SetWearable() public method

public SetWearable ( int wearableId, AvatarWearable wearable ) : void
wearableId int
wearable AvatarWearable
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialization of agent data.
        /// Avoiding reflection makes it painful to write, but that's the price!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public virtual void Unpack(OSDMap args)
            // DEBUG ON
            m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] Unpack data");
            // DEBUG OFF

            if (args.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                UUID.TryParse(args["region_id"].AsString(), out RegionID);

            if (args["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse((string)args["circuit_code"].AsString(), out CircuitCode);

            if (args["agent_uuid"] != null)
                AgentID = args["agent_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["session_uuid"] != null)
                SessionID = args["session_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["position"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["position"].AsString(), out Position);

            if (args["velocity"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["velocity"].AsString(), out Velocity);

            if (args["center"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["center"].AsString(), out Center);

            if (args["size"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["size"].AsString(), out Size);

            if (args["at_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["at_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["left_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["left_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["up_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["up_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["changed_grid"] != null)
                ChangedGrid = args["changed_grid"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["far"] != null)
                Far = (float)(args["far"].AsReal());

            if (args["aspect"] != null)
                Aspect = (float)args["aspect"].AsReal();

            if (args["throttles"] != null)
                Throttles = args["throttles"].AsBinary();

            if (args["locomotion_state"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["locomotion_state"].AsString(), out LocomotionState);

            if (args["head_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["head_rotation"].AsString(), out HeadRotation);

            if (args["body_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["body_rotation"].AsString(), out BodyRotation);

            if (args["control_flags"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["control_flags"].AsString(), out ControlFlags);

            if (args["energy_level"] != null)
                EnergyLevel = (float)(args["energy_level"].AsReal());

            //This IS checked later
            if (args["god_level"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["god_level"].AsString(), out GodLevel);

            if (args["speed"] != null)
                float.TryParse(args["speed"].AsString(), out Speed);
                Speed = 1;

            if (args["draw_distance"] != null)
                float.TryParse(args["draw_distance"].AsString(), out DrawDistance);
                DrawDistance = 0;

            //Reset this to fix movement... since regions are being bad about this
            if (Speed == 0)
                Speed = 1;

            if (args["always_run"] != null)
                AlwaysRun = args["always_run"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["sent_initial_wearables"] != null)
                SentInitialWearables = args["sent_initial_wearables"].AsBoolean();
                SentInitialWearables = false;

            if (args["prey_agent"] != null)
                PreyAgent = args["prey_agent"].AsUUID();

            if (args["agent_access"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["agent_access"].AsString(), out AgentAccess);

            if (args["active_group_id"] != null)
                ActiveGroupID = args["active_group_id"].AsUUID();

            if ((args["groups"] != null) && (args["groups"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray groups = (OSDArray)(args["groups"]);
                Groups = new AgentGroupData[groups.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in groups)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Groups[i++] = new AgentGroupData((OSDMap)o);

            if ((args["animations"] != null) && (args["animations"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray anims = (OSDArray)(args["animations"]);
                Anims = new Animation[anims.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in anims)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Anims[i++] = new Animation((OSDMap)o);

            //if ((args["agent_textures"] != null) && (args["agent_textures"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
            //    OSDArray textures = (OSDArray)(args["agent_textures"]);
            //    AgentTextures = new UUID[textures.Count];
            //    int i = 0;
            //    foreach (OSD o in textures)
            //        AgentTextures[i++] = o.AsUUID();

            Appearance = new AvatarAppearance(AgentID);

            // The code to unpack textures, visuals, wearables and attachments
            // should be removed; packed appearance contains the full appearance
            // This is retained for backward compatibility only
            if (args["texture_entry"] != null)
                byte[] rawtextures = args["texture_entry"].AsBinary();
                Primitive.TextureEntry textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(rawtextures, 0, rawtextures.Length);
                List<UUID> changed = new List<UUID>();
                Appearance.SetTextureEntries(textures, out changed);

            if (args["visual_params"] != null)

            if ((args["wearables"] != null) && (args["wearables"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray wears = (OSDArray)(args["wearables"]);
                for (int i = 0; i < wears.Count / 2; i++)
                    AvatarWearable awear = new AvatarWearable((OSDArray)wears[i]);
                    Appearance.SetWearable(i, awear);

            if ((args["attachments"] != null) && (args["attachments"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attachs = (OSDArray)(args["attachments"]);
                foreach (OSD o in attachs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        // We know all of these must end up as attachments so we
                        // append rather than replace to ensure multiple attachments
                        // per point continues to work
                        Appearance.AppendAttachment(new AvatarAttachment((OSDMap)o));
            // end of code to remove

            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance(AgentID, (OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
            // DEBUG ON
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance");
            // DEBUG OFF

            if ((args["controllers"] != null) && (args["controllers"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray controls = (OSDArray)(args["controllers"]);
                Controllers = new ControllerData[controls.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in controls)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Controllers[i++] = new ControllerData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["callback_uri"] != null)
                CallbackURI = args["callback_uri"].AsString();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by establishAppearance to do a copy all inventory items
        /// worn or attached to the Clothing inventory folder of the receiving avatar.
        /// In parallel the avatar wearables and attachments are updated.
        /// </summary>

        private void CopyWearablesAndAttachments(UUID destination, UUID source, AvatarAppearance avatarAppearance)
            IInventoryService inventoryService = m_application.SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene.InventoryService;

            // Get Clothing folder of receiver
            InventoryFolderBase destinationFolder = inventoryService.GetFolderForType(destination, AssetType.Clothing);

            if (destinationFolder == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot locate folder(s)");

            // Missing destination folder? This should *never* be the case
            if (destinationFolder.Type != (short)AssetType.Clothing)
                destinationFolder = new InventoryFolderBase();
                destinationFolder.ID       = UUID.Random();
                destinationFolder.Name     = "Clothing";
                destinationFolder.Owner    = destination;
                destinationFolder.Type     = (short)AssetType.Clothing;
                destinationFolder.ParentID = inventoryService.GetRootFolder(destination).ID;
                destinationFolder.Version  = 1;
                inventoryService.AddFolder(destinationFolder);     // store base record
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN]: Created folder for destination {0}", source);

            // Wearables
            AvatarWearable[] wearables = avatarAppearance.Wearables;
            AvatarWearable wearable;

            for (int i=0; i<wearables.Length; i++)
                wearable = wearables[i];
                if (wearable[0].ItemID != UUID.Zero)
                    // Get inventory item and copy it
                    InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(wearable[0].ItemID, source);
                    item = inventoryService.GetItem(item);

                    if (item != null)
                        InventoryItemBase destinationItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), destination);
                        destinationItem.Name = item.Name;
                        destinationItem.Owner = destination;
                        destinationItem.Description = item.Description;
                        destinationItem.InvType = item.InvType;
                        destinationItem.CreatorId = item.CreatorId;
                        destinationItem.CreatorIdAsUuid = item.CreatorIdAsUuid;
                        destinationItem.CreatorData = item.CreatorData;
                        destinationItem.NextPermissions = item.NextPermissions;
                        destinationItem.CurrentPermissions = item.CurrentPermissions;
                        destinationItem.BasePermissions = item.BasePermissions;
                        destinationItem.EveryOnePermissions = item.EveryOnePermissions;
                        destinationItem.GroupPermissions = item.GroupPermissions;
                        destinationItem.AssetType = item.AssetType;
                        destinationItem.AssetID = item.AssetID;
                        destinationItem.GroupID = item.GroupID;
                        destinationItem.GroupOwned = item.GroupOwned;
                        destinationItem.SalePrice = item.SalePrice;
                        destinationItem.SaleType = item.SaleType;
                        destinationItem.Flags = item.Flags;
                        destinationItem.CreationDate = item.CreationDate;
                        destinationItem.Folder = destinationFolder.ID;

                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Added item {0} to folder {1}", destinationItem.ID, destinationFolder.ID);

                        // Wear item
                        AvatarWearable newWearable = new AvatarWearable();
                        newWearable.Wear(destinationItem.ID, wearable[0].AssetID);
                        avatarAppearance.SetWearable(i, newWearable);
                        m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Error transferring {0} to folder {1}", wearable[0].ItemID, destinationFolder.ID);

            // Attachments
            List<AvatarAttachment> attachments = avatarAppearance.GetAttachments();

            foreach (AvatarAttachment attachment in attachments)
                int attachpoint = attachment.AttachPoint;
                UUID itemID = attachment.ItemID;

                if (itemID != UUID.Zero)
                    // Get inventory item and copy it
                    InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(itemID, source);
                    item = inventoryService.GetItem(item);

                    if (item != null)
                        InventoryItemBase destinationItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), destination);
                        destinationItem.Name = item.Name;
                        destinationItem.Owner = destination;
                        destinationItem.Description = item.Description;
                        destinationItem.InvType = item.InvType;
                        destinationItem.CreatorId = item.CreatorId;
                        destinationItem.CreatorIdAsUuid = item.CreatorIdAsUuid;
                        destinationItem.CreatorData = item.CreatorData;
                        destinationItem.NextPermissions = item.NextPermissions;
                        destinationItem.CurrentPermissions = item.CurrentPermissions;
                        destinationItem.BasePermissions = item.BasePermissions;
                        destinationItem.EveryOnePermissions = item.EveryOnePermissions;
                        destinationItem.GroupPermissions = item.GroupPermissions;
                        destinationItem.AssetType = item.AssetType;
                        destinationItem.AssetID = item.AssetID;
                        destinationItem.GroupID = item.GroupID;
                        destinationItem.GroupOwned = item.GroupOwned;
                        destinationItem.SalePrice = item.SalePrice;
                        destinationItem.SaleType = item.SaleType;
                        destinationItem.Flags = item.Flags;
                        destinationItem.CreationDate = item.CreationDate;
                        destinationItem.Folder = destinationFolder.ID;

                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Added item {0} to folder {1}", destinationItem.ID, destinationFolder.ID);

                        // Attach item
                        avatarAppearance.SetAttachment(attachpoint, destinationItem.ID, destinationItem.AssetID);
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Attached {0}", destinationItem.ID);
                        m_log.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Error transferring {0} to folder {1}", itemID, destinationFolder.ID);

        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialization of agent data.
        /// Avoiding reflection makes it painful to write, but that's the price!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public virtual void Unpack(OSDMap args, IScene scene, EntityTransferContext ctx)
            //m_log.InfoFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] Unpack data");

            if (args.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                UUID.TryParse(args["region_id"].AsString(), out RegionID);

            if (args["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse((string)args["circuit_code"].AsString(), out CircuitCode);

            if (args["agent_uuid"] != null)
                AgentID = args["agent_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["session_uuid"] != null)
                SessionID = args["session_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["position"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["position"].AsString(), out Position);

            if (args["velocity"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["velocity"].AsString(), out Velocity);

            if (args["center"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["center"].AsString(), out Center);

            if (args["size"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["size"].AsString(), out Size);

            if (args["at_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["at_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["left_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["left_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["up_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["up_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args.ContainsKey("wait_for_root") && args["wait_for_root"] != null)
                SenderWantsToWaitForRoot = args["wait_for_root"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["far"] != null)
                Far = (float)(args["far"].AsReal());

            if (args["aspect"] != null)
                Aspect = (float)args["aspect"].AsReal();

            if (args["throttles"] != null)
                Throttles = args["throttles"].AsBinary();

            if (args["locomotion_state"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["locomotion_state"].AsString(), out LocomotionState);

            if (args["head_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["head_rotation"].AsString(), out HeadRotation);

            if (args["body_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["body_rotation"].AsString(), out BodyRotation);

            if (args["control_flags"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["control_flags"].AsString(), out ControlFlags);

            if (args["energy_level"] != null)
                EnergyLevel = (float)(args["energy_level"].AsReal());

            if (args["god_level"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["god_level"].AsString(), out GodLevel);

            if (args["always_run"] != null)
                AlwaysRun = args["always_run"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["prey_agent"] != null)
                PreyAgent = args["prey_agent"].AsUUID();

            if (args["agent_access"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["agent_access"].AsString(), out AgentAccess);

            if (args.ContainsKey("agent_cof") && args["agent_cof"] != null)
                agentCOF = args["agent_cof"].AsUUID();

            if (args.ContainsKey("crossingflags") && args["crossingflags"] != null)
                CrossingFlags = (byte)args["crossingflags"].AsInteger();

            if (args.ContainsKey("active_group_id") && args["active_group_id"] != null)
                ActiveGroupID = args["active_group_id"].AsUUID();

            if (args.ContainsKey("active_group_name") && args["active_group_name"] != null)
                ActiveGroupName = args["active_group_name"].AsString();
            if(args.ContainsKey("active_group_title") && args["active_group_title"] != null)
                ActiveGroupTitle = args["active_group_title"].AsString();

            if (args.ContainsKey("groups") && (args["groups"] != null) && (args["groups"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray groups = (OSDArray)(args["groups"]);
                Groups = new AgentGroupData[groups.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in groups)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Groups[i++] = new AgentGroupData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args.ContainsKey("children_seeds") && (args["children_seeds"] != null) &&
                            (args["children_seeds"].Type == OSDType.Array))
                OSDArray childrenSeeds = (OSDArray)(args["children_seeds"]);
                ChildrenCapSeeds = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
                foreach (OSD o in childrenSeeds)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        ulong handle = 0;
                        string seed = "";
                        OSDMap pair = (OSDMap)o;
                        if (pair["handle"] != null)
                            if (!UInt64.TryParse(pair["handle"].AsString(), out handle))
                        if (pair["seed"] != null)
                            seed = pair["seed"].AsString();
                        if (!ChildrenCapSeeds.ContainsKey(handle))
                            ChildrenCapSeeds.Add(handle, seed);

            if ((args["animations"] != null) && (args["animations"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray anims = (OSDArray)(args["animations"]);
                Anims = new Animation[anims.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in anims)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Anims[i++] = new Animation((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["default_animation"] != null)
                    DefaultAnim = new Animation((OSDMap)args["default_animation"]);
                    DefaultAnim = null;

            if (args["animation_state"] != null)
                    AnimState = new Animation((OSDMap)args["animation_state"]);
                    AnimState = null;


            if (args["movementAO"] != null && args["movementAO"].Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray AOs = (OSDArray)(args["movementAO"]);
                int count = AOs.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    OSDMap ao = (OSDMap)AOs[i];
                    if (ao["state"] != null && ao["uuid"] != null)
                        string state = ao["state"].AsString();
                        UUID id = ao["uuid"].AsUUID();
                        MovementAnimationOverRides[state] = id;

            if (args.ContainsKey("motion_state"))
                MotionState = (byte)args["motion_state"].AsInteger();

            //if ((args["agent_textures"] != null) && (args["agent_textures"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
            //    OSDArray textures = (OSDArray)(args["agent_textures"]);
            //    AgentTextures = new UUID[textures.Count];
            //    int i = 0;
            //    foreach (OSD o in textures)
            //        AgentTextures[i++] = o.AsUUID();

            // packed_appearence should contain all appearance information
            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] got packed appearance");
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance((OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
                // if missing try the old pack method
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance, checking old method");

                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance();

                // The code to unpack textures, visuals, wearables and attachments
                // should be removed; packed appearance contains the full appearance
                // This is retained for backward compatibility only
                if (args["texture_entry"] != null)
                    byte[] rawtextures = args["texture_entry"].AsBinary();
                    Primitive.TextureEntry textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(rawtextures, 0, rawtextures.Length);

                if (args["visual_params"] != null)

                if ((args["wearables"] != null) && (args["wearables"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                    OSDArray wears = (OSDArray)(args["wearables"]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < wears.Count / 2; i++)
                        AvatarWearable awear = new AvatarWearable((OSDArray)wears[i]);
                        Appearance.SetWearable(i, awear);

                if ((args["attachments"] != null) && (args["attachments"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                    OSDArray attachs = (OSDArray)(args["attachments"]);
                    foreach (OSD o in attachs)
                        if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                            // We know all of these must end up as attachments so we
                            // append rather than replace to ensure multiple attachments
                            // per point continues to work
                            //                        m_log.DebugFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE]: Appending attachments for {0}", AgentID);
                            Appearance.AppendAttachment(new AvatarAttachment((OSDMap)o));
                // end of code to remove
/* moved above
            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance((OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance");
            if ((args["controllers"] != null) && (args["controllers"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray controls = (OSDArray)(args["controllers"]);
                Controllers = new ControllerData[controls.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in controls)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Controllers[i++] = new ControllerData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["callback_uri"] != null)
                CallbackURI = args["callback_uri"].AsString();

            // Attachment objects
            if (args["attach_objects"] != null && args["attach_objects"].Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attObjs = (OSDArray)(args["attach_objects"]);
                AttachmentObjects = new List<ISceneObject>();
                AttachmentObjectStates = new List<string>();
                foreach (OSD o in attObjs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        OSDMap info = (OSDMap)o;
                        ISceneObject so = scene.DeserializeObject(info["sog"].AsString());
                        so.HasGroupChanged = info["modified"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["parent_part"] != null)
                ParentPart = args["parent_part"].AsUUID();
            if (args["sit_offset"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["sit_offset"].AsString(), out SitOffset);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialization of agent data.
        /// Avoiding reflection makes it painful to write, but that's the price!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public virtual void Unpack(OSDMap args, IScene scene, EntityTransferContext ctx)
            //m_log.InfoFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] Unpack data");

            if (args.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                UUID.TryParse(args["region_id"].AsString(), out RegionID);

            if (args["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse((string)args["circuit_code"].AsString(), out CircuitCode);

            if (args["agent_uuid"] != null)
                AgentID = args["agent_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["session_uuid"] != null)
                SessionID = args["session_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["position"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["position"].AsString(), out Position);

            if (args["velocity"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["velocity"].AsString(), out Velocity);

            if (args["center"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["center"].AsString(), out Center);

            if (args["size"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["size"].AsString(), out Size);

            if (args["at_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["at_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["left_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["left_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["up_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["up_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args.ContainsKey("wait_for_root") && args["wait_for_root"] != null)
                SenderWantsToWaitForRoot = args["wait_for_root"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["far"] != null)
                Far = (float)(args["far"].AsReal());

            if (args["aspect"] != null)
                Aspect = (float)args["aspect"].AsReal();

            if (args["throttles"] != null)
                Throttles = args["throttles"].AsBinary();

            if (args["locomotion_state"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["locomotion_state"].AsString(), out LocomotionState);

            if (args["head_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["head_rotation"].AsString(), out HeadRotation);

            if (args["body_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["body_rotation"].AsString(), out BodyRotation);

            if (args["control_flags"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["control_flags"].AsString(), out ControlFlags);

            if (args["energy_level"] != null)
                EnergyLevel = (float)(args["energy_level"].AsReal());

            if (args["god_level"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["god_level"].AsString(), out GodLevel);

            if (args["always_run"] != null)
                AlwaysRun = args["always_run"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["prey_agent"] != null)
                PreyAgent = args["prey_agent"].AsUUID();

            if (args["agent_access"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["agent_access"].AsString(), out AgentAccess);

            if (args["active_group_id"] != null)
                ActiveGroupID = args["active_group_id"].AsUUID();

            if ((args["groups"] != null) && (args["groups"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray groups = (OSDArray)(args["groups"]);
                Groups = new AgentGroupData[groups.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in groups)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Groups[i++] = new AgentGroupData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args.ContainsKey("children_seeds") && (args["children_seeds"] != null) &&
                (args["children_seeds"].Type == OSDType.Array))
                OSDArray childrenSeeds = (OSDArray)(args["children_seeds"]);
                ChildrenCapSeeds = new Dictionary <ulong, string>();
                foreach (OSD o in childrenSeeds)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        ulong  handle = 0;
                        string seed   = "";
                        OSDMap pair   = (OSDMap)o;
                        if (pair["handle"] != null)
                            if (!UInt64.TryParse(pair["handle"].AsString(), out handle))
                        if (pair["seed"] != null)
                            seed = pair["seed"].AsString();
                        if (!ChildrenCapSeeds.ContainsKey(handle))
                            ChildrenCapSeeds.Add(handle, seed);

            if ((args["animations"] != null) && (args["animations"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray anims = (OSDArray)(args["animations"]);
                Anims = new Animation[anims.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in anims)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Anims[i++] = new Animation((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["default_animation"] != null)
                    DefaultAnim = new Animation((OSDMap)args["default_animation"]);
                    DefaultAnim = null;

            if (args["animation_state"] != null)
                    AnimState = new Animation((OSDMap)args["animation_state"]);
                    AnimState = null;


            if (args["movementAO"] != null && args["movementAO"].Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray AOs   = (OSDArray)(args["movementAO"]);
                int      count = AOs.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    OSDMap ao = (OSDMap)AOs[i];
                    if (ao["state"] != null && ao["uuid"] != null)
                        string state = ao["state"].AsString();
                        UUID   id    = ao["uuid"].AsUUID();
                        MovementAnimationOverRides[state] = id;

            if (args.ContainsKey("motion_state"))
                MotionState = (byte)args["motion_state"].AsInteger();

            //if ((args["agent_textures"] != null) && (args["agent_textures"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
            //    OSDArray textures = (OSDArray)(args["agent_textures"]);
            //    AgentTextures = new UUID[textures.Count];
            //    int i = 0;
            //    foreach (OSD o in textures)
            //        AgentTextures[i++] = o.AsUUID();

            // packed_appearence should contain all appearance information
            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] got packed appearance");
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance((OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
                // if missing try the old pack method
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance, checking old method");

                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance();

                // The code to unpack textures, visuals, wearables and attachments
                // should be removed; packed appearance contains the full appearance
                // This is retained for backward compatibility only
                if (args["texture_entry"] != null)
                    byte[] rawtextures = args["texture_entry"].AsBinary();
                    Primitive.TextureEntry textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(rawtextures, 0, rawtextures.Length);

                if (args["visual_params"] != null)

                if ((args["wearables"] != null) && (args["wearables"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                    OSDArray wears = (OSDArray)(args["wearables"]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < wears.Count / 2; i++)
                        AvatarWearable awear = new AvatarWearable((OSDArray)wears[i]);
                        Appearance.SetWearable(i, awear);

                if ((args["attachments"] != null) && (args["attachments"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                    OSDArray attachs = (OSDArray)(args["attachments"]);
                    foreach (OSD o in attachs)
                        if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                            // We know all of these must end up as attachments so we
                            // append rather than replace to ensure multiple attachments
                            // per point continues to work
                            //                        m_log.DebugFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE]: Appending attachments for {0}", AgentID);
                            Appearance.AppendAttachment(new AvatarAttachment((OSDMap)o));
                // end of code to remove

/* moved above
 *          if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
 *              Appearance = new AvatarAppearance((OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
 *          else
 *              m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance");
            if ((args["controllers"] != null) && (args["controllers"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray controls = (OSDArray)(args["controllers"]);
                Controllers = new ControllerData[controls.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in controls)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Controllers[i++] = new ControllerData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["callback_uri"] != null)
                CallbackURI = args["callback_uri"].AsString();

            // Attachment objects
            if (args["attach_objects"] != null && args["attach_objects"].Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attObjs = (OSDArray)(args["attach_objects"]);
                AttachmentObjects      = new List <ISceneObject>();
                AttachmentObjectStates = new List <string>();
                foreach (OSD o in attObjs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        OSDMap       info = (OSDMap)o;
                        ISceneObject so   = scene.DeserializeObject(info["sog"].AsString());
                        so.HasGroupChanged = info["modified"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["parent_part"] != null)
                ParentPart = args["parent_part"].AsUUID();
            if (args["sit_offset"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["sit_offset"].AsString(), out SitOffset);
Beispiel #5
        private void RemapWornItems(UUID botID, AvatarAppearance appearance)
            // save before Clear calls
            List<AvatarWearable> wearables = appearance.GetWearables();
            List<AvatarAttachment> attachments = appearance.GetAttachments();

            // Remap bot outfit with new item IDs
            foreach (AvatarWearable w in wearables)
                AvatarWearable newWearable = new AvatarWearable(w);
                // store a reversible back-link to the original inventory item ID.
                newWearable.ItemID = w.ItemID ^ botID;

            foreach (AvatarAttachment a in attachments)
                // store a reversible back-link to the original inventory item ID.
                UUID itemID = a.ItemID ^ botID;
                appearance.SetAttachment(a.AttachPoint, true, itemID, a.AssetID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialization of agent data.
        /// Avoiding reflection makes it painful to write, but that's the price!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public virtual void Unpack(OSDMap args)
            m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] Unpack data");

            if (args.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                UUID.TryParse(args["region_id"].AsString(), out RegionID);

            if (args["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse((string)args["circuit_code"].AsString(), out CircuitCode);

            if (args["agent_uuid"] != null)
                AgentID = args["agent_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["session_uuid"] != null)
                SessionID = args["session_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["position"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["position"].AsString(), out Position);

            if (args["velocity"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["velocity"].AsString(), out Velocity);

            if (args["center"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["center"].AsString(), out Center);

            if (args["size"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["size"].AsString(), out Size);

            if (args["at_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["at_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["left_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["left_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["up_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["up_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["changed_grid"] != null)
                ChangedGrid = args["changed_grid"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["far"] != null)
                Far = (float)(args["far"].AsReal());

            if (args["aspect"] != null)
                Aspect = (float)args["aspect"].AsReal();

            if (args["throttles"] != null)
                Throttles = args["throttles"].AsBinary();

            if (args["locomotion_state"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["locomotion_state"].AsString(), out LocomotionState);

            if (args["head_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["head_rotation"].AsString(), out HeadRotation);

            if (args["body_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["body_rotation"].AsString(), out BodyRotation);

            if (args["control_flags"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["control_flags"].AsString(), out ControlFlags);

            if (args["energy_level"] != null)
                EnergyLevel = (float)(args["energy_level"].AsReal());

            if (args["god_level"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["god_level"].AsString(), out GodLevel);

            if (args["always_run"] != null)
                AlwaysRun = args["always_run"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["prey_agent"] != null)
                PreyAgent = args["prey_agent"].AsUUID();

            if (args["agent_access"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["agent_access"].AsString(), out AgentAccess);

            if (args["active_group_id"] != null)
                ActiveGroupID = args["active_group_id"].AsUUID();

            if ((args["groups"] != null) && (args["groups"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray groups = (OSDArray)(args["groups"]);
                Groups = new AgentGroupData[groups.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in groups)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Groups[i++] = new AgentGroupData((OSDMap)o);

            if ((args["animations"] != null) && (args["animations"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray anims = (OSDArray)(args["animations"]);
                Anims = new Animation[anims.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in anims)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Anims[i++] = new Animation((OSDMap)o);

            //if ((args["agent_textures"] != null) && (args["agent_textures"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
            //    OSDArray textures = (OSDArray)(args["agent_textures"]);
            //    AgentTextures = new UUID[textures.Count];
            //    int i = 0;
            //    foreach (OSD o in textures)
            //        AgentTextures[i++] = o.AsUUID();

            Appearance = new AvatarAppearance(AgentID);

            // The code to unpack textures, visuals, wearables and attachments
            // should be removed; packed appearance contains the full appearance
            // This is retained for backward compatibility only
            if (args["texture_entry"] != null)
                byte[] rawtextures = args["texture_entry"].AsBinary();
                Primitive.TextureEntry textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(rawtextures, 0, rawtextures.Length);

            if (args["visual_params"] != null)

            if ((args["wearables"] != null) && (args["wearables"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray wears = (OSDArray)(args["wearables"]);
                for (int i = 0; i < wears.Count / 2; i++)
                    AvatarWearable awear = new AvatarWearable((OSDArray)wears[i]);
                    Appearance.SetWearable(i, awear);

            if ((args["attachments"] != null) && (args["attachments"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attachs = (OSDArray)(args["attachments"]);
                foreach (OSD o in attachs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        // We know all of these must end up as attachments so we
                        // append rather than replace to ensure multiple attachments
                        // per point continues to work
                        Appearance.AppendAttachment(new AvatarAttachment((OSDMap)o));
            // end of code to remove

            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance(AgentID, (OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance");

            if ((args["controllers"] != null) && (args["controllers"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray controls = (OSDArray)(args["controllers"]);
                Controllers = new ControllerData[controls.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in controls)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Controllers[i++] = new ControllerData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["callback_uri"] != null)
                CallbackURI = args["callback_uri"].AsString();
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialization of agent data.
        /// Avoiding reflection makes it painful to write, but that's the price!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public virtual void Unpack(OSDMap args, IScene scene)
            //m_log.InfoFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] Unpack data");

            if (args.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                UUID.TryParse(args["region_id"].AsString(), out RegionID);

            if (args["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse((string)args["circuit_code"].AsString(), out CircuitCode);

            if (args["agent_uuid"] != null)
                AgentID = args["agent_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["session_uuid"] != null)
                SessionID = args["session_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args["position"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["position"].AsString(), out Position);

            if (args["velocity"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["velocity"].AsString(), out Velocity);

            if (args["center"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["center"].AsString(), out Center);

            if (args["size"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["size"].AsString(), out Size);

            if (args["at_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["at_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["left_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["left_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["up_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args["up_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args["changed_grid"] != null)
                ChangedGrid = args["changed_grid"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["far"] != null)
                Far = (float)(args["far"].AsReal());

            if (args["aspect"] != null)
                Aspect = (float)args["aspect"].AsReal();

            if (args["throttles"] != null)
                Throttles = args["throttles"].AsBinary();

            if (args["locomotion_state"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["locomotion_state"].AsString(), out LocomotionState);

            if (args["head_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["head_rotation"].AsString(), out HeadRotation);

            if (args["body_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args["body_rotation"].AsString(), out BodyRotation);

            if (args["control_flags"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args["control_flags"].AsString(), out ControlFlags);

            if (args["energy_level"] != null)
                EnergyLevel = (float)(args["energy_level"].AsReal());

            if (args["god_level"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["god_level"].AsString(), out GodLevel);

            if (args["always_run"] != null)
                AlwaysRun = args["always_run"].AsBoolean();

            if (args["prey_agent"] != null)
                PreyAgent = args["prey_agent"].AsUUID();

            if (args["agent_access"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args["agent_access"].AsString(), out AgentAccess);

            if (args["active_group_id"] != null)
                ActiveGroupID = args["active_group_id"].AsUUID();

            if ((args["groups"] != null) && (args["groups"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray groups = (OSDArray)(args["groups"]);
                Groups = new AgentGroupData[groups.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in groups)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Groups[i++] = new AgentGroupData((OSDMap)o);

            if ((args["animations"] != null) && (args["animations"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray anims = (OSDArray)(args["animations"]);
                Anims = new Animation[anims.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in anims)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Anims[i++] = new Animation((OSDMap)o);

            //if ((args["agent_textures"] != null) && (args["agent_textures"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
            //    OSDArray textures = (OSDArray)(args["agent_textures"]);
            //    AgentTextures = new UUID[textures.Count];
            //    int i = 0;
            //    foreach (OSD o in textures)
            //        AgentTextures[i++] = o.AsUUID();

            Appearance = new AvatarAppearance();

            // The code to unpack textures, visuals, wearables and attachments
            // should be removed; packed appearance contains the full appearance
            // This is retained for backward compatibility only
            if (args["texture_entry"] != null)
                byte[] rawtextures = args["texture_entry"].AsBinary();
                Primitive.TextureEntry textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(rawtextures,0,rawtextures.Length);

            if (args["visual_params"] != null)

            if ((args["wearables"] != null) && (args["wearables"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray wears = (OSDArray)(args["wearables"]);
                for (int i = 0; i < wears.Count / 2; i++) 
                    AvatarWearable awear = new AvatarWearable((OSDArray)wears[i]);

            if ((args["attachments"] != null) && (args["attachments"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attachs = (OSDArray)(args["attachments"]);
                foreach (OSD o in attachs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        // We know all of these must end up as attachments so we
                        // append rather than replace to ensure multiple attachments
                        // per point continues to work
//                        m_log.DebugFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE]: Appending attachments for {0}", AgentID);
                        Appearance.AppendAttachment(new AvatarAttachment((OSDMap)o));
            // end of code to remove

            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance((OSDMap)args["packed_appearance"]);
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance");

            if ((args["controllers"] != null) && (args["controllers"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray controls = (OSDArray)(args["controllers"]);
                Controllers = new ControllerData[controls.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in controls)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Controllers[i++] = new ControllerData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["callback_uri"] != null)
                CallbackURI = args["callback_uri"].AsString();

            // Attachment objects
            if (args["attach_objects"] != null && args["attach_objects"].Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attObjs = (OSDArray)(args["attach_objects"]);
                AttachmentObjects = new List<ISceneObject>();
                AttachmentObjectStates = new List<string>();
                foreach (OSD o in attObjs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        OSDMap info = (OSDMap)o;
                        ISceneObject so = scene.DeserializeObject(info["sog"].AsString());
                        so.HasGroupChanged = info["modified"].AsBoolean();
        protected void CreateDefaultAppearanceEntries(UUID principalID)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Creating default appearance items for {0}", principalID);

            InventoryFolderBase bodyPartsFolder = m_InventoryService.GetFolderForType(principalID, FolderType.BodyPart);

            InventoryItemBase eyes = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), principalID);
            eyes.AssetID = new UUID("4bb6fa4d-1cd2-498a-a84c-95c1a0e745a7");
            eyes.Name = "Default Eyes";
            eyes.CreatorId = principalID.ToString();
            eyes.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Bodypart;
            eyes.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
            eyes.Folder = bodyPartsFolder.ID;
            eyes.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            eyes.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            eyes.EveryOnePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            eyes.GroupPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            eyes.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            eyes.Flags = (uint)WearableType.Eyes;

            InventoryItemBase shape = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), principalID);
            shape.AssetID = AvatarWearable.DEFAULT_BODY_ASSET;
            shape.Name = "Default Shape";
            shape.CreatorId = principalID.ToString();
            shape.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Bodypart;
            shape.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
            shape.Folder = bodyPartsFolder.ID;
            shape.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shape.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shape.EveryOnePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shape.GroupPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shape.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shape.Flags = (uint)WearableType.Shape;

            InventoryItemBase skin = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), principalID);
            skin.AssetID = AvatarWearable.DEFAULT_SKIN_ASSET;
            skin.Name = "Default Skin";
            skin.CreatorId = principalID.ToString();
            skin.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Bodypart;
            skin.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
            skin.Folder = bodyPartsFolder.ID;
            skin.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            skin.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            skin.EveryOnePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            skin.GroupPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            skin.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            skin.Flags = (uint)WearableType.Skin;

            InventoryItemBase hair = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), principalID);
            hair.AssetID = AvatarWearable.DEFAULT_HAIR_ASSET;
            hair.Name = "Default Hair";
            hair.CreatorId = principalID.ToString();
            hair.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Bodypart;
            hair.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
            hair.Folder = bodyPartsFolder.ID;
            hair.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            hair.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            hair.EveryOnePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            hair.GroupPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            hair.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            hair.Flags = (uint)WearableType.Hair;

            InventoryFolderBase clothingFolder = m_InventoryService.GetFolderForType(principalID, FolderType.Clothing);

            InventoryItemBase shirt = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), principalID);
            shirt.AssetID = AvatarWearable.DEFAULT_SHIRT_ASSET;
            shirt.Name = "Default Shirt";
            shirt.CreatorId = principalID.ToString();
            shirt.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Clothing;
            shirt.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
            shirt.Folder = clothingFolder.ID;
            shirt.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shirt.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shirt.EveryOnePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shirt.GroupPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shirt.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            shirt.Flags = (uint)WearableType.Shirt;

            InventoryItemBase pants = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), principalID);
            pants.AssetID = AvatarWearable.DEFAULT_PANTS_ASSET;
            pants.Name = "Default Pants";
            pants.CreatorId = principalID.ToString();
            pants.AssetType = (int)AssetType.Clothing;
            pants.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Wearable;
            pants.Folder = clothingFolder.ID;
            pants.BasePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            pants.CurrentPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            pants.EveryOnePermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            pants.GroupPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            pants.NextPermissions = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
            pants.Flags = (uint)WearableType.Pants;

            if (m_AvatarService != null)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Creating default avatar entries for {0}", principalID);

                AvatarWearable[] wearables = new AvatarWearable[6];
                wearables[AvatarWearable.EYES] = new AvatarWearable(eyes.ID, eyes.AssetID);
                wearables[AvatarWearable.BODY] = new AvatarWearable(shape.ID, shape.AssetID);
                wearables[AvatarWearable.SKIN] = new AvatarWearable(skin.ID, skin.AssetID);
                wearables[AvatarWearable.HAIR] = new AvatarWearable(hair.ID, hair.AssetID);
                wearables[AvatarWearable.SHIRT] = new AvatarWearable(shirt.ID, shirt.AssetID);
                wearables[AvatarWearable.PANTS] = new AvatarWearable(pants.ID, pants.AssetID);

                AvatarAppearance ap = new AvatarAppearance();
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    ap.SetWearable(i, wearables[i]);

                m_AvatarService.SetAppearance(principalID, ap);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called by establishAppearance to do a copy all inventory items
        /// worn or attached to the Clothing inventory folder of the receiving avatar.
        /// In parallel the avatar wearables and attachments are updated.
        /// </summary>

        private void CopyWearablesAndAttachments(UUID destination, UUID source, AvatarAppearance avatarAppearance)
            IInventoryService inventoryService = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene.InventoryService;

            // Get Clothing folder of receiver
            InventoryFolderBase destinationFolder = inventoryService.GetFolderForType (destination, InventoryType.Wearable, AssetType.Clothing);

            if (destinationFolder == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot locate folder(s)");

            // Missing destination folder? This should *never* be the case
            if (destinationFolder.Type != (short)AssetType.Clothing)
                destinationFolder = new InventoryFolderBase
                                            ID = UUID.Random(),
                                            Name = "Clothing",
                                            Owner = destination,
                                            Type = (short) AssetType.Clothing,
                                            ParentID = inventoryService.GetRootFolder(destination).ID,
                                            Version = 1

                inventoryService.AddFolder(destinationFolder);     // store base record
                MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat("[RADMIN] Created folder for destination {0}", source);

            // Wearables
            AvatarWearable[] wearables = avatarAppearance.Wearables;

            for (int i = 0; i < wearables.Length; i++)
                AvatarWearable wearable = wearables[i];
                if (wearable[0].ItemID != UUID.Zero)
                    // Get inventory item and copy it
                    InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(wearable[0].ItemID, source);
                    item = inventoryService.GetItem(item);

                    if (item != null)
                        InventoryItemBase destinationItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), destination)
                                                                    Name = item.Name,
                                                                    Description = item.Description,
                                                                    InvType = item.InvType,
                                                                    CreatorId = item.CreatorId,
                                                                    CreatorData = item.CreatorData,
                                                                    CreatorIdAsUuid = item.CreatorIdAsUuid,
                                                                    NextPermissions = item.NextPermissions,
                                                                    CurrentPermissions = item.CurrentPermissions,
                                                                    BasePermissions = item.BasePermissions,
                                                                    EveryOnePermissions = item.EveryOnePermissions,
                                                                    GroupPermissions = item.GroupPermissions,
                                                                    AssetType = item.AssetType,
                                                                    AssetID = item.AssetID,
                                                                    GroupID = item.GroupID,
                                                                    GroupOwned = item.GroupOwned,
                                                                    SalePrice = item.SalePrice,
                                                                    SaleType = item.SaleType,
                                                                    Flags = item.Flags,
                                                                    CreationDate = item.CreationDate,
                                                                    Folder = destinationFolder.ID
                        ILLClientInventory inventoryModule = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface<ILLClientInventory>();
                        if (inventoryModule != null)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Added item {0} to folder {1}", destinationItem.ID, destinationFolder.ID);

                        // Wear item
                        AvatarWearable newWearable = new AvatarWearable();
                        newWearable.Wear(destinationItem.ID, wearable[0].AssetID);
                        avatarAppearance.SetWearable(i, newWearable);
                        MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Error transferring {0} to folder {1}", wearable[0].ItemID, destinationFolder.ID);

            // Attachments
            List<AvatarAttachment> attachments = avatarAppearance.GetAttachments();

            foreach (AvatarAttachment attachment in attachments)
                int attachpoint = attachment.AttachPoint;
                UUID itemID = attachment.ItemID;

                if (itemID != UUID.Zero)
                    // Get inventory item and copy it
                    InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(itemID, source);
                    item = inventoryService.GetItem(item);

                    if (item != null)
                        InventoryItemBase destinationItem = new InventoryItemBase(UUID.Random(), destination)
                                                                    Name = item.Name,
                                                                    Description = item.Description,
                                                                    InvType = item.InvType,
                                                                    CreatorId = item.CreatorId,
                                                                    CreatorData = item.CreatorData,
                                                                    CreatorIdAsUuid = item.CreatorIdAsUuid,
                                                                    NextPermissions = item.NextPermissions,
                                                                    CurrentPermissions = item.CurrentPermissions,
                                                                    BasePermissions = item.BasePermissions,
                                                                    EveryOnePermissions = item.EveryOnePermissions,
                                                                    GroupPermissions = item.GroupPermissions,
                                                                    AssetType = item.AssetType,
                                                                    AssetID = item.AssetID,
                                                                    GroupID = item.GroupID,
                                                                    GroupOwned = item.GroupOwned,
                                                                    SalePrice = item.SalePrice,
                                                                    SaleType = item.SaleType,
                                                                    Flags = item.Flags,
                                                                    CreationDate = item.CreationDate,
                                                                    Folder = destinationFolder.ID
                        ILLClientInventory inventoryModule = manager.CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface<ILLClientInventory>();
                        if (inventoryModule != null)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Added item {0} to folder {1}", destinationItem.ID, destinationFolder.ID);

                        // Attach item
                        avatarAppearance.SetAttachment(attachpoint, destinationItem.ID, destinationItem.AssetID);
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[RADMIN]: Attached {0}", destinationItem.ID);
                        MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[RADMIN]: Error transferring {0} to folder {1}", itemID, destinationFolder.ID);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an avatar appearence from an active data reader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">An active database reader</param>
        /// <returns>An avatar appearence</returns>
        private AvatarAppearance readAppearanceRow(IDataReader reader)
            AvatarAppearance appearance = null;
            if (reader.Read())
                appearance = new AvatarAppearance();
                appearance.Owner = new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["owner"]));
                appearance.Serial = Convert.ToInt32(reader["serial"]);
                appearance.VisualParams = (byte[])reader["visual_params"];

                if (reader["texture"] is DBNull)
                    appearance.Texture = new Primitive.TextureEntry(null);
                    appearance.Texture = new Primitive.TextureEntry((byte[])reader["texture"], 0, ((byte[])reader["texture"]).Length);

                appearance.AvatarHeight = (float)Convert.ToDouble(reader["avatar_height"]);

                // This handles the v1 style wearables list with a 1:1 relationship.  
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["body_item"])), 
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["body_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["skin_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["skin_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["hair_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["hair_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["eyes_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["eyes_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["shirt_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["shirt_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["pants_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["pants_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["shoes_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["shoes_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["socks_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["socks_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["jacket_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["jacket_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["gloves_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["gloves_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["undershirt_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["undershirt_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["underpants_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["underpants_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["skirt_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["skirt_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["alpha_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["alpha_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["tattoo_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["tattoo_asset"]))));
                    new AvatarWearable(
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["physics_item"])),
                        new UUID(Convert.ToString(reader["physics_asset"]))));
            return appearance;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialization of agent data.
        /// Avoiding reflection makes it painful to write, but that's the price!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash"></param>
        public virtual void Unpack(OSDMap args, IScene scene)
            if (m_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                m_log.DebugFormat("{0} called", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            if (args.ContainsKey("region_id"))
                UUID.TryParse(args ["region_id"].AsString(), out RegionID);

            if (args ["circuit_code"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse((string)args ["circuit_code"].AsString(), out CircuitCode);

            if (args ["agent_uuid"] != null)
                AgentID = args ["agent_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args ["session_uuid"] != null)
                SessionID = args ["session_uuid"].AsUUID();

            if (args ["position"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["position"].AsString(), out Position);

            if (args ["velocity"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["velocity"].AsString(), out Velocity);

            if (args ["center"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["center"].AsString(), out Center);

            if (args ["size"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["size"].AsString(), out Size);

            if (args ["at_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["at_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args ["left_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["left_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args ["up_axis"] != null)
                Vector3.TryParse(args ["up_axis"].AsString(), out AtAxis);

            if (args.ContainsKey("wait_for_root") && args ["wait_for_root"] != null)
                SenderWantsToWaitForRoot = args ["wait_for_root"].AsBoolean();

            if (args ["far"] != null)
                Far = (float)(args ["far"].AsReal());

            if (args ["aspect"] != null)
                Aspect = (float)args ["aspect"].AsReal();

            if (args ["throttles"] != null)
                Throttles = args ["throttles"].AsBinary();

            if (args ["locomotion_state"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args ["locomotion_state"].AsString(), out LocomotionState);

            if (args ["head_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args ["head_rotation"].AsString(), out HeadRotation);

            if (args ["body_rotation"] != null)
                Quaternion.TryParse(args ["body_rotation"].AsString(), out BodyRotation);

            if (args ["control_flags"] != null)
                UInt32.TryParse(args ["control_flags"].AsString(), out ControlFlags);

            if (args ["energy_level"] != null)
                EnergyLevel = (float)(args ["energy_level"].AsReal());

            if (args ["god_level"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args ["god_level"].AsString(), out GodLevel);

            if (args ["always_run"] != null)
                AlwaysRun = args ["always_run"].AsBoolean();

            if (args ["prey_agent"] != null)
                PreyAgent = args ["prey_agent"].AsUUID();

            if (args ["agent_access"] != null)
                Byte.TryParse(args ["agent_access"].AsString(), out AgentAccess);

            if (args ["active_group_id"] != null)
                ActiveGroupID = args ["active_group_id"].AsUUID();

            if ((args ["groups"] != null) && (args ["groups"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray groups = (OSDArray)(args ["groups"]);
                Groups = new AgentGroupData[groups.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in groups)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Groups [i++] = new AgentGroupData((OSDMap)o);

            if ((args ["animations"] != null) && (args ["animations"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray anims = (OSDArray)(args ["animations"]);
                Anims = new Animation[anims.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in anims)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Anims [i++] = new Animation((OSDMap)o);

            if (args ["default_animation"] != null)
                try {
                    DefaultAnim = new Animation((OSDMap)args ["default_animation"]);
                } catch {
                    DefaultAnim = null;

            if (args ["animation_state"] != null)
                try {
                    AnimState = new Animation((OSDMap)args ["animation_state"]);
                } catch {
                    AnimState = null;

            //if ((args["agent_textures"] != null) && (args["agent_textures"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
            //    OSDArray textures = (OSDArray)(args["agent_textures"]);
            //    AgentTextures = new UUID[textures.Count];
            //    int i = 0;
            //    foreach (OSD o in textures)
            //        AgentTextures[i++] = o.AsUUID();

            Appearance = new AvatarAppearance();

            // The code to unpack textures, visuals, wearables and attachments
            // should be removed; packed appearance contains the full appearance
            // This is retained for backward compatibility only
            if (args ["texture_entry"] != null)
                byte[] rawtextures = args ["texture_entry"].AsBinary();
                Primitive.TextureEntry textures = new Primitive.TextureEntry(rawtextures, 0, rawtextures.Length);

            if (args ["visual_params"] != null)
                Appearance.SetVisualParams(args ["visual_params"].AsBinary());

            if ((args ["wearables"] != null) && (args ["wearables"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray wears = (OSDArray)(args ["wearables"]);
                for (int i = 0; i < wears.Count / 2; i++)
                    AvatarWearable awear = new AvatarWearable((OSDArray)wears [i]);
                    Appearance.SetWearable(i, awear);

            if ((args ["attachments"] != null) && (args ["attachments"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attachs = (OSDArray)(args ["attachments"]);
                foreach (OSD o in attachs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        // We know all of these must end up as attachments so we
                        // append rather than replace to ensure multiple attachments
                        // per point continues to work
//                        m_log.DebugFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE]: Appending attachments for {0}", AgentID);
                        Appearance.AppendAttachment(new AvatarAttachment((OSDMap)o));
            // end of code to remove

            if (args.ContainsKey("packed_appearance") && (args ["packed_appearance"]).Type == OSDType.Map)
                Appearance = new AvatarAppearance((OSDMap)args ["packed_appearance"]);
                m_log.WarnFormat("[CHILDAGENTDATAUPDATE] No packed appearance");

            if ((args["controllers"] != null) && (args["controllers"]).Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray controls = (OSDArray)(args["controllers"]);
                Controllers = new ControllerData[controls.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (OSD o in controls)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        Controllers[i++] = new ControllerData((OSDMap)o);

            if (args["callback_uri"] != null)
                CallbackURI = args["callback_uri"].AsString();

            // Attachment objects
            if (args["attach_objects"] != null && args["attach_objects"].Type == OSDType.Array)
                OSDArray attObjs = (OSDArray)(args["attach_objects"]);
                AttachmentObjects      = new List <ISceneObject>();
                AttachmentObjectStates = new List <string>();
                foreach (OSD o in attObjs)
                    if (o.Type == OSDType.Map)
                        OSDMap       info = (OSDMap)o;
                        ISceneObject so   = scene.DeserializeObject(info["sog"].AsString());
                        so.HasGroupChanged = info["modified"].AsBoolean();