private static void CheckUserChoice(IssueTracker Issues, string Extension, string Progid)
            // Check whether a program *other* than Progid is written in the UserChoice key of the extension.
            // If that key doesn't exist, or if no user choice is available, that's also OK. The point here is to make sure that Windows asks
            // the user which program it should use the next time any file with that extension is opened.
            var Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\{Extension}");

            if (Key == null)

            var Key_UserChoice = Key.OpenSubKey("userchoice");

            if (Key_UserChoice == null)

            string CurrentProgid = Key_UserChoice.GetValue("progid") as string;

            if (CurrentProgid == null || Util.EqualsOICSafe(CurrentProgid, Progid))

            Issues.Issue($"UserChoice for {Extension} is \"{CurrentProgid}\", but \"{Progid}\" was expected.");
        private void ButtonInstallFileAssociations_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var SupportedExtensionNames = String.Join(", ", FileAssociationBullshit.FileAssocationExtensionInfo.Select(x => x.Extension));

            var Path = this.ApplicationPath;

            if (Path == null)
                MessageBox.Show($"Cannot install Application Progid because the applicatin path is not known, and therefore no open verb command can be deduced.");
            var Choice = MessageBox.Show($"You are about to install application path \"{Path}\" as an available Progid for image files in the registry for the current Windows user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER).\r\n\r\nThis will create a Progid key named \"{FileAssociationBullshit.ThisApplicationProgid}\" (which is the unique identifier for this application) under \"HKCU\\Software\\Classes\", and adds that Progid to the image extension keys for {SupportedExtensionNames}.\r\n\r\nDue to changes in file association handling in Windows 10, it is not possible (at least not officially) to install this program without further user interaction though.\r\nIf all goes well, the next time a file with any of the supported extensions is opened, Windows will ask which program to use, and stores that information in the UserChoice key for the extension. Otherwise, the application will be permanently available in the Open With list for those extensions, and can be set as the default program in the Open With dialog.\r\n\r\nIf this application has been registered preivously, then the previous registration will be overwritten.\r\n\r\nIs this OK?", "File Association Installation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            if (Choice != DialogResult.Yes)
            using (var Writer = new StringWriter())
                var Issues = new IssueTracker(Writer);
                    FileAssociationBullshit.CheckFileAssociations(Issues, Path, this.FriendlyAppName, Install: true);
                    DisplayReport(this, $"File Associations installed. Report ({Issues.NumIssues} issue(s) detected):\r\n\r\n{Issues.ToString()}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show($"Error installing File Associations.\r\n{ex.Message}");
                    DisplayReport(this, $"Failed to install File Associations. Report ({Issues.NumIssues} issue(s) detected):\r\n\r\n{Issues.ToString()}");
        private static void CheckFileExtension_VerifySystemDefaults(IssueTracker Issues, string ExpectedPerceivedType, string Extension, string ExpectedSystemProgid)
            // The standard image formats have a direct association in the (default value) of their extension, and then the same thing
            // in the Progid. Both are in HKLM only. E.g. ".jpg" -> default value is "jpegfile", "OpenWithProgids" contains "jpegfile" (empty string).
            var Key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{Extension}");

            if (Key == null)
                Issues.Issue($"Extension key {Extension} missing in HKLM.");
            var DefaultValue = Key.GetValue(null) as string;

            if (!Util.EqualsOICSafe(DefaultValue, ExpectedSystemProgid))
                Issues.Issue($"Extension key {Extension}'s (HKLM) default value is {DefaultValue}, but {ExpectedSystemProgid} was expected.");
            var Key_OpenWithProgids = Key.OpenSubKey("openwithprogids");

            string[] OpenWithProgids = Key_OpenWithProgids?.GetValueNames();
            if (OpenWithProgids == null)
                Issues.Issue($"{Extension} (HKLM) doesn't contain OpenWithProgids, but it should.");
                bool ContainsOpenWithProgid = OpenWithProgids.Any(x => Util.EqualsOICSafe(x, ExpectedSystemProgid));
                if (!ContainsOpenWithProgid)
                    Issues.Issue($"OpenWithProgids in {Extension} (HKLM) doesn't contain {ExpectedSystemProgid}. Available entries: {string.Join(",", OpenWithProgids)}");

            CheckPerceivedType(Issues, ExpectedPerceivedType, Key, Extension);
        private static void CheckFileExtension_ContainsProgid(IssueTracker Issues, bool Install, string ThisApplicationProgid, string Extension)
            // For our association, we want to add our progid to the HCKU extension's OpenWithProgids.
            // So HKCU\software\classes\.jpg\openwithprogids
            //  -> "Progid" : (empty string)
            // Putting it in "jpegfile" doesn't work.
            // Using a custom verb has issues with the open with menu and is awkward. So this is probably still a better solution.
            var Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{Extension}", writable: Install);

            if (Key == null)
                Issues.Issue($"HKCU key for {Extension} doesn't exist.");
                if (Install)
                    Key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey($@"software\classes\{Extension}");
                    Issues.Info($"Created extension \"{Extension}\" in HKCU.");

            Debug.Assert(Key != null);

            var Key_OpenWithProgids = Key.OpenSubKey("openwithprogids", writable: Install);

            if (Key_OpenWithProgids == null)
                Issues.Issue($"HKCU key for {Extension} doesn't have OpenWithProgids.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_OpenWithProgids = Key.CreateSubKey("OpenWithProgids");
                    Issues.Info($"Created OpenWithProgids in \"{Extension}\".");

            Debug.Assert(Key_OpenWithProgids != null);

            bool HaveProgid = Key_OpenWithProgids.GetValueNames().Any(x => Util.EqualsOICSafe(x, ThisApplicationProgid));

            if (!HaveProgid)
                Issues.Issue($"HKCU key for {Extension} doesn't contain Progid {ThisApplicationProgid} in OpenWithProgids.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_OpenWithProgids.SetValue(ThisApplicationProgid, string.Empty, RegistryValueKind.String);
                    Issues.Info($"Added Progid in \"{Extension}\": \"{ThisApplicationProgid}\".");
        // It's retarded.

        public static void CheckFileAssociations(IssueTracker Issues, string ApplicationPath, string FriendlyAppName, bool Install)
            // Info: The default verb is the default value of the "shell" key. If it's not set, it takes the first subkey alphabetically, which is often "open".

            Issues.Info("File Handler Verbs:");

            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "jpegfile");
            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "pjpegfile");
            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "pngfile");
            CheckFileHandlerVerbs(Issues, "Paint.Picture");

            Issues.Info("Extensions (System Defaults):");

            foreach (var Info in FileAssocationExtensionInfo)
                CheckFileExtension_VerifySystemDefaults(Issues, Info.ExpectedPerceivedType, Info.Extension, Info.ExpectedSystemFileHandler);

            if (ApplicationPath != null)
                Issues.Info($"HKCU Progid:");

                if (ApplicationPath.IndexOf('"') != -1)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ApplicationPath));
                string CommandLine = $"\"{ApplicationPath}\" \"%1\"";
                CheckProgidKey(Issues, Install, ThisApplicationProgid, CommandLine, FriendlyAppName);
            else if (Install)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ApplicationPath));

            Issues.Info("Extensions (HKCU Progid Registered):");

            foreach (var Info in FileAssocationExtensionInfo)
                CheckFileExtension_ContainsProgid(Issues, Install, ThisApplicationProgid, Info.Extension);

            Issues.Info("User Choice:");

            foreach (var Info in FileAssocationExtensionInfo)
                CheckUserChoice(Issues, Info.Extension, ThisApplicationProgid);
        private static void CheckPerceivedType(IssueTracker Issues, string ExpectedPerceivedType, RegistryKey Key_HKLM, string Extension)
            // HKLM extension keys (".jpg" etc) should have perceived type "image".
            string PerceivedType = Key_HKLM.GetValue("perceivedtype") as string;

            if (PerceivedType == null)
                Issues.Issue($"Perceived type in \"{Extension}\" is missing (expected \"{ExpectedPerceivedType}\")");
            else if (!Util.EqualsOICSafe(PerceivedType, ExpectedPerceivedType))
                Issues.Issue($"Perceived type in \"{Extension}\" ({PerceivedType}) seems wrong (expected \"{ExpectedPerceivedType}\")");
 private void ButtonCheckFileAssociations_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         using (var Writer = new StringWriter())
             var Issues = new IssueTracker(Writer);
             FileAssociationBullshit.CheckFileAssociations(Issues, this.ApplicationPath, this.FriendlyAppName, Install: false);
             DisplayReport(this, $"File Association Check Report ({Issues.NumIssues} issue(s) detected):\r\n\r\n{Issues.ToString()}");
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show($"Error checking File Associations.\r\n{ex.Message}");
        private static void CheckFileHandlerVerbs(IssueTracker Issues, string FileHandlerName)
            // None of the image extension keys (".jpg" etc), nor file handlers ("jpegfile" etc) should have an "open" verb, except giffile.
            var Key_HKLM = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{FileHandlerName}");

            if (Key_HKLM == null)
                Issues.Issue($"{FileHandlerName} not found in HKLM.");
                CheckFileHandlerVerbsInternal(Issues, FileHandlerName, Key_HKLM);

            var Key_HKCU = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{FileHandlerName}");

            if (Key_HKCU != null)             // This one's optional
                CheckFileHandlerVerbsInternal(Issues, FileHandlerName, Key_HKCU);
        private static void CheckFileHandlerVerbsInternal(IssueTracker Issues, string FileHandlerName, RegistryKey Key)
            var Key_Shell = Key.OpenSubKey("shell");

            if (Key_Shell == null)
                return;                 // No shell - no verbs. That's is OK in this case.
            string DefaultVerb = Key_Shell.GetValue(string.Empty) as string;

            if (DefaultVerb != null)
                Issues.Issue($"{FileHandlerName} has explicit default verb \"{DefaultVerb}\", which is unexpected.");

            var Key_Open = Key_Shell.OpenSubKey("open");

            if (Key_Open != null)
                Issues.Issue($"Key {Key} has open verb, even though it shouldn't.");
        private static void CheckProgidKey(IssueTracker Issues, bool Install, string Progid, string ExpectedCommand, string FriendlyAppName)
            // Check that the progid key exists in HKCU classes, and that it has a valid open verb as its only verb.
            var Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey($@"software\classes\{Progid}", writable: Install);

            if (Key == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} doesn't exist in HKCU.");
                if (Install)
                    Key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey($@"software\classes\{Progid}");
                    Issues.Info($"Created Progid key for {Progid} in HKCU.");

            Debug.Assert(Key != null);

            var Key_Shell = Key.OpenSubKey("shell", writable: Install);

            if (Key_Shell == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} doesn't have shell in HKCU.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Shell = Key.CreateSubKey("shell");
                    Issues.Info($"shell subkey created in {Progid}.");

            Debug.Assert(Key_Shell != null);

            foreach (string ShellSubKey in Key_Shell.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (!Util.EqualsOICSafe(ShellSubKey, "open"))
                    Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} contains verb {ShellSubKey}, which isn't expected.");
                    if (Install)
                        Issues.Info($"Verb \"{ShellSubKey}\" deleted in Progid {Progid}.");

            var Key_Open = Key_Shell.OpenSubKey("open", writable: Install);

            if (Key_Open == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid} doesn't have an open verb.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Open = Key_Shell.CreateSubKey("open");
                    Issues.Info($"Created open verb in ProgidKey {Progid}");

            Debug.Assert(Key_Open != null);

            string CurrentFriendlyAppName = Key_Open.GetValue("FriendlyAppName") as string;

            if (CurrentFriendlyAppName != FriendlyAppName)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid}'s open verb has incorrect FriendlyAppName \"{CurrentFriendlyAppName}\"; expected \"{FriendlyAppName}\".");
                if (Install)
                    if (FriendlyAppName != null)
                        Key_Open.SetValue("FriendlyAppName", FriendlyAppName, RegistryValueKind.String);
                        Issues.Info($"FriendlyAppName for {Progid} set to \"{FriendlyAppName}\".");
                        Issues.Info($"FriendlyAppName for {Progid} removed.");

            var Key_Command = Key_Open.OpenSubKey("command", writable: Install);

            if (Key_Command == null)
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid}'s open verb doesn't have a command subkey.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Command = Key_Open.CreateSubKey("command");
                    Issues.Info($"Created command in {Progid}'s open verb.");

            Debug.Assert(Key_Command != null);

            string Command = Key_Command.GetValue(null) as string;

            if (!Util.EqualsOICSafe(Command, ExpectedCommand))
                Issues.Issue($"ProgidKey {Progid}'s open verb command is {{{Command}}}, but {{{ExpectedCommand}}} was expected.");
                if (Install)
                    Key_Command.SetValue(null, ExpectedCommand);
                    Issues.Info($"Changed command in {Progid}'s open verb to {{{ExpectedCommand}}}.");