Beispiel #1
 public void ShouldCombineActionsInAChainOfAndCalls()
     var action1 = new Action<IDictionary>(d => d["action1"] = true);
     var action2 = new Action<IDictionary>(d => d["action2"] = true);
     var action3 = new Action<IDictionary>(d => d["action3"] = true);
     var combinedAction = action1.And(action2).And(action3);
     var record = new Hashtable();
     Assert.True((bool)record["action1"], "action1 should have been executed.");
     Assert.True((bool)record["action2"], "action2 should have been executed.");
     Assert.True((bool)record["action3"], "action3 should have been executed.");
Beispiel #2
 public void ShouldCombineActionsInOne_And_Call()
     var action1 = new Action<IDictionary>(d => d["action1"] = true);
     var action2 = new Action<IDictionary>(d => d["action2"] = true);
     var action3 = new Action<IDictionary>(d => d["action3"] = true);
     var combinedAction = action1.And(action2, action3);
     var record = new Hashtable();
     Assert.AreEqual(true, record["action1"], "action1 should have been executed.");
     Assert.AreEqual(true, record["action2"], "action2 should have been executed.");
     Assert.AreEqual(true, record["action3"], "action3 should have been executed.");
Beispiel #3
 protected override Process Start(string [] command, Action<ProcessStartInfo> initialize)
     return base.Start(command, initialize.And(SetUpPaths));