHDU(Header h, Data d)
     myHeader = h;
     myData = d;
Beispiel #28
 // .99.1 changes:
 /// <summary> Update the header after a deletion.</summary>
 public void UpdateAfterDelete(int oldNcol, Header hdr)
     hdr.AddValue("NAXIS1", rowLen, "Bytes per row");
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>Fill header with keywords that describe image data.</summary>
        /// <param name="head">The FITS header</param>
        /// <exception cref="FitsException"> FitsException if the object does not contain valid image data.</exception>
        internal override void FillHeader(Header head)
            if (dataArray == null)
                return ;

            Type classname = ArrayFuncs.GetBaseClass(dataArray);

            int[] dimens = ArrayFuncs.GetDimensions(dataArray);

            if (dimens == null || dimens.Length == 0)
                throw new FitsException("Image data object not array. ");

            int bitpix;
            // Changed from classname[dimens.Length] to classname[classname.IndexOf(".") + 1]

            switch (classname.ToString())
                case "System.Byte":
                    bitpix = 8;
                case "System.Int16":
                    bitpix = 16;
                case "System.Int32":
                    bitpix = 32;
                case "System.Int64":
                    bitpix = 64;
                case "System.Single":
                    bitpix = - 32;
                case "System.Double":
                    bitpix = - 64;
                    throw new FitsException("Invalid Object Type for FITS data:" +

            // if this is neither a primary header nor an image extension,
            // make it a primary header
            head.Simple = true;
            head.Bitpix = bitpix;
            head.Naxes = dimens.Length;

            for (int i = 1; i <= dimens.Length; i += 1)
                if (dimens[i - 1] == - 1)
                    throw new FitsException("Unfilled array for dimension: " + i);
                head.SetNaxis(i, dimens[dimens.Length - i]);

            // suggested in .97 version: EXTEND keyword added before PCOUNT and GCOUNT.
            head.AddValue("EXTEND", true, "Extension permitted"); // Just in case!
            head.AddValue("PCOUNT", 0, "No extra parameters");
            head.AddValue("GCOUNT", 1, "One group");
        /// <summary>Create a  header that describes the given
        /// image data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The image to be described.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref=""> FitsException if the object does not contain
        /// valid image data.
        /// </exception>
        public static Header ManufactureHeader(Data d)
            Header h = new Header();

            return h;
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>Create an array from a header description.
 /// This is typically how data will be created when reading
 /// FITS data from a file where the header is read first.
 /// This creates an empty array.</summary>
 /// <param name="h">header to be used as a template.</param>
 /// <exception cref="FitsException"> FitsException if there was a problem with the header description.</exception>
 public ImageData(Header h)
     dataDescription = ParseHeader(h);
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary> Update a FITS header to reflect the current state of the data.</summary>
        internal override void FillHeader(Header h)
                h.Xtension = "BINTABLE";
                h.Bitpix = 8;
                h.Naxes = 2;
                h.SetNaxis(1, rowLen);
                h.SetNaxis(2, nRow);
                h.AddValue("PCOUNT", heap.Size, null);
                h.AddValue("GCOUNT", 1, null);
                Cursor c = h.GetCursor();
                c.Key = "GCOUNT";
                c.Add("TFIELDS", new HeaderCard("TFIELDS", modelRow.Length, null));

                for(int i = 0; i < modelRow.Length; i += 1)
                    if(i > 0)
                        h.PositionAfterIndex("TFORM", i);
                    FillForColumn(h, i, c);
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Impossible exception");
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>Create a header by reading the information from the input stream.</summary>
        /// <param name="dis">The input stream to read the data from.</param>
        /// <returns> <CODE>null</CODE> if there was a problem with the header;
        /// otherwise return the header read from the input stream.</returns>
        public static Header ReadHeader(ArrayDataIO dis)
            Header myHeader = new Header();
            // An EOF exception is thrown only if the EOF was detected
            // when reading the first card.  In this case we want
            // to return a null.
            return null;

              return myHeader;
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary> Update the header to reflect information about a given column.
 /// This routine tries to ensure that the Header is organized by column.</summary>
 internal void PointToColumn(int col, Header hdr)
     Cursor c = hdr.GetCursor();
     if(col > 0)
         hdr.PositionAfterIndex("TFORM", col);
     FillForColumn(hdr, col, c);