Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new algorithm instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">The input</param>
 public KnapsackDynamicAlgorithm(KnapsackInput <int, int> input)
     this.Input        = input;
     this.Capacity     = input.Capacity;
     this.Variables    = input.Variables;
     this.memorization = new IntegerTableMemorization(input.Capacity + 1, input.Variables + 1);
Beispiel #2
        public static void PrintResults(KnapsackInput input)
            IList <KnapsackSolver> solvers = new List <KnapsackSolver>()
                new BranchAndBoundSolver(input.Items, input.Capacity),
                new GreedySolver(input.Items, input.Capacity),
                new DynamicProgrammingSolver(input.Items, input.Capacity)

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.WriteLine("Max Capacity is {0}", input.Capacity);
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            foreach (var solver in solvers)
                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


                var solution = solver.Solve();


                Console.WriteLine("Elapsed = {0}\n", sw.Elapsed);
Beispiel #3
        private void UseSet2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            input = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity = 16,
                Items    = new List <Item>()
                    new Item()
                        Name = "1", Value = 50, Weight = 5
                    new Item()
                        Name = "2", Value = 99, Weight = 9
                    new Item()
                        Name = "3", Value = 18, Weight = 2
                    new Item()
                        Name = "4", Value = 15, Weight = 3
                    new Item()
                        Name = "5", Value = 42, Weight = 7

            allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
            itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
            resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
Beispiel #4
        private void SolveMultiple100()
            KnapsackInput input;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                input = new KnapsackInput();
                var stopwatch     = new Stopwatch();
                var solverBaB     = new BranchAndBoundSolver(input.Items, input.Capacity);
                var solverRand    = new RandomSolver(input.Items, input.Capacity);
                var solverGreedy  = new GreedySolver(input.Items, input.Capacity);
                var solverDynamic = new DynamicProgrammingSolver(input.Items, input.Capacity);
                timeResultsBaB.Add(new DataPoint(i, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds));
                timeResultsRand.Add(new DataPoint(i, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds));
                timeResultsGreedy.Add(new DataPoint(i, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds));
                timeResultsDynamic.Add(new DataPoint(i, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds));
            timeAverageGreedy  = Math.Round((timeResultsGreedy.Sum(x => x.Y) / 100), 4);
            timeAverageRand    = Math.Round((timeResultsRand.Sum(x => x.Y) / 100), 4);
            timeAverageBaB     = Math.Round((timeResultsBaB.Sum(x => x.Y) / 100), 4);
            timeAverageDynamic = Math.Round((timeResultsDynamic.Sum(x => x.Y) / 100), 4);
Beispiel #5
        private void UseSet1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            input = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity = 10,
                Items    = new List <Item>()
                    new Item {
                        Name = "1", Weight = 4, Value = 40
                    new Item {
                        Name = "2", Weight = 7, Value = 42
                    new Item {
                        Name = "3", Weight = 5, Value = 25
                    new Item {
                        Name = "4", Weight = 3, Value = 12

            allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
            itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
            resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
Beispiel #6
 private void GenerateRandom_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     input = new KnapsackInput();
     allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
     itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
     resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
Beispiel #7
        private void GenerateCoeff_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var coeffWindow = new DialogWindow();

            if (coeffWindow.ShowDialog() == true)
                input = new KnapsackInput(coeffWindow.Capacity, coeffWindow.AmountOfItems, coeffWindow.I, coeffWindow.J);
                allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
                itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
                resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
Beispiel #8
        private void InputFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var inputFileWindow = new InputFileWindow();

            if (inputFileWindow.ShowDialog() == true)
                input = new KnapsackInput();

            allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
            itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
            resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
        /// <summary>
        /// Прочитать входные данные из файла, обработать их и сохранить для последующих действий.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">Ссылка на выбранный файл.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidInputFileException">Входные данные в файле не в поддерживаемом формате.</exception>
        public async Task SetFromFile(IFileReference file)
            await using var stream = await file.CreateMemoryStreamAsync(4096);

            using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
            var content      = reader.ReadToEnd();
            var decerialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <KnapsackInput>(content);

            if (decerialized?.Items == null || decerialized.Knapsack == null)
                throw new InvalidInputFileException();

            Input = decerialized;
Beispiel #10
        private void InputManually_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var inputManuallyWindow = new InputManuallyWindow();

            if (inputManuallyWindow.ShowDialog() == true)
                input = new KnapsackInput()
                    Capacity = inputManuallyWindow.CapacityToAdd,
                    Items    = new List <Item>(inputManuallyWindow.ItemsToAdd)
                allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
                itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
                resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
Beispiel #11
        private void UseSet3_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            input = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity = 41,
                Items    = new List <Item>()
                    new Item {
                        Name = "1", Weight = 12, Value = 14
                    new Item {
                        Name = "2", Weight = 40, Value = 34
                    new Item {
                        Name = "3", Weight = 10, Value = 12
                    new Item {
                        Name = "4", Weight = 18, Value = 13
                    new Item {
                        Name = "5", Weight = 10, Value = 16
                    new Item {
                        Name = "6", Weight = 12, Value = 19
                    new Item {
                        Name = "7", Weight = 14, Value = 22
                    new Item {
                        Name = "8", Weight = 16, Value = 25

            allItemsGrid.DataContext = input.Items;
            itemsGrid.DataContext    = null;
            resultTextBlock.Text     = "Result of the solution will be displayed here";
Beispiel #12
        public static void Main()
            /* var input1 = ReadInput("./../../SampleInputs/easy20.txt");
             * PrintResults(input1);*/
            var input2 = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity       = 25,
                ExpectedResult = 44,
                Items          =
                    new List <Item>()
                    new Item {
                        Name = "1", Weight = 2, Value = 4
                    new Item {
                        Name = "2", Weight = 4, Value = 7
                    new Item {
                        Name = "3", Weight = 6, Value = 10
                    new Item {
                        Name = "4", Weight = 8, Value = 13
                    new Item {
                        Name = "5", Weight = 10, Value = 16
                    new Item {
                        Name = "6", Weight = 12, Value = 19
                    new Item {
                        Name = "7", Weight = 14, Value = 22
                    new Item {
                        Name = "8", Weight = 16, Value = 25
            // PrintResults(input2);

            var input3 = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity       = 10,
                ExpectedResult = 6,
                Items          = new List <Item>()
                    new Item()
                        Name = "1", Value = 40, Weight = 4
                    new Item()
                        Name = "2", Value = 42, Weight = 7
                    new Item()
                        Name = "3", Value = 25, Weight = 5
                    new Item()
                        Name = "4", Value = 12, Weight = 3
            // PrintResults(input3);

            var input4 = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity       = 16,
                ExpectedResult = 90,
                Items          = new List <Item>()
                    new Item {
                        Name = "1", Value = 40, Weight = 2
                    new Item {
                        Name = "2", Value = 30, Weight = 5
                    new Item {
                        Name = "3", Value = 50, Weight = 10
                    new Item {
                        Name = "4", Value = 10, Weight = 5
            //  PrintResults(input4);

            var inputManually = new KnapsackInput(29, 9, 2, 3);
            // PrintResults(inputManually);

            var inputRandom = new KnapsackInput();

        public static void Main()
            /* var input1 = ReadInput("./../../SampleInputs/easy20.txt");
             * PrintResults(input1);*/
            var input2 = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity       = 18,
                ExpectedResult = 44,
                Items          =
                    new List <Item>()
                    new Item {
                        Name = "fourth", Weight = 4, Value = 12
                    new Item {
                        Name = "third", Weight = 6, Value = 10
                    new Item {
                        Name = "second", Weight = 5, Value = 8
                    new Item {
                        Name = "cheese", Weight = 7, Value = 11
                    new Item {
                        Name = "first", Weight = 3, Value = 14
                    new Item {
                        Name = "potatos", Weight = 1, Value = 7
                    new Item {
                        Name = "bear", Weight = 6, Value = 9


            var input3 = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity       = 4,
                ExpectedResult = 6,
                Items          = new List <Item>()
                    new Item()
                        Name = "first", Value = 2, Weight = 1
                    new Item()
                        Name = "Second", Value = 3, Weight = 2
                    new Item()
                        Name = "Third", Value = 4, Weight = 3
                    new Item()
                        Name = "Fourth", Value = 5, Weight = 4
                    new Item()
                        Name = "Second", Value = 6, Weight = 5


            var input4 = new KnapsackInput()
                Capacity       = 16,
                ExpectedResult = 90,
                Items          = new List <Item>()
                    new Item {
                        Name = "1", Value = 40, Weight = 2
                    new Item {
                        Name = "2", Value = 30, Weight = 5
                    new Item {
                        Name = "3", Value = 50, Weight = 10
                    new Item {
                        Name = "4", Value = 10, Weight = 5
