Beispiel #1
 public static void EnumGrid <TEnum>(String title, ref TEnum value, int xCols, params GUILayoutOption[] options) where TEnum : struct
     UI.Label(title.cyan(), UI.Width(300));
     UI.EnumGrid <TEnum>(ref value, xCols, options);
Beispiel #2
        public static void OnGUI()
            UI.HStack("Settings", 1,
                      () => {
                UI.ActionButton("Reset UI", () => Main.SetNeedsResetGameUI());
                UI.Label("Tells the game to reset the in game UI.".green() + " Warning".yellow() + " Using this in dialog or the book will dismiss that dialog which may break progress so use with care".orange());
                      () => {
                UI.Toggle("Enable Game Development Mode", ref Main.settings.toggleDevopmentMode);
                UI.Label("This turns on the developer console which lets you access cheat commands, shows a FPS window (hide with F11), etc".green());
                      () => UI.Label(""),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Log Level", ref Main.settings.loggingLevel, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.Label(""),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Strip HTML (colors) from Native Console", ref Main.settings.stripHtmlTagsFromNativeConsole),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Strip HTML (colors) from Logs Tab in Unity Mod Manager", ref Main.settings.stripHtmlTagsFromUMMLogsTab),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Display guids in most tooltips, use shift + left click on items/abilities to copy guid to clipboard", ref Main.settings.toggleGuidsClipboard),
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Localizaton", 1,
                      () => {
                var cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
                var cultures    = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures).OrderBy(ci => ci.DisplayName).ToList();
                using (UI.VerticalScope()) {
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                        UI.Label("Current Cultrue".cyan(), UI.Width(275));
                    if (UI.GridPicker <CultureInfo>("Culture", ref uiCulture, cultures, null, ci => ci.DisplayName, ref cultureSearchText, 8, UI.rarityButtonStyle, UI.Width(UI.ummWidth - 350)))
                        // can we set it?
                      () => { }
Beispiel #3
        public static void OnGUI()
            var player        = Game.Instance.Player;
            var filterChoices = GetPartyFilterChoices();

            if (filterChoices == null)

            charToAdd    = null;
            charToRemove = null;
            var characterListFunc = UI.TypePicker <List <UnitEntityData> >(
                ref Main.settings.selectedPartyFilter,
            var characterList = characterListFunc.func();
            var mainChar      = GameHelper.GetPlayerCharacter();

            if ( == "Nearby")
                UI.Slider("Nearby Distance", ref nearbyRange, 1f, 200, 25, 0, " meters", UI.Width(250));
                characterList = characterList.OrderBy((ch) => ch.DistanceTo(mainChar)).ToList();
            int chIndex = 0;

            respecableCount = 0;
            var  selectedCharacter = GetSelectedCharacter();
            bool isWide            = Main.IsWide;

            foreach (UnitEntityData ch in characterList)
                var classData = ch.Progression.Classes;
                // TODO - understand the difference between ch.Progression and ch.Descriptor.Progression
                UnitProgressionData      progression = ch.Descriptor.Progression;
                BlueprintStatProgression xpTable     = BlueprintRoot.Instance.Progression.XPTable;
                int level       = progression.CharacterLevel;
                int mythicLevel = progression.MythicExperience;
                var spellbooks  = ch.Spellbooks;
                var spellCount  = spellbooks.Sum((sb) => sb.GetAllKnownSpells().Count());
                using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                    UI.Label(, UI.Width(200));
                    float distance = mainChar.DistanceTo(ch);;
                    UI.Label(distance < 1 ? "" : distance.ToString("0") + "m", UI.Width(75));
                    UI.Label("lvl".green() + $": {level}", UI.Width(75));
                    // Level up code adapted from Bag of Tricks
                    if (player.AllCharacters.Contains(ch))
                        if (progression.Experience < xpTable.GetBonus(level + 1) && level < 20)
                            UI.ActionButton("+1", () => {
                                progression.AdvanceExperienceTo(xpTable.GetBonus(level + 1), true);
                            }, UI.Width(70));
                        else if (progression.Experience >= xpTable.GetBonus(level + 1) && level < 20)
                            UI.Label("LvUp".cyan().italic(), UI.Width(70));
                    UI.Label($"my".green() + $": {mythicLevel}", UI.Width(100));
                    if (player.AllCharacters.Contains(ch))
                        if (progression.MythicExperience < 10)
                            UI.ActionButton("+1", () => {
                                progression.AdvanceMythicExperience(progression.MythicExperience + 1, true);
                            }, UI.Width(70));
                            UI.Label("max".cyan(), UI.Width(70));
                    if (!isWide)
                    UI.Wrap(!Main.IsWide, 303, 0);
                    bool showClasses = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Classes;
                    if (UI.DisclosureToggle($"{classData.Count} Classes", ref showClasses))
                        if (showClasses)
                            selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Classes; Logger.Log($"selected {ch.CharacterName}");
                            selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None;
                    bool showStats = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Stats;
                    if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Stats", ref showStats, true, isWide ? 150 : 200))
                        if (showStats)
                            selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Stats;
                            selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None;
                    UI.Wrap(Main.IsNarrow, 279);
                    bool showFacts = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Facts;
                    if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Facts", ref showFacts, true, isWide ? 150 : 200))
                        if (showFacts)
                            selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Facts;
                            selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None;
                    bool showBuffs = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Buffs;
                    if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Buffs", ref showBuffs, true, isWide ? 150 : 200))
                        if (showBuffs)
                            selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Buffs;
                            selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None;
                    UI.Wrap(Main.IsNarrow, 304);
                    bool showAbilities = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Abilities;
                    if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Abilities", ref showAbilities, true))
                        if (showAbilities)
                            selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Abilities;
                            selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None;
                    if (spellCount > 0)
                        bool showSpells = ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Spells;
                        if (UI.DisclosureToggle($"{spellCount} Spells", ref showSpells, true))
                            if (showSpells)
                                selectedCharacter = ch; selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.Spells;
                                selectedToggle = ToggleChoice.None;
                    if (isWide)
                if (!Main.IsWide)
                    UI.Div(20, 20);
                if (selectedCharacter != spellbookEditCharacter)
                    editSpellbooks         = false;
                    spellbookEditCharacter = null;
                if (selectedCharacter != multiclassEditCharacter)
                    editMultiClass          = false;
                    multiclassEditCharacter = null;
                if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Classes)
                    UI.Div(100, 20);
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                        UI.Toggle("Multiple Classes On Level-Up", ref settings.toggleMulticlass, 0);
                        if (settings.toggleMulticlass)
                            if (UI.DisclosureToggle("Config".orange().bold(), ref editMultiClass))
                                multiclassEditCharacter = selectedCharacter;
                            UI.Label("Experimental Preview ".magenta() + "See 'Level Up + Multiclass' for more options".green());
                            UI.Space(50);  UI.Label("Experimental Preview ".magenta());
                    UI.Div(100, 20);
                    if (editMultiClass)
                        var multiclassSet = ch.GetMulticlassSet();
                        var prog = ch.Descriptor.Progression;
                        using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                            UI.Label("Character Level".cyan(), UI.Width(250));
                            UI.ActionButton("<", () => prog.CharacterLevel = Math.Max(0, prog.CharacterLevel - 1), UI.AutoWidth());
                            UI.Label("level".green() + $": {prog.CharacterLevel}", UI.Width(100f));
                            UI.ActionButton(">", () => prog.CharacterLevel = Math.Min(20, prog.CharacterLevel + 1), UI.AutoWidth());
                            UI.ActionButton("Reset", () => ch.resetClassLevel(), UI.Width(125));
                            UI.Label("This directly changes your character level but will not change exp or adjust any features associated with your character. To do a normal level up use +1 Lvl above".green());
                        UI.Div(0, 25);
                        using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                            UI.Label("Mythic Level".cyan(), UI.Width(250));
                            UI.ActionButton("<", () => prog.MythicLevel = Math.Max(0, prog.MythicLevel - 1), UI.AutoWidth());
                            UI.Label("my lvl".green() + $": {prog.MythicLevel}", UI.Width(100f));
                            UI.ActionButton(">", () => prog.MythicLevel = Math.Min(10, prog.MythicLevel + 1), UI.AutoWidth());
                            UI.Label("This directly changes your mythic level but will not adjust any features associated with your character. To do a normal mythic level up use +1 my above".green());
                        foreach (var cd in classData)
                            UI.Div(100, 20);
                            using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                                UI.Label(, UI.Width(250));
                                UI.ActionButton("<", () => cd.Level = Math.Max(0, cd.Level - 1), UI.AutoWidth());
                                UI.Label("level".green() + $": {cd.Level}", UI.Width(100f));
                                var maxLevel = cd.CharacterClass.Progression.IsMythic ? 10 : 20;
                                UI.ActionButton(">", () => cd.Level = Math.Min(maxLevel, cd.Level + 1), UI.AutoWidth());
                                UI.Label(, UI.AutoWidth());
                if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Stats)
                    UI.Div(100, 20, 755);
                    var alignment = ch.Descriptor.Alignment.Value;
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                        UI.Label("Alignment", UI.Width(425));
                        UI.Label($"{alignment.Name()}".color(alignment.Color()).bold(), UI.Width(1250f));
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                        int alignmentIndex = Array.IndexOf(alignments, alignment);
                        var titles         = alignments.Select(
                            a => a.Acronym().color(a.Color()).bold()).ToArray();
                        if (UI.SelectionGrid(ref alignmentIndex, titles, 3, UI.Width(250f)))
                    UI.Div(100, 20, 755);
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                        UI.Label("Size", UI.Width(425));
                        var size = ch.Descriptor.State.Size;
                        UI.Label($"{size}".orange().bold(), UI.Width(175));
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                            () => ch.Descriptor.State.Size,
                            (s) => ch.Descriptor.State.Size = s,
                            3, UI.Width(600));
                    using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                        UI.ActionButton("Reset", () => { ch.Descriptor.State.Size = ch.Descriptor.OriginalSize; }, UI.Width(197));
                    UI.Div(100, 20, 755);
                    foreach (StatType obj in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StatType)))
                        StatType        statType        = (StatType)obj;
                        ModifiableValue modifiableValue = ch.Stats.GetStat(statType);
                        if (modifiableValue != null)
                            String key         = $"{ch.CharacterName}-{statType.ToString()}";
                            var    storedValue = statEditorStorage.ContainsKey(key) ? statEditorStorage[key] : modifiableValue.BaseValue;
                            var    statName    = statType.ToString();
                            if (statName == "BaseAttackBonus" || statName == "SkillAthletics")
                                UI.Div(100, 20, 755);
                            using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                                UI.Label(statName, UI.Width(400f));
                                UI.ActionButton(" < ", () => {
                                    modifiableValue.BaseValue -= 1;
                                    storedValue = modifiableValue.BaseValue;
                                }, UI.AutoWidth());
                                UI.Label($"{modifiableValue.BaseValue}".orange().bold(), UI.Width(50f));
                                UI.ActionButton(" > ", () => {
                                    modifiableValue.BaseValue += 1;
                                    storedValue = modifiableValue.BaseValue;
                                }, UI.AutoWidth());
                                UI.ActionIntTextField(ref storedValue, statType.ToString(), (v) => {
                                    modifiableValue.BaseValue = v;
                                }, null, UI.Width(75));
                                statEditorStorage[key] = storedValue;
                if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Facts)
                    FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, ch.Progression.Features.Enumerable.ToList());
                if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Buffs)
                    FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, ch.Descriptor.Buffs.Enumerable.ToList());
                if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Abilities)
                    FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, ch.Descriptor.Abilities.Enumerable.ToList());
                if (ch == selectedCharacter && selectedToggle == ToggleChoice.Spells)
                    var names  = spellbooks.Select((sb) => sb.Blueprint.GetDisplayName()).ToArray();
                    var titles = names.Select((name, i) => $"{name} ({spellbooks.ElementAt(i).CasterLevel})").ToArray();
                    if (spellbooks.Any())
                        using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                            UI.SelectionGrid(ref selectedSpellbook, titles, 7, UI.Width(1581));
                            if (selectedSpellbook > names.Count())
                                selectedSpellbook = 0;
                            //                        UI.DisclosureToggle("Edit", ref editSpellbooks);
                        var spellbook = spellbooks.ElementAt(selectedSpellbook);
                        if (editSpellbooks)
                            spellbookEditCharacter = ch;
                            var blueprints = BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintSpellbook>().OrderBy((bp) => bp.GetDisplayName());
                            BlueprintListUI.OnGUI(ch, blueprints, 100);
                            var maxLevel    = spellbook.Blueprint.MaxSpellLevel;
                            var casterLevel = spellbook.CasterLevel;
                            using (UI.HorizontalScope()) {
                                UI.EnumerablePicker <int>(
                                    "Spell Level".bold() + " (count)",
                                    ref selectedSpellbookLevel,
                                    Enumerable.Range(0, casterLevel + 1),
                                    (lvl) => {
                                    var levelText  = lvl <= casterLevel ? $"L{lvl}".bold() : $"L{lvl}".grey();
                                    var knownCount = spellbook.GetKnownSpells(lvl).Count();
                                    var countText  = knownCount > 0 ? $" ({knownCount})".white() : "";
                                    return(levelText + countText);
                                if (casterLevel < maxLevel)
                                    UI.ActionButton("+1 Caster Level", () => spellbook.AddBaseLevel());
                            FactsEditor.OnGUI(ch, spellbook, selectedSpellbookLevel);
#if false
                        spellbookEditCharacter = ch;
                        editSpellbooks         = true;
                        var blueprints = BlueprintExensions.GetBlueprints <BlueprintSpellbook>().OrderBy((bp) => bp.GetDisplayName());
                        BlueprintListUI.OnGUI(ch, blueprints, 100);
                if (selectedCharacter != GetSelectedCharacter())
                    selectedCharacterIndex = characterList.IndexOf(selectedCharacter);
                chIndex += 1;
            if (respecableCount > 0)
                UI.Label($"{respecableCount} characters".yellow().bold() + " can be respecced. Pressing Respec will close the mod window and take you to character level up".orange());
                UI.Label("WARNING".yellow().bold() + " this feature is ".orange() + "EXPERIMENTAL".yellow().bold() + " and uses unreleased and likely buggy code.".orange());
                UI.Label("BACK UP".yellow().bold() + " before playing with this feature.You will lose your mythic ranks but you can restore them in this Party Editor.".orange());
            if (charToAdd != null)
            if (charToRemove != null)
Beispiel #4
        public static void OnGUI()
            if (Main.IsInGame)
                UI.Label("increment".cyan(), UI.AutoWidth());
                var increment = UI.IntTextField(ref settings.increment, null, UI.Width(150));
                UI.Toggle("Dividers", ref settings.showDivisions);
                var mainChar = Game.Instance.Player.MainCharacter.Value;
                var kingdom  = KingdomState.Instance;
                UI.Div(0, 25);
                UI.HStack("Resources", 1,
                          () => {
                    var money = Game.Instance.Player.Money;
                    UI.Label("Gold".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                    UI.Label(money.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                    UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => Game.Instance.Player.GainMoney(increment), UI.AutoWidth());
                    UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                        var loss = Math.Min(money, increment);
                    }, UI.AutoWidth());
                          () => {
                    var exp = mainChar.Progression.Experience;
                    UI.Label("Experience".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                    UI.Label(exp.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                    UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                    }, UI.AutoWidth());
                if (kingdom != null)
                    UI.Div(0, 25);
                    UI.HStack("Kingdom", 1,
                              () => {
                        UI.Label("Finances".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                        UI.Label(kingdom.Resources.Finances.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                        UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources += KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFinances(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                        UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources -= KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFinances(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                              () => {
                        UI.Label("Materials".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                        UI.Label(kingdom.Resources.Materials.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                        UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources += KingdomResourcesAmount.FromMaterials(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                        UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources -= KingdomResourcesAmount.FromMaterials(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                              () => {
                        UI.Label("Favors".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                        UI.Label(kingdom.Resources.Favors.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                        UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources += KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFavors(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                        UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources -= KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFavors(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Combat", 4,
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Rest All", () => CheatsCombat.RestAll()),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Empowered", () => CheatsCombat.Empowered("")),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Full Buff Please", () => CheatsCombat.FullBuffPlease("")),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Remove Buffs", () => Actions.RemoveAllBuffs()),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Remove Death's Door", () => CheatsCombat.DetachDebuff()),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Kill All Enemies", () => CheatsCombat.KillAll()),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Summon Zoo", () => CheatsCombat.SpawnInspectedEnemiesUnderCursor(""))
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Common", 4,
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Teleport Party To You", () => Actions.TeleportPartyToPlayer()),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Go To Global Map", () => Actions.TeleportToGlobalMap()),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Perception Checks", () => Actions.RunPerceptionTriggers()),
                      () => {
                UI.ActionButton("Set Perception to 40", () => {
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Change Weather", () => CheatsCommon.ChangeWeather("")),
                      () => UI.ActionButton("Give All Items", () => CheatsUnlock.CreateAllItems("")),
                      //                    () => { UI.ActionButton("Change Party", () => { Actions.ChangeParty(); }); },
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Unlocks", 4, () => {
                UI.ActionButton("All Mythic Paths", () => Actions.UnlockAllMythicPaths());
                UI.Label("Warning! Using this might break your game somehow. Recommend for experimental tinkering like trying out different builds, and not for actually playing the game.".green());
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Preview", 0, () => {
                UI.Toggle("Dialog Results", ref settings.previewDialogResults, 0);
                UI.Toggle("Dialog Alignment", ref settings.previewAlignmentRestrictedDialog, 0);
                UI.Toggle("Random Encounters", ref settings.previewRandomEncounters, 0);
                UI.Toggle("Events", ref settings.previewEventResults, 0);
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Tweaks", 1,
                      () => UI.Toggle("Object Highlight Toggle Mode", ref settings.highlightObjectsToggle, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Whole Team Moves Same Speed", ref settings.toggleMoveSpeedAsOne, 0),

                      () => UI.Toggle("Infinite Abilities", ref settings.toggleInfiniteAbilities, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Infinite Spell Casts", ref settings.toggleInfiniteSpellCasts, 0),

                      () => UI.Toggle("Unlimited Actions During Turn", ref settings.toggleUnlimitedActionsPerTurn, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Infinite Charges On Items", ref settings.toggleInfiniteItems, 0),

                      () => UI.Toggle("Instant Cooldown", ref settings.toggleInstantCooldown, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Spontaneous Caster Scroll Copy", ref settings.toggleSpontaneousCopyScrolls, 0),

                      () => UI.Toggle("Disable Equipment Restrictions", ref settings.toggleEquipmentRestrictions, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Disable Dialog Restrictions", ref settings.toggleDialogRestrictions, 0),

                      () => UI.Toggle("No Friendly Fire On AOEs", ref settings.toggleNoFriendlyFireForAOE, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Free Meta-Magic", ref settings.toggleMetamagicIsFree, 0),

                      () => UI.Toggle("No Fog Of War", ref settings.toggleNoFogOfWar, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("No Material Components", ref settings.toggleMaterialComponent, 0),
                      //() => UI.Toggle("Restore Spells & Skills After Combat", ref settings.toggleRestoreSpellsAbilitiesAfterCombat,0),
                      //() => UI.Toggle("Access Remote Characters", ref settings.toggleAccessRemoteCharacters,0),
                      //() => UI.Toggle("Show Pet Portraits", ref settings.toggleShowAllPartyPortraits,0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Instant Rest After Combat", ref settings.toggleInstantRestAfterCombat, 0),
                      () => UI.Toggle("Auto Load Last Save On Launch", ref settings.toggleAutomaticallyLoadLastSave, 0),
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(153, 25);
            UI.HStack("", 1,
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Disable Attacks Of Opportunity", ref settings.noAttacksOfOpportunitySelection, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Can Move Through", ref settings.allowMovementThroughSelection, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => { UI.Space(328); UI.Label("This allows characters you control to move through the selected category of units during combat".green(), UI.AutoWidth()); }
#if false
                      () => { UI.Slider("Collision Radius Multiplier", ref settings.collisionRadiusMultiplier, 0f, 2f, 1f, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
Beispiel #5
        public static void OnGUI()
            if (Main.IsInGame)
                UI.Label("increment".cyan(), UI.AutoWidth());
                var increment = UI.IntTextField(ref settings.increment, null, UI.Width(150));
                UI.Toggle("Dividers", ref settings.showDivisions);
                var mainChar = Game.Instance.Player.MainCharacter.Value;
                var kingdom  = KingdomState.Instance;
                UI.Div(0, 25);
                UI.HStack("Resources", 1,
                          () => {
                    var money = Game.Instance.Player.Money;
                    UI.Label("Gold".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                    UI.Label(money.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                    UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => { Game.Instance.Player.GainMoney(increment); }, UI.AutoWidth());
                    UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                        var loss = Math.Min(money, increment);
                    }, UI.AutoWidth());
                          () => {
                    var exp = mainChar.Progression.Experience;
                    UI.Label("Experience".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                    UI.Label(exp.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                    UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                    }, UI.AutoWidth());
                if (kingdom != null)
                    UI.Div(0, 25);
                    UI.HStack("Kingdom", 1,
                              () => {
                        UI.Label("Finances".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                        UI.Label(kingdom.Resources.Finances.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                        UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources += KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFinances(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                        UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources -= KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFinances(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                              () => {
                        UI.Label("Materials".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                        UI.Label(kingdom.Resources.Materials.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                        UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources += KingdomResourcesAmount.FromMaterials(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                        UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources -= KingdomResourcesAmount.FromMaterials(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                              () => {
                        UI.Label("Favors".cyan(), UI.Width(150));
                        UI.Label(kingdom.Resources.Favors.ToString().orange().bold(), UI.Width(200));
                        UI.ActionButton($"Gain {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources += KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFavors(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
                        UI.ActionButton($"Lose {increment}", () => {
                            kingdom.Resources -= KingdomResourcesAmount.FromFavors(increment);
                        }, UI.AutoWidth());
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Combat", 4,
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Rest All", () => { CheatsCombat.RestAll(); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Empowered", () => { CheatsCombat.Empowered(""); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Full Buff Please", () => { CheatsCombat.FullBuffPlease(""); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Remove Buffs", () => { Actions.RemoveAllBuffs(); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Remove Death's Door", () => { CheatsCombat.DetachDebuff(); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Kill All Enemies", () => { CheatsCombat.KillAll(); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Summon Zoo", () => { CheatsCombat.SpawnInspectedEnemiesUnderCursor(""); }); }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Common", 4,
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Teleport Party To You", () => { Actions.TeleportPartyToPlayer(); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Perception Checks", () => { Actions.RunPerceptionTriggers(); }); },
                      () => {
                UI.ActionButton("Set Perception to 40", () => {
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Change Weather", () => { CheatsCommon.ChangeWeather(""); }); },
                      () => { UI.ActionButton("Give All Items", () => { CheatsUnlock.CreateAllItems(""); }); },
                      //                    () => { UI.ActionButton("Change Party", () => { Actions.ChangeParty(); }); },
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Unlocks", 4, () => {
                UI.ActionButton("All Mythic Paths", () => { Actions.UnlockAllMythicPaths(); });
                UI.Label("Warning! Using this might break your game somehow. Recommend for experimental tinkering like trying out different builds, and not for actually playing the game.".green());
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Preview", 0, () => {
                UI.Toggle("Dialog Results", ref settings.previewDialogResults, 0);
                UI.Toggle("Dialog Alignment", ref settings.previewAlignmentRestrictedDialog, 0);
                UI.Toggle("Random Encounters", ref settings.previewRandomEncounters, 0);
                UI.Toggle("Events", ref settings.previewEventResults, 0);
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Tweaks", 1,
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Object Highlight Toggle Mode", ref settings.highlightObjectsToggle, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Whole Team Moves Same Speed", ref settings.toggleMoveSpeedAsOne, 0); },

                      () => { UI.Toggle("Infinite Abilities", ref settings.toggleInfiniteAbilities, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Infinite Spell Casts", ref settings.toggleInfiniteSpellCasts, 0); },

                      () => { UI.Toggle("Unlimited Actions During Turn", ref settings.toggleUnlimitedActionsPerTurn, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Infinite Charges On Items", ref settings.toggleInfiniteItems, 0); },

                      () => { UI.Toggle("Instant Cooldown", ref settings.toggleInstantCooldown, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Spontaneous Caster Scroll Copy", ref settings.toggleSpontaneousCopyScrolls, 0); },

                      () => { UI.Toggle("Disable Equipment Restrictions", ref settings.toggleEquipmentRestrictions, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Disable Dialog Restrictions", ref settings.toggleDialogRestrictions, 0); },

                      () => { UI.Toggle("No Friendly Fire On AOEs", ref settings.toggleNoFriendlyFireForAOE, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Free Meta-Magic", ref settings.toggleMetamagicIsFree, 0); },

                      () => { UI.Toggle("No Fog Of War", ref settings.toggleNoFogOfWar, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("No Material Components", ref settings.toggleMaterialComponent, 0); },
                      //() => { UI.Toggle("Restore Spells & Skills After Combat", ref settings.toggleRestoreSpellsAbilitiesAfterCombat,0); },
                      //() => { UI.Toggle("Access Remote Characters", ref settings.toggleAccessRemoteCharacters,0); },
                      //() => { UI.Toggle("Show Pet Portraits", ref settings.toggleShowAllPartyPortraits,0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Instant Rest After Combat", ref settings.toggleInstantRestAfterCombat, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Auto Load Last Save On Launch", ref settings.toggleAutomaticallyLoadLastSave, 0); },
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(153, 25);
            UI.HStack("", 1,
                      () => {
                UI.EnumGrid("Disable Attacks Of Opportunity",
                            ref settings.noAttacksOfOpportunitySelection, 0, UI.AutoWidth());
                      () => {
                UI.EnumGrid("Can Move Through", ref settings.allowMovementThroughSelection, 0, UI.AutoWidth());
                      () => { UI.Space(328); UI.Label("This allows characters you control to move through the selected category of units during combat".green(), UI.AutoWidth()); },
#if false
                      () => { UI.Slider("Collision Radius Multiplier", ref settings.collisionRadiusMultiplier, 0f, 2f, 1f, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Level Up", 1,
                      () => { UI.Slider("Feature Selection Multiplier", ref settings.featsMultiplier, 0, 10, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Always Able To Level Up", ref settings.toggleNoLevelUpRestrictions, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Add Full Hit Die Value", ref settings.toggleFullHitdiceEachLevel, 0); },
                      () => {
                UI.Toggle("Ignore Class And Feat Restrictions", ref settings.toggleIgnorePrerequisites, 0);
                UI.Label("Experimental".cyan() + ": in addition to regular leveling, this allows you to choose any mythic class each time you level up starting from level 1. This may have interesting and unexpected effects. Backup early and often...".green());
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Prerequisites When Choosing A Feat", ref settings.toggleFeaturesIgnorePrerequisites, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Caster Type And Spell Level Restrictions", ref settings.toggleIgnoreCasterTypeSpellLevel, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Forbidden Archetypes", ref settings.toggleIgnoreForbiddenArchetype, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Required Stat Values", ref settings.toggleIgnorePrerequisiteStatValue, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Alignment When Choosing A Class", ref settings.toggleIgnoreAlignmentWhenChoosingClass, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Skip Spell Selection", ref settings.toggleSkipSpellSelection, 0); },

#if false
                      // Do we need these or is it covered by toggleFeaturesIgnorePrerequisites
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Feat Prerequisites When Choosing A Class", ref settings.toggleIgnoreFeaturePrerequisitesWhenChoosingClass, 0); },
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Ignore Feat Prerequisits (List) When Choosing A Class", ref settings.toggle, 0); },

                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Multipliers", 1,
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Experience", ref settings.experienceMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Money Earned", ref settings.moneyMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Vendor Sell Price", ref settings.vendorSellPriceMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Vendor Buy Price", ref settings.vendorBuyPriceMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.Slider("Encumberance", ref settings.encumberanceMultiplier, 1, 100, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Spells Per Day", ref settings.spellsPerDayMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Movement Speed", ref settings.partyMovementSpeedMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Travel Speed", ref settings.travelSpeedMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Companion Cost", ref settings.companionCostMultiplier, 0, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Enemy HP Multiplier", ref settings.enemyBaseHitPointsMultiplier, 0f, 20, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.LogSlider("Buff Duration", ref settings.buffDurationMultiplierValue, 0f, 100, 1, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Dice Rolls", 1,
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("All Hits Critical", ref settings.allHitsCritical, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Roll With Avantage", ref settings.rollWithAdvantage, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Roll With Disavantage", ref settings.rollWithDisadvantage, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Always Roll 20", ref settings.alwaysRoll20, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Always Roll 1", ref settings.alwaysRoll1, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Never Roll 20", ref settings.neverRoll20, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Never Roll 1", ref settings.neverRoll1, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Always Roll 20 Initiative ", ref settings.roll20Initiative, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => UI.EnumGrid("Always Roll 1 Initiative", ref settings.roll1Initiative, 0, UI.AutoWidth()),
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Character Creation", 1,
                      () => { UI.Slider("Build Points (Main)", ref settings.characterCreationAbilityPointsPlayer, 1, 200, 25, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.Slider("Build Points (Mercenary)", ref settings.characterCreationAbilityPointsMerc, 1, 200, 20, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.Slider("Ability Max", ref settings.characterCreationAbilityPointsMax, 0, 50, 18, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { UI.Slider("Ability Min", ref settings.characterCreationAbilityPointsMin, 0, 50, 7, "", UI.AutoWidth()); },
                      () => { }
            UI.Div(0, 25);
            UI.HStack("Crusade", 1,
                      () => { UI.Toggle("Instant Events", ref settings.toggleInstantEvent, 0); },
                      () => {
                UI.Slider("Build Time Modifer", ref settings.kingdomBuildingTimeModifier, -10, 10, 0, 1, "", UI.AutoWidth());
                var instance = KingdomState.Instance;
                if (instance != null)
                    instance.BuildingTimeModifier = settings.kingdomBuildingTimeModifier;
                      () => { }