Beispiel #1
        public static List <TargetDescriptor> ParseCommandLine(string[] Arguments, ref FileReference ProjectFile)
            UnrealTargetPlatform      Platform      = UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown;
            UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration = UnrealTargetConfiguration.Unknown;
            List <string>             TargetNames   = new List <string>();
            string            Architecture          = null;
            string            RemoteRoot            = null;
            List <OnlyModule> OnlyModules           = new List <OnlyModule>();
            FileReference     ForeignPlugin         = null;
            string            ForceReceiptFileName  = null;

            // If true, the recompile was launched by the editor.
            bool bIsEditorRecompile = false;

            // Settings for creating/using static libraries for the engine
            List <string> PossibleTargetNames = new List <string>();

            for (int ArgumentIndex = 0; ArgumentIndex < Arguments.Length; ArgumentIndex++)
                string Argument = Arguments[ArgumentIndex];
                if (!Argument.StartsWith("-"))
                    UnrealTargetPlatform ParsedPlatform;
                    if (Enum.TryParse(Argument, true, out ParsedPlatform) && ParsedPlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)
                        if (Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)
                            throw new BuildException("Multiple platforms specified on command line (first {0}, then {1})", Platform, ParsedPlatform);
                        Platform = ParsedPlatform;

                    UnrealTargetConfiguration ParsedConfiguration;
                    if (Enum.TryParse(Argument, true, out ParsedConfiguration) && ParsedConfiguration != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Unknown)
                        if (Configuration != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Unknown)
                            throw new BuildException("Multiple configurations specified on command line (first {0}, then {1})", Configuration, ParsedConfiguration);
                        Configuration = ParsedConfiguration;

                    switch (Arguments[ArgumentIndex].ToUpperInvariant())
                    case "-MODULE":
                        // Specifies a module to recompile.  Can be specified more than once on the command-line to compile multiple specific modules.
                        if (ArgumentIndex + 1 >= Arguments.Length)
                            throw new BuildException("Expected module name after -Module argument, but found nothing.");
                        string OnlyModuleName = Arguments[++ArgumentIndex];

                        OnlyModules.Add(new OnlyModule(OnlyModuleName));

                    case "-MODULEWITHSUFFIX":
                        // Specifies a module name to compile along with a suffix to append to the DLL file name.  Can be specified more than once on the command-line to compile multiple specific modules.
                        if (ArgumentIndex + 2 >= Arguments.Length)
                            throw new BuildException("Expected module name and module suffix -ModuleWithSuffix argument");

                        string OnlyModuleName   = Arguments[++ArgumentIndex];
                        string OnlyModuleSuffix = Arguments[++ArgumentIndex];

                        OnlyModules.Add(new OnlyModule(OnlyModuleName, OnlyModuleSuffix));

                    case "-PLUGIN":
                        if (ArgumentIndex + 1 >= Arguments.Length)
                            throw new BuildException("Expected plugin filename after -Plugin argument, but found nothing.");
                        if (ForeignPlugin != null)
                            throw new BuildException("Only one foreign plugin to compile may be specified per invocation");
                        ForeignPlugin = new FileReference(Arguments[++ArgumentIndex]);

                    case "-RECEIPT":
                        if (ArgumentIndex + 1 >= Arguments.Length)
                            throw new BuildException("Expected path to the generated receipt after -Receipt argument, but found nothing.");

                        ForceReceiptFileName = Arguments[++ArgumentIndex];

                    // -RemoteRoot <RemoteRoot> sets where the generated binaries are CookerSynced.
                    case "-REMOTEROOT":
                        if (ArgumentIndex + 1 >= Arguments.Length)
                            throw new BuildException("Expected path after -RemoteRoot argument, but found nothing.");
                        if (Arguments[ArgumentIndex].StartsWith("xe:\\") == true)
                            RemoteRoot = Arguments[ArgumentIndex].Substring("xe:\\".Length);
                        else if (Arguments[ArgumentIndex].StartsWith("devkit:\\") == true)
                            RemoteRoot = Arguments[ArgumentIndex].Substring("devkit:\\".Length);

                    case "-DEPLOY":
                        // Does nothing at the moment...

                    case "-EDITORRECOMPILE":
                        bIsEditorRecompile = true;


            if (Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)
                throw new BuildException("Couldn't find platform name.");
            if (Configuration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Unknown)
                throw new BuildException("Couldn't determine configuration name.");

            List <TargetDescriptor> Targets = new List <TargetDescriptor>();

            if (PossibleTargetNames.Count > 0)
                // We have possible targets!
                string PossibleTargetName = PossibleTargetNames[0];

                // If Engine is installed, the PossibleTargetName could contain a path
                string TargetName = PossibleTargetName;

                // If a project file was not specified see if we can find one
                if (ProjectFile == null && UProjectInfo.TryGetProjectForTarget(TargetName, out ProjectFile))
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Found project file for {0} - {1}", TargetName, ProjectFile);

                UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(Platform);

                if (Architecture == null)
                    Architecture = BuildPlatform.GetDefaultArchitecture(ProjectFile);

                Targets.Add(new TargetDescriptor()
                    ProjectFile          = ProjectFile,
                    TargetName           = TargetName,
                    Platform             = Platform,
                    Configuration        = Configuration,
                    Architecture         = Architecture,
                    bIsEditorRecompile   = bIsEditorRecompile,
                    RemoteRoot           = RemoteRoot,
                    OnlyModules          = OnlyModules,
                    ForeignPlugin        = ForeignPlugin,
                    ForceReceiptFileName = ForceReceiptFileName
            if (Targets.Count == 0)
                throw new BuildException("No target name was specified on the command-line.");