Inheritance: BaseArmor
		public Sparrow()
			Name = "Captian Jack Sparrow";
                        Title = "The Pirate";
			Body = 400;
			CantWalk = true;
			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();

			LeatherArms LeatherArms = new LeatherArms();
			LeatherArms.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherArms );
			LeatherCap LeatherCap = new LeatherCap();
			LeatherCap.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherCap );
			LeatherGloves LeatherGloves = new LeatherGloves();
			LeatherGloves.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherGloves );

			LeatherLegs LeatherLegs = new LeatherLegs();
			LeatherLegs.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherLegs );
			LeatherChest LeatherChest = new LeatherChest();
			LeatherChest.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherChest );

			LeatherGorget LeatherGorget = new LeatherGorget();
			LeatherGorget.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherGorget );

                        int hairHue = 1153;

			switch ( Utility.Random( 1 ) )
				case 0: AddItem( new PonyTail( hairHue ) ); break;
				case 1: AddItem( new Goatee( hairHue ) ); break;
			Blessed = true;
Beispiel #2
        public BagofLeatherArmor()
            Movable = true;
            Hue     = 0x55;
            Name    = "a bag of Leather Armor";

            LeatherChest chest = new LeatherChest();

            chest.Quality  = Quality.Exceptional;
            chest.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            LeatherArms arms = new LeatherArms();

            arms.Quality  = Quality.Exceptional;
            arms.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            LeatherGloves gloves = new LeatherGloves();

            gloves.Quality  = Quality.Exceptional;
            gloves.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            LeatherGorget gorget = new LeatherGorget();

            gorget.Quality  = Quality.Exceptional;
            gorget.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            LeatherLegs legs = new LeatherLegs();

            legs.Quality  = Quality.Exceptional;
            legs.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            LeatherCap cap = new LeatherCap();

            cap.Quality  = Quality.Exceptional;
            cap.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
Beispiel #3
        public static void EquipVhalurian(Armament a, Mobile m)
            if (a == Armament.LightCavalry)
                a = (Armament)1;
            else if (a == Armament.HeavyCavalry)
                a = (Armament)3;

            Surcoat coat = new Surcoat();
            coat.Name = "A Surcoat of the Rivergate Militia";
            coat.Hue = 2932;
            coat.ItemID = 15479;

            switch (a)
                case Armament.Light:
                        LeatherBoots boots = new LeatherBoots();
                        boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        boots.Hue = 2101;


                        Beret beret = new Beret();
                        beret.Hue = 2932;

                        StuddedChest sc = new StuddedChest();
                        sc.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        sc.Hue = 2101;

                        StuddedLegs sl = new StuddedLegs();
                        sl.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        sl.Hue = 2101;

                        StuddedArms sa = new StuddedArms();
                        sa.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        sa.Hue = 2101;

                        StuddedGloves sg = new StuddedGloves();
                        sg.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        sg.Hue = 2101;

                        StuddedGorget so = new StuddedGorget();
                        so.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        so.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianMace vm = new VhalurianMace();
                        vm.Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
                        vm.Hue = 0;

                        WoodenShield ws = new WoodenShield();
                        ws.Resource = CraftResource.Oak;
                        ws.Hue = 0;

                case Armament.Medium:
                        ChainChest cc = new ChainChest();
                        cc.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        cc.Hue = 2101;

                        ChainLegs cl = new ChainLegs();
                        cl.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        cl.Hue = 2101;

                        ChainCoif co = new ChainCoif();
                        co.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        co.Hue = 2101;

                        RingmailArms ra = new RingmailArms();
                        ra.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        ra.Hue = 2101;

                        RingmailGloves rg = new RingmailGloves();
                        rg.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        rg.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianMetalKiteShield vmks = new VhalurianMetalKiteShield();
                        vmks.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        vmks.Hue = 2101;

                        LeatherBoots boots = new LeatherBoots();
                        boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        boots.Hue = 2101;


                        if (m.Female)
                            VhalurianGladius sword = new VhalurianGladius();
                            sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;


                            VhalurianBroadsword sword = new VhalurianBroadsword();
                            sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;


                case Armament.Heavy:
                        VhalurianOrnatePlateChest vopc = new VhalurianOrnatePlateChest();
                        vopc.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        vopc.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianOrnatePlateLegs vopl = new VhalurianOrnatePlateLegs();
                        vopl.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        vopl.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianOrnatePlateGorget vopo = new VhalurianOrnatePlateGorget();
                        vopo.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        vopo.Hue = 2101;

                        PlateSabatons ps = new PlateSabatons();
                        ps.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        ps.Hue = 2105;

                        VhalurianOrnatePlateArms vopa = new VhalurianOrnatePlateArms();
                        vopa.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        vopa.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianOrnatePlateGloves vopg = new VhalurianOrnatePlateGloves();
                        vopg.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        vopg.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianOrnateKiteShield voks = new VhalurianOrnateKiteShield();
                        voks.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                        voks.Hue = 2102;

                        m.EquipItem(new Cloak(1133));

                        if (m.Female)
                            VhalurianWarHammer hammer = new VhalurianWarHammer();
                            hammer.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            VhalurianOrnateHelm voh = new VhalurianOrnateHelm();
                            voh.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            voh.Hue = 2102;

                            VhalurianBastardSword sword = new VhalurianBastardSword();
                            sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            VhalurianOrnatePlateHelm voph = new VhalurianOrnatePlateHelm();
                            voph.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            voph.Hue = 2102;

                case Armament.Ranged:
                        LeatherBoots boots = new LeatherBoots();
                        boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                        boots.Hue = 2101;

                        LeatherCap cap = new LeatherCap();
                        cap.Resource = CraftResource.RegularLeather;
                        cap.Hue = 2101;

                        LeatherChest lc = new LeatherChest();
                        lc.Resource = CraftResource.RegularLeather;
                        lc.Hue = 2101;

                        Quiver qv = new Quiver();
                        qv.Layer = Layer.Earrings;

                        LongPants lp = new LongPants();
                        lp.Resource = CraftResource.Cotton;
                        lp.Hue = 2101;

                        LeatherArms la = new LeatherArms();
                        la.Resource = CraftResource.RegularLeather;
                        la.Hue = 2101;

                        LeatherGloves lg = new LeatherGloves();
                        lg.Resource = CraftResource.RegularLeather;
                        lg.Hue = 2101;

                        VhalurianLongbow bow = new VhalurianLongbow();
                        bow.Resource = CraftResource.Yew;

                        if (m is BaseCreature)
                            BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                            bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;
                            bc.PackItem(new Arrow(Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 20)));

Beispiel #4
        public MongbatHideoutTreasureChest1() : base(0xE43)
            Name    = "a treasure chest -40-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 40;
            LockLevel     = 40;
            MaxLockLevel  = 80;

/////////////////////////////////// Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(20, 300)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            switch (Utility.Random(19))
            case 0: DropItem(new Board(60)); break;

            case 1: DropItem(new BoltOfCloth(60)); break;

            case 2: DropItem(new Bottle(60)); break;

            case 3: DropItem(new CopperWire(60)); break;

            case 4: DropItem(new Cotton(60)); break;

            case 5: DropItem(new DarkYarn(60)); break;

            case 6: DropItem(new Feather(60)); break;

            case 7: DropItem(new Flax(60)); break;

            case 8: DropItem(new Gears(60)); break;

            case 9: DropItem(new GoldWire(60)); break;

            case 10: DropItem(new IronIngot(60)); break;

            case 11: DropItem(new IronWire(60)); break;

            case 12: DropItem(new Leather(60)); break;

            case 13: DropItem(new LightYarn(60)); break;

            case 14: DropItem(new Shaft(60)); break;

            case 15: DropItem(new SilverWire(60)); break;

            case 16: DropItem(new SpoolOfThread(60)); break;

            case 17: DropItem(new Springs(60)); break;

            case 18: DropItem(new Wool(60)); break;

            switch (Utility.Random(5))
            case 0: DropItem(new BeetleEgg(15)); break;

            case 1: DropItem(new FishScale(15)); break;

            case 2: DropItem(new Nirnroot(15)); break;

            case 3: DropItem(new SerpentScale(15)); break;

            case 4: DropItem(new ThunderStone(15)); break;

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 10);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new SackFlour());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

/////////////////////////////////////// LV 1-15
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(36))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 1: weapon = new Axe(); break;                         // Lv5

                case 2: weapon = new BattleAxe(); break;                   // Lv10

                case 3: weapon = new Bow(); break;                         // Lv1

                case 4: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;                    // Lv1

                case 5: weapon = new Balestra(); break;                    // Lv5

                case 6: weapon = new ElvenLeafBow(); break;                // Lv5

                case 7: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;             // Lv10

                case 8: weapon = new RepeatingCrossbow(); break;           // Lv10

                case 9: weapon = new SkinningKnife(); break;               // Lv1

                case 10: weapon = new Cleaver(); break;                    // Lv5

                case 11: weapon = new Dagger(); break;                     // Lv5

                case 12: weapon = new ButcherKnife(); break;               // Lv10

                case 13: weapon = new EbonyDagger(); break;                // Lv10

                case 14: weapon = new Sai(); break;                        // Lv15

                case 15: weapon = new Club(); break;                       // Lv1

                case 16: weapon = new Nunchaku(); break;                   // Lv1

                case 17: weapon = new Mace(); break;                       // Lv5

                case 18: weapon = new Maul(); break;                       // Lv10

                case 19: weapon = new Scepter(); break;                    // Lv15

                case 20: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;                  // Lv1

                case 21: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;                 // Lv5

                case 22: weapon = new Pilum(); break;                      // Lv10

                case 23: weapon = new Pike(); break;                       // Lv15

                case 24: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;               // Lv1

                case 25: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;             // Lv1

                case 26: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;               // Lv10

                case 27: weapon = new ReptilianStaff(); break;             // Lv15

                case 28: weapon = new Bokuto(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 29: weapon = new BoneHarvester(); break;              // Lv1

                case 30: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;                    // Lv1

                case 31: weapon = new ElvenMachete(); break;               // Lv1

                case 32: weapon = new Kryss(); break;                      // Lv1

                case 33: weapon = new EbonyRapier(); break;                // Lv10

                case 34: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;                   // Lv10

                default: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;                  // Lv1

                switch (Utility.Random(14))
                case 0: weapon.Attributes.AttackChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 1: weapon.Attributes.DefendChance = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); break;

                case 2: weapon.Attributes.Luck = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;

                case 3: weapon.Attributes.WeaponSpeed = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 25); break;

                case 4: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitDispel = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 5: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitFireball = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 6: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitHarm = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 7: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 8: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 9: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 10: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLightning = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 11: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                case 12: weapon.WeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend = Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10); break;

                default: weapon.Attributes.WeaponDamage = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); break;


/////////////////////////////////////// LV 1-15
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(39))
                case 0: armor = new LeatherArms(); break;                       // Lv1

                case 1: armor = new LeatherBustierArms(); break;                // Lv1

                case 2: armor = new LeatherCap(); break;                        // Lv1

                case 3: armor = new LeatherChest(); break;                      // Lv1

                case 4: armor = new LeatherGloves(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 5: armor = new LeatherGorget(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 6: armor = new LeatherLegs(); break;                       // Lv1

                case 7: armor = new LeatherShorts(); break;                     // Lv1

                case 8: armor = new LeatherSkirt(); break;                      // Lv1

                case 9: armor = new FemaleLeafChest(); break;                   // Lv1

                case 10: armor = new LeafArms(); break;                         // Lv3

                case 11: armor = new LeafChest(); break;                        // Lv3

                case 12: armor = new LeafGloves(); break;                       // Lv3

                case 13: armor = new LeafGorget(); break;                       // Lv3

                case 14: armor = new LeafLegs(); break;                         // Lv3

                case 15: armor = new LeafTonlet(); break;                       // Lv3

                case 16: armor = new LeatherDo(); break;                        // Lv6

                case 17: armor = new LeatherHaidate(); break;                   // Lv6

                case 18: armor = new LeatherHiroSode(); break;                  // Lv6

                case 19: armor = new LeatherJingasa(); break;                   // Lv6

                case 20: armor = new LeatherMempo(); break;                     // Lv6

                case 21: armor = new LeatherNinjaHood(); break;                 // Lv6

                case 22: armor = new LeatherNinjaJacket(); break;               // Lv6

                case 23: armor = new LeatherNinjaMitts(); break;                // Lv6

                case 24: armor = new LeatherNinjaPants(); break;                // Lv6

                case 25: armor = new LeatherSuneate(); break;                   // Lv6

                case 26: armor = new EbonsilkArms(); break;                     // Lv9

                case 27: armor = new EbonsilkChest(); break;                    // Lv9

                case 28: armor = new EbonsilkGloves(); break;                   // Lv9

                case 29: armor = new EbonsilkGorget(); break;                   // Lv9

                case 30: armor = new EbonsilkLegs(); break;                     // Lv9

                case 31: armor = new EbonsilkTiara(); break;                    // Lv9

                case 32: armor = new ChitinArms(); break;                       // Lv12

                case 33: armor = new ChitinChest(); break;                      // Lv12

                case 34: armor = new ChitinGloves(); break;                     // Lv12

                case 35: armor = new ChitinGorget(); break;                     // Lv12

                case 36: armor = new ChitinHelmet(); break;                     // Lv12

                case 37: armor = new ChitinLegs(); break;                       // Lv12

                default: armor = new FemaleLeatherChest(); break;               // Lv1

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 3, 5, 50);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 3, 5, 10);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield1 = new Buckler();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield1, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield2 = new WoodenShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield2, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield3 = new AmmoniteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield3, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield4 = new BronzeShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield4, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield5 = new MetalShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield5, 3, 5, 50);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseShield shield6 = new WoodenKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield6, 3, 5, 50);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new SilverBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel earrings = new SilverEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel necklace = new SilverNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 3, 5, 10);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                BaseJewel ring = new SilverRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 3, 5, 10);
        public static BaseArmor NewbLRCArmor()
            BaseArmor armor = null;

            switch( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
                case 0: armor = new LeatherChest(); break;
                case 1: armor = new LeatherLegs(); break;
                case 2: armor = new LeatherArms(); break;
                case 3: armor = new LeatherGloves(); break;
                case 4: armor = new LeatherGorget(); break;
                case 5: armor = new LeatherCap(); break;

            BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, Utility.Random( 3 ), 40, 80);

            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 12 + Utility.Random( 5 ) + Utility.Random( 5 );
            armor.Hue = 2207;

            return armor;
		public override void OnGaveMeleeAttack( Mobile defender )
			int kpgainmin, kpgainmax;

			if ( this.Stage == 1 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 6 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;
						kpgainmax = 6 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 50000 )
					if ( this.S1 == true )
						this.S1 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 200 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 2;
						this.Title = "the Shadow Knight";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 20 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 45 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 45 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 45 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 45 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 45 );

						this.RawStr += 20;
						this.RawInt += 10;
						this.RawDex += 10;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.OuterTorso ); // The Robe
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new LeatherChest();
						chest.Hue = 1175;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new LeatherLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1175;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new LeatherGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1175;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new LeatherGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1175;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
						helm.Hue = 1175;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new LeatherArms();
						arms.Hue = 1175;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )
						Item sandals = new Sandals();
						sandals.Hue = 1153;
						sandals.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( sandals );

			else if ( this.Stage == 2 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;
						kpgainmax = 5 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 10;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 100000 )
					if ( this.S2 == true )
						this.S2 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 5 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 2 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 2 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 3;
						this.Title = "the Golden Knight";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 20 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 55 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 55 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 55 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 55 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 55 );

						this.RawStr += 20;
						this.RawInt += 50;
						this.RawDex += 50;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new StuddedChest();
						chest.Hue = 1161;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new StuddedLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1161;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new StuddedGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1161;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new StuddedGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1161;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
						helm.Hue = 1161;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new StuddedArms();
						arms.Hue = 1161;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

			else if ( this.Stage == 3 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 4 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 20;
						kpgainmax = 4 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 20;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 150000 )
					if ( this.S3 == true )
						this.S3 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 5 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 4;
						this.Title = "the Blood Knight";

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 60 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 60 );

						this.RawStr += 20;
						this.RawInt += 30;
						this.RawDex += 30;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new PlateChest();
						chest.Hue = 1157;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new PlateLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1157;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gorget = new PlateGorget();
						gorget.Hue = 1157;
						gorget.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gorget );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new PlateGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1157;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new PlateHelm();
						helm.Hue = 1157;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new PlateArms();
						arms.Hue = 1157;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );
						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )

			else if ( this.Stage == 4 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 3 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 25;
						kpgainmax = 3 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 30;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 250000 )
					if ( this.S4 == true )
						this.S4 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 3 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 1 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 1 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" achieves a new level of combat*");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 5;
						this.Title = "the Knight of Destiny";

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 20 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 20 );

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 70 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 70 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 70 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 70 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 70 );

						this.RawStr += 20;
						this.RawInt += 10;
						this.RawDex += 10;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor chest = new BoneChest();
						chest.Hue = 1152;
						chest.Movable = false;
						AddItem( chest );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor legs = new BoneLegs();
						legs.Hue = 1152;
						legs.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( legs );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor gloves = new BoneGloves();
						gloves.Hue = 1152;
						gloves.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( gloves );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor helm = new BoneHelm();
						helm.Hue = 1152;
						helm.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( helm );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )
						BaseArmor arms = new BoneArms();
						arms.Hue = 1152;
						arms.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( arms );

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )
						Item sandals = new Sandals();
						sandals.Hue = 1152;
						sandals.Movable = false;	
						AddItem( sandals );

			else if ( this.Stage == 5 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 2 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 35;
						kpgainmax = 2 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 35;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 350000 )
					if ( this.S5 == true )
						this.S5 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 100 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 3 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 3 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" is Reborn*");
						this.Say( "Master, please lend me some armor");
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 6;
						this.Title = "the Champion";

						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 5 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 5 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 5 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 5 );
						this.SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 5 );

						this.RawStr += 40;
						this.RawInt += 30;
						this.RawDex += 30;

						Item del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Pants );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Gloves );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Helm );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Arms );
						if ( del != null )

						del = this.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Shoes );
						if ( del != null )


			else if ( this.Stage == 6 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 1 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 40;
						kpgainmax = 1 + ( bc.HitsMax ) / 40;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

				if ( this.KP >= 400000 )
					if ( this.S6 == true )
						this.S6 = false;
						int hits, va, mindamage, maxdamage;

						hits = ( this.HitsMax + 200 );

						va = ( this.VirtualArmor + 10 );

						mindamage = this.DamageMin + ( 3 );
						maxdamage = this.DamageMax + ( 3 );

						this.Warmode = false;
						this.Say( "*"+ this.Name +" is now a great champion and loyal friend*");
						if ( this.ControlMaster != null )
							this.Title = ", Loyal Subject of " + this.ControlMaster.Name + "";
						this.SetDamage( mindamage, maxdamage );
						this.SetHits( hits );
						this.VirtualArmor = va;
						this.Stage = 7;

						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 40 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 40 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Cold, 40 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Poison, 40 );
						this.SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 40 );

						this.RawStr += 40;
						this.RawInt += 40;
						this.RawDex += 40;

			else if ( this.Stage == 7 )
				if ( defender is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

					if ( bc.Controlled != true )
						kpgainmin = 1 + ( bc.Hits ) / 50;
						kpgainmax = 1 + ( bc.Hits ) / 50;

						this.KP += Utility.RandomList( kpgainmin, kpgainmax );

			base.OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );
        public NewPlayerPackage()
            Name     = "New Player Welcome Package";
            Hue      = 1281;
            LootType = LootType.Newbied;

             * Spellbook book1 = new Spellbook();
             * book1.Content = ulong.MaxValue;
             * DropItem(book1);
             * book1.Location = new Point3D(16, 83, 0);
             * BookOfChivalry book2 = new BookOfChivalry();
             * book2.Content = 1023;//all spells
             * DropItem(book2);
             * book2.Location = new Point3D(33, 83, 0);
             * NecromancerSpellbook book3 = new NecromancerSpellbook();
             * book3.Content = 0x1FFFF;
             * DropItem(book3);
             * book3.Location = new Point3D(49, 83, 0);

            BaseArmor armor = new LeatherChest();

            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost        = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck      = 10;
            armor.Attributes.BonusMana = 3;
            armor.Attributes.RegenMana = 1;
            armor.ColdBonus            = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus          = 1;
            armor.FireBonus            = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(61, 74, 0);

            armor          = new LeatherLegs();
            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.RegenHits            = 1;
            armor.Attributes.BonusHits            = 3;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost        = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus       = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus     = 1;
            armor.FireBonus       = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(71, 78, 0);

            armor          = new LeatherArms();
            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost        = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck      = 10;
            armor.Attributes.BonusStam = 3;
            armor.Attributes.RegenStam = 1;
            armor.ColdBonus            = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus          = 1;
            armor.FireBonus            = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(94, 84, 0);

            armor          = new LeatherGloves();
            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost        = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck     = 10;
            armor.Attributes.BonusStr = 2;
            armor.ColdBonus           = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus         = 1;
            armor.FireBonus           = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(108, 85, 0);

            armor          = new LeatherGorget();
            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost        = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.BonusInt             = 2;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus       = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus     = 1;
            armor.FireBonus       = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(122, 79, 0);

            armor          = new LeatherCap();
            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.BonusDex             = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost        = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus       = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus     = 1;
            armor.FireBonus       = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(115, 88, 0);

            armor          = new MetalShield();
            armor.Hue      = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.AttackChance         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.DefendChance         = 5;
            armor.Attributes.SpellChanneling      = 1;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus       = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus     = 1;
            armor.FireBonus       = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(132, 85, 0);

            BaseJewel ring = new GoldRing();

            ring.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            ring.Attributes.NightSight   = 1;
            ring.Attributes.SpellDamage  = 5;
            ring.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 5;
            ring.Location = new Point3D(140, 60, 0);

            Item item = new Bandage(100);

            item.Location = new Point3D(135, 66, 0);
        public NewArcherNoCriminalGuard()
            : base(AIType.AI_Archer)
            SetStr(60, 120);
            SetDex(100, 150);
            SetInt(26, 50);

            SetHits(80, 110);


            if (Utility.RandomBool())
                new Horse().Rider = this;

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 20, 20);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 20, 25);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 20, 20);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 20, 30);

            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 50.0, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 80.0, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 80.0, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Healing, 50.0, 65.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Archery, 80.0, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 80.0, 120.0);

            Fame = 1000;
            Karma = 10000;

            VirtualArmor = 16;

            AddItem(new Boots(Utility.RandomGreenHue()));
            AddItem(new Cloak(Utility.RandomGreenHue()));
            PackItem(new Dagger());
            StuddedChest chest = new StuddedChest();
            chest.Hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
            StuddedLegs legs = new StuddedLegs();
            legs.Hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
            LeatherCap head = new LeatherCap();
            head.Hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
            StuddedGloves gloves = new StuddedGloves();
            gloves.Hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
            StuddedGorget gorget = new StuddedGorget();
            gorget.Hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
            StuddedArms arms = new StuddedArms();
            arms.Hue = Utility.RandomGreenHue();
            AddItem(new Bandage(30));

            switch (Utility.Random(4))
                case 0: AddItem(new Bow());
                        AddItem(new Arrow(50));
                        SetDamage(5, 15);
                case 1: AddItem(new CompositeBow());
                        AddItem(new Arrow(50));
                        SetDamage(5, 20);
                case 2: AddItem(new Crossbow());
                        AddItem(new Bolt(50));
                        SetDamage(15, 25);
                case 3: AddItem(new HeavyCrossbow());
                        AddItem(new Bolt(50));
                        SetDamage(18, 30);
        public static BaseArmor NewbLuckArmor()
            BaseArmor armor = null;

            switch( Utility.Random( 6 ) )
                case 0: armor = new LeatherChest(); break;
                case 1: armor = new LeatherLegs(); break;
                case 2: armor = new LeatherArms(); break;
                case 3: armor = new LeatherGloves(); break;
                case 4: armor = new LeatherGorget(); break;
                case 5: armor = new LeatherCap(); break;

            BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, Utility.Random( 4 ), 40, 80);

            int luck = 65 + Utility.Random( 21 ) + Utility.Random( 21 );
            if( luck > 100 )
                luck = 100;

            armor.Attributes.Luck = luck;
            armor.Hue = 2123;

            return armor;
        public static void CreateItem(ItemInfo info, Mobile m)
            if (m == null)

            Item item = null;
            BaseCreature bc = null;
            switch (info.IncrID)
                case 0: item = new BlackPearl(999); break;
                case 1: item = new Bloodmoss(999); break;
                case 2: item = new MandrakeRoot(999); break;
                case 3: item = new Garlic(999); break;
                case 4: item = new Ginseng(999); break;
                case 5: item = new Nightshade(999); break;
                case 6: item = new SpidersSilk(999); break;
                case 7: item = new SulfurousAsh(999); break;
                case 8: item = new Bag();
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new BlackPearl(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new Bloodmoss(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new MandrakeRoot(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new Garlic(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new Ginseng(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new Nightshade(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new SpidersSilk(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new SulfurousAsh(100) );
                case 9: item = new BatWing(999); break;
                case 10: item = new GraveDust(999); break;
                case 11: item = new DaemonBlood(999); break;
                case 12: item = new NoxCrystal(999); break;
                case 13: item = new PigIron(999); break;
                case 14: item = new Bag();
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new BatWing(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new GraveDust(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new DaemonBlood(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new NoxCrystal(100) );
                        ((Bag)item).DropItem( new PigIron(100) );
                case 15: for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) //The last potion is dropped later
                            item = new RefreshPotion();
                        item = new RefreshPotion();
                case 16: for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) //The last potion is dropped later
                            item = new RefreshPotion();
                        item = new LesserCurePotion();
                case 17: for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) //The last potion is dropped later
                            item = new RefreshPotion();
                        item = new LesserHealPotion();
                case 18: for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) //The last potion is dropped later
                            item = new RefreshPotion();
                        item = new NightSightPotion();
                case 19: item = new Bandage(50); break;
                case 20: item = new Bandage(200); break;
                case 21: item = new Bandage(1000); break;
                case 22: item = new Arrow(100); break;
                case 23: item = new Arrow(1000); break;
                case 24: item = new Bolt(100); break;
                case 25: item = new Bolt(1000); break;
                case 26: bc = new Horse(); break;
                case 27: bc = new PackLlama(); break;
                case 28: item = new Club();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseWeapon)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 29: item = new WarFork();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseWeapon)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 30: item = new Katana();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseWeapon)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 31: item = new Bow();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseWeapon)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 32: item = new MetalKiteShield();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseShield)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 33: item = new WoodenShield();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseShield)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 34: item = new LeatherChest();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 35: item = new LeatherGloves();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 36: item = new LeatherGorget();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 37: item = new LeatherLegs();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 38: item = new LeatherCap();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 39: item = new LeatherArms();
                        BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo((BaseArmor)item, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4), 40, 80);
                case 40: item = new Gold(300); break;
                case 41: item = new Gold(3000); break;
                case 42: item = new Server.Engines.BulkOrders.BulkOrderBook(); break;
                case 43: item = new Drums();
                        ((BaseInstrument)item).Quality = InstrumentQuality.Exceptional;
                case 44: item = new TambourineTassel();
                        ((BaseInstrument)item).Quality = InstrumentQuality.Exceptional;
                case 45: item = new Server.Multis.SmallDragonBoatDeed(); break;
                case 46: item = new Server.Multis.LargeDragonBoatDeed(); break;

            if (item != null)
                m.SendMessage("Here are the goods you requested.");
            else if (bc != null)
                bc.Controlled = true;
                bc.ControlMaster = m;
                bc.MoveToWorld( m.Location, m.Map );
                m.SendMessage("Here is the pet you requested.");
                m.SendMessage("That item is not available. Please report the bug at the site that will open in your browser.");
                m.LaunchBrowser( "" );
                m.AddToBackpack( new VeriteGem(info.Price) );
Beispiel #11
		public PegLeg() : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
			Name = "Peg Leg";
			Body = 159;

			SetStr( 60, 110 );
			SetDex( 60, 100 );
			SetInt( 60, 100 );

			SetHits( 200 );

			SetDamage( 5, 25 );

			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 50 );
			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 60 );
			SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Energy, 10 );

			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 30, 80 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 20, 100 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 10, 15 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 20 );
			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 0, 20 );

			SetSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 120 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.EvalInt, 90, 95.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 50.5, 100.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Meditation, 60 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 10.1, 50.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 115, 125 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 115, 125 );

			Fame = 8000;
			Karma = -8000;

			Kills = 10;

			Hue = 1271;

			VirtualArmor = 50;

			LeatherArms LeatherArms = new LeatherArms();
			LeatherArms.Hue = 1175;
			AddItem( LeatherArms );
			LeatherCap LeatherCap = new LeatherCap();
			LeatherCap.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherCap );
			LeatherGloves LeatherGloves = new LeatherGloves();
			LeatherGloves.Hue = 1175;
			AddItem( LeatherGloves );

			LeatherLegs LeatherLegs = new LeatherLegs();
			LeatherLegs.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherLegs );
			LeatherChest LeatherChest = new LeatherChest();
			LeatherChest.Hue = 1175;
			AddItem( LeatherChest );

			LeatherGorget LeatherGorget = new LeatherGorget();
			LeatherGorget.Hue = 1157;
			AddItem( LeatherGorget );

			//AddItem( new SparrowBlade() );
 			PackItem( new PegLeghook() );
			PackItem( new PegLegHead() );

        public AmazonTreeSettlementTreasureChest() : base(0xE43)
            Name    = "a treasure chest -10-";
            Movable = true;
            Weight  = 1000.0;

            TrapPower = 0;
            Locked    = true;

            RequiredSkill = 10;
            LockLevel     = 10;
            MaxLockLevel  = 15;

            // Gold
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.25)
                DropItem(new Gold(Utility.Random(15, 200)));

/////////////////////////////////////// Supplies

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Arrow(Utility.Random(2, 6)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Bolt(Utility.Random(2, 6)));

            Item ReagentLoot = Loot.RandomReagent();

            ReagentLoot.Amount = Utility.Random(2, 6);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Bandage(Utility.Random(2, 6)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Bedroll());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Bottle(Utility.Random(2, 6)));

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Lockpick(Utility.Random(2, 6)));

            Item PotionLoot = Loot.RandomPotion();


/////////////////////////////////////// Tools

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new FishingPole());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Shovel());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                DropItem(new Skillet());

/////////////////////////////////////// Rare Items

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01)
                DropItem(new DyeTub());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new AmazonianFighterBelt());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new AmazonianFighterBoots());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new AmazonianFighterBustier());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new AmazonianFighterGloves());
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.05)
                DropItem(new AmazonianFighterHelmet());

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(21))
                case 0: weapon = new Hatchet(); break;

                case 1: weapon = new Bow(); break;

                case 2: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;

                case 3: weapon = new Club(); break;

                case 4: weapon = new Mace(); break;

                case 5: weapon = new Maul(); break;

                case 6: weapon = new Pitchfork(); break;

                case 7: weapon = new ShortSpear(); break;

                case 8: weapon = new GnarledStaff(); break;

                case 9: weapon = new ShepherdsCrook(); break;

                case 10: weapon = new Cutlass(); break;

                case 11: weapon = new Katana(); break;

                case 12: weapon = new Kryss(); break;

                case 13: weapon = new Scimitar(); break;

                case 14: weapon = new AssassinSpike(); break;

                case 15: weapon = new DiamondMace(); break;

                case 16: weapon = new Leafblade(); break;

                case 17: weapon = new MagicalShortbow(); break;

                case 18: weapon = new RadiantScimitar(); break;

                case 19: weapon = new WildStaff(); break;

                default: weapon = new Dagger(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, 2, 10, 15);
                weapon.DamageLevel     = (WeaponDamageLevel)Utility.Random(2);
                weapon.AccuracyLevel   = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)Utility.Random(2);
                weapon.DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)Utility.Random(2);
                weapon.Quality         = WeaponQuality.Regular;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(10))
                case 0: armor = new FemaleLeatherChest(); break;

                case 1: armor = new LeatherBustierArms(); break;

                case 2: armor = new LeatherArms(); break;

                case 3: armor = new LeatherCap(); break;

                case 4: armor = new LeatherGloves(); break;

                case 5: armor = new LeatherGorget(); break;

                case 6: armor = new LeatherLegs(); break;

                case 7: armor = new LeatherShorts(); break;

                case 8: armor = new LeatherSkirt(); break;

                default: armor = new LeatherChest(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 3, 10, 15);
                armor.ProtectionLevel = (ArmorProtectionLevel)Utility.Random(3);
                armor.Durability      = (ArmorDurabilityLevel)Utility.Random(3);
                armor.Quality         = ArmorQuality.Regular;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseHat hat = Loot.RandomHat(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: hat = new BearMask(); break;

                case 1: hat = new DeerMask(); break;

                case 2: hat = new FeatheredHat(); break;

                case 3: hat = new WizardsHat(); break;

                default: hat = new TribalMask(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(hat, 3, 10, 15);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 3, 10, 15);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseShield shield = new MetalShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield, 3, 10, 15);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new GoldBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 3, 10, 15);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel earrings = new GoldEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 3, 10, 15);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel necklace = new GoldNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 3, 10, 15);


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel ring = new GoldRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 3, 10, 15);

Beispiel #13
		public override void OnGaveMeleeAttack(Mobile defender)
			int kpgainmin, kpgainmax;

			switch (Stage)
				case 1:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + (bc.HitsMax) / 10;
								kpgainmax = 5 + (bc.HitsMax) / 5;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

						if (KP >= 85000)
							if (S1)
								S1 = false;

								int hits = HitsMax + 500;
								int va = VirtualArmor + 10;
								int mindamage = DamageMin + 1;
								int maxdamage = DamageMax + 1;

								Warmode = false;

								Say("*" + Name + " achieves a new level of combat*");
								SetDamage(mindamage, maxdamage);

								VirtualArmor = va;
								Stage = 2;
								Title = "the Shadow Knight";

								RawStr += 200;
								RawInt += 30;
								RawDex += 20;

								Item del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso); // The Robe

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.InnerTorso);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor chest = new LeatherChest();
								chest.Hue = 1175;
								chest.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Pants);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor legs = new LeatherLegs();
								legs.Hue = 1175;
								legs.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Neck);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gorget = new LeatherGorget();
								gorget.Hue = 1175;
								gorget.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Gloves);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gloves = new LeatherGloves();
								gloves.Hue = 1175;
								gloves.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Helm);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
								helm.Hue = 1175;
								helm.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Arms);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor arms = new LeatherArms();
								arms.Hue = 1175;
								arms.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Shoes);

								if (del != null)

								Item sandals = new Sandals();
								sandals.Hue = 1153;
								sandals.Movable = false;
				case 2:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 20;
								kpgainmax = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 10;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

						if (KP >= 100000)
							if (S2)
								S2 = false;

								int hits = HitsMax + 100;
								int va = VirtualArmor + 10;
								int mindamage = DamageMin + 1;
								int maxdamage = DamageMax + 1;

								Warmode = false;

								Say("*" + Name + " achieves a new level of combat*");
								SetDamage(mindamage, maxdamage);

								VirtualArmor = va;
								Stage = 3;
								Title = "the Golden Knight";

								RawStr += 100;
								RawInt += 20;
								RawDex += 10;

								Item del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.InnerTorso);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor chest = new StuddedChest();
								chest.Hue = 1161;
								chest.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Pants);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor legs = new StuddedLegs();
								legs.Hue = 1161;
								legs.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Neck);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gorget = new StuddedGorget();
								gorget.Hue = 1161;
								gorget.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Gloves);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gloves = new StuddedGloves();
								gloves.Hue = 1161;
								gloves.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Helm);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor helm = new LeatherCap();
								helm.Hue = 1161;
								helm.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Arms);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor arms = new StuddedArms();
								arms.Hue = 1161;
								arms.Movable = false;
				case 3:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 30;
								kpgainmax = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 20;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

						if (KP >= 500000)
							if (S3)
								S3 = false;

								int hits = HitsMax + 100;
								int va = VirtualArmor + 10;
								int mindamage = DamageMin + 1;
								int maxdamage = DamageMax + 1;

								Warmode = false;

								Say("*" + Name + " achieves a new level of combat*");
								SetDamage(mindamage, maxdamage);

								VirtualArmor = va;
								Stage = 4;
								Title = "the Blood Knight";

								RawStr += 100;
								RawInt += 120;
								RawDex += 10;

								Item del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.InnerTorso);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor chest = new PlateChest();
								chest.Hue = 1157;
								chest.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Pants);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor legs = new PlateLegs();
								legs.Hue = 1157;
								legs.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Neck);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gorget = new PlateGorget();
								gorget.Hue = 1157;
								gorget.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Gloves);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gloves = new PlateGloves();
								gloves.Hue = 1157;
								gloves.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Helm);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor helm = new PlateHelm();
								helm.Hue = 1157;
								helm.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Arms);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor arms = new PlateArms();
								arms.Hue = 1157;
								arms.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Shoes);

								if (del != null)
				case 4:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 50;
								kpgainmax = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 40;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

						if (KP >= 1000000)
							if (S4)
								S4 = false;

								int hits = HitsMax + 100;
								int va = VirtualArmor + 10;
								int mindamage = DamageMin + 5;
								int maxdamage = DamageMax + 5;

								Warmode = false;

								Say("*" + Name + " achieves a new level of combat*");
								SetDamage(mindamage, maxdamage);

								VirtualArmor = va;
								Stage = 5;
								Title = "the Knight of Destiny";

								RawStr += 100;
								RawInt += 120;
								RawDex += 20;

								Item del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.InnerTorso);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor chest = new BoneChest();
								chest.Hue = 1152;
								chest.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Pants);
								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor legs = new BoneLegs();
								legs.Hue = 1152;
								legs.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Neck);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Gloves);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor gloves = new BoneGloves();
								gloves.Hue = 1152;
								gloves.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Helm);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor helm = new BoneHelm();
								helm.Hue = 1152;
								helm.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Arms);

								if (del != null)

								BaseArmor arms = new BoneArms();
								arms.Hue = 1152;
								arms.Movable = false;

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Shoes);

								if (del != null)

								Item sandals = new Sandals();
								sandals.Hue = 1152;
								sandals.Movable = false;
				case 5:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 160;
								kpgainmax = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 100;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

						if (KP >= 5000000)
							if (S5)
								S5 = false;

								int hits = HitsMax + 100;
								int va = VirtualArmor + 100;
								int mindamage = DamageMin + 5;
								int maxdamage = DamageMax + 5;

								Warmode = false;
								Say("*" + Name + " is Reborn*");
								Say("Master, please lend me some armor");
								SetDamage(mindamage, maxdamage);
								VirtualArmor = va;
								Stage = 6;
								Title = "the Champion";

								RawStr += 100;
								RawInt += 120;
								RawDex += 20;

								Item del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.InnerTorso);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Pants);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Neck);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Gloves);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Helm);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Arms);

								if (del != null)

								del = FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Shoes);

								if (del != null)
				case 6:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 540;
								kpgainmax = 5 + bc.HitsMax / 480;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

						if (KP >= 10000000)
							if (S6)
								S6 = false;

								int hits = HitsMax + 350;
								int va = VirtualArmor + 100;
								int mindamage = DamageMin + 15;
								int maxdamage = DamageMax + 15;

								Warmode = false;
								Say("*" + Name + " is now a Great Champion and loyal friend*");

								if (ControlMaster != null)
									Title = ", Guardian of " + ControlMaster.Name + "";

								SetDamage(mindamage, maxdamage);
								VirtualArmor = va;
								Stage = 7;

								RawStr += 125;
								RawInt += 125;
								RawDex += 35;
				case 7:
						if (defender is BaseCreature)
							var bc = (BaseCreature)defender;

							if (bc.Controlled != true)
								kpgainmin = 5 + bc.Hits / 740;
								kpgainmax = 5 + bc.Hits / 660;

								KP += Utility.RandomList(kpgainmin, kpgainmax);

Beispiel #14
        public Cracker() 
        : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
	        Name = NameList.RandomName( "male" );
	        Title = "The vicious murderer";
            Body = 0x190;
            Kills = 5;
			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();

			SetStr(276, 350);
			SetDex(150, 200);
			SetInt(126, 150);

			SetHits(350, 400);

			SetDamage(11, 14);

			SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 5 );
			SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 100);

			SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 80.1, 100.0);
			SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 100.1, 110.0);
			SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 80.1, 100.0);
			SetSkill(SkillName.Healing, 80.1, 100.0);
			SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 85.1, 100);

			Fame = 9000;
			Karma = -15000;

            PackItem(new Apple(Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5)));
            PackItem(new Bandage(Utility.RandomMinMax(15, 55)));

            	CrackerDagger chd = new CrackerDagger();
				chd.Crafter = this;
				chd.Name = this.Name + "'s Dagger";
            	CrackerBuckler chb = new CrackerBuckler();
				chb.Crafter = this;
				chb.Name = this.Name + "'s Buckler";
            if (0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                AddItem(new Dagger());
            if (0.10 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                AddItem(new Buckler());
            //if (0.15 > Utility.RandomDouble())
			//	 AddItem(new RandomAddonTicket());
			//m_Timer = new InternalTimer( this );
			//CraftResource res = CraftResource.None;;
			//switch (Utility.Random(4))
			//	case 0: res = CraftResource.RegularLeather; break;
			//	case 1: res = CraftResource.SpinedLeather; break;
			//	case 2: res = CraftResource.HornedLeather; break;
			//	case 3: res = CraftResource.BarbedLeather; break;
            //if (0.05 > Utility.RandomDouble())
            //    AddItem(new RunicSewingKit(res, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5)));
            //   AddItem(new SewingKit());
			LeatherChest Tunic = new LeatherChest();
			Tunic.ItemID = 9859;
			Tunic.Name = "Leather Hood Robe";
			Tunic.Layer = Layer.OuterTorso;
			//Tunic.Resource = res;
			Tunic.Movable = false;
			Tunic.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional;
			Tunic.Crafter = this;

			LeatherLegs Legs = new LeatherLegs();
			//Legs.Resource = res;
			Legs.Movable = false;
			Boots boot = new Boots();
			//boot.Resource = res;
			boot.Movable = false;

			LeatherArms Arms = new LeatherArms();
			//Arms.Resource = res;
			Arms.Movable = false;

			LeatherGloves Gloves = new LeatherGloves();
			//Gloves.Resource = res;
			Gloves.Movable = false;
			Gloves.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional;
			Gloves.Crafter = this;

			LeatherCap Helm = new LeatherCap();
			//Helm.Resource = res;
			Helm.Movable = false;
			Helm.Quality = ArmorQuality.Exceptional;
			Helm.Crafter = this;

			Head hd = new Head();
			hd.Name = "the head of " + NameList.RandomName( "male" );
			//EtherealOstard mt = new EtherealOstard();
			//mt.Hue = Utility.RandomNeutralHue();
			//mt.Movable = false;
			//mt.Rider = this;
        public NewPlayerPackage()
            Name = "New Player Welcome Package";
            Hue = 1281;
            LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            Spellbook book1 = new Spellbook();
            book1.Content = ulong.MaxValue;
            book1.Location = new Point3D(16, 83, 0);

            BookOfChivalry book2 = new BookOfChivalry();
            book2.Content = 1023;//all spells
            book2.Location = new Point3D(33, 83, 0);

            NecromancerSpellbook book3 = new NecromancerSpellbook();
            book3.Content = 0x1FFFF;
            book3.Location = new Point3D(49, 83, 0);

            BaseArmor armor = new LeatherChest();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.Attributes.BonusMana = 3;
            armor.Attributes.RegenMana = 1;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(61, 74, 0);

            armor = new LeatherLegs();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.RegenHits = 1;
            armor.Attributes.BonusHits = 3;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(71, 78, 0);

            armor = new LeatherArms();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.Attributes.BonusStam = 3;
            armor.Attributes.RegenStam = 1;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(94, 84, 0);

            armor = new LeatherGloves();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.Attributes.BonusStr = 2;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(108, 85, 0);

            armor = new LeatherGorget();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 5;
            armor.Attributes.BonusInt = 2;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(122, 79, 0);

            armor = new LeatherCap();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.BonusDex = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerManaCost = 2;
            armor.Attributes.LowerRegCost = 5;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(115, 88, 0);

            armor = new MetalShield();
            armor.Hue = 537;
            armor.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            armor.ArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus = 20;
            armor.Attributes.AttackChance = 5;
            armor.Attributes.DefendChance = 5;
            armor.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;
            armor.Attributes.Luck = 10;
            armor.ColdBonus = 1;
            armor.EnergyBonus = 1;
            armor.FireBonus = 1;
            //armor.ArmorRatingBonus = 2;
            armor.PoisonBonus = 1;
            armor.Location = new Point3D(132, 85, 0);

            BaseJewel ring = new GoldRing();
            ring.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            ring.Attributes.NightSight = 1;
            ring.Attributes.SpellDamage = 5;
            ring.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 5;
            ring.Location = new Point3D(140, 60, 0);

            Item item = new Bandage(100);
            item.Location = new Point3D(135, 66, 0);
        public static void RandomGuardEquipment( Mobile m, Nation nation, int choice )
            if( m == null )

            if( choice > 3 || choice < 1 )
                choice = Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );

            switch (nation)
                case Nation.Imperial: { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { nation = Nation.Vhalurian; } else { nation = Nation.Khemetar; } break; }
                case Nation.Sovereign: { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { nation = Nation.Alyrian; } else { nation = Nation.Mhordul; } break; }
                case Nation.Society: { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { nation = Nation.Azhuran; } else { nation = Nation.Tyrean; } break; }
                case Nation.Insularii: { if (Utility.RandomBool()) { nation = Nation.Vhalurian; } else { nation = Nation.Khemetar; } break; }

            switch( nation )
                case Nation.Alyrian:
                    GreenBeret greenberet = new GreenBeret();
                    greenberet.Hue = 2587;
                    m.EquipItem( greenberet );

                    switch( choice )
                        case 0:
                            AlyrianChainChest chest = new AlyrianChainChest();
                            chest.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            AlyrianChainLegs legs = new AlyrianChainLegs();
                            legs.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            AlyrianChainArms arms = new AlyrianChainArms();
                            arms.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            AlyrianChainGorget gorget = new AlyrianChainGorget();
                            gorget.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            m.EquipItem( chest );
                            m.EquipItem( legs );
                            m.EquipItem( arms );
                            m.EquipItem( gorget );
                            m.EquipItem( new Cloak( 2587 ) );

                            if( m.Female )
                                AlyrianLeafShield shield = new AlyrianLeafShield();
                                shield.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                AlyrianSabre sabre = new AlyrianSabre();
                                sabre.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( shield );
                                m.EquipItem( sabre );
                                m.EquipItem( new FemaleKilt( 2587 ) );

                                AlyrianTwoHandedAxe axe = new AlyrianTwoHandedAxe();
                                axe.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( axe );
                                m.EquipItem( new ElegantKilt( 2587 ) );


                        case 1:
                            if( m.Female )
                                AlyrianRoundShield shield = new AlyrianRoundShield();
                                shield.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                AlyrianLongsword sword = new AlyrianLongsword();
                                sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( shield );
                                m.EquipItem( sword );
                                m.EquipItem( new ElegantFemaleKilt( 2587 ) );
                                m.EquipItem( new MetallicBra() );
                                m.EquipItem( new ElegantShoes() );

                                AlyrianClaymore sword = new AlyrianClaymore();
                                sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( sword );
                                m.EquipItem( new OrnateKilt( 2587 ) );
                                m.EquipItem( new Sandals() );


                        case 2:
                            if( m.Female )
                                AlyrianLongbow bow = new AlyrianLongbow();
                                bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;

                                m.EquipItem( bow );
                                m.EquipItem( new ElegantKilt( 2587 ) );
                                m.EquipItem( new MetallicBra() );


                                AlyrianGiantBow bow = new AlyrianGiantBow();
                                bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;

                                m.EquipItem( bow );
                                m.EquipItem( new PlainKilt( 2587 ) );

                            m.EquipItem( new Sandals() );

                            if( m is BaseCreature )
                                BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                                bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;
                                bc.PackItem( new Arrow( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) ) );



                case Nation.Azhuran:
                    switch( choice )
                        case 0:
                            AzhuranHelm helm = new AzhuranHelm();
                            helm.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            AzhuranSpikedChainChest chest = new AzhuranSpikedChainChest();
                            chest.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            RingmailArms arms = new RingmailArms();
                            arms.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            ChainLegs legs = new ChainLegs();
                            legs.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            RingmailGloves gloves = new RingmailGloves();
                            gloves.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            m.EquipItem( helm );
                            m.EquipItem( chest );
                            Sandals sandals = new Sandals();
                            sandals.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sandals.Hue = 2810;
                            m.EquipItem( sandals );
                            m.EquipItem( gloves );
                            m.EquipItem( arms );
                            m.EquipItem( legs );
                            m.EquipItem( new Cloak( 2810 ) );

                            if( m.Female )
                                AzhuranKiteShield shield = new AzhuranKiteShield();
                                shield.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                AzhuranShortsword sword = new AzhuranShortsword();
                                sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( shield );
                                m.EquipItem( sword );
                                m.EquipItem( new ElegantWaistCloth( 2810 ) );

                                AzhuranRoundShield shield = new AzhuranRoundShield();
                                shield.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                AzhuranBroadsword sword = new AzhuranBroadsword();
                                sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( shield );
                                m.EquipItem( sword );


                        case 1:
                            AzhuranLeatherTunic chest = new AzhuranLeatherTunic();
                            chest.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;

                            AzhuranLeatherPauldrons pauldrons = new AzhuranLeatherPauldrons();
                            pauldrons.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;

                            AzhuranLeatherBoots boots = new AzhuranLeatherBoots();
                            boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;

                            AzhuranLeatherLegs legs = new AzhuranLeatherLegs();
                            legs.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;

                            LeatherGloves gloves = new LeatherGloves();
                            gloves.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;

                            LeatherArms arms = new LeatherArms();
                            arms.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;

                            AzhuranSpear spear = new AzhuranSpear();
                            spear.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                            m.EquipItem( chest );
                            m.EquipItem( pauldrons );
                            m.EquipItem( new Bandana( 2810 ) );
                            m.EquipItem( spear );
                            m.EquipItem( boots );
                            m.EquipItem( legs );
                            m.EquipItem( gloves );
                            m.EquipItem( arms );

                        case 2:
                            Sandals sandals = new Sandals();
                            sandals.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sandals.Hue = 2810;
                            m.EquipItem( sandals );

                            if( m.Female )
                                AzhuranShortbow bow = new AzhuranShortbow();
                                bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;

                                m.EquipItem( bow );
                                m.EquipItem( new MetallicBra() );
                                m.EquipItem( new WaistCloth( 2810 ) );

                                AzhuranBoomerang bow = new AzhuranBoomerang();
                                bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;

                                m.EquipItem( bow );
                                m.EquipItem( new LoinCloth( 2810 ) );

                            if( m is BaseCreature )
                                BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                                bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;

                                if( m.Female )
                                    bc.PackItem( new Arrow( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) ) );



                case Nation.Khemetar:
                    switch( choice )
                        case 0:
                            KhemetarScaleChest chest = new KhemetarScaleChest();
                            chest.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            chest.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( chest );

                            PlateLegs legs = new PlateLegs();
                            legs.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            legs.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( legs );

                            PlateArms arms = new PlateArms();
                            arms.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            arms.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( arms );

                            PlateGorget gorget = new PlateGorget();
                            gorget.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            gorget.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( gorget );

                            PlateGloves gloves = new PlateGloves();
                            gloves.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            gloves.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( gloves );

                            KhemetarScaleHelmet helmet = new KhemetarScaleHelmet();
                            helmet.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            helmet.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( helmet );

                            RunicCloak cloak = new RunicCloak();
                            cloak.Hue = 2795;
                            m.EquipItem( cloak );

                            KhemetarAxe axe = new KhemetarAxe();
                            axe.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            m.EquipItem( axe );

                            if( m.Female )
                                ElegantWaistCloth waist = new ElegantWaistCloth();
                                waist.Hue = 2795;
                                m.EquipItem( waist );

                                WaistSash sash = new WaistSash();
                                sash.Hue = 2795;
                                m.EquipItem( sash );


                        case 1:
                            ThighBoots boots = new ThighBoots();
                            boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            boots.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( boots );

                            KhemetarScaleChest chest = new KhemetarScaleChest();
                            chest.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            chest.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( chest );

                            KhemetarScaleLegs legs = new KhemetarScaleLegs();
                            legs.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            legs.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( legs );

                            KhemetarScaleArms arms = new KhemetarScaleArms();
                            arms.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            arms.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( arms );

                            RingmailGloves gloves = new RingmailGloves();
                            gloves.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            gloves.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( gloves );

                            KhemetarScaleHelmet helmet = new KhemetarScaleHelmet();
                            helmet.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            helmet.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( helmet );

                            RunicCloak cloak = new RunicCloak();
                            cloak.Hue = 2795;
                            m.EquipItem( cloak );

                            KhemetarKhopesh sword = new KhemetarKhopesh();
                            sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            m.EquipItem( sword );

                            MetalShield shield = new MetalShield();
                            shield.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            shield.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( shield );

                            if( m.Female )
                                ElegantWaistCloth waist = new ElegantWaistCloth();
                                waist.Hue = 2795;
                                m.EquipItem( waist );

                                WaistSash sash = new WaistSash();
                                sash.Hue = 2795;
                                m.EquipItem( sash );


                        case 2:
                            Sandals sandals = new Sandals();
                            sandals.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sandals.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( sandals );

                            KhemetarScaleChest chest = new KhemetarScaleChest();
                            chest.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            chest.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( chest );

                            KhemetarScaleLegs legs = new KhemetarScaleLegs();
                            legs.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            legs.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( legs );

                            KhemetarScaleHelmet helmet = new KhemetarScaleHelmet();
                            helmet.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            helmet.Hue = 2947;
                            m.EquipItem( helmet );

                            RunicCloak cloak = new RunicCloak();
                            cloak.Hue = 2795;
                            m.EquipItem( cloak );

                            KhemetarLongbow bow = new KhemetarLongbow();
                            bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;
                            m.EquipItem( bow );

                            if( m.Female )
                                ElegantWaistCloth waist = new ElegantWaistCloth();
                                waist.Hue = 2795;
                                m.EquipItem( waist );

                                WaistSash sash = new WaistSash();
                                sash.Hue = 2795;
                                m.EquipItem( sash );

                            if( m is BaseCreature )
                                BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                                bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;
                                bc.PackItem( new Arrow( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) ) );



                case Nation.Mhordul:
                    Sandals sandals = new Sandals();
                    sandals.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                    sandals.Hue = 1194;
                    m.EquipItem( sandals );

                    MhordulBoneArms mba = new MhordulBoneArms();
                    mba.Hue = 2101;
                    m.EquipItem( mba );

                    switch( choice )
                        case 0:
                            MhordulHornedSkullHelm mhsh = new MhordulHornedSkullHelm();
                            mhsh.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mhsh );

                            MhordulBoneChest mbc = new MhordulBoneChest();
                            mbc.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbc );

                            MhordulBoneLegs mbl = new MhordulBoneLegs();
                            mbl.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbl );

                            MhordulBoneGloves mbg = new MhordulBoneGloves();
                            mbg.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbg );

                            MhordulBoneShield mbs = new MhordulBoneShield();
                            mbs.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbs );

                            if( m.Female )
                                m.EquipItem( new MhordulBoneSword() );
                                m.EquipItem( new SmallRaggedSkirt( 1194 ) );

                                m.EquipItem( new MhordulBoneAxe() );


                        case 1:
                            MhordulBoneHelm mbh = new MhordulBoneHelm();
                            mbh.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbh );

                            MhordulBoneLegs mbl = new MhordulBoneLegs();
                            mbl.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbl );

                            MhordulBoneGloves mbg = new MhordulBoneGloves();
                            mbg.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbg );

                            if( m.Female )
                                m.EquipItem( new MhordulBoneSpear() );
                                m.EquipItem( new SmallRaggedSkirt( 1194 ) );
                                m.EquipItem( new RaggedBra( 1194 ) );

                                m.EquipItem( new MhordulBoneScythe() );
                                m.EquipItem( new WaistCloth( 1194 ) );


                        case 2:
                            MhordulBoneHelm mbh = new MhordulBoneHelm();
                            mbh.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( mbh );

                            m.EquipItem( new MhordulBoneBow() );

                            if( m.Female )
                                m.EquipItem( new SmallRaggedSkirt( 1194 ) );
                                m.EquipItem( new RaggedBra( 1194 ) );

                                m.EquipItem( new RaggedPants( 1194 ) );

                            if( m is BaseCreature )
                                BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                                bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;
                                bc.PackItem( new Arrow( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) ) );



                case Nation.Tyrean:
                    Surcoat coat = new Surcoat();
                    coat.ItemID = 15477;
                    coat.Name = "Tyrean Military Surcoat";
                    coat.Hue = 2741;
                    m.EquipItem( coat );

                    switch( choice )
                        case 0:
                            TyreanHalfPlateChest thpc = new TyreanHalfPlateChest();
                            thpc.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thpc.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thpc );

                            TyreanHalfPlateLegs thpl = new TyreanHalfPlateLegs();
                            thpl.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thpl.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thpl );

                            TyreanHalfPlateSabatons thps = new TyreanHalfPlateSabatons();
                            thps.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thps.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thps );

                            TyreanHalfPlateArms thpa = new TyreanHalfPlateArms();
                            thpa.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thpa.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thpa );

                            TyreanHalfPlateGloves thpg = new TyreanHalfPlateGloves();
                            thpg.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thpg.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thpg );

                            TyreanHalfPlateGorget thpo = new TyreanHalfPlateGorget();
                            thpo.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thpo.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thpo );

                            TyreanKiteShield tks = new TyreanKiteShield();
                            tks.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            tks.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( tks );

                            m.EquipItem( new Cloak( 1445 ) );

                            TyreanWingedHelm twh = new TyreanWingedHelm();
                            twh.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            twh.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( twh );

                            if( m.Female )
                                TyreanWarAxe axe = new TyreanWarAxe();
                                axe.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( axe );

                                TyreanOrnateAxe axe = new TyreanOrnateAxe();
                                axe.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( axe );


                        case 1:
                            ChainChest cc = new ChainChest();
                            cc.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            cc.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( cc );

                            ChainLegs cl = new ChainLegs();
                            cl.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            cl.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( cl );

                            RingmailArms ra = new RingmailArms();
                            ra.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            ra.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( ra );

                            RingmailGloves rg = new RingmailGloves();
                            rg.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            rg.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( rg );

                            TyreanHornedHelm thh = new TyreanHornedHelm();
                            thh.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            thh.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( thh );

                            FurBoots boots = new FurBoots();
                            boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            boots.Hue = 2741;

                            m.EquipItem( boots );

                            if( m.Female )
                                TyreanHarpoon weapon = new TyreanHarpoon();
                                weapon.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( weapon );

                                TyreanBattleAxe weapon = new TyreanBattleAxe();
                                weapon.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( weapon );


                        case 2:
                            LeatherChest lc = new LeatherChest();
                            lc.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            lc.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( lc );

                            LeatherLegs ll = new LeatherLegs();
                            ll.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            ll.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( ll );

                            LeatherArms la = new LeatherArms();
                            la.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            la.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( ll );

                            LeatherGloves lg = new LeatherGloves();
                            lg.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            lg.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( lg );

                            LeatherGorget lo = new LeatherGorget();
                            lo.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            lo.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( lo );

                            LeatherCap lcap = new LeatherCap();
                            lcap.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            lcap.Hue = 1899;
                            m.EquipItem( lcap );

                            FurBoots boots = new FurBoots();
                            boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            boots.Hue = 2741;
                            m.EquipItem( boots );

                            TyreanCompositeBow bow = new TyreanCompositeBow();
                            bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;
                            m.EquipItem( bow );

                            if( m is BaseCreature )
                                BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                                bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;
                                bc.PackItem( new Arrow( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) ) );



                case Nation.Vhalurian:
                    Surcoat coat = new Surcoat();
                    coat.Name = "Vhalurian Military Surcoat";
                    coat.Hue = 1327;
                    coat.ItemID = 15479;
                    m.EquipItem( coat );

                    switch( choice )
                        case 0:
                            VhalurianOrnatePlateChest vopc = new VhalurianOrnatePlateChest();
                            vopc.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            vopc.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( vopc );

                            VhalurianOrnatePlateLegs vopl = new VhalurianOrnatePlateLegs();
                            vopl.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            vopl.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( vopl );

                            VhalurianOrnatePlateGorget vopo = new VhalurianOrnatePlateGorget();
                            vopo.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            vopo.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( vopo );

                            PlateSabatons ps = new PlateSabatons();
                            ps.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            ps.Hue = 2105;
                            m.EquipItem( ps );

                            VhalurianOrnatePlateArms vopa = new VhalurianOrnatePlateArms();
                            vopa.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            vopa.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( vopa );

                            VhalurianOrnatePlateGloves vopg = new VhalurianOrnatePlateGloves();
                            vopg.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            vopg.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( vopg );

                            VhalurianOrnateKiteShield voks = new VhalurianOrnateKiteShield();
                            voks.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            voks.Hue = 2102;
                            m.EquipItem( voks );

                            m.EquipItem( new Cloak( 1327 ) );

                            if( m.Female )
                                VhalurianMace mace = new VhalurianMace();
                                mace.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( mace );

                                VhalurianOrnateHelm voh = new VhalurianOrnateHelm();
                                voh.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                                voh.Hue = 2102;
                                m.EquipItem( voh );

                                VhalurianWarHammer mace = new VhalurianWarHammer();
                                mace.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( mace );

                                VhalurianOrnatePlateHelm voph = new VhalurianOrnatePlateHelm();
                                voph.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                                voph.Hue = 2102;
                                m.EquipItem( voph );


                        case 1:
                            ChainChest cc = new ChainChest();
                            cc.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            cc.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( cc );

                            ChainLegs cl = new ChainLegs();
                            cl.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            cl.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( cl );

                            ChainCoif co = new ChainCoif();
                            co.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            co.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( co );

                            RingmailArms ra = new RingmailArms();
                            ra.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            ra.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( ra );

                            RingmailGloves rg = new RingmailGloves();
                            rg.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            rg.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( rg );

                            VhalurianMetalKiteShield vmks = new VhalurianMetalKiteShield();
                            vmks.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;
                            vmks.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( vmks );

                            LeatherBoots boots = new LeatherBoots();
                            boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            boots.Hue = 2101;

                            m.EquipItem( boots );

                            if( m.Female )
                                VhalurianGladius sword = new VhalurianGladius();
                                sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( sword );

                                VhalurianBroadsword sword = new VhalurianBroadsword();
                                sword.Resource = CraftResource.Bronze;

                                m.EquipItem( sword );


                        case 2:
                            LeatherBoots boots = new LeatherBoots();
                            boots.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            boots.Hue = 2101;

                            m.EquipItem( boots );

                            Beret beret = new Beret();
                            beret.Hue = 1327;
                            m.EquipItem( beret );

                            StuddedChest sc = new StuddedChest();
                            sc.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sc.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( sc );

                            StuddedLegs sl = new StuddedLegs();
                            sl.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sl.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( sl );

                            StuddedArms sa = new StuddedArms();
                            sa.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sa.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( sa );

                            StuddedGloves sg = new StuddedGloves();
                            sg.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            sg.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( sg );

                            StuddedGorget so = new StuddedGorget();
                            so.Resource = CraftResource.BeastLeather;
                            so.Hue = 2101;
                            m.EquipItem( so );

                            VhalurianLongbow bow = new VhalurianLongbow();
                            bow.Resource = CraftResource.Redwood;

                            m.EquipItem( bow );

                            if( m is BaseCreature )
                                BaseCreature bc = m as BaseCreature;
                                bc.AI = AIType.AI_Archer;
                                bc.PackItem( new Arrow( Utility.RandomMinMax( 10, 20 ) ) );

