Beispiel #1
        private async Task <OpenResult> OpenFileAsText(string fileString, BookLocation location)
            await Task.Delay(0);

            Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: file is a text string; convert to html");

            EpubBook = TextWizard.TextToEpub(fileString);

            if (location == null)
                var chapter = EpubWizard.GetFirstChapter(EpubBook.TableOfContents);
                if (chapter != null)
                    location = EpubChapterData.FromChapter(chapter);

            if (location != null)
                Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: Show Text: About to move to location as needed. {location}");
                UserNavigatedToArgument = location;
                NavigateTo(ControlId, location); // We won't get a hairpin navigation callback

        private void UserDidNavigationRequest(EpubChapterData chapter)
            if (chapter == null)
            var          nav      = Navigator.Get();
            BookLocation location = null;

            if (chapter == Chapters[0])
                // First one is special: we always go to the very start of the book, including stuff that's not in
                // the classic table of contents. For example, Gutenberg Campfire Girls Station Island has a cover that's
                // not in the TOC but which is in the inner.SpecialResources.HtmlInReadingOrder and which is placed first.
                // Additionally, that book also has the weird thing that the ID for the first section (in the TOC) is
                // near the end of the section, so when you click on it, it scrolls to there, but then the next TOC entry
                // (chapter 1) is visible near the top, and so the selection jumps to there.
                location = new BookLocation(0, 0); // first HTML page, at the very top.
                location = EpubChapterData.FromChapter(chapter);
            nav.UserNavigatedTo(ControlId, location);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a book is starting to be displayed. Location is the starting location.
 /// Is used with e.g. the universal note display that shows me all my notes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="book"></param>
 /// <param name="location"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public async Task DisplayBook(BookData book, BookLocation location)
     CurrBookId   = book.BookId;
     CurrBook     = book;
     CurrLocation = location;
     await Task.Delay(0);
Beispiel #4
        public static (string bookId, BookLocation location) ParseUrl(Uri url)
            if (url.Scheme != "voracious-reader")
                return(null, null);
            var          id       = url.AbsolutePath.Trim('/'); // sigh. Just how life goes.
            BookLocation location = null;
            var          query    = url.Query;

            if (query.Length > 1 && query[0] == '?')
                query = query.Substring(1);
            foreach (var queryItem in query.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
                var values = queryItem.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);
                if (values[0] == "location" && values.Length >= 2)
                    // Parse out the json...
                    var json = Uri.UnescapeDataString(values[1]);
                    location = BookLocation.FromJson(json);
                else if (values[0] == "id" && values.Length >= 2)
                    id = Uri.UnescapeDataString(values[1]);
            return(id, location);
Beispiel #5
        private void DoNextSection()
            var location = new BookLocation(CurrHtmlIndex + 1, 0);

            CurrPageIsMonoPage = false;
Beispiel #6
        public bool DisplayBook(NavigateControlId id, BookData bookData, BookLocation location = null)
            if (MainBookHandler == null)

            // Is the book actually downloaded?
            if (bookData.DownloadData == null || bookData.DownloadData.CurrFileStatus != DownloadData.FileStatus.Downloaded)
                // TODO: download the book

            MainBookHandler.DisplayBook(bookData, location);
            foreach (var item in SimpleBookHandlers)
                // No hairpin selects
                if (item.Key != id)
                    item.Value.DisplayBook(bookData, location);

Beispiel #7
        private BookLocation GetCurrBookLocation()
            double pos      = !double.IsNaN(CurrSelectPosition) ? CurrSelectPosition : CurrScrollPosition;
            var    location = new BookLocation(CurrHtmlIndex, pos);

        public async Task DisplayBook(BookData book, BookLocation location)
            await Task.Delay(0); // just to make the compiler happy.

            // Location isn't used at all.
Beispiel #9
        private static Uri AsUri(string bookId, BookLocation location)
            var id  = Uri.EscapeUriString(bookId);
            var loc = location == null ? "" : "&location=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(location.ToJson());
            var uri = new Uri($"voracious-reader:///?id={id}{loc}");

Beispiel #10
 public void UpdateProjectRome(NavigateControlId sourceId, BookLocation location)
     foreach (var(id, control) in NavigateTos)
         if (id != sourceId && id == NavigateControlId.ProjectRome)
             control.NavigateTo(sourceId, location);
Beispiel #11
        // Is called when the notes are updated. I don't really display a book.
        public async Task DisplayBook(BookData book, BookLocation location)
            await Task.Delay(0);

            uiBookList.SelectedItem = book; // get it selected, too, so it shows up!
            CurrBook = book;
            // Location isn't used at all.
Beispiel #12
        private void DoUserNavigateToAsNeeded()
            var location = UserNavigatedToArgument;

            UserNavigatedToArgument = null;
            if (location != null)
                var nav = Navigator.Get();
                nav.UserNavigatedTo(ControlId, location);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by any of the displays when the user has picked a place to navigate to.
 /// Is never called automatically. The place is a place inside the already-viewed ebook.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceId"></param>
 /// <param name="location"></param>
 public void UserNavigatedTo(NavigateControlId sourceId, BookLocation location)
     foreach (var(id, control) in NavigateTos)
         if (id != sourceId)
             control.NavigateTo(sourceId, location);
        private static BookLocation ToBookLocation(ImageData data)
            // Some data.Name are full of @. Others are not.
            // Prefer the Href value over the Name. It seems to work better for images.
            // // // TODO: verifying that using Href is OK: var location = new BookLocation(-1, data.Name);
            var location = new BookLocation(-1, data.Href ?? data.Name);
            var same     = (data.Href == data.Name) ? "SAME" : "DIFFERENT";

            Logger.Log($"DBG: Image {same} name={data.Name} href={data.Href ?? "null"}");
Beispiel #15
 private async void OnPrevPage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if ((CurrScrollPosition <= TopScrollPosition) && (CurrHtmlIndex > 0))
         if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
             Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader:OnPrevPage: move back one page from {CurrHtmlIndex}");
         var location = new BookLocation(CurrHtmlIndex - 1, 100);
         await uiHtml.InvokeScriptAsync("scrollPage", new List <string>() { "-1" });
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// NavigateTo means navigate to a spot in the book. Will also do a navigation with User...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceId"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        public void NavigateTo(NavigateControlId sourceId, BookLocation location)
            var bookdb = BookDataContext.Get();

            if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
                Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: Navigation: to {location}");
            // Save the fact that we navigated to here. Only the main reader saves this information
            var navigationData = CommonQueries.BookNavigationDataFind(bookdb, BookData.BookId);

            if (navigationData == null)
                navigationData = new BookNavigationData()
                    BookId = BookData.BookId, CurrStatus = BookNavigationData.UserStatus.Reading
                CommonQueries.BookNavigationDataAdd(bookdb, navigationData, CommonQueries.ExistHandling.IfNotExists);
            navigationData.CurrSpot   = location.Location;
            navigationData.CurrStatus = BookNavigationData.UserStatus.Reading; // If I'm navigating then I'm reading?

            // And now actually navigate. There are two types of navigation: navigation
            // via tags and navigation by percent.
            // Both need to be handled.
            var percent = location.HtmlPercent;

            if (percent >= 0.0)
                if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
                    Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: Navigation: to percent");
                if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
                    Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: Navigation: via location, not percent ({location})");
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Requires that the book is already at the right Html (otherwise the javascript calls won't work)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <string> GetChapterBeforePercentAsync(BookLocation location)
            // Some books are just text files.
            string id = "";

                if (CurrHtml != null && CurrHtml.Contains("getClosestTagNear"))
                    id = await uiHtml.InvokeScriptAsync("getClosestTagNear", new List <string>() { location.ScrollPercent.ToString() });
            catch (Exception)
                ; // will happen if the book was a text file.
Beispiel #18
        private void NavigateToPercent(BookLocation location)
            var navScript = $"scrollToPercent({location.ScrollPercent});\n";

            uiAllUpPosition.UpdatePosition(location.HtmlIndex, location.HtmlPercent);
            if (CurrHtmlIndex == location.HtmlIndex)
                // Great! just scroll to the place!
                Logger.Log($"Main EBOOK: navigate to SAME html");
                var task = uiHtml.InvokeScriptAsync("scrollToPercent", new List <string>()
                if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
                    Logger.Log($"Main EBOOK: navigate to other html (htmlindex={location.HtmlIndex})");
                var foundIndex = location.HtmlIndex;
                var foundHtml  = EpubWizard.FindHtmlByIndex(EpubBook, foundIndex);
                if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
                    Logger.Log($"Main EBOOK: navigate to other html {foundIndex}=len {foundHtml?.Length}");

                var html = HtmlFixup.FixupHtmlAll(foundHtml);
                DeferredNavigation = navScript;
                CurrHtml           = html;
                CurrHtmlIndex      = foundIndex;
                CurrHtmlFileName   = location.HtmlFileName;

                Logger.Log($"Main EBOOK: about to navigate with deferred navigation {DeferredNavigation}");
Beispiel #19
        public async void NavigateTo(NavigateControlId sourceId, BookLocation location)
            if (!ProjectRomeEnabled)
                var channel  = UserActivityChannel.GetDefault();
                var activity = await channel.GetOrCreateUserActivityAsync(CurrBookId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activity.VisualElements.DisplayText))
                    // If the activity wasn't already created, don't create it now!
                    activity.ActivationUri = AsUri(CurrBookId, location);
                    await activity.SaveAsync();
            catch (Exception)
                // Project Rome is pretty delicate; it fails for no good reasons.
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user has navigated to somewhere in the book. The chapter display
        /// tries to sync itself to the value. The chapter display depends on the caller being
        /// fully initialized first!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceId"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        public async void NavigateTo(NavigateControlId sourceId, BookLocation location)
            string chapterid = "";
            var    nav       = Navigator.Get();

            if (!double.IsNaN(location.ScrollPercent))
                chapterid = await nav.MainBookHandler.GetChapterBeforePercentAsync(location);
                chapterid = nav.MainBookHandler.GetChapterContainingId(location.Location, location.HtmlIndex);
            EpubChapterData foundChapter = null;

            if (foundChapter == null && location.HtmlIndex >= 0)
                var html = Book.ResourcesHtmlOrdered[location.HtmlIndex];
                foreach (var chapter in Chapters)
                    // FAIL: Intro to Planetary Nebulae the location is html 8, id tit1 which is shared by multiple chapters.
                    if (html.Href.EndsWith(chapter.FileName) && chapter.Anchor == chapterid)
                        foundChapter = chapter;

            // Most common: there's an id, and it matches a single chapter.
            if (foundChapter == null)
                foreach (var chapter in Chapters)
                    if (chapter.Anchor == chapterid || chapter.FileName == chapterid)
                        foundChapter = chapter;

            if (foundChapter == null && location.HtmlIndex >= 0)
                var html = Book.ResourcesHtmlOrdered[location.HtmlIndex];
                foreach (var chapter in Chapters)
                    // FAIL: Intro to Planetary Nebulae the location is html 8, id tit1 which is shared by multiple chapters.
                    if (html.Href.EndsWith(chapter.FileName))
                        foundChapter = chapter;

            // Worse case scenario, but it's better to display something
            if (foundChapter == null)
                foreach (var chapter in Chapters)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chapterid))
                        App.Error($"ChapterDisplay:Navigate({location}) was asked to find an empty chapter");
                        foundChapter = chapter;

            if (foundChapter == null)
                // Truly desperate.
                if (Chapters.Count > 0)
                    App.Error($"ChapterDisplay:Navigate({location}) completely failed");
                    foundChapter = Chapters[0];
                    App.Error($"ChapterDisplay:Navigate({location}) last ditch completely failed -- no chapters at all!");

            if (foundChapter != null)
                // Select this one
                uiChapterList.SelectedItem = foundChapter;
                return; // all done!
Beispiel #21
        private async Task CreateActivityAsync(BookData book, BookLocation location, string imageDataUrl)
            if (!ProjectRomeEnabled)
            var channel  = UserActivityChannel.GetDefault();
            var activity = await channel.GetOrCreateUserActivityAsync(book.BookId);

            activity.VisualElements.DisplayText = $"Reading {book.Title}";
            activity.ActivationUri = AsUri(book.BookId, location);

            var title       = Windows.Data.Json.JsonValue.CreateStringValue(book.Title).Stringify();
            var authorvalue = book.BestAuthorDefaultIsNull;
            var author      = authorvalue == null ? "\"\"" : Windows.Data.Json.JsonValue.CreateStringValue("By " + authorvalue).Stringify();

            var reviewvalue = book?.Review?.Review;
            var review      = reviewvalue == null ? "\"\"" : Windows.Data.Json.JsonValue.CreateStringValue(reviewvalue).Stringify();

            var cardJson =
	""$schema"": """", 
	""type"": ""AdaptiveCard"", 
	""version"": ""1.0"",
	""body"": [
			""type"": ""Container"", 
			""items"": [
									""type"": ""Image"", 
									""url"": """                                     + imageDataUrl + @""", 
									""size"": ""large""
									""type"": ""TextBlock"", 
									""text"": "                                     + title + @", 
									""weight"": ""bolder"", 
									""size"": ""large"", 
									""wrap"": true
									""type"": ""TextBlock"", 
									""text"": "                                     + author + @", 
									""spacing"": ""none"", 
									""isSubtle"": true, 
									""wrap"": true 
									""type"": ""TextBlock"", 
									""text"": "                                     + review + @", 
									""spacing"": ""none"", 
									""wrap"": true 
            var card = AdaptiveCardBuilder.CreateAdaptiveCardFromJson(cardJson);

            activity.VisualElements.Content = card;

            await activity.SaveAsync();

            var session = activity.CreateSession();

            if (Sessions.ContainsKey(book.BookId))
                Sessions[book.BookId] = session;
                Sessions.Add(book.BookId, session);
Beispiel #22
        private void OnFirstPage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var location = new BookLocation(0, 0); // section, percent=0

Beispiel #23
        private async Task <OpenResult> OpenFile(string fullFilePath, BookLocation location)
            OpenResult retval; // default is = OpenResult.OtherError;

                Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: about to load book {fullFilePath}");
                var fileContents = await FileMethods.ReadBytesAsync(fullFilePath);

                bool isZip = fullFilePath.ToUpperInvariant().EndsWith(".ZIP");
                if (fileContents == null)
                    // Failure of some sort, but just kind of punt it.
                    retval   = OpenResult.RedownloadableError;
                    EpubBook = null;
                    App.Error($"ERROR: book: unable to load file {fullFilePath}");

                    var md = new MessageDialog($"Error: book file is missing: {BookData.Title} ")
                        Title = "Atttempting to re-download book"
                    await md.ShowAsync();


                Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: read raw array {fileContents.Length}");

                // There's a chance that the file is really a text file, not an epub.
                // Make sure it's at least pre
                bool      isEpub        = false;
                Exception epubException = null;
                    // All epub files start with PK\3\4 (because they are zip files).
                    // If it's not that, then is must be a text or html file.
                    if (EpubWizard.IsEpub(fileContents) && !isZip)
                        var inner = EpubReader.Read(fileContents);
                        EpubBook = new EpubBookExt(inner);
                        isEpub   = inner != null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    isEpub        = false;
                    epubException = ex;

                if (!isEpub)
                    if (isZip)
                        throw epubException;

                        var fileString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileContents);
                        if (!fileString.ToLower().Contains("<html"))
                            retval = await OpenFileAsText(fileString, location);
                            // We only understand text file and epub, nothing else.
                            throw epubException;
                    catch (Exception)
                        throw; // Meh
                Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: read book length {fileContents.Length}");

                SetChapters?.SetChapters(EpubBook, EpubBook.TableOfContents);
                if (SetChapters == null)
                    App.Error($"ISSUE: got new book but SetChapters is null for {fullFilePath}");
                await SetImages?.SetImagesAsync(EpubBook.Resources.Images);

                await SetImages2?.SetImagesAsync(EpubBook.Resources.Images);

                await SetImages3?.SetImagesAsync(EpubBook.Resources.Images);

                if (SetImages == null)
                    App.Error($"ISSUE: got new book but SetImages is null for {fullFilePath}");

                Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: about to navigate");

                if (location == null)
                    // Old way: go to the first item in table of contents. New way is to go to file=0 percent=0
                    // but only if there's any actual files
                    //var chapter = EpubWizard.GetFirstChapter(EpubBook.TableOfContents);
                    //if (chapter != null)
                    if (EpubBook.ResourcesHtmlOrdered.Count > 0)
                        location = new BookLocation(0, 0); // often the first item is the cover page which isn't in the table of contents.
                        //location = EpubChapterData.FromChapter(chapter);
                        // // // location = new BookLocation(chapter.Anchor ?? chapter.FileName); // FAIL: BAEN likes to have file-per-chapter

                if (location != null)
                    if (Logger.LogExtraTiming)
                        Logger.Log($"MainEpubReader: OpenFile: About to move to location as needed. {location}");
                    UserNavigatedToArgument = location;
                    NavigateTo(ControlId, location); // We won't get a hairpin navigation callback
                retval = OpenResult.OK;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Simple error recovery: keep the downloaded data, but report it as
                // no actually downloaded.
                retval   = OpenResult.OtherError;
                EpubBook = null;
                App.Error($"ERROR: book: exception {ex.Message} unable to load file {fullFilePath}");

                var md = new MessageDialog($"Error: unable to open that book. Internal error {ex.Message}")
                    Title = "Unable to open book"
                await md.ShowAsync();
Beispiel #24
        private void NavigateToLocation(BookLocation location)
            // Gutenberg: just a location which we have to figure out
            // BAEN: HtmlFileName and (for sub-chapters) a Location, too.
            // Location might have just an id in it
            // OR it might have just an HtmlFileName
            // USPS: the location is an XHTML file that's encoded: Additional%20Resources.xhtml instead of Additional Resources.html
            // OR an id+HtmlIndex.
            // We actually don't need the index!

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location.HtmlFileName))
                // Jump to percent 0.0 after finding the html by name.
                // navScript is either to an id or just to the top
                var navScript = string.IsNullOrEmpty(location.Location) ? $"scrollToPercent(0.0)" : $"scrollToId('{location.Location}')";
                var(foundHtml, foundIndex, foundHtmlFileName) = EpubWizard.FindHtmlContainingHtmlFileName(EpubBook, location.HtmlFileName);
                if (foundHtml == null)
                    App.Error($"ERROR: unable to navigate to htmlFileName={location.HtmlFileName}");
                    return; // nuts; can't find it.

                // If we're jumping to the current spot, meh, don't bother to optimize.
                // Maybe the user wants to do the full amount of code because of "issues"

                var html = HtmlFixup.FixupHtmlAll(foundHtml);
                DeferredNavigation = navScript;

                CurrHtml         = html;
                CurrHtmlIndex    = foundIndex;
                CurrHtmlFileName = foundHtmlFileName;

                string id = location.Location;

                // Find the html with the tag
                // FAIL: BAEN books only navigate by html name. The name will be found in the TOC because there are links!
                // FAIL: Gutenberg John Thorndyke Cases searching for the shoes.png. The long id @public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@13882@13882-h@[email protected]
                // is found in the first HTML but only because that HTML includes a list of illustrations which point to an HTML file that includes the
                // shoes.png file (but that html file has a name that starts with the png but then adds on .wrap-0.html.html.
                // The code here used to just see if the current HTML includes the id at all; the better code checks to make sure it's a proper href.
                if (CurrHtml != null && EpubWizard.HtmlStringIdIndexOf(CurrHtml, id, true) >= 0 && CurrHtml.Contains("scrollToId"))
                    var task = uiHtml.InvokeScriptAsync("scrollToId", new List <string>()

                var idList = EpubWizard.GetIdVariants(id);
                var(foundHtml, foundIndex, foundHtmlFileName, foundId) = EpubWizard.FindHtmlContainingId(EpubBook, idList, location.HtmlIndex);
                if (foundHtml == null)
                    App.Error($"ERROR: unable to navigate to {id}");
                    return; // nuts; can't find it.
                var navScript = $"scrollToId('{foundId}')";
                var html      = HtmlFixup.FixupHtmlAll(foundHtml);
                DeferredNavigation = navScript;

                CurrHtml         = html;
                CurrHtmlIndex    = foundIndex;
                CurrHtmlFileName = foundHtmlFileName;
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Called externally in order to display a book; will use the BookNavigationData to move
        /// to the previous spot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task DisplayBook(BookData bookData, BookLocation location = null)
            // Reset all of the position values.
            CurrHtml           = "";
            CurrHtmlIndex      = -1;
            CurrHtmlFileName   = null;
            CurrScrollPosition = double.NaN;
            CurrSelectPosition = double.NaN;

            BookData = bookData;
            var bookdb = BookDataContext.Get();
            var dd     = bookData.DownloadData ?? CommonQueries.DownloadedBookFind(bookdb, BookData.BookId);
            var nav    = bookData.NavigationData ?? CommonQueries.BookNavigationDataFind(bookdb, BookData.BookId);

            if (location == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nav?.CurrSpot))
                location = BookLocation.FromJson(nav.CurrSpot);

            if (dd == null)
            var fullpath = dd.FullFilePath;

            if (fullpath.Contains(@"\source\repos\SimpleEpubReader\SimpleEpubReader\bin\x64\Debug\AppX\Assets\PreinstalledBooks"))
                // Whoops. The initial database might incorrectly have a developer path hard-coded.
                // Replace with correct location.
                var installationFolder = FolderMethods.InstallationFolder;
                fullpath = $"{installationFolder}\\Assets\\PreinstalledBooks\\{dd.FileName}";
            else if (fullpath.StartsWith("PreinstalledBooks:"))
                // Preinstalled books are in a sort of relative path. It's designed to be an invalid
                // (or at least incredibly rare) directory.
                var installationFolder = FolderMethods.InstallationFolder;
                fullpath = $"{installationFolder}\\Assets\\PreinstalledBooks\\{dd.FileName}";
            var openResult = await OpenFile(fullpath, location);

            switch (openResult)
            case OpenResult.OK:
                // Set up the uiAllUpPosition
                var sectionSizes = new List <double>();
                foreach (var file in EpubBook.ResourcesHtmlOrdered)
                // No need to set to zero; it's already set in the OpenFile!. uiAllUpPosition.UpdatePosition(0, 0); // set to zero!

                ApplicationView appView = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView();
                appView.Title = bookData.Title.Replace("\n", " -- ");     // title is multi-line

            case OpenResult.RedownloadableError:                     // An error. Mark the book as not downloaded + redownload
                dd.CurrFileStatus = DownloadData.FileStatus.Unknown; // deleted? gone? corrupt? we really don't know.
                await BookSearch.DoSwipeDownloadOrReadAsync(BookData);


            default:                                                 // An error. Mark the book as not downloaded
                dd.CurrFileStatus = DownloadData.FileStatus.Unknown; // deleted? gone? corrupt? we really don't know.