Beispiel #1
        public void parseXY()
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                string commandXY = "./tablist " + "solve-indx.xyls";
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@"c:\cygwin\home\astro\text2.txt"); //read the cygwin log file
                //  reader = FileInfo.OpenText("filename.txt");
                string line;
                // while ((line = reader.ReadToEnd()) != null) {
                line = reader.ReadToEnd();
                string[] items = line.Split('\n');

                //    string[,] FieldLine = new String[4, 2];
                string find = "   1 ";
                int count = 0;
                L.FileLog("    X     " + "     Y     ");
                foreach (string item in items)

                    if (item.Contains(find) && count < 10)
                        //  Log("found pos " + pos.ToString());

                        XYfound = true;

                    if (XYfound && count < 10)

                        //get and item for each x and y (then RA and DEc...later)
                        // 4 x 2 array with x,y of first 4 stars
                        starsXY[count, 0] = Convert.ToDouble(item.Substring(12, 15));
                        starsXY[count, 1] = Convert.ToDouble(item.Substring(36, 15));
                        // int nextSpace = IndexOfSecond(item, "        ");
                        //  FieldLine[count, 1] = item.Substring(36, 15);

                        L.FileLog(starsXY[count, 0] + "    " + starsXY[count, 1]);


                if (!XYfound)
                    L.Log("ParseXY Error - Aborted");
            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                L.Log("failed to parse X,Y data");
                L.FileLog("failed to parse X,Y data:  " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #2
        private void filteradvance()
                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
               MainWindow.FlatCalcDone = false;
                if (MainWindow.SequenceRunning == true)
                    // fileSystemWatcher1.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Filter Moving";
                string movedone;
                filterMoving = true;

                while (filterMoving == true)
                    movedone = port.ReadExisting();
                    if (movedone == "D")

                        filterMoving = false;

                        toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Capturing";
                        //   toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = " ";
                        //    toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = " ";


                if (currentfilter == 0)//allows advance without count to set to starting pos.
                /* *********************rem'd 4-11 put currentfilter asignment in filtersequence()
                // if (checkBox5.Checked == false)
                //  {
                if (currentfilter != 7)//***************changed from 4 on 2_29 to ? fix dark2
                    currentfilter = 1;//reset at end
                //    toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = " ";
                Log("Filter Advance Error - Make Sure Arduino Connected");
                Send("Filter Advance Error - Make Sure Arduino Connected");
                FileLog("Filter Advance Error - Make Sure Arduino Connected");

Beispiel #3
        private void GetHandles()

                Callback myCallBack = new Callback(EnumChildGetValue);

                //    NebhWnd = FindWindow(null, "Nebulosity v3.0-a6");
                //    LoadScripthwnd = FindWindow(null, "Load script");
                //    Log("Load script " + LoadScripthwnd.ToString());
                //  SetForegroundWindow(NebhWnd);
                //   if (NebhWnd == 0)
                //    {
                //        MessageBox.Show("Please Start Calling Window Application");
                //    }

                EnumChildWindows(_loadScripthwnd, myCallBack, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();

               L.Log("GetHandles Error" + e.ToString());
               L.Send("GetHandles Error" + e.ToString());
               L.FileLog("GetHandles Error" + e.ToString());

Beispiel #4
 public int Serverhwnd()
     MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
      IntPtr ServerhwndPtr = Handles.SearchForWindow("WindowsForms10", "scopefocus - Main");
      L.Log("scopefocus-server handle found --  " + ServerhwndPtr.ToInt32());
      int _serverhwnd = ServerhwndPtr.ToInt32();
     return _serverhwnd;
Beispiel #5
        //  private bool FindHandlesDone = false;
        public void FindHandles()
            string MainWindowName;
            //******5-30 this might be problem, maybe this should just be done once...not sure if
            //finding the loadscript though. consider doing seperate for the 2 neb windows.  one
            //with (spawned)
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                MainWindowName = "Nebulosity";
                IntPtr hWnd2 = SearchForWindow("wxWindow", MainWindowName);
               L.Log("Neb Handle Found -- " + hWnd2.ToInt32());
                _nebhWnd = hWnd2.ToInt32();

                if (_nebhWnd != 0)

                    string NebVersion;
                    //finds the Neb version (the number after the "v")
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
                    SendMessage(_nebhWnd, MainWindow.WM_GETTEXT, 1024, sb);
                    //  GetWindowText(camera, sb, sb.Capacity);
                  //  L.Log("test");
                    L.Log(sb.ToString());//*****^%%$  None of the L.Log Works  ****$%%^
                    NebVersion = sb.ToString();
                    int NebVposNumber = NebVersion.IndexOf("v");
                    string NebVNumberAfter = NebVersion.Substring(NebVposNumber + 1, 1);
                    _nebVNumber = Convert.ToInt16(NebVNumberAfter);
                if (!L.SlaveModeEnabled())//don't need for slave mode
                    IntPtr PHDhwnd2 = SearchForWindow("wxWindow", "PHD2 Guiding");
                    L.Log("PHD Handle Found --  " + PHDhwnd2.ToInt32());
                    _pHDhwnd = PHDhwnd2.ToInt32();

                    string PHDVersion;
                    //finds the Neb version (the number after the "v")
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
                    SendMessage(_pHDhwnd, MainWindow.WM_GETTEXT, 1024, sb);
                    //  GetWindowText(camera, sb, sb.Capacity);
                    //  L.Log("test");
                    L.Log(sb.ToString());//*****^%%$  None of the L.Log Works  ****$%%^
                    PHDVersion = sb.ToString();
                    int PHDVposNumber = PHDVersion.IndexOf("g");
                    string NebVNumberAfter = PHDVersion.Substring(PHDVposNumber + 2, 1);
                    _phdVNumber = Convert.ToInt16(NebVNumberAfter);

                // PHDhwnd = FindWindow(null, "PHD Guiding 1.13.0b  - (Log active)");
                _loadScripthwnd = FindWindow(null, "Load script");
                //   Log("PHD " + PHDhwnd.ToString());
                //   Log("Load script " + LoadScripthwnd.ToString());


            catch (Exception e)
              //  MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
             //  L.Log("FindHandles Error" + e.ToString());
            //       L.Send("FindHandles Error" + e.ToString());
             //  L.FileLog("FindHandles Error" + e.ToString());

Beispiel #6
        public int EnumChildGetValue(int hWnd, int lParam)
            MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
            StringBuilder formDetails = new StringBuilder(256);
            StringBuilder formClass = new StringBuilder(256);
            int txtValue;
            int txtValue2;
            string editText = "";
            string classtext = "";
            txtValue = GetWindowText(hWnd, formDetails, 256);
            editText = formDetails.ToString().Trim();

            txtValue2 = GetClassName(hWnd, formClass, 256);
            classtext = formClass.ToString().Trim();
            if (lParam == 0)
                if (editText == "panel")//doesn't work w/ msctls_statusbar32  either
                    _panelhwnd = hWnd;

                if (classtext == "Edit")
                    if (_editfound == 2)
                        _hwndDuration = hWnd;

                if (editText == "Advanced")
                    int Advancedhwnd = hWnd;
                //*****************************need to test after writing auto camera find stuff ***********************************
                if (editText == _nebCamera + " Setup")
                    if (_setupWindowFound == false)//picks first one
                        int Advhwnd = hWnd;
                        //   Log("Adv" + Advhwnd.ToString());
                        _setupWindowFound = true;
                if (editText == "Capture Series")
                    _captureMainhWnd = hWnd;
                if (editText == "Abort")

                    _aborthwnd = hWnd;
                    //   Log("Abort " + Aborthwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Frame and Focus")

                    _framehwnd = hWnd;
                    // Log("Frame " + Framehwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Fine Focus")

                    _finehwnd = hWnd;
                    //  Log("Fine " + Finehwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Load script")//not finding it
                    _loadScripthwnd = hWnd;
                    //   Log("LoadScript " + LoadScripthwnd.ToString());
            if (lParam == 2)//added to find handles of second instence of Neb
                if (editText == "panel")//doesn't work w/ msctls_statusbar32  either
                    _panelhwnd2 = hWnd;

                if (classtext == "Edit")
                    if (_editfound == 2)
                        _hwndDuration2 = hWnd;

                if (editText == "Advanced")
                    int Advancedhwnd2 = hWnd;
                    //    Advancedhwnd2 = hWnd;
                //*****************************need to test after writing auto camera find stuff ***********************************
                if (editText == _nebCamera + " Setup")
                    if (_setupWindowFound == false)//picks first one
                        int Advhwnd2 = hWnd;
                        //   Log("Adv" + Advhwnd.ToString());
                        _setupWindowFound = true;

                if (editText == "Abort")

                    _aborthwnd2 = hWnd;
                    //   Log("Abort " + Aborthwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Frame and Focus")

                    _framehwnd2 = hWnd;
                    // Log("Frame " + Framehwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Fine Focus")

                    _finehwnd2 = hWnd;
                    //  Log("Fine " + Finehwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Load script")//not finding it
                    _loadScripthwnd2 = hWnd;
                    //   Log("LoadScript " + LoadScripthwnd.ToString());

            if (L.ServerEnabled())
                if (editText == "GotoFocus")
                    _gotofocushwnd = hWnd;
                  //  Log("Slave Gotofocus handle found  " + _gotofocushwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Capture")
                    _capturehwnd = hWnd;
                //    Log("Slave Capture Handle Found  " + _capturehwnd.ToString());

                if (editText == "Flat")
                    _flathwnd = hWnd;
                  //  Log("Slave Flat handle found  " + _flathwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Pause")
                    _pausehwnd = hWnd;
                  //  Log("SlavePause Handle found  " + _pausehwnd.ToString());
                if (editText == "Not Connected")
                    _slaveStatushwnd = hWnd;
                  //  Log("Status Handle " + _slaveStatushwnd.ToString());


            //MessageBox.Show("Contains text of control "+ editText);
            return 1;
Beispiel #7
        public void WriteSQLdata()
                using (SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(conString))

                    int num =MainWindow.HFRarraymin;
                    int num2 =MainWindow.apexHFR;
                    int num4 = MainWindow.PosminHFR;
                    float up = (float)MainWindow.SlopeHFRup;
                    float down = (float)MainWindow.SlopeHFRdwn;
                    //row numbering  adds 1 to max value, allows for deletion of rows without number dulpication
                    //can always modify or re-number in excel then import
                    using (SqlCeCommand com1 = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT MAX (Number) FROM table1", con))
                        SqlCeDataReader reader = com1.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            if (reader.IsDBNull(0))
                                _rows = 0;
                                _rows = reader.GetInt32(0);

                    using (SqlCeCommand com = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO table1 (Date, PID, SlopeDWN, SlopeUP, Number, Equip, BestHFR, FocusPos) VALUES (@Date, @PID, @SlopeDWN, @SlopeUP, @Number, @equip, @BestHFR, @FocusPos)", con))

                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DateTime.Now);
                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SlopeDWN", down);
                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SlopeUP", up);
                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Number", _rows + 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
               m.Log("WriteSQLData Error" + ex.ToString());
Beispiel #8
        public void Update()
                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
                if (MainWindow.Eqiup == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Must select equipment first", "scopefocus", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
             //   Data d = new Data();

                //try adding std dev and display in textbox16
                // Std Dev UP
                if (this.dataGridView1.RowCount > 2)
                    List<double> StdDevCalcUP = new List<double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < (dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1); i++)

                    double standardDeviationUP = m.CalculateSD(StdDevCalcUP);
                    double sdUP = Math.Round(standardDeviationUP, 5);
                    m.TB16 = sdUP.ToString();
                /*  make sure there is enough data   *****remd 6-28.  not needed annoying
                if (dataGridView1.RowCount <= 2)
                    DialogResult result;
                    result = MessageBox.Show("Need More Data for Calculation", "scopefocus",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)

                //Std Dev DWN
                if (this.dataGridView1.RowCount > 2)
                    List<double> StdDevCalcDWN = new List<double>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < (dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1); i++)

                    double standardDeviationDWN = m.CalculateSD(StdDevCalcDWN);
                    double sdDWN = Math.Round(standardDeviationDWN, 5);
                    m.TB14 = sdDWN.ToString();
                /*    ****remd 6-29 not needed
                if (dataGridView1.RowCount <= 2)
                    DialogResult result;
                    result = MessageBox.Show("Need More Data for Calculation", "scopefocus",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
            catch (Exception ex)
              //  Log("Update Error - Line 1817" + ex.ToString());
Beispiel #9
        public void importDataFromExcel()
            string sSQLTable = "table1";
            //this works
            string myExcelDataQuery = "SELECT Date, PID, SlopeDWN, SlopeUP, Number, Equip, BestHFR, FocusPos FROM [Sheet1$]";
                if (MainWindow.ImportPath == null)

                    MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
                 //   DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
                //    ImportPath = openFileDialog1.FileName.ToString();
                  //  ImportPath = Filename;
                    m.TB34 = Filename;
                   // textBox34.Text = ImportPath.ToString();
                string sSqlConnectionString = conString;
                string sExcelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" +MainWindow.ImportPath + @";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1""";
                //  string sExcelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\Users\kevin\Documents\scopefocusData.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1""";

                string sClearSQL = "DELETE FROM " + sSQLTable;

                SqlCeConnection SqlConn = new SqlCeConnection(conString);
                SqlCeCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCeCommand(sClearSQL, SqlConn);
                OleDbConnection OleDbConn = new OleDbConnection(sExcelConnectionString);
                OleDbCommand OleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(myExcelDataQuery, OleDbConn);
                OleDbDataReader dr = OleDbCmd.ExecuteReader();
                using (SqlCeBulkCopy bc = new SqlCeBulkCopy(conString))
                    bc.DestinationTableName = "table1";

                MessageBox.Show("Data Import Successful", "scopefocus");
                MessageBox.Show("Import Failed", "scopefocus");
Beispiel #10
        //analyze SQL data
        public void GetAvg()
                using (SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(conString))
                    using (SqlCeCommand com = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT AVG(PID) FROM table1 WHERE Equip = @equip", con))
                        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@equip", MainWindow.Eqiup);
                        SqlCeDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                                int numb5 = reader.GetInt32(0);
                               MainWindow.EnteredPID = numb5;
                    using (SqlCeCommand com1 = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT AVG(SlopeDWN) FROM table1 WHERE Equip = @equip", con))
                        SqlCeDataReader reader1 = com1.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader1.Read())
                            if (!reader1.IsDBNull(0))
                                MainWindow main = new MainWindow();

                                double numb5 = reader1.GetDouble(0);
                                double numb5Rnd = Math.Round(numb5, 5);
                                main.TB3 = numb5Rnd.ToString();
                              // textBox3.Text = numb5Rnd.ToString();
                               MainWindow.EnteredSlopeDWN = numb5Rnd;


                    using (SqlCeCommand com2 = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT AVG(SlopeUP) FROM table1 WHERE Equip = @equip", con))
                        com2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@equip", MainWindow.Eqiup);
                        SqlCeDataReader reader2 = com2.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader2.Read())
                            if (!reader2.IsDBNull(0))
                                double numb5 = reader2.GetDouble(0);
                                double numb5Rnd = Math.Round(numb5, 5);
                                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
                                m.TB10 = numb5Rnd.ToString();
                               // textBox10.Text = numb5Rnd.ToString();
                               MainWindow.EnteredSlopeUP = numb5Rnd;
                    using (SqlCeCommand com3 = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT AVG(BestHFR) FROM table1 WHERE Equip = @equip", con))
                        com3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@equip", MainWindow.Eqiup);
                        SqlCeDataReader reader3 = com3.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader3.Read())
                            if (!reader3.IsDBNull(0))
                                int numb6 = reader3.GetInt32(0);
                                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
                                m.TB15 = numb6.ToString();
                               // textBox15.Text = numb6.ToString();
                    //   rem'd ****moved to mainWindow load so it puts focus position value in at startup
                    using (SqlCeCommand com4 = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT AVG(FocusPos) FROM table1 WHERE Equip = @equip", con))
                        com4.Parameters.AddWithValue("@equip", equip);
                        SqlCeDataReader reader4 = com4.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader4.Read())
                            if (!reader4.IsDBNull(0))
                                int numb7 = reader4.GetInt32(0);
                              //     textBox4.Text = numb7.ToString();******88888rem'd 4-10

            catch (Exception ex)
                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
                m.Log("GetAvg Error" + ex.ToString());
Beispiel #11
        public void FillData()
                using (SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(conString))
                    using (SqlCeDataAdapter a = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM table1", con))

                        DataTable t = new DataTable();
                        dataGridView1.DataSource = t;
                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
                ((DataTable)this.dataGridView1.DataSource).DefaultView.RowFilter = "Equip =" + "'" + m.TS3 + "'";
              //  ((DataTable)this.dataGridView1.DataSource).DefaultView.RowFilter = "Equip =" + "'" + m.toolStripStatusLabel3.Text.ToString() + "'";
                //   ((DataTable)this.dataGridView1.DataSource).DefaultView.RowFilter = "Equip =" + "'" + textBox13.Text.ToString() + "'";
            catch (Exception ex)
                MainWindow m = new MainWindow();
              m.Log("FillData Error" + ex.ToString());
Beispiel #12
        //start cygwin term, save log, execute tablist command
        public void tabList(string file)
                Process proc = new Process();
                proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
                proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe";
                // @"c:/cygwin/bin/mintty.exe";

                proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "--log /home/astro/text2.txt -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -";
                //creates text file of the cygwin terminal.
                //parse the needed info from the txt file

                StreamWriter sw = proc.StandardInput;
                StreamReader reader = proc.StandardOutput;
                //  StreamReader sr = proc.StandardOutput;
                StreamReader se = proc.StandardError;
                sw.AutoFlush = true;
                //    string command = "./tablist " +  "solve.xyls";
                SendKeys.Send("cd" + " " + "/home/astro");
                // SendKeys.Send("solve-field" + " " + "--sigma" + " " + "100" + " " + "-L" + " " + "0.5" + " " + "-H" + " " + "2" + " " + Path.GetFileName(solveImage));




            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();

                L.Log("tablist.exe failed");
                L.FileLog("tablist.exe failed:  " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #13
        //*****combine w/ parse XY  ***** only diff is command
        private void ParseRD()
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                int count;
                string find = "   1 ";
                //    int pos = 0;

                string commandRD = "./tablist " + "solve.rdls";
                //not reading a new text2 file w/ RD data...its using the prev XY one....

                StreamReader reader2 = new StreamReader(@"c:\cygwin\home\astro\text2.txt"); //read the cygwin log file
                //  reader = FileInfo.OpenText("filename.txt");
                string line2;
                // while ((line = reader.ReadToEnd()) != null) {
                line2 = reader2.ReadToEnd();
                string[] items2 = line2.Split('\n');

                //   string[,] FieldLine2 = new String[4, 2];
                // string find = "   1 ";
                //   int pos = 0;
                RDfound = false;
                count = 0;
                L.FileLog("     RA     " + "    Dec     ");
                foreach (string item2 in items2)

                    if (item2.Contains(find) && count < 10)
                        //   Log("found pos " + pos.ToString());
                        //   Log("RA Dec data
                        RDfound = true;

                    if (RDfound && count < 10)

                        //get and item for each x and y (then RA and DEc...later)
                        // 4 x 2 array with x,y of first 4 stars
                        starsRD[count, 0] = Convert.ToDouble(item2.Substring(12, 15));
                        starsRD[count, 1] = Convert.ToDouble(item2.Substring(34, 15));
                        // int nextSpace = IndexOfSecond(item, "        ");
                        //FieldLine2[count, 1] = item2.Substring(34, 15);

                        L.FileLog(starsRD[count, 0] + "    " + starsRD[count, 1]);



                if (!RDfound)
                    L.Log("ParseRD Error - Aborted");

            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                L.Log("failed to parse RA/Dec data");
                L.FileLog("failed to parse RA/Dec data:  " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #14
        private void cramersRule()
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                double centerDec = DEC;
                double centerRA = RA;
                if (DEC == 0 || RA == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("must slew to plate solve location first");
                var FL = 1;//arbitrary
                var dr = Math.PI / 180;
                double a0 = centerRA * dr;  // was * 15 as well
                double a0deg = centerRA;// was * 15
                double d0 = centerDec * dr;
                double d0deg = centerDec;
                var n = 10; //number of stars
                var sd = Math.Sin(d0);
                var cd = Math.Cos(d0);
                double[] ra = new double[10];
                double[] rd = new double[10];
                double r1 = 0;
                double r2 = 0;
                double r3 = 0;
                double r7 = 0;
                double r8 = 0;
                double r9 = 0;
                double xs = 0;
                double ys = 0;
                double[,] r = new double[10, 9];
                double[] starsY1 = new double[10];
                double[] starsX1 = new double[10];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    starsRD[i, 0] = starsRD[i, 0] * dr;// was * 15 as well
                    starsRD[i, 1] = starsRD[i, 1] * dr;

                for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)

                    var sj = Math.Sin(starsRD[j, 1]);
                    var cj = Math.Cos(starsRD[j, 1]);
                    var hh = sj * sd + cj * cd * Math.Cos(starsRD[j, 0] - a0);
                    starsX1[j] = cj * Math.Sin(starsRD[j, 0] - a0) / hh;
                    starsY1[j] = (sj * cd - cj * sd * Math.Cos(starsRD[j, 0] - a0)) / hh;
                for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    xs = (xs) + (starsXY[j, 0]);
                    ys = (ys) + (starsXY[j, 1]);
                    r[j, 0] = starsXY[j, 0] * starsXY[j, 0];
                    r1 = (r1) + (r[j, 0]);
                    r[j, 1] = starsXY[j, 1] * starsXY[j, 1];
                    r2 = (r2) + (r[j, 1]);
                    r[j, 2] = starsXY[j, 0] * starsXY[j, 1];
                    r3 = (r3) + (r[j, 2]);
                    r[j, 6] = starsY1[j] - starsXY[j, 1] / FL;
                    r7 = (r7) + (r[j, 6]);
                    r[j, 7] = r[j, 6] * starsXY[j, 0];
                    r8 = (r8) + (r[j, 7]);
                    r[j, 8] = r[j, 6] * starsXY[j, 1];
                    r9 = (r9) + (r[j, 8]);
                // Now solve for plate constants d, e, f, by Cramer's Rule
                var dd = r1 * (r2 * n - ys * ys) - r3 * (r3 * n - xs * ys) + xs * (r3 * ys - xs * r2);
                var ddd = r8 * (r2 * n - ys * ys) - r3 * (r9 * n - r7 * ys) + xs * (r9 * ys - r7 * r2);
                var eee = r1 * (r9 * n - r7 * ys) - r8 * (r3 * n - xs * ys) + xs * (r3 * r7 - xs * r9);
                var fff = r1 * (r2 * r7 - ys * r9) - r3 * (r3 * r7 - xs * r9) + r8 * (r3 * ys - xs * r2);
                ddd = ddd / dd;
                eee = eee / dd;
                fff = fff / dd;
                double r4 = 0;
                double r5 = 0;
                double r6 = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    r[j, 3] = starsX1[j] - starsXY[j, 0] / FL;
                    r4 = (r4) + (r[j, 3]);
                    r[j, 4] = r[j, 3] * starsXY[j, 0];
                    r5 = (r5) + (r[j, 4]);
                    r[j, 5] = r[j, 3] * starsXY[j, 1];
                    r6 = (r6) + (r[j, 5]);
                // Now solve for plate constants a, b, c, by Cramer's Rule
                var aaa = r5 * (r2 * n - ys * ys) - r3 * (r6 * n - r4 * ys) + xs * (r6 * ys - r4 * r2);
                var bbb = r1 * (r6 * n - r4 * ys) - r5 * (r3 * n - xs * ys) + xs * (r3 * r4 - xs * r6);
                var ccc = r1 * (r2 * r4 - ys * r6) - r3 * (r3 * r4 - xs * r6) + r5 * (r3 * ys - xs * r2);
                aaa = aaa / dd;
                bbb = bbb / dd;
                ccc = ccc / dd;
                //Log("a = " + aaa.ToString());
                //Log("b = "  + bbb.ToString());
                //Log("c = " + ccc.ToString());
                //Log("d = " + ddd.ToString());
                //Log("e = " + eee.ToString());
                //Log("f = " + fff.ToString());
                // Now find the rms residuals
                double s = 0;//orig is as
                double ds = 0;
                double res2 = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    ra[j] = starsXY[j, 0] - FL * (starsX1[j] - (aaa * starsXY[j, 0] + bbb * starsXY[j, 1] + ccc));
                    rd[j] = starsXY[j, 1] - FL * (starsY1[j] - (ddd * starsXY[j, 0] + eee * starsXY[j, 1] + fff));
                    s = (s) + Math.Pow(ra[j], 2);
                    ds = (ds) + Math.Pow(rd[j], 2);
                    res2 = (res2) + Math.Pow(ra[j], 2) + Math.Pow(rd[j], 2);
                double xt;
                double yt;
                //if (checkBox31.Checked == true)
                //     int StatusstripHandle = FindWindowEx(Handles.NebhWnd, 0, "msctls_statusbar32", null);

                //         IntPtr statusHandle = new IntPtr(StatusstripHandle);
                //         StatusHelper sh = new StatusHelper(statusHandle);

                //    int comma = sh.Captions[2].IndexOf(",");
                //    int length = sh.Captions[2].Length;
                //         xt = Convert.ToDouble(sh.Captions[2].Substring(0,comma));
                //         yt = Convert.ToDouble(sh.Captions[2].Substring(comma,length));
                //    Log("X = " + xt.ToString() + "     Y = " + yt.ToString());
                //    }

                //         else
                //         {

                xt = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);//arbitrary for now //input x pixel for target
                yt = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
                L.FileLog("Offset X = " + xt.ToString() + "     Y = " + yt.ToString());
                L.FileLog("Using solved Image CenterRA = " + centerRA.ToString() + "    CenterDec = " + centerDec.ToString());
                //  }
                var sigma1 = Math.Sqrt(s / (n - 3));
                var sigma2 = Math.Sqrt(ds / (n - 3));
                var sigma3 = (sigma1 / FL) * 3600 / (dr * 15 * Math.Cos(d0));
                var sigma4 = (sigma2 / FL) * 3600 / dr;
                var sigma5 = Math.Sqrt(res2 / (n - 3));
                var sigma6 = (sigma5 / FL) * 3600 / dr;
                L.Log("RMS residual RA = " + sigma3.ToString() + " arcsec");
                L.FileLog("RMS residual RA = " + sigma3.ToString() + " arcsec");
                L.Log("RMS residual Dec = " + sigma4.ToString() + " arcsec");
                L.FileLog("RMS residual Dec = " + sigma4.ToString() + " arcsec");
                L.Log("RMS residual = " + sigma6.ToString() + " arcsec");
                L.FileLog("RMS residual = " + sigma6.ToString() + " arcsec");
                // form.sigma3.value = sigma3;//****not sure what these are...
                //  form.sigma4.value = sigma4;
                //  form.sigma6.value = sigma6;
                // Compute the standard coordinates of target
                //  result = xy(form.xyt.value);
                //   var xt = result.x;  var yt = result.y;
                // var a0 = nRA * 15 * dr;
                //  var a0 = centerRA * 15 * dr;
                var xx = aaa * xt + bbb * yt + ccc + xt / FL;
                var yy = ddd * xt + eee * yt + fff + yt / FL;
                bbb = cd - yy * sd;
                var g = Math.Sqrt((xx * xx) + (bbb * bbb));
                // Find right ascension of target
                var a5 = Math.Atan(xx / bbb);
                if (bbb < 0) a5 = a5 + Math.PI;
                var a6 = (a5) + (a0);
                if (a6 > 2 * Math.PI) a6 = a6 - 2 * Math.PI;
                if (a6 < 0) a6 = (a6) + 2 * Math.PI;
                centerHereRA = a6 / (dr * 15);//was * 15

                L.Log("Calculated RA = " + centerHereRA.ToString());

                // result = sexagesimal(v);  //use this to convert to hh:mm:ss
                //  var ia1=result.hours;
                //  var ia2=result.minutes;
                //  var a3=result.seconds;
                // Find declination of target
                double d6 = Math.Atan((sd + yy * cd) / g);
                centerHereDec = d6 / dr;
                L.Log("Calculated Dec = " + centerHereDec.ToString());
                L.FileLog("Calculated Offset:  Dec = " + centerHereDec.ToString() + "     RA = " + centerHereRA.ToString());
                // result = sexagesimal(v);
                //  var id1=result.hours;
                //   var id2=result.minutes;
                //  var d3=result.seconds;
                //  form.radect.value = ia1+" "+ia2+" "+a3+" "+id1+" "+id2+" "+d3;

            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow L = new MainWindow();
                L.Log("Calculation failed");
               L. FileLog("Calculation Failed :  " + e.ToString());