Beispiel #1
        public override void Load()
            #region Ressources

            sndBGM = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/Music/Wait Room.mp3");

            sndButtonOver  = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            fntText   = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial10");
            ChatInput = new TextInput(fntText, sprPixel, sprPixel, new Vector2(68, 518), new Vector2(470, 20), SendMessage);

            fntTest      = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/HUD/Menus/Numbers White");
            sprHostText  = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/Menus/Wait Room/Player Host Text");
            sprReadyText = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/Menus/Wait Room/Player Ready Text");

            int LeftSideWidth       = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.7);
            int RoomNameHeight      = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.05);
            int PlayerZoneY         = RoomNameHeight;
            int PlayerZoneHeight    = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.65);
            int ChatZoneY           = PlayerZoneY + PlayerZoneHeight;
            int ChatZoneHeight      = Constants.Height - ChatZoneY;
            int RightSideWidth      = Constants.Width - LeftSideWidth;
            int MapDetailTextY      = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.3);
            int MapDetailTextHeight = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.3);
            int RoomOptionWidth     = (int)((RightSideWidth - 15) * 0.5);
            int RoomOptionHeight    = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.08);
            RoomSettingButton    = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 5, MapDetailTextY + 5, RoomOptionWidth, RoomOptionHeight), fntText, "Room Settings", OnButtonOver, OpenRoomSettingsScreen);
            PlayerSettingsButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 5 + RoomOptionWidth + 5, MapDetailTextY + 5, RoomOptionWidth, RoomOptionHeight), fntText, "Player Settings", OnButtonOver, PlayerSettingsScreen);

            ReadyButton       = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 5, Constants.Height - RoomOptionHeight - 5, RoomOptionWidth, RoomOptionHeight), fntText, "Ready", OnButtonOver, Ready);
            StartButton       = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 5, Constants.Height - RoomOptionHeight - 5, RoomOptionWidth, RoomOptionHeight), fntText, "Start", OnButtonOver, StartGame);
            BackToLobbyButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 5 + RoomOptionWidth + 5, Constants.Height - RoomOptionHeight - 5, RoomOptionWidth, RoomOptionHeight), fntText, "Leave", OnButtonOver, ReturnToLobby);

            sprTabChat = new AnimatedSprite(Content, "Triple Thunder/Menus/Channel/Tab Chat", new Vector2(0, 0), 0, 1, 4);




            ListMapTeam     = new List <Color>();
            ListAllTeamInfo = new List <TeamInfo>();
            ListAllTeamInfo.Add(new TeamInfo("Blue Team", Color.Blue));
            ListAllTeamInfo.Add(new TeamInfo("Red Team", Color.Red));
            ListAllTeamInfo.Add(new TeamInfo("Green Team", Color.Green));
            ListAllTeamInfo.Add(new TeamInfo("Yellow Team", Color.Yellow));

            sprMapImage = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/Menus/Wait Room/Map Icons/Random");
Beispiel #2
        public override void Load()
            sndButtonOver  = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            fntArial12 = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial12");

            int BoxWidth      = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.55);
            int InnerBoxWidth = (int)(BoxWidth * 0.95);
            int BoxHeigth     = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.7);
            int BoxX          = Constants.Width / 2 - BoxWidth / 2;
            int InnerBoxX     = BoxX + (int)(BoxWidth * 0.025);
            int BoxY          = Constants.Height / 2 - BoxHeigth / 2;

            int RoomInfoX      = InnerBoxX;
            int RoomInfoY      = BoxY + (int)(BoxHeigth * 0.1);
            int RoomInfoHeight = (int)(BoxHeigth * 0.2);

            int ModeX             = InnerBoxX;
            int ModeY             = RoomInfoY + RoomInfoHeight;
            int ModeHeight        = (int)(BoxHeigth * 0.28);
            int ModeBoxWith       = (int)(BoxWidth * 0.37);
            int ModeBoxSeparation = (int)(BoxWidth * 0.01);

            RoomTypeButton    = new DropDownButton(new Rectangle(ModeX + 64, ModeY + 15, ModeBoxWith, 30), fntArial12, "PVE", new string[] { "PVE", "PVP" }, null, null);
            RoomSubtypeButton = new DropDownButton(new Rectangle(ModeX + 64 + ModeBoxWith + ModeBoxSeparation + 10, ModeY + 15, ModeBoxWith, 30), fntArial12,
                                                   "Campaign", new string[] { "Campaign", "Horde" }, null, null);

            int PlayerX      = InnerBoxX;
            int PlayerY      = ModeY + ModeHeight;
            int PlayerHeight = (int)(BoxHeigth * 0.1);

            int ButtonsWidth  = (int)(BoxWidth * 0.17);
            int ButtonsHeight = (int)(BoxHeigth * 0.07);
            int ButtonOKX     = InnerBoxX + (int)(InnerBoxWidth * 0.8);
            int ButtonCancelX = ButtonOKX - ButtonsWidth - 5;
            int ButtonsY      = BoxY + (int)(BoxHeigth * 0.90);

            CancelButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(ButtonCancelX, ButtonsY, ButtonsWidth, ButtonsHeight), fntArial12, "Cancel", OnButtonOver, Cancel);
            OKButton     = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(ButtonOKX, ButtonsY, ButtonsWidth, ButtonsHeight), fntArial12, "OK", OnButtonOver, CreateRoom);

            RoomNameInput = new TextInput(fntArial12, sprPixel, sprPixel, new Vector2(RoomInfoX + 74, RoomInfoY + 20), new Vector2(314, 20));
            PasswordInput = new TextInput(fntArial12, sprPixel, sprPixel, new Vector2(BoxX + 280, BoxY + 90), new Vector2(84, 20), null, true);

            RoomNameInput.SetText("Let's have fun!");

            ArrayMenuButton = new IUIElement[]
                RoomTypeButton, RoomSubtypeButton,
                RoomNameInput, PasswordInput,
                CancelButton, OKButton,
        public override void Load()
            fntArial12 = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial12");

            sndButtonOver  = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            ReturnToLobbyButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle((int)(Constants.Width * 0.7f), 0, (int)(Constants.Width * 0.3), TopSectionHeight), fntArial12, "Back To Lobby", OnButtonOver, SelectBackToLobbyButton);

            UnitFilterButton       = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 4, HeaderSectionY + 4, 60, HeaderSectionHeight - 8), fntArial12, "Units", OnButtonOver, SelectUnitFilterButton);
            CharacterFilterButton  = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 64, HeaderSectionY + 4, 90, HeaderSectionHeight - 8), fntArial12, "Characters", OnButtonOver, SelectCharacterFilterButton);
            EquipmentFilterButton  = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 154, HeaderSectionY + 4, 90, HeaderSectionHeight - 8), fntArial12, "Equipment", OnButtonOver, SelectEquipmentFilterButton);
            ConsumableFilterButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(LeftSideWidth + 244, HeaderSectionY + 4, 100, HeaderSectionHeight - 8), fntArial12, "Consumable", OnButtonOver, SelectConsumableFilterButton);

            UnitFilterButton.CanBeChecked       = true;
            CharacterFilterButton.CanBeChecked  = true;
            EquipmentFilterButton.CanBeChecked  = true;
            ConsumableFilterButton.CanBeChecked = true;


            ArrayMenuButton = new IUIElement[]
                UnitFilterButton, CharacterFilterButton, EquipmentFilterButton, ConsumableFilterButton,

            InventorySquadScreen      NewShopCharacterScreen = new InventorySquadScreen(this);
            InventoryCharacterScreen  NewShopEquipmentScreen = new InventoryCharacterScreen();
            InventoryEquipmentScreen  NewShopWeaponsScreen   = new InventoryEquipmentScreen();
            InventoryConsumableScreen NewShopItemsScreen     = new InventoryConsumableScreen();

            ArraySubScreen = new GameScreen[] { NewShopCharacterScreen, NewShopEquipmentScreen, NewShopWeaponsScreen, NewShopItemsScreen };

            foreach (GameScreen ActiveScreen in ArraySubScreen)
                ActiveScreen.Content        = Content;
                ActiveScreen.ListGameScreen = ListGameScreen;

            ActiveSubScreen = NewShopCharacterScreen;
Beispiel #4
        public override void Load()
            sndButtonOver  = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            fntArial12 = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial12");

            ArrayPlayerControlDropDown   = new DropDownButton[4];
            ArrayPlayerLoadProfileButton = new BoxButton[4];
            ArrayAddPlayerButton         = new BoxButton[3];
            ArrayRemovePlayerButton      = new BoxButton[3];

            int MenuWidth  = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.45);
            int MenuHeight = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.45);
            int MenuX      = Constants.Width / 2 - MenuWidth / 2;
            int MenuY      = Constants.Height / 2 - MenuHeight / 2;

            CloseButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle((int)MenuX + 10, (int)MenuY + MenuHeight + 5, 70, 30), fntArial12, "Confirm", OnButtonOver, OnConfirmButtonPressed);

            for (int P = 0; P < 4; P++)
                int LocalPlayerIndex = P;
                int ActivePlayerY    = MenuY + 75 + P * 40;

                ArrayPlayerControlDropDown[P] = new DropDownButton(new Rectangle(MenuX + 150, ActivePlayerY, 95, 30), fntArial12, "M&K",
                                                                   new string[] { "M&K", "Gamepad 1", "Gamepad 2", "Gamepad 3", "Gamepad 4" }, OnButtonOver, () => { OnPlayerControlChange(LocalPlayerIndex); });

                ArrayPlayerLoadProfileButton[P] = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(MenuX + MenuWidth - 70, ActivePlayerY, 60, 30), fntArial12, "Load", OnButtonOver, () => { OnLoadProfilePressed(LocalPlayerIndex); });

            for (int P = 0; P < 3; P++)
                int ActivePlayerY = MenuY + 115 + P * 40;

                ArrayAddPlayerButton[P]    = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(MenuX + 10, ActivePlayerY, 60, 30), fntArial12, "Add", OnButtonOver, OnAddPlayerPressed);
                ArrayRemovePlayerButton[P] = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(MenuX + MenuWidth - 70, ActivePlayerY + 40, 60, 30), fntArial12, "Remove", OnButtonOver, OnRemovePlayerPressed);

Beispiel #5
        public override void Load()
            sndButtonOver  = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            fntArial12 = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial12");

            ListPlayerProfile = BattleMapPlayer.GetProfileNames();

            int   MenuWidth  = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.45);
            int   MenuHeight = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.45);
            float MenuX      = Constants.Width / 2 - MenuWidth / 2;
            float MenuY      = Constants.Height / 2 - MenuHeight / 2;

            ProfilesScrollbar = new BoxScrollbar(new Vector2(MenuX + MenuWidth - 20, MenuY), MenuHeight, Math.Max(0, ListPlayerProfile.Count - 9), OnProfileScrollbarChange);
            ConfirmButton     = new BoxButton(new Rectangle((int)MenuX + 10, (int)MenuY + MenuHeight + 5, 70, 30), fntArial12, "Confirm", OnButtonOver, OnConfirmButtonPressed);
            CancelButton      = new BoxButton(new Rectangle((int)MenuX + MenuWidth - 80, (int)MenuY + MenuHeight + 5, 70, 30), fntArial12, "Cancel", OnButtonOver, OnCancelButtonPressed);

            ArrayUIElement = new IUIElement[]
                ConfirmButton, CancelButton, ProfilesScrollbar,
        public override void Load()
            fntText = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial10");
            for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                ListAvailableMutators.Add(new Mutator("Test" + i, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum"));
            AvailableMutatorsScrollbar = new BoxScrollbar(new Vector2(LeftPanelX + PanelWidth - 20, PanelY + 30), PanelHeight - 30, ListAvailableMutators.Count, OnAvailableMutatorsScrollbarChange);
            ActiveMutatorsScrollbar = new BoxScrollbar(new Vector2(RightPanelX + PanelWidth - 20, PanelY + 30), PanelHeight - 30, 10, OnActiveMutatorsScrollbarChange);

            AddButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(ButtonsX, ButtonsY, ButtonsWidth, ButtonsHeight), fntText, "Add", OnButtonOver, OnAddPressed);
            ButtonsY += 40;
            AddAllButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(ButtonsX, ButtonsY, ButtonsWidth, ButtonsHeight), fntText, "Add All", OnButtonOver, OnAddAllPressed);
            ButtonsY += 90;
            RemoveButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(ButtonsX, ButtonsY, ButtonsWidth, ButtonsHeight), fntText, "Remove", OnButtonOver, OnRemovePressed);
            ButtonsY += 40;
            RemoveAllButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(ButtonsX, ButtonsY, ButtonsWidth, ButtonsHeight), fntText, "Remove All", OnButtonOver, OnRemoveAllPressed);

            ArrayMenuButton = new IUIElement[]
                AvailableMutatorsScrollbar, ActiveMutatorsScrollbar,
                AddButton, AddAllButton, RemoveButton, RemoveAllButton,
Beispiel #7
        public override void Load()
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener("ClientError.log", "myListener"));

            PlayerManager.DicUnitType = Unit.LoadAllUnits();
            PlayerManager.DicRequirement = BaseSkillRequirement.LoadAllRequirements();
            PlayerManager.DicEffect = BaseEffect.LoadAllEffects();
            PlayerManager.DicAutomaticSkillTarget = AutomaticSkillTargetType.LoadAllTargetTypes();
            PlayerManager.DicManualSkillTarget = ManualSkillTarget.LoadAllTargetTypes();

            fntArial12 = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial12");
            ChatInput = new TextInput(fntArial12, sprPixel, sprPixel, new Vector2(68, 518), new Vector2(470, 20), SendMessage);

            sndBGM = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/Music/Channel.mp3");

            sndButtonOver = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            sprBackground = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/Menus/Channel/Background");
            sprLicenseAll = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/Menus/Channel/License All");
            sprTitleBattle = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Triple Thunder/Menus/Channel/Title Battle");

            LocalPlayerSelectionButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(400, 8, 120, 45), fntArial12, "Local Players\r\nManagement", OnButtonOver, SelectLocalPlayers);

            QuickStartButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(47, 70, 100, 45), fntArial12, "Quick Start", OnButtonOver, null);
            CreateARoomButton = new BoxButton(new  Rectangle(150, 70, 100, 45), fntArial12, "Create\n\ra Room", OnButtonOver, CreateARoom);
            WaitingRoomOnlyButton = new InteractiveButton(Content, "Triple Thunder/Menus/Channel/Waiting Room Only", new Vector2(447, 85), OnButtonOver, null);

            InfoButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(572, 40, 100, 35), fntArial12, "Info", OnButtonOver, null);
            RankingButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(682, 40, 100, 35), fntArial12, "Ranking", OnButtonOver, null);
            OptionsButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(572, 74, 100, 35), fntArial12, "Options", OnButtonOver, null);
            HelpButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(682, 74, 100, 35), fntArial12, "Help", OnButtonOver, null);

            ShowAllPlayersFilter = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(572, 130, 60, 25), fntArial12, "All", OnButtonOver, ShowAllPlayers);
            ShowFriendsFilter = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(572 + 62, 130, 60, 25), fntArial12, "Friends", OnButtonOver, ShowFriends);
            ShowGuildsFilter = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(572 + 62 + 62, 130, 60, 25), fntArial12, "Guild", OnButtonOver, ShowGuild);
            InventoryButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(572, 514, 100, 45), fntArial12, "Inventory", OnButtonOver, OpenInventory);
            ShopButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(682, 514, 100, 45), fntArial12, "Shop", OnButtonOver, OpenShop);

            ShowAllPlayersFilter.CanBeChecked = true;
            ShowFriendsFilter.CanBeChecked = true;
            ShowGuildsFilter.CanBeChecked = true;

            ArrayMenuButton = new IUIElement[]
                LocalPlayerSelectionButton, CreateARoomButton, QuickStartButton,
                InfoButton, RankingButton, OptionsButton, HelpButton,
                ShowAllPlayersFilter, ShowFriendsFilter, ShowGuildsFilter,
                ShopButton, InventoryButton,

            if (OnlineGameClient != null)
                BattleMapPlayer NewPlayer = new BattleMapPlayer(PlayerManager.OnlinePlayerID, "Player " + (PlayerManager.ListLocalPlayer.Count + 1), BattleMapPlayer.PlayerTypes.Online, false, 0, true, Color.Blue);

Beispiel #8
        public override void Load()
            fntText        = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial10");
            sndButtonOver  = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Over.wav");
            sndButtonClick = new FMODSound(FMODSystem, "Content/Triple Thunder/Menus/SFX/Button Click.wav");

            ArrayOptionTab    = new GameScreen[5];
            ArrayOptionTab[0] = new GameOptionsGametypeScreen(Room, this);
            ArrayOptionTab[1] = SelectMapScreen = new GameOptionsSelectMapScreen(Room, this, Owner);
            ArrayOptionTab[2] = SelectGameRuleScreen = new GameOptionsGameRulesScreen(Room);
            ArrayOptionTab[3] = new GameOptionsMutatorsScreen(Room, this);
            ArrayOptionTab[4] = new GameOptionsBotConfigScreen(Room);

            for (int T = 0; T < ArrayOptionTab.Length; ++T)

            ActiveTab = ArrayOptionTab[0];
            int HeaderHeight     = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.05);
            int TabSectionY      = HeaderHeight;
            int TabSectionHeight = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.06);
            int TabY             = TabSectionY + (int)(Constants.Height * 0.005);
            int TabWidth         = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.15);
            int TabHeight        = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.05);
            int TabOffset        = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.05);

            int X = 10 + 0 * (TabWidth + TabOffset);

            GametypeButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(X, TabY, TabWidth, TabHeight), fntText, ArrayOptionTab[0].ToString(), OnButtonOver, OnGametypePressed);
            X = 10 + 1 * (TabWidth + TabOffset);
            SelectMapButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(X, TabY, TabWidth, TabHeight), fntText, ArrayOptionTab[1].ToString(), OnButtonOver, OnSelectMapPressed);
            X = 10 + 2 * (TabWidth + TabOffset);
            GameRulesButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(X, TabY, TabWidth, TabHeight), fntText, ArrayOptionTab[2].ToString(), OnButtonOver, OnGameRulePressed);
            X = 10 + 3 * (TabWidth + TabOffset);
            MutatorsButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(X, TabY, TabWidth, TabHeight), fntText, ArrayOptionTab[3].ToString(), OnButtonOver, OnMutatorPressed);
            X = 10 + 4 * (TabWidth + TabOffset);
            BotsConfigButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(X, TabY, TabWidth, TabHeight), fntText, ArrayOptionTab[4].ToString(), OnButtonOver, OnBotsConfigPressed);

            int CloseButtonX      = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.86);
            int CloseButtonY      = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.92);
            int CloseButtonWidth  = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.12);
            int CloseButtonHeight = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.06);

            CloseButton = new BoxButton(new Rectangle(CloseButtonX, CloseButtonY, CloseButtonWidth, CloseButtonHeight), fntText, "Close", OnButtonOver, OnClosePressed);

            GametypeButton.CanBeChecked   = true;
            SelectMapButton.CanBeChecked  = true;
            GameRulesButton.CanBeChecked  = true;
            MutatorsButton.CanBeChecked   = true;
            BotsConfigButton.CanBeChecked = true;


            ArrayUIElement = new IUIElement[]
                GametypeButton, SelectMapButton, GameRulesButton, MutatorsButton, BotsConfigButton,