Beispiel #1
        // at the moment we don't have a good way of detecting when an
        // element gets deleted from the tree (logical or visual).  The
        // best we can do right now is clear out the focus if we detect
        // that the tree containing the focus was disconnected.
        private bool CheckForDisconnectedFocus()
            bool wasDisconnected = false;

            if (InputElement.GetRootVisual(_focus as DependencyObject) != _focusRootVisual)
                wasDisconnected = true;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the transform relative to a particular element in the visual tree.
        /// </summary>
        internal static GeneralTransform GetElementTransform(IInputElement relativeTo)
            GeneralTransform elementTransform = Transform.Identity;
            DependencyObject doRelativeTo     = relativeTo as DependencyObject;

            if (doRelativeTo != null)
                Visual visualFirstAncestor = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(InputElement.GetContainingVisual(doRelativeTo));
                Visual visualRoot          = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(InputElement.GetRootVisual(doRelativeTo));

                GeneralTransform g = visualRoot.TransformToDescendant(visualFirstAncestor);
                if (g != null)
                    elementTransform = g;

Beispiel #3
        private void ChangeFocus(DependencyObject focus, int timestamp)
            DependencyObject o = null;

            if (focus != _focus)
                // Update the critical pieces of data.
                DependencyObject oldFocus = _focus;
                _focus           = focus;
                _focusRootVisual = InputElement.GetRootVisual(focus);

                using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) // Disable reentrancy due to locks taken
                    // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
                    if (oldFocus != null)
                        o = oldFocus;
                        if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                            ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement)o).FocusableChanged -= _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                        else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o))
                            ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.
                            ((ContentElement)o).FocusableChanged -= _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement3D)o).FocusableChanged -= _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                    if (_focus != null)
                        o = _focus;
                        if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                            ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement)o).FocusableChanged += _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                        else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o))
                            ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.
                            ((ContentElement)o).FocusableChanged += _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged += _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged += _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            ((UIElement3D)o).FocusableChanged += _focusableChangedEventHandler;

                // Oddly enough, update the FocusWithinProperty properties first.  This is
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common FocusWithinProperty properties
                // set correctly.
                UIElement.FocusWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldFocus, _focus, ref _focusTreeState);

                // Invalidate the IsKeyboardFocused properties.
                if (oldFocus != null)
                    o = oldFocus;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
                if (_focus != null)
                    // Invalidate the IsKeyboardFocused property.
                    o = _focus;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements

                // Call TestServicesManager change the focus of the InputMethod is enable/disabled accordingly
                // so it's ready befere the GotKeyboardFocusEvent handler is invoked.
                if (_TsfManager != null)

                // InputLanguageManager checks the preferred input languages.
                // This should before GotEvent because the preferred input language
                // should be set at the event handler.
                InputLanguageManager.Current.Focus(_focus, oldFocus);

                // Send the LostKeyboardFocus and GotKeyboardFocus events.
                if (oldFocus != null)
                    KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs lostFocus = new KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(this, timestamp, (IInputElement)oldFocus, (IInputElement)focus);
                    lostFocus.RoutedEvent = Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent;
                    lostFocus.Source      = oldFocus;
                    if (_inputManager != null)
                if (_focus != null)
                    KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs gotFocus = new KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(this, timestamp, (IInputElement)oldFocus, (IInputElement)_focus);
                    gotFocus.RoutedEvent = Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent;
                    gotFocus.Source      = _focus;
                    if (_inputManager != null)

                // InputMethod checks the preferred ime state.
                // The preferred input methods should be applied after Cicero TIP gots SetFocus callback.

                //Could be also built-in into IsKeyboardFocused_Changed static on UIElement and ContentElement
                //However the Automation likes to go immediately back on us so it would be better be last one...
Beispiel #4
        internal static Point TranslatePoint(Point pt, DependencyObject from, DependencyObject to, out bool translated)
            translated = false;

            Point ptTranslated = pt;

            // Get the containing and root visuals we are coming from.
            DependencyObject vFromAsDO = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(from);
            Visual           rootFrom  = InputElement.GetRootVisual(from) as Visual;

            Visual vFrom = vFromAsDO as Visual;

            if (vFromAsDO != null && vFrom == null)
                // must be a Visual3D - get it's 2D visual parent
                vFrom = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(vFromAsDO);

            if (vFrom != null && rootFrom != null)
                GeneralTransform gUp;
                Matrix           mUp;

                bool isUpSimple = false;
                isUpSimple = vFrom.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(rootFrom,
                                                                false, /* do not apply inverse */
                                                                out gUp,
                                                                out mUp);
                if (isUpSimple)
                    ptTranslated = mUp.Transform(ptTranslated);
                else if (gUp.TryTransform(ptTranslated, out ptTranslated) == false)
                    // Error.  Out parameter has been set false.
                    return(new Point());

                // If no element was specified to translate to, we leave the coordinates
                // translated to the root.
                if (to != null)
                    // Get the containing and root visuals we are going to.
                    DependencyObject vTo    = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(to);
                    Visual           rootTo = InputElement.GetRootVisual(to) as Visual;

                    if (vTo != null && rootTo != null)
                        // If both are under the same root visual, we can easily translate the point
                        // between them by translating up to the root, and then back down.
                        // However, if both are under different roots, we can only translate
                        // between them if we know how to relate the two root visuals.  Currently
                        // we only know how to do that if both roots are sourced in HwndSources.
                        if (rootFrom != rootTo)
                            HwndSource sourceFrom = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(rootFrom) as HwndSource;
                            HwndSource sourceTo   = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(rootTo) as HwndSource;

                            if (sourceFrom != null && sourceFrom.CriticalHandle != IntPtr.Zero && sourceFrom.CompositionTarget != null &&
                                sourceTo != null && sourceTo.CriticalHandle != IntPtr.Zero && sourceTo.CompositionTarget != null)
                                // Translate the point into client coordinates.
                                ptTranslated = PointUtil.RootToClient(ptTranslated, sourceFrom);

                                // Translate the point into screen coordinates.
                                Point ptScreen = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(ptTranslated, sourceFrom);

                                // Translate the point back the the client coordinates of the To window.
                                ptTranslated = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(ptScreen, sourceTo);

                                // Translate the point back to the root element.
                                ptTranslated = PointUtil.ClientToRoot(ptTranslated, sourceTo);
                                // Error.  Out parameter has been set false.
                                return(new Point());

                        // Translate the point from the root to the visual.
                        GeneralTransform gDown;
                        Matrix           mDown;

                        Visual vToAsVisual = vTo as Visual;
                        if (vToAsVisual == null)
                            // must be a Visual3D
                            vToAsVisual = VisualTreeHelper.GetContainingVisual2D(vTo);

                        bool isDownSimple = vToAsVisual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor(rootTo,
                                                                                     true, /* apply inverse */
                                                                                     out gDown,
                                                                                     out mDown);

                        if (isDownSimple)
                            ptTranslated = mDown.Transform(ptTranslated);
                        else if (gDown != null)
                            if (gDown.TryTransform(ptTranslated, out ptTranslated) == false)
                                // Error.  Out parameter has been set false.
                                return(new Point());
                            // Error.  Out parameter has been set false.
                            return(new Point());
                        // Error.  Out parameter has been set false.
                        return(new Point());
                // Error.  Out parameter has been set false.
                return(new Point());

            translated = true;