Beispiel #1
		public static void Extract (string filereal, Queue item)
			if (item.Data.IsFileMkv || (item.Data.IsFileAvs && Properties.Settings.Default.AvsMkvCopy))
				int sc = 0;
				foreach (var subs in GetStream.Media(filereal, StreamType.Subtitle))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{filereal}\" -map {subs.ID} -y sub{sc++:0000}_{subs.Lang}.{subs.Format}");

				foreach (var font in GetStream.MediaMkv(filereal, StreamType.Attachment))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEX}\" attachments \"{filereal}\" {font.ID}:\"{font.File}\"");

				TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEX}\" chapters \"{filereal}\" > chapters.xml");
Beispiel #2
		public static void Audio (string filereal, Queue item)
			if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Encoder, "No Audio", IC))
				// Do noting
			else if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Encoder, "Passthrough (Extract all audio)", IC))
				int counter = 0;
				foreach (var audio in GetStream.Media(filereal, StreamType.Audio))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{filereal}\" -map {audio.ID} -acodec copy -y audio{counter++:0000}_{audio.Lang}.{audio.Format}");
				string frequency;
				if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Frequency, "auto", IC))
					frequency = "";
					frequency = "-ar " + item.Audio.Frequency;

				string channel;
				if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Channel, "auto", IC))
					channel = "";
				else if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Channel, "mono", IC))
					channel = "-ac 1";
					channel = "-ac 2";

				int counter = 0;
				foreach (var codec in Plugin.List)
					if (string.Equals(codec.Profile.Name, item.Audio.Encoder, IC))
						foreach (var audio in GetStream.Media(filereal, StreamType.Audio))
							string outfile = $"audio{counter++:0000}_{audio.Lang}";
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{filereal}\" -map {audio.ID} {frequency} {channel} -y {outfile}.wav");
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{codec.App.Bin}\" {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {item.Audio.BitRate} {item.Audio.Command} {codec.Arg.Input} {outfile}.wav {codec.Arg.Output} {outfile}.{codec.App.Ext}");
							File.Delete(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, outfile + ".wav"));

Beispiel #3
		public static void Extract(Queue item)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Data.File))

			string realfile = GetStream.AviSynthGetFile(item.Data.File);

			if (item.Data.IsFileMkv || (item.Data.IsFileAvs && Default.AvsMkvCopy))
				int sc = 0;
				foreach (var subs in GetStream.Subtitle(realfile))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{realfile}\" -map {subs.Id} -y subtitle{sc++:0000}_{subs.Lang}.{subs.Format}");

				TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -dump_attachment:t \"\" -i \"{realfile}\" -y");

				TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEXT}\" chapters \"{realfile}\" > chapters.xml");
Beispiel #4
		public static void Extract(string file, Queue item)
			if (item.Data.IsFileAvs)
				file = GetStream.AviSynthGetFile(file);

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))

			if (item.Data.IsFileMkv || (item.Data.IsFileAvs && Default.AvsMkvCopy))
				int sc = 0;
				foreach (var subs in GetStream.Media(file, StreamType.Subtitle))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {subs.ID} -y sub{sc++:0000}_{subs.Lang}.{subs.Format}");

				foreach (var font in GetStream.MediaMkv(file, StreamType.Attachment))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEX}\" attachments \"{file}\" {font.ID}:\"{font.File}\"");

				TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEX}\" chapters \"{file}\" > chapters.xml");
Beispiel #5
		void QueueAdd(string file)
			if (Get.IsPathNetwork(file))
				InvokeLog($"This file from Network, please mount, rejected: {file}");

			FFmpeg.Bin = Plugin.FFMPEG;
			FFmpeg.Probe = Plugin.FFPROBE;

			var Info = new Queue();

			var i = cboProfile.SelectedIndex;			// Profiles
			var p = Profile.List[i == 0 ? 0 : i - 1];   // When profiles at <new> mean auto detect

			// todo
			var ff = new FFmpeg.Stream(file);

			Info.FilePath = file;
			Info.General.IsOutputMKV = i == 0 ? true : string.Equals(p.Info.Format, "mkv", IC);
			Info.General.IsAviSynth = string.Equals(ff.FormatName, "avisynth", IC);
			Info.General.Duration = ff.Duration;

			if (ff.Video.Count > 0)
				// Picture section
				Info.Picture.FrameCount = ff.Video[0].FrameCount;
				Info.Picture.Resolution = i == 0 ? "auto" : p.Picture.Resolution;
				Info.Picture.FrameRate = i == 0 ? "auto" : p.Picture.FrameRate;
				Info.Picture.BitDepth = i == 0 ? ff.Video[0].BitPerColour : p.Picture.BitDepth;
				Info.Picture.Chroma = i == 0 ? 420 : p.Picture.Chroma;
				InvokeLog($"This file has no video, rejected: {file}");

			// Video section
			Info.Video.Preset = i == 0 ? "medium" : p.Video.Preset;
			Info.Video.Tune = i == 0 ? "off" : p.Video.Tune;
			Info.Video.Type = i == 0 ? 0 : p.Video.Type;
			Info.Video.Value = i == 0 ? "26" : p.Video.Value;
			Info.Video.Command = i == 0 ? "--dither" : p.Video.Command;

			// Audio section
			Plugin dummy;
			bool exist = Plugin.List.TryGetValue(p.Audio.Encoder, out dummy);

            Guid encoder = i == 0 || !exist ? new Guid("ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff") : p.Audio.Encoder;
			string bitRate = i == 0 || !exist ? "256" : p.Audio.BitRate;
			string frequency = i == 0 || !exist ? "auto" : p.Audio.Freq;
			string channel = i == 0 || !exist ? "auto" : p.Audio.Chan;
			string command = i == 0 || !exist ? null : p.Audio.Args;

			foreach (var item in ff.Audio)
					Enable = true,
					File = file,
					Embedded = true,
					Id = item.Id,
					Lang = item.Language,
					Codec = item.Codec,
					Format = Get.MediaContainer(item.Codec),

					RawBit = item.BitDepth,
					RawFreq = item.SampleRate,
					RawChan = item.Channel,

					Encoder = encoder,
					BitRate = bitRate,
					Freq = frequency,
					Chan = channel,
					Args = command

			// Subtitle
			Info.SubtitleEnable = ff.Subtitle.Count > 0;
			foreach (var item in ff.Subtitle)
				Info.Subtitle.Add(new Queue.subtitle
					File = file,
					Id = item.Id,
					Lang = item.Language,
					Codec = item.Codec,
					Format = Get.MediaContainer(item.Codec),

			// Add to queue list
			ListViewItem qItem = new ListViewItem(new[] {
				Info.General.IsOutputMKV ? "Matroska" : "MPEG-4",
			qItem.Tag = Info;
			qItem.Checked = true;

			// Print to log
			InvokeLog($"File added {Info.FilePath}");
Beispiel #6
		public static void Audio(string filereal, Queue item)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filereal))

			string frequency;
			if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Frequency, "auto", IC))
				frequency = "";
				frequency = "-ar " + item.Audio.Frequency;

			string channel;
			if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Channel, "auto", IC))
				channel = "";
			else if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Channel, "mono", IC))
				channel = "-ac 1";
				channel = "-ac 2";

			string ffcmd = item.Picture.Command;

			if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Encoder, "No Audio", IC))
				// Do noting
			else if (string.Equals(item.Audio.Encoder, "Passthrough (Extract all audio)", IC))
				// Extract all
				int counter = 0;
				foreach (var audio in GetStream.Media(filereal, StreamType.Audio))
					// Drop current tracks if set
					if (DropCurrentAudio(audio.ID, item))

					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{filereal}\" -dn -vn -sn -map {audio.ID} -acodec copy {ffcmd} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{audio.Lang}.{audio.Format}");

				// check if got any unsupported codec
				if (!item.Data.SaveAsMkv)
					foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
						if (!string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(audio), ".mp4", IC))
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{audio}\" -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a {item.Audio.BitRate}k {frequency} {channel} -y {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(audio)}.mp4");
                            File.Delete(audio); // delete unwanted
				int counter = 0;
				foreach (var codec in Plugin.List)
					if (string.Equals(codec.Profile.Name, item.Audio.Encoder, IC))
						if (item.Audio.Merge)
							int count = 0;
							string map = string.Empty;
							foreach (var audio in GetStream.Media(filereal, StreamType.Audio))
								// Drop current tracks if set
								if (DropCurrentAudio(audio.ID, item))

								map += $"-map {audio.ID} ";

							TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{filereal}\" {map} -filter_complex amix=inputs={count}:duration=first:dropout_transition=0 {frequency} {channel} {ffcmd} -y audio0000_und.wav");
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{codec.App.Bin}\" {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {item.Audio.BitRate} {item.Audio.Command} {codec.Arg.Input} audio0000_und.wav {codec.Arg.Output} audio0000_und.{codec.App.Ext}");
							File.Delete(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "audio0000_und.wav"));
							foreach (var audio in GetStream.Media(filereal, StreamType.Audio))
								// Drop current tracks if set
								if (DropCurrentAudio(audio.ID, item))

								string outfile = $"audio{counter++:0000}_{audio.Lang}";
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{filereal}\" -map {audio.ID} {frequency} {channel} {ffcmd} -y {outfile}.wav");
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{codec.App.Bin}\" {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {item.Audio.BitRate} {item.Audio.Command} {codec.Arg.Input} {outfile}.wav {codec.Arg.Output} {outfile}.{codec.App.Ext}");
								File.Delete(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, outfile + ".wav"));

Beispiel #7
		void QueueAdd(string file)
			string FileType;
			var Info = new Queue();

			var i = cboProfile.SelectedIndex;			// Profiles
			var p = Profile.List[i == 0 ? 0 : i - 1];	// When profiles at <new> mean auto detect

			Info.Data.File = file;
			Info.Data.SaveAsMkv = i == 0 ? true : string.Equals(p.Info.Format, "mkv", IC);

			MediaFile AVI = new MediaFile(file);

			Info.Data.IsFileMkv = string.Equals(AVI.format, "Matroska", IC);
			Info.Data.IsFileAvs = GetInfo.IsAviSynth(file);

			if (!Plugin.AviSynthInstalled)
				if (Info.Data.IsFileAvs)
					InvokeLog($"AviSynth not installed, skipping this file: {file}");

			// Picture section
			if (AVI.Video.Count > 0)
				var Video = AVI.Video[0];
				Info.Picture.Resolution = i == 0 ? $"{Video.width}x{Video.height}" : p.Picture.Resolution;
				Info.Picture.FrameRate = i == 0 ? $"{Video.frameRateGet}" : p.Picture.FrameRate;
				Info.Picture.BitDepth = i == 0 ? $"{Video.bitDepth}" : p.Picture.BitDepth;
				Info.Picture.Chroma = i == 0 ? "420" : p.Picture.Chroma;

				Info.Prop.Duration = Video.duration;
				Info.Prop.FrameCount = Video.frameCount;

				Info.Picture.IsCopy = false;
				Info.Picture.IsHevc = string.Equals(Video.format, "HEVC", IC);

				FileType = $"{Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper()} ({Video.format})";

				if (string.Equals(Video.frameRateMode, "vfr", IC))
					Info.Prop.IsVFR = true;

				if (Video.isInterlace)
					Info.Picture.YadifEnable = true;
					Info.Picture.YadifMode = 0;
					Info.Picture.YadifField = (Video.isTopFieldFirst ? 0 : 1);
					Info.Picture.YadifFlag = 0;
				if (Info.Data.IsFileAvs)
					Info.Picture.Resolution = "auto";
					Info.Picture.FrameRate = "auto";
					Info.Picture.BitDepth = "8";
					Info.Picture.Chroma = "420";

					FileType = "AviSynth Script";
					FileType = "Unknown";

			// Video section
			Info.Video.Preset = i == 0 ? "medium" : p.Video.Preset;
			Info.Video.Tune = i == 0 ? "off" : p.Video.Tune;
			Info.Video.Type = i == 0 ? 0 : p.Video.Type;
			Info.Video.Value = i == 0 ? "26" : p.Video.Value;
			Info.Video.Command = i == 0 ? "--dither" : p.Video.Command;

			// Audio section
			bool exist = Plugin.IsExist(p.Audio.Encoder);
            Info.Audio.Encoder = i == 0 || !exist ? Plugin.Default.Audio.Name : p.Audio.Encoder;
			Info.Audio.BitRate = i == 0 || !exist ? Plugin.Default.Audio.BitRate : p.Audio.BitRate;
			Info.Audio.Frequency = i == 0 || !exist ? Plugin.Default.Audio.Frequency : p.Audio.Frequency;
			Info.Audio.Channel = i == 0 || !exist ? Plugin.Default.Audio.Channel : p.Audio.Channel;
			Info.Audio.Command = i == 0 || !exist ? Plugin.Default.Audio.Command : p.Audio.Command;

			// Drop audio tracks support
			foreach (var item in GetStream.Media(file, StreamType.Audio))
				Info.DropAudioId.Add(new DropAudio { Id = item.ID, Text = $"{item.ID}, {item.Lang}, {item.OtherInfo}", Checked = false });
			// Add to queue list
			ListViewItem qItem = new ListViewItem(new[] {
				$".{(Info.Data.SaveAsMkv ? "MKV" : "MP4")} (HEVC)",
			qItem.Tag = Info;
			qItem.Checked = true;

			// Print to log
			InvokeLog($"File added {Info.Data.File}");
Beispiel #8
		public static void Video(string file, Queue item)
			foreach (var video in GetStream.Media(file, StreamType.Video))
				// Copy
				if (item.Picture.IsHevc)
					if (item.Picture.IsCopy)
						TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {video.ID} -c:v copy -bsf hevc_mp4toannexb -y video0000_{video.Lang}.hevc");

				// ffmpeg settings
				string resolution = string.Equals(item.Picture.Resolution, "auto", IC) ? "" : $"-s {item.Picture.Resolution}";
				string framerate = string.Equals(item.Picture.FrameRate, "auto", IC) ? "" : $"-r {item.Picture.FrameRate}";
				int bitdepth = item.Picture.BitDepth;
				string chroma = $"yuv{item.Picture.Chroma}p{(bitdepth > 8 ? $"{bitdepth}le" : "")}";
				string yadif = item.Picture.YadifEnable ? $"-vf \"yadif={item.Picture.YadifMode}:{item.Picture.YadifField}:{item.Picture.YadifFlag}\"" : "";
				int framecount = item.Prop.FrameCount;
				string vsync = "cfr";
				string ffcmd = item.Picture.Command;

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(framerate))
					if (item.Prop.IsVFR)
						TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMS2}\" -f -c \"{file}\" timecode");
						vsync = "vfr";
				else // when fps is set, generate new framecount
					framecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)item.Prop.Duration / 1000.0) * Convert.ToDouble(item.Picture.FrameRate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

				if (item.Picture.YadifEnable)
					if (item.Picture.YadifMode == 1)
						framecount *= 2; // make each fields as new frame

				if (item.Data.IsFileAvs) // get new framecount for avisynth
					framecount = GetStream.AviSynthFrameCount(file);

				// x265 settings
				string decbin = Plugin.LIBAV;
                string encbin = Plugin.HEVC08;
				string preset = item.Video.Preset;
				string tune = string.Equals(item.Video.Tune, "off", IC) ? "" : $"--tune {item.Video.Tune}";
				int type = item.Video.Type;
				int pass;
				string value = item.Video.Value;
				string command = item.Video.Command;

				if (item.Data.IsFileAvs)
					decbin = Plugin.AVS4P;

				string decoder = item.Data.IsFileAvs ? 
					$"\"{decbin}\" video \"{file}\"" : 
					$"\"{decbin}\" -i \"{file}\" -vsync {vsync} -f yuv4mpegpipe -pix_fmt {chroma} -strict -1 {resolution} {framerate} {yadif} {ffcmd} -";

				if (bitdepth == 10)
					encbin = Plugin.HEVC10;
				else if (bitdepth == 12)
					encbin = Plugin.HEVC12;

				string encoder = $"\"{encbin}\" --y4m - -p {preset} {(type == 0 ? "--crf" : type == 1 ? "--qp" : "--bitrate")} {value} {command} -o video0000_{video.Lang}.hevc";

				// Encoding start
				if (type-- >= 3) // multi pass
					for (int i = 0; i < type; i++)
						if (i == 0)
							pass = 1;
						else if (i == type)
							pass = 2;
							pass = 3;

						if (i == 1) // get actual frame count
							framecount = GetStream.FrameCount(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, $"video0000_{video.Lang}.hevc"));

						Console.WriteLine($"Pass {i + 1} of {type + 1}"); // human read no index
						TaskManager.Run($"{decoder} 2> {NULL} | {encoder} -f {framecount} --pass {pass}");
					TaskManager.Run($"{decoder} 2> {NULL} | {encoder} -f {framecount}");

Beispiel #9
		public static void Mux(Queue item)
			// Final output, a file name without extension
			string savedir = Default.IsDirOutput ? Default.DirOutput : Path.GetDirectoryName(item.Data.File);
			string newfile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Data.File);
			string prefix = Default.IsDirOutput ? Default.NamePrefix : string.IsNullOrEmpty(Default.NamePrefix) ? "[encoded] " : Default.NamePrefix + " ";
            string fileout = Path.Combine(savedir, $"{prefix}{newfile}");

			// Destinantion folder check
			if (!Directory.Exists(Default.DirOutput))

			if (item.Data.SaveAsMkv)
				fileout += ".mkv";

				string tags = string.Format(Properties.Resources.Tags, Global.App.NameFull, Global.App.VersionCompiled);
                string cmdvideo = null;
				string cmdaudio = null;
				string cmdsubs = null;
				string cmdattach = null;
				string cmdchapter = null;

				foreach (var tc in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "timecode_*"))
					cmdvideo += $"--timecodes 0:\"{tc}\" "; break;

				foreach (var video in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "video*"))
					cmdvideo += $"--language 0:{GetInfo.FileLang(video)} \"{video}\" ";

				foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
					cmdaudio += $"--language 0:{GetInfo.FileLang(audio)} \"{audio}\" ";

				if (item.SubtitleEnable)
					foreach (var subs in item.Subtitle)
						cmdsubs += $"--sub-charset 0:UTF-8 --language 0:{subs.Lang.Substring(0, 3)} \"{subs.File}\" ";
					foreach (var subs in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "sub*"))
						cmdsubs += $"--sub-charset 0:UTF-8 --language 0:{GetInfo.FileLang(subs)} \"{subs}\" ";

				if (item.AttachEnable)
					foreach (var attach in item.Attach)
						cmdattach += $"--attachment-mime-type {attach.MIME} --attachment-description {attach.Comment} --attach-file \"{attach.File}\" ";
					foreach (var attach in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "*.ttf"))
						cmdattach += $"--attach-file \"{attach}\" ";

					foreach (var attach in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "*.otf"))
						cmdattach += $"--attach-file \"{attach}\" ";

					foreach (var attach in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "*.woff"))
						cmdattach += $"--attach-file \"{attach}\" ";

					foreach (var attach in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "*.pfb"))
						cmdattach += $"--attachment-mime-type application/x-font --attach-file \"{attach}\" ";

				if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml")))
					FileInfo ChapLen = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml"));
					if (ChapLen.Length > 256)
						cmdchapter = $"--chapters \"{Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml")}\"";

				File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "tags.xml"), tags);
                TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVME}\" -o \"{fileout}\" -t 0:tags.xml --disable-track-statistics-tags {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} {cmdsubs} {cmdattach} {cmdchapter}");
				fileout += ".mp4";

				string timecode = null;
				string cmdvideo = null;
				string cmdaudio = null;

				foreach (var tc in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "timecode_*"))
					timecode = tc; break;

				int cntv = 0;
				foreach (var video in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "video*"))
					cmdvideo += $"-add \"{video}#video:name=Video {++cntv}:lang={GetInfo.FileLang(video)}:fmt=HEVC\" ";

				int cnta = 0;
				foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
					cmdaudio += $"-add \"{audio}#audio:name=Audio {++cnta}:lang={GetInfo.FileLang(audio)}\" ";

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(timecode))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4BX}\" {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} -itags tool=\"{Global.App.NameFull}\" -new \"{fileout}\"");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4BX}\" {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} -itags tool=\"{Global.App.NameFull}\" -new _desu.mp4");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4FP}\" -t \"{timecode}\" _desu.mp4 -o \"{fileout}\"");
Beispiel #10
		void QueueAdd(string file)
			string FileType;
			var Info = new Queue();

			Info.Data.File = file;
			Info.Data.SaveAsMkv = true;

			MediaFile AVI = new MediaFile(file);

			Info.Data.IsFileMkv = string.Equals(AVI.format, "Matroska", IC);
			Info.Data.IsFileAvs = GetInfo.IsAviSynth(file);

			if (!Plugin.AviSynthInstalled)
				if (Info.Data.IsFileAvs)
					InvokeLog($"AviSynth not installed, skipping this file: {file}");

			if (AVI.Video.Count > 0)
				var Video = AVI.Video[0];
				Info.Picture.Resolution = $"{Video.width}x{Video.height}";
				Info.Picture.FrameRate = $"{Video.frameRateGet}";
				Info.Picture.BitDepth = $"{Video.bitDepth}";
				Info.Picture.Chroma = "420";

				Info.Prop.Duration = Video.duration;
				Info.Prop.FrameCount = Video.frameCount;

				FileType = $"{Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper()} ({Video.format})";

				if (string.Equals(Video.frameRateMode, "vfr", IC))
					Info.Prop.IsVFR = true;

				if (Video.isInterlace)
					Info.Picture.YadifEnable = true;
					Info.Picture.YadifMode = 0;
					Info.Picture.YadifField = (Video.isTopFieldFirst ? 0 : 1);
					Info.Picture.YadifFlag = 0;
				if (Info.Data.IsFileAvs)
					Info.Picture.Resolution = "auto";
					Info.Picture.FrameRate = "auto";
					Info.Picture.BitDepth = "8";
					Info.Picture.Chroma = "420";

					FileType = "AviSynth Script";
					FileType = "Unknown";

			Info.Video.Preset = "medium";
			Info.Video.Tune = "off";
			Info.Video.Type = 0;
			Info.Video.Value = "26";
			Info.Video.Command = "--dither";

			Info.Audio.Encoder = "Passthrough (Extract all audio)";
			Info.Audio.BitRate = "128";
			Info.Audio.Frequency = "auto";
			Info.Audio.Channel = "stereo";
			Info.Audio.Command = "";

			// Add to queue list
			ListViewItem qItem = new ListViewItem(new[] {
				".MKV (HEVC)",
			qItem.Tag = Info;
			qItem.Checked = true;

			// Print to log
			InvokeLog($"File added {Info.Data.File}");
Beispiel #11
		private static bool DropCurrentAudio(string currentId, Queue currentAudio)
			if (currentAudio.DropAudioTracks)
				foreach (var item in currentAudio.DropAudioId)
					if (string.Equals(currentId, item.Id, IC))
						if (item.Checked)
							return true;
			return false;
Beispiel #12
		public static void Audio(string file, Queue item)
			if (item.Data.IsFileAvs)
				file = GetStream.AviSynthGetFile(file);

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))

			string ffmap = "";
			string ffcmd = item.Picture.Command;

			int counter = 0;
			foreach (var track in item.Audio)
				string bit = $"{track.RawBit}";
				string frequency = string.Equals(track.Freq, "auto", IC) ? $"{track.RawFreq}" : $"{track.Freq}";
				string channel = string.Equals(track.Chan, "auto", IC) ? $"{track.RawChan}" : string.Equals(track.Chan, "stereo", IC) ? "2" : "1";

				if (item.AudioMerge)
					ffmap += $"-map {track.Id} ";
					if (item.Audio.Count == counter)
						foreach (var codec in Plugin.List)
							if (string.Equals(item.Audio[0].Encoder, codec.Profile.Name, IC))
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" {ffmap} -filter_complex amix=inputs={counter}:duration=first:dropout_transition=0 -acodec pcm_s{bit}le -ar {frequency} -ac {channel} -f wav {ffcmd} - 2> {NULL} | \"{codec.App.Bin}\" {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(codec.Arg.Raw) ? string.Empty : string.Format(codec.Arg.Raw, frequency, bit, channel))} {codec.Arg.Input} {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {track.BitRate} {track.Args} {codec.Arg.Output} audio0000_und.{codec.App.Ext}");
					if (!track.Enable)

					if (string.Equals(track.Encoder, "No Audio", IC))
						// Do noting
					else if (string.Equals(track.Encoder, "Passthrough (Extract all audio)", IC))
						if (item.Data.SaveAsMkv)
							if (string.Equals("wma", track.Format, IC))
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a {track.BitRate}k -ar {frequency} -ac {channel} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.mp4");
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -acodec copy {ffcmd} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.{track.Format}");
							if (string.Equals("mp4", track.Format, IC))
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -acodec copy {ffcmd} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.{track.Format}");
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a {track.BitRate}k -ar {frequency} -ac {channel} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.mp4");
						foreach (var codec in Plugin.List)
							if (string.Equals(codec.Profile.Name, track.Encoder, IC))
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.LIBAV}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -acodec pcm_s{bit}le -ar {frequency} -ac {channel} -f wav {ffcmd} - 2> {NULL} | \"{codec.App.Bin}\" {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(codec.Arg.Raw) ? string.Empty : string.Format(codec.Arg.Raw, frequency, bit, channel))} {codec.Arg.Input} {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {track.BitRate} {track.Args} {codec.Arg.Output} audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.{codec.App.Ext}");
Beispiel #13
		public static void Mux(string fileout, Queue item)
			if (item.Data.SaveAsMkv)
				fileout += ".mkv";

				string tags = string.Format(Properties.Resources.Tags, Global.App.NameFull, "Nemu System 5.1.1");
				string cmdvideo = null;
				string cmdaudio = null;
				string cmdsubs = null;
				string cmdattach = null;
				string cmdchapter = null;

				foreach (var tc in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "timecode_*"))
					cmdvideo += $"--timecodes 0:\"{tc}\" "; break;

				foreach (var video in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "video*"))
					cmdvideo += $"--language 0:{GetInfo.FileLang(video)} \"{video}\" ";

				foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
					cmdaudio += $"--language 0:{GetInfo.FileLang(audio)} \"{audio}\" ";

				if (item.SubtitleEnable)
					foreach (var subs in item.Subtitle)
						cmdsubs += $"--compression 0:zlib --sub-charset 0:UTF-8 --language 0:{subs.Lang} \"{subs.File}\" ";
					foreach (var subs in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "sub*"))
						cmdsubs += $"--compression 0:zlib --sub-charset 0:UTF-8 --language 0:{GetInfo.FileLang(subs)} \"{subs}\" ";

				if (item.AttachEnable)
					foreach (var attach in item.Attach)
						cmdattach += $"--attachment-mime-type {attach.MIME} --attachment-description {attach.Comment} --attach-file \"{attach.File}\" ";
					foreach (var attach in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "font*.*f"))
						cmdattach += $"--attachment-description No --attach-file \"{attach}\" ";

				if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml")))
					FileInfo ChapLen = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml"));
					if (ChapLen.Length > 256)
						cmdchapter = $"--chapters \"{Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml")}\"";

				File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "tags.xml"), tags);
				TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVME}\" -o \"{fileout}\" -t 0:tags.xml --disable-track-statistics-tags {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} {cmdsubs} {cmdattach} {cmdchapter}");
				fileout += ".mp4";

				string timecode = null;
				string cmdvideo = null;
				string cmdaudio = null;

				foreach (var tc in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "timecode_*"))
					timecode = tc; break;

				foreach (var video in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "video*"))
					cmdvideo += $"-add \"{video}#video:name=IFME:lang={GetInfo.FileLang(video)}:fmt=HEVC\" ";

				foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
					cmdaudio += $"-add \"{audio}#audio:name=IFME:lang={GetInfo.FileLang(audio)}\" ";

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(timecode))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4BX}\" {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} -itags tool=\"{Global.App.NameFull}\" -new \"{fileout}\"");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4BX}\" {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} -itags tool=\"{Global.App.NameFull}\" -new _desu.mp4");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4FP}\" -t \"{timecode}\" _desu.mp4 -o \"{fileout}\"");
Beispiel #14
		void QueueAdd(string file)
			if (GetInfo.IsPathNetwork(file))
				InvokeLog($"Rejected! Please mount as \"Network Drive\" like \"Z:\\\"");

			string FileType = string.Empty;
			string FileOut = string.Empty;
			var Info = new Queue();

			var i = cboProfile.SelectedIndex;			// Profiles
			var p = Profile.List[i == 0 ? 0 : i - 1];	// When profiles at <new> mean auto detect

			Info.Data.File = file;
			Info.Data.SaveAsMkv = i == 0 ? true : string.Equals(p.Info.Format, "mkv", IC);

			// todo

			MediaFile AVI = new MediaFile(file);

			Info.Data.IsFileMkv = string.Equals(AVI.format, "Matroska", IC);
			Info.Data.IsFileAvs = GetStream.IsAviSynth(file);

			// Check if user want to force AviSynth script added to queue
			if (!Plugin.IsExistAviSynth)
				if (Info.Data.IsFileAvs)
					if (Plugin.IsForceAviSynth)
						InvokeLog($"Forcing AviSynth added to queue: {file}");
						InvokeLog($"AviSynth not installed, skipping this file: {file}");

			// Picture section
			if (AVI.Video.Count > 0)
				var Video = AVI.Video[0];
				Info.Picture.Resolution = i == 0 ? "auto" : p.Picture.Resolution;
				Info.Picture.FrameRate = i == 0 ? "auto" : p.Picture.FrameRate;
				Info.Picture.BitDepth = i == 0 ? Video.bitDepth : p.Picture.BitDepth;
				Info.Picture.Chroma = i == 0 ? 420 : p.Picture.Chroma;

				Info.Prop.Duration = Video.duration;
				Info.Prop.FrameCount = Video.frameCount;

				Info.Picture.IsCopy = false;
				Info.Picture.IsHevc = string.Equals(Video.format, "HEVC", IC);

				FileType = $"{Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper()} ({Video.format})";
				FileOut = $".{(Info.Data.SaveAsMkv ? "MKV" : "MP4")} (HEVC)";

				if (string.Equals(Video.frameRateMode, "vfr", IC))
					Info.Prop.IsVFR = true;

				if (Video.isInterlace)
					Info.Picture.YadifEnable = true;
					Info.Picture.YadifMode = 0;
					Info.Picture.YadifField = (Video.isTopFieldFirst ? 0 : 1);
					Info.Picture.YadifFlag = 0;
			else if (Info.Data.IsFileAvs)
				Info.Picture.Resolution = "auto";
				Info.Picture.FrameRate = "auto";
				Info.Picture.BitDepth = 8;
				Info.Picture.Chroma = 420;

				FileType = "AviSynth Script";
				FileOut = $".{(Info.Data.SaveAsMkv ? "MKV" : "MP4")} (HEVC)";
				Info.Picture.Resolution = "auto";
				Info.Picture.FrameRate = "auto";
				Info.Picture.BitDepth = 8;
				Info.Picture.Chroma = 420;
				Info.Picture.IsCopy = true;

				var Audio = AVI.Audio[0];
				FileType = $"{Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper()} ({Audio.format})";
				FileOut = $".{(Info.Data.SaveAsMkv ? "MKV" : "MP4")}";

			// Video section
			Info.Video.Preset = i == 0 ? "medium" : p.Video.Preset;
			Info.Video.Tune = i == 0 ? "off" : p.Video.Tune;
			Info.Video.Type = i == 0 ? 0 : p.Video.Type;
			Info.Video.Value = i == 0 ? "26" : p.Video.Value;
			Info.Video.Command = i == 0 ? "--dither" : p.Video.Command;

			// Audio section
			Plugin dummy;
			bool exist = Plugin.List.TryGetValue(p.Audio.Encoder, out dummy);

            Guid encoder = i == 0 || !exist ? new Guid("ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff") : p.Audio.Encoder;
			string bitRate = i == 0 || !exist ? "256" : p.Audio.BitRate;
			string frequency = i == 0 || !exist ? "auto" : p.Audio.Freq;
			string channel = i == 0 || !exist ? "auto" : p.Audio.Chan;
			string command = i == 0 || !exist ? null : p.Audio.Args;

			foreach (var item in GetStream.Audio(file))
					Enable = true,
					File = file,
					Embedded = true,
					Id = item.Basic.Id,
					Lang = item.Basic.Lang,
					Codec = item.Basic.Codec,
					Format = item.Basic.Format,

					RawBit = item.RawBit,
					RawFreq = item.RawFreq,
					RawChan = item.RawChan,

					Encoder = encoder,
					BitRate = bitRate,
					Freq = frequency,
					Chan = channel,
					Args = command

			// Add to queue list
			ListViewItem qItem = new ListViewItem(new[] {
			qItem.Tag = Info;
			qItem.Checked = true;

			// Print to log
			InvokeLog($"File added {Info.Data.File}");
Beispiel #15
		public static void Audio(Queue item)
			string ffile = string.Empty;
			string ffmap = string.Empty;
			string ffcmd = item.Picture.Command;

			int counter = 0;
			foreach (var track in item.Audio)
				string file = track.File;

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))

				string freq = string.Equals(track.Freq, "auto", IC) ? $"{track.RawFreq}" : $"{track.Freq}";
				string bit = $"{track.RawBit}";
				string chan = string.Equals(track.Chan, "auto", IC) ? $"{track.RawChan}" : string.Equals(track.Chan, "stereo", IC) ? "2" : "1";

				if (item.AudioMerge)
					ffile += $"-i \"{file}\"";
                    ffmap += $"-map {track.Id} ";

					if (item.Audio.Count == counter)
						Plugin codec;
						if (Plugin.List.TryGetValue(item.Audio[0].Encoder, out codec))
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" {ffile} {ffmap} -filter_complex amix=inputs={counter}:duration=first:dropout_transition=0 -acodec pcm_s{bit}le -ar {freq} -ac {chan} -f wav {ffcmd} - | \"{codec.App.Bin}\" {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(codec.Arg.Raw) ? string.Empty : string.Format(codec.Arg.Raw, freq, bit, chan))} {codec.Arg.Input} {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {track.BitRate} {track.Args} {codec.Arg.Output} audio0000_und.{codec.App.Ext}");
					if (!track.Enable)

					if (Equals(new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), track.Encoder))

					Plugin codec;

					if (Plugin.List.TryGetValue(track.Encoder, out codec) &&
						!Equals(new Guid("ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"), track.Encoder))
						if (Convert.ToInt32(bit) >= 32)
							bit = "24"; // force to 24bit max

						string rawArgs = string.Empty;

							if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codec.Arg.Raw))
								rawArgs = string.Format(codec.Arg.Raw, freq, bit, chan);
						catch (Exception e)
							Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
							Console.Error.WriteLine($"Raw arguments incomplete, ignored!\n{e}");

						string encArgs = $"\"{codec.App.Bin}\" {rawArgs} {codec.Arg.Input} {codec.Arg.Bitrate} {track.BitRate} {track.Args} {codec.Arg.Output} audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.{codec.App.Ext}";

						if (item.Data.IsFileAvs)
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.AVSPIPE}\" audio \"{file}\" | \"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -loglevel panic -i - -acodec pcm_s{bit}le -f wav - | {encArgs}"); // double pipe due some encoder didn't read avs2pipe properly, example: opusenc.exe
							TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -loglevel panic -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -acodec pcm_s{bit}le -ar {freq} -ac {chan} -f wav {ffcmd} - | {encArgs}");
						if (item.Data.IsFileAvs)
							TaskManager.Run($"{Plugin.AVSPIPE} audio \"{file}\" | {Plugin.FFMPEG} -i - -dn -vn -sn -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a {track.BitRate}k -ar {freq} -ac {chan} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.mp4");
						else if (item.Data.SaveAsMkv)
							if (string.Equals("wma", track.Format, IC))
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a {track.BitRate}k -ar {freq} -ac {chan} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.mp4");
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -acodec copy {ffcmd} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.{track.Format}");
							if (string.Equals("mp4", track.Format, IC))
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -acodec copy {ffcmd} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.{track.Format}");
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{file}\" -map {track.Id} -dn -vn -sn -strict -2 -c:a aac -b:a {track.BitRate}k -ar {freq} -ac {chan} -y audio{counter++:0000}_{track.Lang}.mp4");
Beispiel #16
		public static void Video(Queue item)
			string file = item.FilePath;

            foreach (var video in GetStream.Video(file))
				// FFmpeg args
				string resolution = string.Equals(item.Picture.Resolution, "auto", IC) ? string.Empty : $"-s {item.Picture.Resolution}";
				string framerate = string.Equals(item.Picture.FrameRate, "auto", IC) ? string.Empty : $"-r {item.Picture.FrameRate}";
				int bitdepth = item.Picture.BitDepth;
				string chroma = $"yuv{item.Picture.Chroma}p{(bitdepth > 8 ? $"{bitdepth}le" : "")}";
				string yadif = item.Picture.YadifEnable ? $"-vf \"yadif={item.Picture.YadifMode}:{item.Picture.YadifField}:{item.Picture.YadifFlag}\"" : "";
				int framecount = item.Picture.FrameCount;
				string ffcmd = item.Picture.Command;

				// Indexing
				if (!item.General.IsAviSynth)
					if (framecount <= 0)
						if (Default.UseFrameAccurate)
							Console.WriteLine("Indexing... This may take very long time.");
							new FFmpeg().FrameCountAccurate(file);
							Console.WriteLine("Indexing... Please Wait.");
							new FFmpeg().FrameCount(file);

					Console.WriteLine("Indexing... Make sure in sync :)");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMS2}\" -f -c \"{file}\" timecode");

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(framerate))
					framecount = (int)Math.Ceiling((item.General.Duration * Convert.ToDouble(item.Picture.FrameRate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

				if (item.Picture.YadifEnable)
					if (item.Picture.YadifMode == 1)
						framecount *= 2; // make each fields as new frame

				// x265 settings
				string decbin = Plugin.FFMPEG;
                string encbin = Plugin.HEVC08;
				string preset = item.Video.Preset;
				string tune = string.Equals(item.Video.Tune, "off", IC) ? "" : $"--tune {item.Video.Tune}";
				int type = item.Video.Type;
				int pass;
				string value = item.Video.Value;
				string command = item.Video.Command;

				if (bitdepth == 10)
					encbin = Plugin.HEVC10;
				else if (bitdepth == 12)
					encbin = Plugin.HEVC12;

				string decoder = $"\"{decbin}\" -loglevel panic -i \"{file}\" -f yuv4mpegpipe -pix_fmt {chroma} -strict -1 {resolution} {framerate} {yadif} {ffcmd} -";

				string encoder = $"\"{encbin}\" --y4m - -p {preset} {(type == 0 ? "--crf" : type == 1 ? "--qp" : "--bitrate")} {value} {command} -o video0000_{video.Lang}.hevc";

				// Encoding start
				if (type >= 3) // multi pass
					type--; // re-use

					for (int i = 0; i < type; i++)
						if (i == 0)
							pass = 1;
						else if (i == type)
							pass = 2;
							pass = 3;

						if (i == 1) // get actual frame count
							Console.WriteLine("Re-indexing encoded file, make sure no damage.");
							framecount = new FFmpeg().FrameCount(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, $"video0000_{video.Lang}.hevc"));

						Console.WriteLine($"Pass {i + 1} of {type}"); // human read no index
						TaskManager.Run($"{decoder} | {encoder} -f {framecount} --pass {pass}");
					TaskManager.Run($"{decoder} | {encoder} -f {framecount}");

Beispiel #17
		public static void Mux(Queue item)
			// Final output, a file name without extension
			string savedir = Default.IsDirOutput ? Default.DirOutput : Path.GetDirectoryName(item.FilePath);
			string prefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Default.NamePrefix) ? string.Empty : Default.NamePrefix + " ";
            string newfile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.FilePath);
			string fileout = Path.Combine(savedir, $"{prefix}{newfile}");

			// Destinantion folder check
			if (!Directory.Exists(Default.DirOutput))

			// File exist check
			if (File.Exists($"{fileout}.mp4") || File.Exists($"{fileout}.mkv"))
				fileout += $"_encoded-{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}";

			if (item.General.IsOutputMKV)
				fileout += ".mkv";

				string tags = string.Format(Properties.Resources.Tags, Global.App.NameFull, Global.App.VersionCompiled);
                string cmdvideo = string.Empty;
				string cmdaudio = string.Empty;
				string cmdsubs = string.Empty;
				string cmdattach = string.Empty;
				string cmdchapter = string.Empty;

				foreach (var tc in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "timecode_*"))
					cmdvideo += $"--timecodes 0:\"{tc}\" "; break;

				foreach (var video in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "video*"))
					cmdvideo += $"--language 0:{Get.FileLang(video)} \"{video}\" ";

				foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
					cmdaudio += $"--language 0:{Get.FileLang(audio)} \"{audio}\" ";

				foreach (var subs in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "subtitle*"))
					cmdsubs += $"--sub-charset 0:UTF-8 --language 0:{Get.FileLang(subs)} \"{subs}\" ";

				foreach (var attach in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "*.*")
					.Where(	s => 
					s.EndsWith(".ttf", IC) ||
					s.EndsWith(".otf", IC) ||
					s.EndsWith(".ttc", IC) ||
					s.EndsWith(".woff", IC)))
					cmdattach += $"--attach-file \"{attach}\" ";

				if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml")))
					FileInfo ChapLen = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml"));
					if (ChapLen.Length > 256)
						cmdchapter = $"--chapters \"{Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "chapters.xml")}\"";

				File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, "tags.xml"), tags);
                TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVMER}\" -o \"{fileout}\" --disable-track-statistics-tags -t 0:tags.xml {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} {cmdsubs} {cmdattach} {cmdchapter}");
				fileout += ".mp4";

				string timecode = string.Empty;
				string cmdvideo = string.Empty;
				string cmdaudio = string.Empty;

				foreach (var tc in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "timecode_*"))
					timecode = tc; break;

				int cntv = 0;
				foreach (var video in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "video*"))
					cmdvideo += $"-add \"{video}#video:name=Video {++cntv}:lang={Get.FileLang(video)}:fmt=HEVC\" ";

				int cnta = 0;
				foreach (var audio in Directory.GetFiles(Default.DirTemp, "audio*"))
					cmdaudio += $"-add \"{audio}#audio:name=Audio {++cnta}:lang={Get.FileLang(audio)}\" ";

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(timecode))
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4BOX}\" {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} -itags tool=\"{Global.App.NameFull}\" -new \"{fileout}\"");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4BOX}\" {cmdvideo} {cmdaudio} -itags tool=\"{Global.App.NameFull}\" -new _desu.mp4");
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MP4FPS}\" -t \"{timecode}\" _desu.mp4 -o \"{fileout}\"");
Beispiel #18
		public static void Extract(Queue item)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.FilePath))

			int count = 0;

			if (item.General.IsAviSynth)
				if (Default.AvsMkvCopy)
					var file = GetStream.AviSynthGetFile(item.FilePath);
                    var ff = new FFmpeg.Stream(file);

					foreach (var subs in ff.Subtitle)
						TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{file}\" -map 0:{subs.Id} -y subtitle{count++:D4}_{subs.Language}.{Get.MediaContainer(subs.Codec)}");

					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -dump_attachment:t \"\" -i \"{file}\" -y");

					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEXT}\" chapters \"{file}\" > chapters.xml");

				if (item.SubtitleEnable)
					foreach (var subs in item.Subtitle)
						if (File.Exists(subs.File))
							if (subs.Id < 0)
								File.Copy(subs.File, Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, $"subtitle{count++:D4}_{subs.Lang}.{subs.Format}"), true);

				if (item.AttachEnable)
					foreach (var font in item.Attach)
						if (File.Exists(font.File))
							File.Copy(font.File, Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, Get.FileName(font.File)), true);
				if (item.SubtitleEnable)
					foreach (var subs in item.Subtitle)
						if (File.Exists(subs.File))
							if (subs.Id > -1)
								TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -i \"{subs.File}\" -map 0:{subs.Id} -y subtitle{count++:D4}_{subs.Lang}.{subs.Format}");
								File.Copy(subs.File, Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, $"subtitle{count++:D4}_{subs.Lang}.{subs.Format}"), true);

				if (item.AttachEnable)
					foreach (var font in item.Attach)
						if (File.Exists(font.File))
							File.Copy(font.File, Path.Combine(Default.DirTemp, Get.FileName(font.File)), true);
					TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.FFMPEG}\" -dump_attachment:t \"\" -i \"{item.FilePath}\" -y");

				TaskManager.Run($"\"{Plugin.MKVEXT}\" chapters \"{item.FilePath}\" > chapters.xml");