Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// send file to sp library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ms">the memory stream holding the export</param>
        /// <param name="spLibrary">Guid of spLibrary</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">the file path</param>
        /// <param name="fileName_">the fileName</param>
        private void SendPeriodicExportToSpLibrary(MemoryStream ms, List spLibrary, string filePath, string fileName_)
            FileCreationInformation fcInfo = new FileCreationInformation();

            fcInfo.Url       = Path.Combine(filePath, fileName_);
            fcInfo.Overwrite = true;
            fcInfo.Content   = ms.ToArray();

            Log.Debug("-----Configuring file destination in Sharepoint");
            Log.Debug($"-----File url : {fcInfo.Url}");

            lock (locky)
                    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File uploadedFile = spLibrary.RootFolder.Files.Add(fcInfo);


                    Log.Debug($"File : {fcInfo.Url}  sent to splibrary successfully");
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    TOOLS.LogErrorwithoutExitProgram(Ex.Message + $"\n" + " filepath : error while uploading file :" + fcInfo.Url + "\n Stack Trace : " + Ex.StackTrace);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// send File to Sharepoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ms">the memory stream holding the data</param>
        /// <param name="formToSpLibrary"> Form to sp library to get config data </param>
        /// <param name="data"> The data that holds the dataId and the formId</param>
        /// <param name="metadatas">collection<Datamaping> tha holds the metadata</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">the filePath</param>
        /// <param name="fileName_">the fileName</param>
        public void SendToSpLibrary(MemoryStream ms, List formsLibrary, List <DataMapping> metadatas, FormData data, string filePath, string fileName_)
            FileCreationInformation fcInfo = new FileCreationInformation();

            fcInfo.Url       = Path.Combine(filePath, fileName_);
            fcInfo.Overwrite = true;
            fcInfo.Content   = ms.ToArray();

            Log.Debug("-----Configuring file destination in Sharepoint");
            Log.Debug($"-----File url : {fcInfo.Url}");

            lock (locky)
                    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File uploadedFile = formsLibrary.RootFolder.Files.Add(fcInfo);

                    if (metadatas.Count != 0)
                        FillFileMetaDatas(metadatas, uploadedFile, data).Wait();


                    Log.Debug($"File : {fcInfo.Url}  sent to splibrary successfully");
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    TOOLS.LogErrorwithoutExitProgram(Ex.Message + $"\n" + " filepath : error while uploading file :" + fcInfo.Url);
                    TOOLS.LogErrorwithoutExitProgram("This error appears when an illegal character is detected in file path: /, \\");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill kizeo Forms External list with SharePoint data acording to the Config file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task FillKfExtListsFromSp()
            HttpResponseMessage response;

            Log.Info("Updating KF's external lists from Sharepoint's lists");
            foreach (var spListToExtList in Config.SpListsToExtLists)
                Log.Debug($"Loading Sharepoint's list: {spListToExtList.SpListId}");
                var spList = SpManager.LoadSpList(spListToExtList.SpListId);

                ListItemCollection items = SpManager.LoadListItems(spList);

                Log.Debug("Sharepoint's list Succesfully Loaded");

                Log.Debug($"Loading KF's extrenal list: {spListToExtList.ExListId}");

                response = await HttpClient.GetAsync($"{Config.KizeoConfig.Url}/rest/v3/lists/{spListToExtList.ExListId}");

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    GetExtListRespViewModel kfExtList = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <GetExtListRespViewModel>();

                    if (kfExtList.ExternalList == null)
                        TOOLS.LogErrorAndExitProgram($"Can not find an externalList with for id {spListToExtList.ExListId}, please check if this is a valid id.");
                    Log.Debug("KF's list successfully loaded");

                    List <string> linesToAdd = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        Log.Debug($"Processing item : {item["Title"]}");
                        linesToAdd.Add(SpManager.TransformSharepointText(spListToExtList.DataSchema, item));

                    response = await HttpClient.PutAsJsonAsync($"{Config.KizeoConfig.Url}/rest/v3/lists/{spListToExtList.ExListId}", new { items = linesToAdd });

                    if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        Log.Error("Error when updating external list with data :");
                        foreach (var line in linesToAdd)
                            TOOLS.LogErrorwithoutExitProgram("\n" + line);

                        TOOLS.LogErrorAndExitProgram($"Error when updating external list {spListToExtList.ExListId} ");
                        Log.Info($"External list {spListToExtList.ExListId} updated successfully");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// this methode converts to the correct type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="dataMapping"></param>
        /// <param name="columnValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ListItem ConvertToCorrectTypeAndSet(ListItem item, DataMapping dataMapping, string columnValue)
            if (dataMapping.SpecialType == "Date")
                if (DateTime.TryParse(columnValue, out DateTime date))
                    item[dataMapping.SpColumnId] = DateTime.ParseExact(columnValue, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);;
                    TOOLS.LogErrorwithoutExitProgram($"Error Parsing date value : {columnValue}");
                    item[dataMapping.SpColumnId] = "";
                if (columnValue != "")
                    item[dataMapping.SpColumnId] = columnValue;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill Sharepoint list from kizeo forms data acording to the config file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task FillSpListsFromKfData()
            Log.Info("Filling Sharepoint's lists from KF's data");

            FormDatasRespViewModel formData = null;
            HttpResponseMessage    response;

            MarkDataReqViewModel dataToMark = new MarkDataReqViewModel();

            foreach (var formToSpList in Config.FormsToSpLists)
                string marker = KfApiManager.CreateKFMarker(formToSpList.FormId, formToSpList.SpListId);
                string formId = formToSpList.FormId;
                Log.Debug($"Processing form : {formId}");

                if (formToSpList.DataMapping != null)
                    response = await HttpClient.GetAsync($"{Config.KizeoConfig.Url}/rest/v3/forms/{formId}/data/unread/{marker}/50?includeupdated");

                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        formData = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <FormDatasRespViewModel>();

                        if (formData.Data == null)
                            TOOLS.LogErrorAndExitProgram($"Can not find a form with for id {formId}, please check if this is a valid id.");
                        Log.Debug($"{formData.Data.Count} data retrieved successfully from form.");

                        Log.Debug("Loading Sharepoint's list");
                        var spList = SpManager.LoadSpList(formToSpList.SpListId);
                        ListItemCollection allItems = SpManager.getAllListItems(spList);
                        Log.Debug("Sharepoint's list succesfully loaded");

                        dataToMark = new MarkDataReqViewModel();

                        foreach (var data in formData.Data)
                                var uniqueColumns = formToSpList.DataMapping.Where(dm => dm.SpecialType == "Unique").ToList();
                                await SpManager.AddItemToList(spList, formToSpList.DataMapping, data, dataToMark, uniqueColumns, allItems);
                            catch (ServerException ex)
                                TOOLS.LogErrorwithoutExitProgram($"Error while sending item {data.Id} from form {data.FormID} to the Sharepoint's list {spList.Id}  : " + ex.Message);
                        if (dataToMark.Ids.Count > 0)
                            response = await HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"{Config.KizeoConfig.Url}/rest/v3/forms/{formId}/markasreadbyaction/{marker}", dataToMark);

                            Log.Debug($"{dataToMark.Ids.Count} data marked");
                    TOOLS.LogErrorAndExitProgram("No datamapping was configured, please add a datamapping");