// public void DeleteAndDestroySoundMarker(SoundMarker soundObj, bool removeFromList = true, bool eraseHotspotData = true) {
        //     if (soundObj == null) { return; }

        //     // TODO: Implement object pooling
        //     if (removeFromList) {
        //         soundObj.markerDelegate = null;
        //         soundMarkers.Remove(soundObj);
        //     }
        //     if (eraseHotspotData) layoutManager.EraseHotspot(soundObj.hotspot);

        //     if (soundObj.transform.parent != null) {
        //         Destroy(soundObj.transform.parent.gameObject);
        //     } else {
        //         Destroy(soundObj);
        //     }
        // }

        // private void UnloadCurrentSoundMarkers() {
        //     foreach (SoundMarker s in soundMarkers) {
        //         DeleteAndDestroySoundMarker(s, removeFromList: false, eraseHotspotData: false);
        //     }
        //     soundMarkers.Clear();
        // }

        /// <summary>
        /// Place the next sound marker
        /// </summary>
        private void PlaceSoundTapped() {
            // Place a new sound with default config
            SoundMarker soundMarker = _soundMarkerPooling.GetSoundMarker();
            // Create and position the prefab.
            if (canvasControl.placeSoundsOverlay.placeSoundsOnCursor && cursorTransform != null) {
                SoundMarker.SetupUnanchoredMarker(soundMarker, cursorTransform, anchorWrapperTransform);
                // soundMarker = SoundMarker.CreatePrefab(cursorTransform, soundMarkerPrefab, anchorWrapperTransform);
            } else {
                SoundMarker.SetupUnanchoredMarker(soundMarker, firstPersonCamera.transform, anchorWrapperTransform);
                // soundMarker = SoundMarker.CreatePrefab(firstPersonCamera.transform, soundMarkerPrefab, anchorWrapperTransform);
            soundMarker.markerDelegate = this;
            Anchor anchorParent = soundMarker.transform.parent.GetComponent<Anchor>();
            Vector3 anchorPos = anchorParent.transform.localPosition;

            // Create a new hotspot for the json file and save it.

            Hotspot h = layoutManager.AddNewHotspot(
              localPos: anchorPos,
              rotation: Vector3.zero,
              minDist: defaultMinDistance * 0.5f,
              maxDist: canvasControl.placeSoundsOverlay.maxRadiusSlider.radiusValue);
            layoutManager.Bind(soundMarker, h, !playbackIsStopped, reloadSoundClips: false);


        private IEnumerator InitSoundMarkers(
            List<Hotspot> hotspots, 
            System.Action<int> progressCallback = null, 
            System.Action completeCallback = null) {
            float waitTime = hotspots.Count < 6 ? (1.2f / hotspots.Count) : 0;
            int markersToLoadBeforeYield = Mathf.Min(2, Mathf.Max(1, hotspots.Count / 16));
            Debug.Log ("markersToLoadBeforeYield: " + markersToLoadBeforeYield);

            int index = 0;
            int numLoadedAfterLastYield = 0;
            // Bind all the sounds to their game objects
            foreach (Hotspot h in hotspots) {
                // SoundMarker newSoundMarker = SoundMarker.CreatePrefab(
                //   anchorWrapperTransform.TransformPoint(h.positon),
                //   h.rotation, soundMarkerPrefab, anchorWrapperTransform);
                SoundMarker newSoundMarker = _soundMarkerPooling.GetSoundMarker();
                SoundMarker.SetupUnanchoredMarker(newSoundMarker, anchorWrapperTransform.TransformPoint(h.positon),
                  h.rotation, anchorWrapperTransform);

                layoutManager.Bind(newSoundMarker, h, !playbackIsStopped, reloadSoundClips: false);

                newSoundMarker.markerDelegate = this;
                // Debug.Log("InitSoundMarkers LOADED " + index + " - Marker('" + h.soundID + "')");
                if (progressCallback != null) { progressCallback(index); }

                if (waitTime > 0) {
                    yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
                } else if (numLoadedAfterLastYield >= markersToLoadBeforeYield) {
                    numLoadedAfterLastYield = 0;
                    yield return null;