public ZombieKing AddLocationZombieKing(Location location, string name)
            ZombieKing enemy = new ZombieKing(location, name);

Beispiel #2
        //Door 3. Sunk Couryard.  Stairs out and main zombie
        public Location SetLocation3(Player name)
            Location   Location3   = name.AddLocation("sunken courtyard", "Dead plants and trees surround you, you can see some stairs in the far corner", false, false, true, false);
            Items      FlowerBeds  = Location3.AddLocationItem("Flower Beds", "Overflowing with dead plants", "This item does nothing", true);
            Items      WateringCan = Location3.AddLocationItem("Watering Can", "Green, plastic, empty watering can", "This item does nothing", true);
            Items      Wheelbarrow = Location3.AddLocationItem("Wheelbarrow", "Metal wheelbarrow with only one handle", "This item does nothing", false);
            Items      stairs      = Location3.AddLocationItem("Stairs", "Concrete steps leading to ground level", "This item does nothing", false);
            ZombieKing ZombieKing  = Location3.AddLocationZombieKing(Location3, "The Zombie King");
