private static void CheckFileExtension_ContainsProgid(IssueTracker Issues, bool Install, string ThisApplicationProgid, string Extension)
            // For our association, we want to add our progid to the HCKU extension's OpenWithProgids.
            // So HKCU\software\classes\.jpg\openwithprogids
            //  -> "Progid" : (empty string)
            // Putting it in "jpegfile" doesn't work.
            // Using a custom verb has issues with the open with menu and is awkward. So this is probably still a better solution.
            var Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{Extension}", writable: Install);

            if (Key == null)
                Issues.Issue($"HKCU key for {Extension} doesn't exist.");
                if (Install)
                    Key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey($@"software\classes\{Extension}");
                    Issues.Info($"Created extension \"{Extension}\" in HKCU.");

            Debug.Assert(Key != null);

            var Key_OpenWithProgids = Key.OpenSubKey("openwithprogids", writable: Install);

            if (Key_OpenWithProgids == null)
                Issues.Issue($"HKCU key for {Extension} doesn't have OpenWithProgids.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_OpenWithProgids = Key.CreateSubKey("OpenWithProgids");
                    Issues.Info($"Created OpenWithProgids in \"{Extension}\".");

            Debug.Assert(Key_OpenWithProgids != null);

            bool HaveProgid = Key_OpenWithProgids.GetValueNames().Any(x => Util.EqualsOICSafe(x, ThisApplicationProgid));

            if (!HaveProgid)
                Issues.Issue($"HKCU key for {Extension} doesn't contain Progid {ThisApplicationProgid} in OpenWithProgids.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_OpenWithProgids.SetValue(ThisApplicationProgid, string.Empty, RegistryValueKind.String);
                    Issues.Info($"Added Progid in \"{Extension}\": \"{ThisApplicationProgid}\".");
        // It's retarded.

        public static void CheckFileAssociations(IssueTracker Issues, string ApplicationPath, string FriendlyAppName, bool Install)
            // Info: The default verb is the default value of the "shell" key. If it's not set, it takes the first subkey alphabetically, which is often "open".

            Issues.Info("File Handler Verbs:");

            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "jpegfile");
            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "pjpegfile");
            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "pngfile");
            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "Paint.Picture");

            Issues.Info("Extensions (System Defaults):");

            foreach (var Info in FileAssocationExtensionInfo)
                CheckFileExtension_VerifySystemDefaults(Issues, Info.ExpectedPerceivedType, Info.Extension, Info.ExpectedSystemFileHandler);

            if (ApplicationPath != null)
                Issues.Info($"HKCU Progid:");

                if (ApplicationPath.IndexOf('"') != -1)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ApplicationPath));
                string CommandLine = $"\"{ApplicationPath}\" \"%1\"";
                CheckProgidKey(Issues, Install, ThisApplicationProgid, CommandLine, FriendlyAppName);
            else if (Install)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ApplicationPath));

            Issues.Info("Extensions (HKCU Progid Registered):");

            foreach (var Info in FileAssocationExtensionInfo)
                CheckFileExtension_ContainsProgid(Issues, Install, ThisApplicationProgid, Info.Extension);

            Issues.Info("User Choice:");

            foreach (var Info in FileAssocationExtensionInfo)
                CheckUserChoice(Issues, Info.Extension, ThisApplicationProgid);
        private static void CheckProgidKey(IssueTracker Issues, bool Install, string Progid, string ExpectedCommand, string FriendlyAppName)
            // Check that the progid key exists in HKCU classes, and that it has a valid open verb as its only verb.
            var Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{Progid}", writable: Install);

            if (Key == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} doesn't exist in HKCU.");
                if (Install)
                    Key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey($@"software\classes\{Progid}");
                    Issues.Info($"Created Progid key for {Progid} in HKCU.");

            Debug.Assert(Key != null);

            var Key_Shell = Key.OpenSubKey("shell", writable: Install);

            if (Key_Shell == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} doesn't have shell in HKCU.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Shell = Key.CreateSubKey("shell");
                    Issues.Info($"shell subkey created in {Progid}.");

            Debug.Assert(Key_Shell != null);

            foreach (string ShellSubKey in Key_Shell.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (!Util.EqualsOICSafe(ShellSubKey, "open"))
                    Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} contains verb {ShellSubKey}, which isn't expected.");
                    if (Install)
                        Issues.Info($"Verb \"{ShellSubKey}\" deleted in Progid {Progid}.");

            var Key_Open = Key_Shell.OpenSubKey("open", writable: Install);

            if (Key_Open == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} doesn't have an open verb.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Open = Key_Shell.CreateSubKey("open");
                    Issues.Info($"Created open verb in ProgidKey {Progid}");

            Debug.Assert(Key_Open != null);

            string CurrentFriendlyAppName = Key_Open.GetValue("FriendlyAppName") as string;

            if (CurrentFriendlyAppName != FriendlyAppName)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid}'s open verb has incorrect FriendlyAppName \"{CurrentFriendlyAppName}\"; expected \"{FriendlyAppName}\".");
                if (Install)
                    if (FriendlyAppName != null)
                        Key_Open.SetValue("FriendlyAppName", FriendlyAppName, RegistryValueKind.String);
                        Issues.Info($"FriendlyAppName for {Progid} set to \"{FriendlyAppName}\".");
                        Issues.Info($"FriendlyAppName for {Progid} removed.");

            var Key_Command = Key_Open.OpenSubKey("command", writable: Install);

            if (Key_Command == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid}'s open verb doesn't have a command subkey.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Command = Key_Open.CreateSubKey("command");
                    Issues.Info($"Created command in {Progid}'s open verb.");

            Debug.Assert(Key_Command != null);

            string Command = Key_Command.GetValue(null) as string;

            if (!Util.EqualsOICSafe(Command, ExpectedCommand))
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid}'s open verb command is {{{Command}}}, but {{{ExpectedCommand}}} was expected.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Command.SetValue(null, ExpectedCommand);
                    Issues.Info($"Changed command in {Progid}'s open verb to {{{ExpectedCommand}}}.");