private void Verify()
            string studLecy = tbxUsername.Text;
            // Make the error label invisible
            lblError.Visible = false;

            DatabaseConnector qwd = new DatabaseConnector();

            List<string> test = qwd.LoginConnect("db_owner.SELECT_ID",tbxUsername.Text,tbxPassword.Text);

            // If the count of test is greater than 0 then that means something was returned
            if (test.Count() > 0)
                // If login code returns results
                frmCourseInfo courseInfo = new frmCourseInfo(test[0], test[1]);

                // Error label made visible
                lblError.Visible = true;
                // Text in the password textbox is cleared
                tbxPassword.Text = "";
                // The password textbox is made the focus of the form
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the username and password input with the database
        /// </summary>
        private void Verify()
            // Temporary string to hold the username field
            string username = tbxUsername.Text;

            // Make the error label invisible
            lblError.Visible = false;

            // List of string objects are returned from database query (via the LoginConnect method)
            List<string> verify = DatabaseConnector.LoginConnect("db_owner.SELECT_ID", tbxUsername.Text, tbxPassword.Text);

            // If the count of test is greater than 0 then that means something was returned
            if (verify.Count() > 0)
                // Hide this form
                // Create a new course info form and set it up with verify's results
                frmCourseInfo courseInfo = new frmCourseInfo(verify[0], verify[1]);
                // courseInfo is opened in modal
                // this current form is closed

            // else nothing was returned
                // Error label made visible
                lblError.Visible = true;
                // Text in the password textbox is cleared
                tbxPassword.Text = "";
                // The password textbox is made the focus of the form