public static void HandleDestroyObject(Packet packet)
            if (packet.Direction == Direction.ServerToClient)
                var guid = new byte[8];

                guid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid[1] = packet.ReadBit();

                packet.ReadBit("Despawn Animation");

                guid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid[5] = packet.ReadBit();

                packet.ParseBitStream(guid, 0, 4, 7, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5);

                packet.WriteGuid("Object Guid", guid);
                packet.WriteLine("              : CMSG_PVP_LOG_DATA");
        public static void HandleServerUpdateAccountData(Packet packet)
            var guid = new byte[8];

            var t = packet.ReadBits(3);
            packet.WriteLine("Data Type: " + (AccountDataType)t);

            packet.StartBitStream(guid, 5, 1, 3, 7, 0, 4, 2, 6);

            packet.ReadXORBytes(guid, 3, 1, 5);

            var decompCount = packet.ReadInt32();
            var compCount = packet.ReadInt32();

            var pkt = packet.Inflate(compCount, decompCount, false);
            var data = pkt.ReadWoWString(decompCount);

            packet.WriteLine("Account Data {0}", data);

            packet.ReadXORBytes(guid, 7, 4, 0, 6, 2);

            packet.ReadTime("Login Time");

            packet.WriteGuid("GUID", guid);
        public static void HandleVoidItemSwapResponse(Packet packet)
            packet.ReadBit("Has Src Item id (Inv)");

            byte[] itemId2 = packet.StartBitStream(4, 1, 6, 0, 3, 7, 2, 5);

            packet.ReadBit("Has Dest Item id (Inv)");

            byte[] itemId1 = itemId1 = packet.StartBitStream(6, 0, 3, 2, 1, 5, 7, 4);

            var usedSrcSlot = !packet.ReadBit("Used Src Slot (Inv)"); // always set?
            var usedDestSlot = !packet.ReadBit("Used Dest Slot (Inv)");

            packet.ParseBitStream(itemId1, 3, 7, 2, 5, 0, 1, 4, 6);
            packet.WriteLine("Dest Item Id: {0}", BitConverter.ToUInt64(itemId1, 0));

            packet.ParseBitStream(itemId2, 0, 2, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1);
            packet.WriteLine("Src Item Id: {0}", BitConverter.ToUInt64(itemId2, 0));

            if (usedSrcSlot)
                packet.ReadInt32("New Slot for Src Item");

            if (usedDestSlot)
                packet.ReadInt32("New Slot for Dest Item");
        public static void HandleAuthResponse434(Packet packet)
            var isQueued = packet.ReadBit();
            var hasAccountInfo = packet.ReadBit();

            if (isQueued)
                var unkByte = packet.ReadByte();
                packet.WriteLine("Unk Byte: " + unkByte);

                var position = packet.ReadInt32();
                packet.WriteLine("Queue Position: " + position);

            if (hasAccountInfo)
                packet.ReadInt32("Billing Time Remaining");
                packet.ReadEnum<ClientType>("Account Expansion", TypeCode.Byte);
                packet.ReadInt32("Unknown UInt32");
                packet.ReadEnum<ClientType>("Player Expansion", TypeCode.Byte);
                packet.ReadInt32("Billing Time Rested");
                packet.ReadEnum<BillingFlag>("Billing Flags", TypeCode.Byte);

            var code = (ResponseCode)packet.ReadByte();
            packet.WriteLine("Auth Code: " + code);
        public static void HandleClientWardenData(Packet packet)
            var opcode = packet.ReadEnum<WardenClientOpcode>("Warden Client Opcode", TypeCode.Byte);

            switch (opcode)
                case WardenClientOpcode.CheatCheckResults:
                    var length = packet.ReadUInt16("Check Result Length");

                    packet.ReadInt32("Check Result Checksum");

                    var result = packet.ReadBytes(length);
                    packet.WriteLine("Check Results: " + Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(result));

                case WardenClientOpcode.TransformedSeed:
                    var sha1 = packet.ReadBytes(20);
                    packet.WriteLine("SHA1 Seed: " + Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(sha1));
        public static void ParseBattlenet(Packet packet)
                var bnetPacket = new BattlenetPacket(packet);
                Action<BattlenetPacket> handler;


                if (BattlenetHandlers.TryGetValue(bnetPacket.Header, out handler))
                    packet.Status = ParsedStatus.Success;
                    packet.Status = ParsedStatus.NotParsed;
            catch (Exception ex)

                packet.Status = ParsedStatus.WithErrors;
        public static void HandleVoiceRosterUpdate(Packet packet)
            packet.ReadGuid("Group GUID");
            packet.ReadInt16("Channel ID");
            packet.ReadByte("Channel Type"); // 0: channel, 2: party
            packet.ReadCString("Channel Name");
            packet.WriteLine("Encryption Key: " + Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(packet.ReadBytes(16)));
            packet.WriteLine("IP: " + packet.ReadIPAddress());
            packet.ReadInt16("Voice Server Port");

            var count = packet.ReadByte("Player Count");

            packet.ReadGuid("Leader GUID");

            var leaderFlags1 = packet.ReadByte();
            packet.WriteLine("Leader Flags 1: 0x" + leaderFlags1.ToString("X2"));

            var leaderFlags2 = packet.ReadByte();
            packet.WriteLine("Leader Flags 2: 0x" + leaderFlags2.ToString("X2"));

            for (var i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
                packet.ReadGuid("Player GUID");
                var flags1 = packet.ReadByte();
                packet.WriteLine("Flags 1: 0x" + flags1.ToString("X2"));
                var flags2 = packet.ReadByte();
                packet.WriteLine("Flags 2: 0x" + flags2.ToString("X2"));
        public static void HandleServerAddonsList(Packet packet)
            // This packet requires _addonCount from CMSG_AUTH_SESSION to be parsed.
            if (_addonCount == -1)
                packet.WriteLine("CMSG_AUTH_SESSION was not received - cannot successfully parse this packet.");

            for (var i = 0; i < _addonCount; i++)
                packet.ReadByte("Addon State", i);

                var sendCrc = packet.ReadBoolean("Use CRC", i);

                if (sendCrc)
                    var usePublicKey = packet.ReadBoolean("Use Public Key", i);

                    if (usePublicKey)
                        var pubKey = packet.ReadChars(256);
                        packet.Write("[{0}] Public Key: ", i);

                        foreach (var t in pubKey)

                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32", i);

                if (packet.ReadBoolean("Use URL File", i))
                    packet.ReadCString("Addon URL File", i);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_0_8_9464))
                var bannedCount = packet.ReadInt32("Banned Addons Count");

                for (var i = 0; i < bannedCount; i++)
                    packet.ReadInt32("ID", i);

                    var unkStr2 = packet.ReadBytes(16);
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Unk Hash 1: {1}", i, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(unkStr2));

                    var unkStr3 = packet.ReadBytes(16);
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Unk Hash 2: {1}", i, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(unkStr3));

                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32 3", i);

                    if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_3_3a_11723))
                        packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32 4", i);
        public static void HandleCombatLogMultiple(Packet packet)
            var count = packet.ReadInt32("Count");
            var unk1 = packet.ReadInt32();

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var unk2 = packet.ReadInt32();
                packet.WriteLine("["+ i+ "] Unknown: {0}", unk1 - unk2);

                var opcode = Opcodes.GetOpcode(packet.ReadInt32());
                packet.WriteLine("Opcode: " + opcode);
                switch (opcode)
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLHEALLOG:
                        ReadSpellHealLog(ref packet, i);
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLENERGIZELOG:
                        ReadSpellEnergizeLog(ref packet, i);
                    case Opcode.SMSG_PERIODICAURALOG:
                        ReadPeriodicAuraLog(ref packet, i); // sub_5EEE10
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLLOGEXECUTE:
                        ReadSpellLogExecute(ref packet, i);
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLNONMELEEDAMAGELOG:
                        ReadSpellNonMeleeDamageLog(ref packet, i);
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLLOGMISS:
                        ReadSpellMissLog(ref packet, i);
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLSTEALLOG:
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLDISPELLOG:
                    case Opcode.SMSG_SPELLBREAKLOG:
                        ReadSpellRemoveLog(ref packet, i);
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown Spell Log Type/Opcode: " + opcode);
        public static void HandleUpdateObject(Packet packet)
            uint map = packet.ReadUInt16("Map");
            var count = packet.ReadUInt32("Count");
            //var type = packet.ReadByte();
            //var typeString = ((UpdateType2)type).ToString();

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                packet.WriteLine("StartPosFor: " + packet.Position);
                var type = packet.ReadByte();
                var typeString = ((UpdateTypeCataclysm)type).ToString();


                packet.WriteLine("[" + i + "] UpdateType: " + typeString);
                switch (typeString)
                    case "Values":
                        var guid = packet.ReadPackedGuid("GUID", i);

                        WoWObject obj;
                        var updates = CoreParsers.UpdateHandler.ReadValuesUpdateBlock(packet, guid.GetObjectType(), i, false);

                        if (Storage.Objects.TryGetValue(guid, out obj))
                            if (obj.ChangedUpdateFieldsList == null)
                                obj.ChangedUpdateFieldsList = new List<Dictionary<int, UpdateField>>();

                    case "CreateObject1":
                    case "CreateObject2":
                        var guid = packet.ReadPackedGuid("GUID", i);
                        ReadCreateObjectBlock(ref packet, guid, map, i);
                    case "DestroyObjects":
                        CoreParsers.UpdateHandler.ReadObjectsBlock(packet, i);
        public static void HandleServerAddonsList(Packet packet)
            for (var i = 0; i < _addonCount; i++)
                packet.ReadByte("Addon State", i);

                var sendCrc = packet.ReadBoolean("Use CRC", i);

                if (sendCrc)
                    var usePublicKey = packet.ReadBoolean("Use Public Key", i);

                    if (usePublicKey)
                        var pubKey = packet.ReadChars(256);
                        packet.Write("[{0}] Public Key: ", i);

                        foreach (var t in pubKey)

                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32", i);

                if (packet.ReadBoolean("Use URL File", i))
                    packet.ReadCString("Addon URL File", i);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_0_8_9464))
                var bannedCount = packet.ReadInt32("Banned Addons Count");

                for (var i = 0; i < bannedCount; i++)
                    packet.ReadInt32("ID", i);

                    var unkStr2 = packet.ReadBytes(16);
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Unk Hash 1: {1}", i, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(unkStr2));

                    var unkStr3 = packet.ReadBytes(16);
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Unk Hash 2: {1}", i, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(unkStr3));

                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32 3", i);

                    if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_3_3a_11723))
                        packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32 4", i);
        public static void HandleDBReply(Packet packet)
            var type = packet.ReadUInt32E<DB2Hash>("TableHash");
            var entry = packet.ReadInt32("RecordID");
            var timeStamp = packet.ReadUInt32();
            packet.AddValue("Timestamp", Utilities.GetDateTimeFromUnixTime(timeStamp));
            var allow = packet.ReadBit("Allow");

            var size = packet.ReadInt32("Size");
            var data = packet.ReadBytes(size);
            var db2File = new Packet(data, packet.Opcode, packet.Time, packet.Direction, packet.Number, packet.Writer,

            if (entry < 0 || !allow)
                packet.WriteLine("Row {0} has been removed.", -entry);
                HotfixStoreMgr.RemoveRecord(type, entry);
                Storage.AddHotfixData(entry, type, true, timeStamp);
                packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.None, entry, type.ToString());
                HotfixStoreMgr.AddRecord(type, entry, db2File);
                Storage.AddHotfixData(entry, type, false, timeStamp);
Beispiel #13
        public static void HandleGroupInvite422(Packet packet)
            // note: this handler is different in 4.3.0, it got a bit fancy.
            var guidBytes = new byte[8];

            guidBytes[6] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[5] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[0] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[3] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[4] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[7] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[1] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);
            guidBytes[2] = (byte)(packet.ReadBit() ? 1 : 0);

            packet.ReadInt32("Unk0"); // Always 0
            packet.ReadInt32("Unk1"); // Non-zero in cross realm parties (1383)

            if (guidBytes[0] != 0) guidBytes[0] ^= packet.ReadByte();
            if (guidBytes[7] != 0) guidBytes[7] ^= packet.ReadByte();
            if (guidBytes[4] != 0) guidBytes[4] ^= packet.ReadByte();
            if (guidBytes[1] != 0) guidBytes[1] ^= packet.ReadByte();
            if (guidBytes[2] != 0) guidBytes[2] ^= packet.ReadByte();
            if (guidBytes[6] != 0) guidBytes[6] ^= packet.ReadByte();
            if (guidBytes[5] != 0) guidBytes[5] ^= packet.ReadByte();

            packet.ReadCString("Realm Name"); // Non-empty in cross realm parties

            if (guidBytes[3] != 0) guidBytes[3] ^= packet.ReadByte();

            // Non-zero in cross realm parties
            packet.WriteLine("GUID: {0}", new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guidBytes, 0)));
 public static void HandleSetActionButton(Packet packet)
     packet.ReadByte("Slot Id");
     var actionId = packet.StartBitStream(0, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3, 1, 6);
     packet.ParseBitStream(actionId, 7, 3, 0, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6);
     packet.WriteLine("Action Id: {0}", BitConverter.ToUInt32(actionId, 0));
        public static void HandleCorpseQueryResponse(Packet packet)
            var pos = new Vector3();
            var guid = new byte[8];

            guid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
            packet.ReadBit("Corpse Found");
            guid[7] = packet.ReadBit();

            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 3);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 2);
            packet.ReadEntryWithName<Int32>(StoreNameType.Map, "Map ID");
            pos.X = packet.ReadSingle();
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 6);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 5);
            packet.ReadEntryWithName<Int32>(StoreNameType.Map, "Corpse Map ID");
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 7);
            pos.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 0);
            pos.Y = packet.ReadSingle();

            packet.WriteLine("Position: {0}", pos);
            packet.WriteGuid("Corpse Low GUID", guid);
        public static void HandleAuthResponse(Packet packet)
            var code = (ResponseCode)packet.ReadByte();
            packet.WriteLine("Auth Code: " + code);

            switch (code)
                case ResponseCode.AUTH_OK:
                    ReadAuthResponseInfo(ref packet);
                case ResponseCode.AUTH_WAIT_QUEUE:
                    if (packet.GetLength() <= 6)
                        ReadQueuePositionInfo(ref packet);

                    ReadAuthResponseInfo(ref packet);
                    ReadQueuePositionInfo(ref packet);
Beispiel #17
 public static void HandleCreateUpdateGMTicket(Packet packet)
     var ticketResponse = packet.ReadEnum<GMTicketResponse>("TicketResponse", TypeCode.Int32);
     switch (ticketResponse)
         case GMTicketResponse.Failure:
             packet.WriteLine("Action failed");
         case GMTicketResponse.Success:
             packet.WriteLine("Action succeeded");
         case GMTicketResponse.Deleted:
             packet.WriteLine("Ticket deleted");
 public static void HandleUpdateWorldState(Packet packet)
     var val = packet.ReadInt32();
     var field = packet.ReadInt32();
     packet.WriteLine("Field: {0} - Value: {1}", field, val);
Beispiel #19
        public static void HandleUpdateObject(Packet packet)
            uint map = MovementHandler.CurrentMapId;
            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_0_1_13164))
                map = packet.ReadUInt16("Map");

            var count = packet.ReadUInt32("Count");

            if (ClientVersion.RemovedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_0_2_9056))
                packet.ReadBoolean("Has Transport");

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var type = packet.ReadByte();
                var typeString = ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.Cataclysm) ? ((UpdateTypeCataclysm)type).ToString() : ((UpdateType)type).ToString();

                packet.WriteLine("[" + i + "] UpdateType: " + typeString);
                switch (typeString)
                    case "Values":
                        var guid = packet.ReadPackedGuid("GUID", i);

                        WoWObject obj;
                        var updates = ReadValuesUpdateBlock(ref packet, guid.GetObjectType(), i, false);

                        if (Storage.Objects.TryGetValue(guid, out obj))
                            if (obj.ChangedUpdateFieldsList == null)
                                obj.ChangedUpdateFieldsList = new List<Dictionary<int, UpdateField>>();

                    case "Movement":
                        var guid = ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_1_2_9901) ? packet.ReadPackedGuid("GUID", i) : packet.ReadGuid("GUID", i);
                        ReadMovementUpdateBlock(ref packet, guid, i);
                        // Should we update Storage.Object?
                    case "CreateObject1":
                    case "CreateObject2": // Might != CreateObject1 on Cata
                        var guid = packet.ReadPackedGuid("GUID", i);
                        ReadCreateObjectBlock(ref packet, guid, map, i);
                    case "FarObjects":
                    case "NearObjects":
                    case "DestroyObjects":
                        ReadObjectsBlock(ref packet, i);
 public static void HandleActionButton(Packet packet)
     var data = packet.ReadInt32();
     var type = (ActionButtonType)((data & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
     var action = (data & 0x00FFFFFF);
     packet.WriteLine("Type: " + type + " ID: " + action);
        public static void HandleCollisionMovements(Packet packet)
            var guid = packet.ReadPackedGuid();
            packet.WriteLine("GUID: " + guid);

            if (packet.Opcode != Opcodes.GetOpcode(Opcode.MSG_MOVE_SET_COLLISION_HGT))
                var counter = packet.ReadInt32();
                packet.WriteLine("Movement Counter: " + counter);

            if (packet.Opcode != Opcodes.GetOpcode(Opcode.SMSG_MOVE_SET_COLLISION_HGT))
                ReadMovementInfo(ref packet, guid);

            var unk = packet.ReadSingle();
            packet.WriteLine("Collision Height: " + unk);
        public static void ReadUpdateAccountDataBlock(ref Packet packet)
            packet.ReadEnum<AccountDataType>("Data Type", TypeCode.Int32);

            packet.ReadTime("Login Time");

            var decompCount = packet.ReadInt32();
            packet = packet.Inflate(decompCount);

            var data = packet.ReadBytes(decompCount);
            packet.WriteLine("Account Data: ");

            foreach (var b in data)

Beispiel #23
        public static void HandleQuestCompleted(Packet packet)
            packet.ReadEntryWithName<Int32>(StoreNameType.Quest, "Quest ID");
            var honor = packet.ReadInt32();
            if (honor < 0)
                packet.WriteLine("Honor: " + honor);

            var talentpoints = packet.ReadInt32();
            if (talentpoints < 0)
                packet.WriteLine("Talentpoints: " + talentpoints);

            var arenapoints = packet.ReadInt32();
            if (arenapoints < 0)
                packet.WriteLine("Arenapoints: " + arenapoints);
Beispiel #24
        public static void Parse(Packet packet, bool isMultiple = false)
            ParsedStatus status;

            var opcode = packet.Opcode;

            packet.WriteLine("{0}: {1} (0x{2}) Length: {3} Time: {4} Number: {5}{6}",
                packet.Direction, Opcodes.GetOpcodeName(opcode), opcode.ToString("X4"),
                packet.Length, packet.Time.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"),
                packet.Number, isMultiple ? " (part of another packet)" : String.Empty);

            if (opcode == 0)

            Action<Packet> handler;
            if (Handlers.TryGetValue(opcode, out handler))

                    if (packet.Position == packet.Length)
                        status = ParsedStatus.Success;
                        var pos = packet.Position;
                        var len = packet.Length;
                        packet.WriteLine("Packet not fully read! Current position is {0}, length is {1}, and diff is {2}.",
                            pos, len, len - pos);

                        if (len < 300) // If the packet isn't "too big" and it is not full read, print its hex table

                        status = ParsedStatus.WithErrors;
                catch (Exception ex)

                    status = ParsedStatus.WithErrors;
                status = ParsedStatus.NotParsed;

            if (isMultiple == false)
                packet.Status = status;
                var data = status == ParsedStatus.Success ? Opcodes.GetOpcodeName(packet.Opcode) : status.ToString();
                packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.Opcode, packet.Opcode, data);
        public static void HandleClientEnterWorld(Packet packet)
            packet.WriteLine("Loading: " + (packet.ReadBit() ? "true" : "false")); // Not sure on the meaning
            var mapId = packet.ReadEntryWithName<UInt32>(StoreNameType.Map, "Map");
            MovementHandler.CurrentMapId = (uint) mapId;

            if (mapId >= 0 && mapId < 1000) // Getting some weird results in a couple of packets
                packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.Map, mapId, "LOAD_SCREEN");
        public static void HandleAuthSession434(Packet packet)
            var sha = new byte[20];
            packet.ReadUInt32("UInt32 1");
            packet.ReadUInt32("UInt32 2");
            packet.ReadByte("Unk Byte");
            sha[10] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[18] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[12] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[5] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[15] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[9] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[19] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[4] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[7] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[16] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[3] = packet.ReadByte();
            packet.ReadEnum<ClientVersionBuild>("Client Build", TypeCode.Int16);
            sha[8] = packet.ReadByte();
            packet.ReadUInt32("UInt32 3");
            packet.ReadByte("Unk Byte");
            sha[17] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[6] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[0] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[1] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[11] = packet.ReadByte();
            packet.ReadUInt32("Client seed");
            sha[2] = packet.ReadByte();
            packet.ReadUInt32("UInt32 4");
            sha[14] = packet.ReadByte();
            sha[13] = packet.ReadByte();

            using (var addons = new Packet(packet.ReadBytes(packet.ReadInt32()), packet.Opcode, packet.Time, packet.Direction, packet.Number, packet.Writer, packet.FileName))
                var pkt2 = addons;
                CoreParsers.AddonHandler.ReadClientAddonsList(ref pkt2);

            packet.ReadBit("Unk bit");
            var size = (int)packet.ReadBits(12);
            packet.WriteLine("Account name: {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet.ReadBytes(size)));
            packet.WriteLine("Proof SHA-1 Hash: " + Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(sha));
Beispiel #27
        public static void HandleServerAddonsList(Packet packet)
            var bits20 = (int)packet.ReadBits(23);

            var bit3 = new bool[bits20];
            var usePublicKey = new bool[bits20];
            var bits0 = new uint[bits20];
            var bit1 = new bool[bits20];

            for (var i = 0; i < bits20; i++)
                bit3[i] = packet.ReadBit();
                usePublicKey[i] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (bit3[i])
                    bits0[i] = packet.ReadBits(8);

                bit1[i] = packet.ReadBit();

            var bits10 = (int)packet.ReadBits(18);

            for (var i = 0; i < bits20; i++)
                if (bit3[i])
                    packet.ReadWoWString("Addon URL File", bits0[i], i);

                if (usePublicKey[i])
                    var pubKey = packet.ReadBytes(256);
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Name MD5: {1}", i, Utilities.ByteArrayToHexString(pubKey));

                if (bit1[i])
                    packet.ReadByte("Byte24", i);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int24", i);

                packet.ReadByte("Addon State", i);

            for (var i = 0; i < bits10; i++)
                packet.ReadInt32("Int14", i);
                packet.ReadInt32("IntED", i);

                for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    packet.ReadInt32("IntED", i, j);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int14", i, j);

                packet.ReadInt32("IntED", i);
Beispiel #28
 public static void HandlePetAction(Packet packet)
     var action = (uint)packet.ReadUInt16() + (packet.ReadByte() << 16);
     packet.WriteLine("Action: {0}", action);
     packet.ReadEnum<ActionButtonType>("Type", TypeCode.Byte);
     if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_2_14545))
        public static void HandleDeathReleaseLoc(Packet packet)
            var pos = new Vector3();
            pos.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
            pos.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
            pos.X = packet.ReadSingle();
            packet.ReadEntryWithName<Int32>(StoreNameType.Map, "Map Id");

            packet.WriteLine("Position: {0}", pos);
 public static void HandleGMTicketCreate(Packet packet)
     packet.ReadEntryWithName<Int32>(StoreNameType.Map, "Map ID");
     var vector = packet.ReadVector3();
     packet.WriteLine("Position: {0}", vector);
     packet.ReadUInt32("Unk UInt32 1");
     packet.ReadBoolean("Need Response");
     // FIXME: 3.3.3a has many more data here..
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows our hex representation of a packet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">A packet</param>
        public static void AsHex(this Packet packet)
            var n = Environment.NewLine;
            var hexDump = new StringBuilder();
            var length = packet.Length;
            var stream = packet.GetStream(0);

            var header = "|-------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------|" + n +
                         "| 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F |" + n +
                         "|-------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------|" + n;


            var end = length;
            for (var i = 0; i < end; i += 16)
                var text = new StringBuilder();
                var hex = new StringBuilder();
                hex.Append("| ");

                for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++)
                    if (j + i < end)
                        var val = stream[j + i];
                        hex.Append(stream[j + i].ToString("X2"));
                        hex.Append(" ");

                        if (val >= 32 && val <= 127)

                        text.Append(" ");
                        hex.Append("   ");
                        text.Append("  ");

                hex.Append("| ");
                hex.Append(text + "|");


Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows our hex representation of a packet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet">A packet</param>
 public static void AsHex(this Packet packet)