public CreateAccountMenu(WSOGame theGame, Client theClient)
     myGame = theGame;
     netClient = theClient;
     _email = "";
     _password = "";
        public CharacterCreateMenu(WSOGame theGame, Client theClient)
            myGame = theGame;
            netClient = theClient;

            characterRace = Race.Human;
            hairStyleID = 0;
            hairColorID = 0;
            faceStyleID = 0;
            shirtStyleID = 0;
            shirtColorID = 0;
            legsStyleID = 0;
            legsColorID = 0;
            skinColorID = 0;

            spr_HeadSprite = myGame.graphicsManager.Heads[(byte)characterRace][hairStyleID];
            spr_TorsoSprite = myGame.graphicsManager.Torsos[(byte)characterRace][shirtStyleID];
            spr_LegsSprite = myGame.graphicsManager.Legs[(byte)characterRace][legsStyleID];
            spr_FootSprite = myGame.graphicsManager.Feet[(byte)characterRace][legsStyleID];
            spr_ArmsSprite = myGame.graphicsManager.Arms[(byte)characterRace][shirtStyleID];

            spr_Shadow = myGame.graphicsManager.Shadow;

            characterPosition = new Vector2(520, 431);

            characterSlot = 0;
 public CharacterSelectionMenu(WSOGame theGame, Client theClient)
     myGame = theGame;
     netClient = theClient;
     characterTiles = new List<CharacterTile>();
     characterDataLoaded = false;
 public CreateAccountMenu(WSOGame theGame, Client theClient, string[] args)
     myGame = theGame;
     netClient = theClient;
     if (args != null && args.Length == 2) {
         _email = args[0];
         _password = args[1];
     } else {
         _email = "";
         _password = "";
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            netClient = new Client(this);

 public LoginMenu(WSOGame theGame, Client theClient)
     myGame = theGame;
     netClient = theClient;
     //myContentManager = theContentManager();