Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to write ITEM-CODE and ITEM-DESCRIPTION entries to enable import of the PCF file into the Plant 3D "PLANTPCFTOISO" command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The current element being written.</param>
        /// <returns>StringBuilder containing the entries.</returns>
        public static StringBuilder Plant3DIsoWriter(Element element, Document doc)
            //If an element has EXISTING in it's PCF_ELEM_SPEC the writing of ITEM-CODE will be skipped, making Plant 3D ISO treat it as existing.
            pdef      elemSpec = new plst().PCF_ELEM_SPEC;
            Parameter pm       = element.get_Parameter(elemSpec.Guid);

            if (string.Equals(pm.AsString(), "EXISTING"))
                return(new StringBuilder());

            //Write ITEM-CODE et al
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            pdef matId    = new plst().PCF_MAT_ID;
            pdef matDescr = new plst().PCF_MAT_DESCR;

            int    itemCode  = element.get_Parameter(matId.Guid).AsInteger();
            string itemDescr = element.get_Parameter(matDescr.Guid).AsString();
            string key       = MepUtils.GetElementPipingSystemType(element, doc).Abbreviation;

            sb.AppendLine("    ITEM-CODE " + key + "-" + itemCode);
            sb.AppendLine("    ITEM-DESCRIPTION " + itemDescr);

Beispiel #2
        private Connector DetectUnconnectedConnector(Document doc, Connector knownCon)
            var allCons = MepUtils.GetALLConnectorsInDocument(doc);

            return(allCons.Where(c => c.Equalz(knownCon, 0.00328) && c.Owner.Id.IntegerValue != knownCon.Owner.Id.IntegerValue).FirstOrDefault());
Beispiel #3
        //Choose one and traverse in both directions finding other supports on same pipe
        //Continue conditions:
        //  1. Element is Pipe -> add to brokenPipesList, continue
        //      a. AND PipingSystemAbbreviation remains unchanged
        //      b. AND PCF_ELEM_SPEC remains unchanged
        //  2. Element is PipeAccessory and is one of the Support family instances -> add to supports on pipe
        //Break conditions:
        //  1. Element is PipeFitting -> Break
        //  2. Element is PipeAccessory and NOT an instance of a Support family -> Break
        //  3. Element is Pipe AND PipingSystemAbbreviation changes -> Break
        //  4. Element is Pipe AND PCF_ELEM_SPEC changes -> Break
        //  5. Free end -> Break

        public void Traverse(Document doc)
            //Get connectors from the Seed Element
            Cons cons = MepUtils.GetConnectors(SeedElement);
            //Assign the connectors from the support to the two directions
            Connector firstSideCon = cons.Primary; Connector secondSideCon = cons.Secondary;

            #region SpecFinder
            //The spec of the support can be different from the pipe's
            //It is decided that the spec of the pipe is decisive
            //This means spec must be determined before loop starts
            //ATTENTION: If pipes on both sides have different spec -> no traversal needed -> the support is placed at a natural boundary

            Connector refFirstCon = null; Connector refSecondCon = null;

            if (firstSideCon.IsConnected)
                var refFirstCons = MepUtils.GetAllConnectorsFromConnectorSet(firstSideCon.AllRefs);
                refFirstCon = refFirstCons.Where(x => x.Owner.IsType <Pipe>()).FirstOrDefault();
                refFirstCon = DetectUnconnectedConnector(doc, firstSideCon);

            if (secondSideCon.IsConnected)
                var refSecondCons = MepUtils.GetAllConnectorsFromConnectorSet(secondSideCon.AllRefs);
                refSecondCon = refSecondCons.Where(x => x.Owner.IsType <Pipe>()).FirstOrDefault();
                refSecondCon = DetectUnconnectedConnector(doc, secondSideCon);

            string firstSpec = ""; string secondSpec = ""; string spec = "";

            if (refFirstCon != null)
                Element el = refFirstCon.Owner;
                firstSpec = el.get_Parameter(new plst().PCF_ELEM_SPEC.Guid).AsString();
            if (refSecondCon != null)
                Element el = refSecondCon.Owner;
                secondSpec = el.get_Parameter(new plst().PCF_ELEM_SPEC.Guid).AsString();

            if (firstSpec.IsNullOrEmpty() && secondSpec.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return;                                                          //<- Both empty
            if (!firstSpec.IsNullOrEmpty() && secondSpec.IsNullOrEmpty())
                spec = firstSpec;                                                           //<- First not empty, but second
            else if (firstSpec.IsNullOrEmpty() && !secondSpec.IsNullOrEmpty())
                spec = secondSpec;                                                                //<- Second not empty, but first
                if (firstSpec == secondSpec)
                    spec = firstSpec;
                    return;  //<- Different specs -> support is at natural boundary

            //Loop controller
            bool Continue = true;
            //Side controller
            bool firstSideDone = false;
            //Loop variables
            Connector start = null;
            //Initialize first loop
            start = firstSideCon;
            //Loop guard
            int i = 0;

            while (Continue)
                //Loop guard, if too many iterations something is wrong
                if (i > 10000)
                    throw new Exception("Traverse loop in BrokenPipes has reached 10000 iterations -> something is wrong! \n" +
                                        "Do you really have 10000 pipe pieces?");

                //Using a seed connector, "start", get the next element
                //If "start" does not yield a connector to continue on -> stop this side
                //Determine if next element is eligible for continue
                //If yes, add element to collections, get next connector
                //If not, continue next side if side not already done

                Connector refCon;

                if (start.IsConnected)
                    var refCons = MepUtils.GetAllConnectorsFromConnectorSet(start.AllRefs); //<- DOES ALLREFS RETURN NULL IF EMPTY???
                    refCon = refCons.Where(x => x.Owner.IsType <Pipe>() || x.Owner.IsType <FamilyInstance>()).FirstOrDefault();
                    refCon = DetectUnconnectedConnector(doc, start);

                //Break condition 5: Free end
                if (refCon == null) //Dead end
                    if (firstSideDone == false)
                        //Dead end -> first side done -> continue second side
                        firstSideDone = true; start = secondSideCon; continue;
                        Continue = false; break;
                    }                                 //Dead end -> both sides done -> end traversal loop

                Element elementToConsider = refCon.Owner;

                //Determine if the element is a support
                bool isSupport = elementToConsider.ComponentClass1(doc) == "Pipe Support";

                //Continuation 1a
                string elementSysAbr = elementToConsider.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_ABBREVIATION_PARAM).AsString();
                if (CurSysAbr != elementSysAbr)
                    if (firstSideDone == false)
                        //Dead end -> first side done -> continue second side
                        firstSideDone = true; start = secondSideCon; continue;
                        Continue = false; break;
                    }                                 //Dead end -> both sides done -> end traversal

                //Continuation 1b
                string elementSpec = elementToConsider.get_Parameter(new plst().PCF_ELEM_SPEC.Guid).AsString();
                if (spec != elementSpec && !isSupport) //The spec can be different for another support on the pipe, so it must accept those
                    if (firstSideDone == false)
                        //Dead end -> first side done -> continue second side
                        firstSideDone = true; start = secondSideCon; continue;
                        Continue = false; break;
                    }                                 //Dead end -> both sides done -> end traversal

                switch (elementToConsider)
                //Remove from pipeList, add to brokenPipesList, continue
                case Pipe pipe:
                    start = (from Connector c in pipe.ConnectorManager.Connectors     //Find next seed connector
                             where c.Id != refCon.Id && (int)c.ConnectorType == 1
                             select c).FirstOrDefault();

                case FamilyInstance fi:
                    //Break condition 1: Element is a fitting
                    if (elementToConsider.Category.Id.IntegerValue == (int)BuiltInCategory.OST_PipeFitting)
                        if (firstSideDone == false)
                            //Dead end -> first side done -> continue second side
                            firstSideDone = true; start = secondSideCon; continue;
                            Continue = false; break;
                        }                                     //Dead end -> both sides done -> end traversal
                    //Break condition 2: Element is a PipeAccessory and NOT a support
                    if (elementToConsider.Category.Id.IntegerValue == (int)BuiltInCategory.OST_PipeAccessory &&
                        if (firstSideDone == false)
                            //Dead end -> first side done -> continue second side
                            firstSideDone = true; start = secondSideCon; continue;
                            Continue = false; break;
                        }                                     //Dead end -> both sides done -> end traversal
                    //If execution reaches this part, then the element is a support and is eligible for consideration
                    //Find next seed connector
                    Cons supportCons = MepUtils.GetConnectors(elementToConsider);
                    if (refCon.GetMEPConnectorInfo().IsPrimary)
                        start = supportCons.Secondary;
                        start = supportCons.Primary;


Beispiel #4
        public static void SetWallThicknessPipes(HashSet <Element> elements)
            //Wallthicknes for pipes are hardcoded until further notice
            //Values are from 10216-2 - Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes
            //TODO: Implement a way to read values from excel
            Dictionary <int, string> pipeWallThk = new Dictionary <int, string>
                [10]  = "1.8 mm",
                [15]  = "2 mm",
                [20]  = "2.3 mm",
                [25]  = "2.6 mm",
                [32]  = "2.6 mm",
                [40]  = "2.6 mm",
                [50]  = "2.9 mm",
                [65]  = "2.9 mm",
                [80]  = "3.2 mm",
                [100] = "3.6 mm",
                [125] = "4 mm",
                [150] = "4.5 mm",
                [200] = "6.3 mm",
                [250] = "6.3 mm",
                [300] = "7.1 mm",
                [350] = "8 mm",
                [400] = "8.8 mm",
                [450] = "10 mm",
                [500] = "11 mm",
                [600] = "12.5 mm"

            pdef wallThkDef = new plst().PCF_ELEM_CII_WALLTHK;
            pdef elemType   = new plst().PCF_ELEM_TYPE;

            foreach (Element element in elements)
                //See if the parameter already has value and skip element if it has
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.get_Parameter(wallThkDef.Guid).AsString()))
                if (element.get_Parameter(elemType.Guid).AsString().Equals("SUPPORT"))

                //Retrieve the correct wallthickness from dictionary and set it on the element
                Parameter wallThkParameter = element.get_Parameter(wallThkDef.Guid);

                //Get connector set for the pipes
                ConnectorSet connectorSet = MepUtils.GetConnectorManager(element).Connectors;

                Connector c1 = null;

                if (element is Pipe)
                    //Filter out non-end types of connectors
                    c1 = (from Connector connector in connectorSet
                          where connector.ConnectorType.ToString().Equals("End")
                          select connector).FirstOrDefault();

                if (element is FamilyInstance)
                    c1 = (from Connector connector in connectorSet
                          where connector.GetMEPConnectorInfo().IsPrimary
                          select connector).FirstOrDefault();
                    Connector c2 = (from Connector connector in connectorSet
                                    where connector.GetMEPConnectorInfo().IsSecondary
                                    select connector).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (c2 != null)
                        if (c1.Radius > c2.Radius)
                            c1 = c2;

                string data   = string.Empty;
                string source = Conversion.PipeSizeToMm(c1.Radius);
                int    dia    = Convert.ToInt32(source);
                pipeWallThk.TryGetValue(dia, out data);