Beispiel #1
        // Called with number of bytes left to write in window at least 258
        // (the maximum string length) and number of input bytes available
        // at least ten.  The ten bytes are six bytes for the longest length/
        // distance pair plus four bytes for overloading the bit buffer.

        internal static int InflateFast(int bl, int bd, int[] tl, int tl_index, int[] td, int td_index, InflateBlocks s,
                                        ZlibCodec z)
            int t;            // temporary pointer

            int[] tp;         // temporary pointer
            int   tp_index;   // temporary pointer
            int   e;          // extra bits or operation
            int   b;          // bit buffer
            int   k;          // bits in bit buffer
            int   p;          // input data pointer
            int   n;          // bytes available there
            int   q;          // output window write pointer
            int   m;          // bytes to end of window or read pointer
            int   ml;         // mask for literal/length tree
            int   md;         // mask for distance tree
            int   c;          // bytes to copy
            int   d;          // distance back to copy from
            int   r;          // copy source pointer

            int tp_index_t_3; // (tp_index+t)*3

            // load input, output, bit values
            p = z.NextIn;
            n = z.AvailableBytesIn;
            b = s.bitb;
            k = s.bitk;
            q = s.writeAt;
            m = q < s.readAt ? s.readAt - q - 1 : s.end - q;

            // initialize masks
            ml = InternalInflateConstants.InflateMask[bl];
            md = InternalInflateConstants.InflateMask[bd];

            // do until not enough input or output space for fast loop
                // assume called with m >= 258 && n >= 10
                // get literal/length code
                while (k < 20)
                    // max bits for literal/length code
                    b |= (z.InputBuffer[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                    k += 8;

                t            = b & ml;
                tp           = tl;
                tp_index     = tl_index;
                tp_index_t_3 = (tp_index + t) * 3;
                if ((e = tp[tp_index_t_3]) == 0)
                    b >>= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];
                    k  -= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];

                    s.window[q++] = (byte)tp[tp_index_t_3 + 2];

                    b >>= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];
                    k  -= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];

                    if ((e & 16) != 0)
                        e &= 15;
                        c  = tp[tp_index_t_3 + 2] + (b & InternalInflateConstants.InflateMask[e]);

                        b >>= e;
                        k  -= e;

                        // decode distance base of block to copy
                        while (k < 15)
                            // max bits for distance code
                            b |= (z.InputBuffer[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                            k += 8;

                        t            = b & md;
                        tp           = td;
                        tp_index     = td_index;
                        tp_index_t_3 = (tp_index + t) * 3;
                        e            = tp[tp_index_t_3];

                            b >>= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];
                            k  -= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];

                            if ((e & 16) != 0)
                                // get extra bits to add to distance base
                                e &= 15;
                                while (k < e)
                                    // get extra bits (up to 13)
                                    b |= (z.InputBuffer[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                                    k += 8;

                                d = tp[tp_index_t_3 + 2] + (b & InternalInflateConstants.InflateMask[e]);

                                b >>= e;
                                k  -= e;

                                // do the copy
                                m -= c;
                                if (q >= d)
                                    // offset before dest
                                    //  just copy
                                    r = q - d;
                                    if (q - r > 0 && 2 > q - r)
                                        s.window[q++] = s.window[r++]; // minimum count is three,
                                        s.window[q++] = s.window[r++]; // so unroll loop a little
                                        c            -= 2;
                                        Array.Copy(s.window, r, s.window, q, 2);
                                        q += 2;
                                        r += 2;
                                        c -= 2;
                                    // else offset after destination
                                    r = q - d;
                                        r += s.end;  // force pointer in window
                                    } while (r < 0); // covers invalid distances

                                    e = s.end - r;
                                    if (c > e)
                                        // if source crosses,
                                        c -= e; // wrapped copy
                                        if (q - r > 0 && e > q - r)
                                                s.window[q++] = s.window[r++];
                                            } while (--e != 0);
                                            Array.Copy(s.window, r, s.window, q, e);
                                            q += e;

                                        r = 0; // copy rest from start of window

                                // copy all or what's left
                                if (q - r > 0 && c > q - r)
                                        s.window[q++] = s.window[r++];
                                    } while (--c != 0);
                                    Array.Copy(s.window, r, s.window, q, c);
                                    q += c;


                            if ((e & 64) == 0)
                                t           += tp[tp_index_t_3 + 2];
                                t           += b & InternalInflateConstants.InflateMask[e];
                                tp_index_t_3 = (tp_index + t) * 3;
                                e            = tp[tp_index_t_3];
                                z.Message = "invalid distance code";

                                c  = z.AvailableBytesIn - n;
                                c  = k >> 3 < c ? k >> 3 : c;
                                n += c;
                                p -= c;
                                k -= c << 3;

                                s.bitb             = b;
                                s.bitk             = k;
                                z.AvailableBytesIn = n;
                                z.TotalBytesIn    += p - z.NextIn;
                                z.NextIn           = p;
                                s.writeAt          = q;

                        } while (true);


                    if ((e & 64) == 0)
                        t           += tp[tp_index_t_3 + 2];
                        t           += b & InternalInflateConstants.InflateMask[e];
                        tp_index_t_3 = (tp_index + t) * 3;
                        if ((e = tp[tp_index_t_3]) == 0)
                            b           >>= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];
                            k            -= tp[tp_index_t_3 + 1];
                            s.window[q++] = (byte)tp[tp_index_t_3 + 2];
                    else if ((e & 32) != 0)
                        c  = z.AvailableBytesIn - n;
                        c  = k >> 3 < c ? k >> 3 : c;
                        n += c;
                        p -= c;
                        k -= c << 3;

                        s.bitb             = b;
                        s.bitk             = k;
                        z.AvailableBytesIn = n;
                        z.TotalBytesIn    += p - z.NextIn;
                        z.NextIn           = p;
                        s.writeAt          = q;

                        z.Message = "invalid literal/length code";

                        c  = z.AvailableBytesIn - n;
                        c  = k >> 3 < c ? k >> 3 : c;
                        n += c;
                        p -= c;
                        k -= c << 3;

                        s.bitb             = b;
                        s.bitk             = k;
                        z.AvailableBytesIn = n;
                        z.TotalBytesIn    += p - z.NextIn;
                        z.NextIn           = p;
                        s.writeAt          = q;

                } while (true);
            } while (m >= 258 && n >= 10);

            // not enough input or output--restore pointers and return
            c  = z.AvailableBytesIn - n;
            c  = k >> 3 < c ? k >> 3 : c;
            n += c;
            p -= c;
            k -= c << 3;

            s.bitb             = b;
            s.bitk             = k;
            z.AvailableBytesIn = n;
            z.TotalBytesIn    += p - z.NextIn;
            z.NextIn           = p;
            s.writeAt          = q;
