protected override void Initialize(DemoConfiguration demoConfiguration)

            // Initialize the Font
            FontDescription fontDescription = new FontDescription()
                                                      Height = 72,
                                                      Italic = false,
                                                      CharacterSet = FontCharacterSet.Ansi,
                                                      FaceName = "Arial",
                                                      MipLevels = 0,
                                                      OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.TrueType,
                                                      PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Default,
                                                      Quality = FontQuality.ClearType,
                                                      Weight = FontWeight.Bold

            font = new Font(Device, fontDescription);

            // Measure the text to display
            fontDimension = font.Measure(null, DisplayText, new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600), FontDrawFlags.Center | FontDrawFlags.VerticalCenter);

            xDir = 1;
            yDir = 1;