public override void KillEvent(IDamageableGameObj victim, IArmedGameObj killer, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
 public override void KillReceived(IArmedGameObj killer, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
     //Anyone who kills this player gets a refill.
 public override bool DamageRequestEvent(IDamageableGameObj victim, IArmedGameObj damager, ref float damage, ref uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
 public override void DamageReceived(IArmedGameObj damager, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
 public override void KillDealt(IDamageableGameObj victim, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
     //Anything this player kills explodes.
     Commands.CreateExplosion("Explosion_Shell_Artillery", Commands.GetPosition(victim), GameObj);
        public override bool DamageReceivedRequest(IArmedGameObj damager, ref float damage, ref uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
            if (type == RenSharp.DADamageType.Squish || type == RenSharp.DADamageType.Fall)
                return(false); //This player cannot be squished and takes no fall damage.

 public override void DamageDealt(IDamageableGameObj victim, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
        public override bool DamageDealtRequest(IDamageableGameObj victim, ref float damage, ref uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
            if (type == RenSharp.DADamageType.Splash)
                return(false); //This player deals no splash damage.

Beispiel #9
 public override void KillReceived(IScriptableGameObj obj, IArmedGameObj killer, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
Beispiel #10
 public override void KillDealt(IScriptableGameObj obj, IDamageableGameObj victim, float damage, uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
Beispiel #11
 public override bool DamageReceivedRequest(IScriptableGameObj obj, IArmedGameObj damager, ref float damage, ref uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)
Beispiel #12
 public override bool DamageDealtRequest(IScriptableGameObj obj, IDamageableGameObj victim, ref float damage, ref uint warhead, float scale, RenSharp.DADamageType type)