Beispiel #1
        public static Dictionary <string, ModMetadata> ValidateMods(string[] mods)
            var ret = new Dictionary <string, ModMetadata>();

            foreach (var m in mods)
                var yamlPath = new[] { "mods", m, "mod.yaml" }.Aggregate(Path.Combine);
                if (!File.Exists(yamlPath))

                var yaml = new MiniYaml(null, MiniYaml.FromFile(yamlPath));
                var nd   = yaml.ToDictionary();
                if (!nd.ContainsKey("Metadata"))

                var mod = FieldLoader.Load <ModMetadata>(nd["Metadata"]);
                mod.Id = m;

                ret.Add(m, mod);

Beispiel #2
        static Dictionary <string, T> LoadYamlRules <T>(string[] files, List <MiniYamlNode> dict, Func <MiniYamlNode, Dictionary <string, MiniYaml>, T> f)
            var y  = files.Select(a => MiniYaml.FromFile(a)).Aggregate(dict, MiniYaml.MergeLiberal);
            var yy = y.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            return(y.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), kv => f(kv, yy)));
Beispiel #3
        static Dictionary <string, ModMetadata> ValidateMods()
            var basePath = Platform.ResolvePath(".", "mods");
            var mods     = Directory.GetDirectories(basePath)
                           .Select(x => x.Substring(basePath.Length + 1));

            var ret = new Dictionary <string, ModMetadata>();

            foreach (var m in mods)
                var yamlPath = Platform.ResolvePath(".", "mods", m, "mod.yaml");
                if (!File.Exists(yamlPath))

                var yaml = new MiniYaml(null, MiniYaml.FromFile(yamlPath));
                var nd   = yaml.ToDictionary();
                if (!nd.ContainsKey("Metadata"))

                var mod = FieldLoader.Load <ModMetadata>(nd["Metadata"]);
                mod.Id = m;

                ret.Add(m, mod);

Beispiel #4
        Dictionary <string, T> LoadYamlRules <T>(
            Dictionary <string, T> itemCache,
            string[] files, List <MiniYamlNode> nodes,
            Func <MiniYamlNode, Dictionary <string, MiniYaml>, T> f)

            var inputKey = string.Concat(string.Join("|", files), "|", nodes.WriteToString());

            var partial = files
                          .Select(s => MiniYaml.FromFile(s))
                          .Aggregate(nodes, MiniYaml.MergePartial);

            Func <MiniYamlNode, Dictionary <string, MiniYaml>, T> wrap = (wkv, wyy) =>
                var key = inputKey + wkv.Value.ToLines(wkv.Key).JoinWith("|");
                T   t;
                if (itemCache.TryGetValue(key, out t))

                t = f(wkv, wyy);
                itemCache.Add(key, t);


            var yy      = partial.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
            var itemSet = partial.ToDictionaryWithConflictLog(kv => kv.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), kv => wrap(kv, yy), "LoadYamlRules", null, null);

Beispiel #5
        public Settings(string file, Arguments args)
            settingsFile = file;
            Sections     = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Player", Player },
                { "Game", Game },
                { "Sound", Sound },
                { "Graphics", Graphics },
                { "Server", Server },
                { "Debug", Debug },
                { "Keys", Keys },
                { "Chat", Chat }

            // Override fieldloader to ignore invalid entries
            var err1 = FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction;
            var err2 = FieldLoader.InvalidValueAction;

                FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction = (s, f) => Console.WriteLine("Ignoring unknown field `{0}` on `{1}`".F(s, f.Name));

                if (File.Exists(settingsFile))
                    yamlCache = MiniYaml.FromFile(settingsFile);
                    foreach (var yamlSection in yamlCache)
                        object settingsSection;
                        if (Sections.TryGetValue(yamlSection.Key, out settingsSection))
                            LoadSectionYaml(yamlSection.Value, settingsSection);

                // Override with commandline args
                foreach (var kv in Sections)
                    foreach (var f in kv.Value.GetType().GetFields())
                        if (args.Contains(kv.Key + "." + f.Name))
                            FieldLoader.LoadField(kv.Value, f.Name, args.GetValue(kv.Key + "." + f.Name, ""));
                FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction = err1;
                FieldLoader.InvalidValueAction = err2;
Beispiel #6
 public WidgetLoader(ModData modData)
     foreach (var file in modData.Manifest.ChromeLayout.Select(a => MiniYaml.FromFile(a)))
         foreach (var w in file)
             var key = w.Key.Substring(w.Key.IndexOf('@') + 1);
             if (widgets.ContainsKey(key))
                 throw new InvalidDataException("Widget has duplicate Key `{0}`".F(w.Key));
             widgets.Add(key, w);
Beispiel #7
        static Dictionary <string, ModMetadata> ValidateMods()
            var basePath = Platform.ResolvePath(".", "mods");
            var mods     = Directory.GetDirectories(basePath)
                           .Select(x => x.Substring(basePath.Length + 1));

            var ret = new Dictionary <string, ModMetadata>();

            foreach (var m in mods)
                    var yamlPath = Platform.ResolvePath(".", "mods", m, "mod.yaml");
                    if (!File.Exists(yamlPath))

                    var yaml = new MiniYaml(null, MiniYaml.FromFile(yamlPath));
                    var nd   = yaml.ToDictionary();
                    if (!nd.ContainsKey("Metadata"))

                    var mod = FieldLoader.Load <ModMetadata>(nd["Metadata"]);
                    mod.Id = m;

                    if (nd.ContainsKey("ContentInstaller"))
                        mod.Content = FieldLoader.Load <ContentInstaller>(nd["ContentInstaller"]);

                    ret.Add(m, mod);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred when trying to load ModMetadata for `{0}`:".F(m));

Beispiel #8
        public Settings(string file, Arguments args)
            settingsFile = file;
            Sections     = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Player", Player },
                { "Game", Game },
                { "Sound", Sound },
                { "Graphics", Graphics },
                { "Server", Server },
                { "Debug", Debug },

            // Override fieldloader to ignore invalid entries
            var err1 = FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction;
            var err2 = FieldLoader.InvalidValueAction;

                FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction = (s, f) => Console.WriteLine($"Ignoring unknown field `{s}` on `{f.Name}`");

                if (File.Exists(settingsFile))
                    yamlCache = MiniYaml.FromFile(settingsFile, false);
                    foreach (var yamlSection in yamlCache)
                        if (yamlSection.Key != null && Sections.TryGetValue(yamlSection.Key, out var settingsSection))
                            LoadSectionYaml(yamlSection.Value, settingsSection);

                    var keysNode = yamlCache.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Key == "Keys");
                    if (keysNode != null)
                        foreach (var node in keysNode.Value.Nodes)
                            if (node.Key != null)
                                Keys[node.Key] = FieldLoader.GetValue <Hotkey>(node.Key, node.Value.Value);

                // Override with commandline args
                foreach (var kv in Sections)
                    foreach (var f in kv.Value.GetType().GetFields())
                        if (args.Contains(kv.Key + "." + f.Name))
                            FieldLoader.LoadField(kv.Value, f.Name, args.GetValue(kv.Key + "." + f.Name, ""));
                FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction = err1;
                FieldLoader.InvalidValueAction = err2;
Beispiel #9
        public Manifest(string mod)
            var path = Platform.ResolvePath(".", "mods", mod, "mod.yaml");

            yaml = new MiniYaml(null, MiniYaml.FromFile(path)).ToDictionary();

            Mod    = FieldLoader.Load <ModMetadata>(yaml["Metadata"]);
            Mod.Id = mod;

            // TODO: Use fieldloader
            Folders        = YamlList(yaml, "Folders", true);
            MapFolders     = YamlDictionary(yaml, "MapFolders", true);
            Packages       = YamlDictionary(yaml, "Packages", true);
            Rules          = YamlList(yaml, "Rules", true);
            Sequences      = YamlList(yaml, "Sequences", true);
            VoxelSequences = YamlList(yaml, "VoxelSequences", true);
            Cursors        = YamlList(yaml, "Cursors", true);
            Chrome         = YamlList(yaml, "Chrome", true);
            Assemblies     = YamlList(yaml, "Assemblies", true);
            ChromeLayout   = YamlList(yaml, "ChromeLayout", true);
            Weapons        = YamlList(yaml, "Weapons", true);
            Voices         = YamlList(yaml, "Voices", true);
            Notifications  = YamlList(yaml, "Notifications", true);
            Music          = YamlList(yaml, "Music", true);
            Translations   = YamlList(yaml, "Translations", true);
            TileSets       = YamlList(yaml, "TileSets", true);
            ChromeMetrics  = YamlList(yaml, "ChromeMetrics", true);
            Missions       = YamlList(yaml, "Missions", true);

            ServerTraits = YamlList(yaml, "ServerTraits");

            if (!yaml.TryGetValue("LoadScreen", out LoadScreen))
                throw new InvalidDataException("`LoadScreen` section is not defined.");

            if (!yaml.TryGetValue("LobbyDefaults", out LobbyDefaults))
                throw new InvalidDataException("`LobbyDefaults` section is not defined.");

            Fonts = yaml["Fonts"].ToDictionary(my =>
                var nd = my.ToDictionary();
                return(Pair.New(nd["Font"].Value, Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(nd["Size"].Value)));

            // Allow inherited mods to import parent maps.
            var compat = new List <string>();


            if (yaml.ContainsKey("SupportsMapsFrom"))
                foreach (var c in yaml["SupportsMapsFrom"].Value.Split(','))

            MapCompatibility = compat.ToArray();

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("SpriteFormats"))
                SpriteFormats = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("SpriteFormats", yaml["SpriteFormats"].Value);
Beispiel #10
        public Manifest(string mod)
            var path = Platform.ResolvePath(".", "mods", mod, "mod.yaml");

            yaml = new MiniYaml(null, MiniYaml.FromFile(path)).ToDictionary();

            Mod    = FieldLoader.Load <ModMetadata>(yaml["Metadata"]);
            Mod.Id = mod;

            // TODO: Use fieldloader
            Folders        = YamlList(yaml, "Folders", true);
            MapFolders     = YamlDictionary(yaml, "MapFolders", true);
            Packages       = YamlDictionary(yaml, "Packages", true);
            Rules          = YamlList(yaml, "Rules", true);
            Sequences      = YamlList(yaml, "Sequences", true);
            VoxelSequences = YamlList(yaml, "VoxelSequences", true);
            Cursors        = YamlList(yaml, "Cursors", true);
            Chrome         = YamlList(yaml, "Chrome", true);
            Assemblies     = YamlList(yaml, "Assemblies", true);
            ChromeLayout   = YamlList(yaml, "ChromeLayout", true);
            Weapons        = YamlList(yaml, "Weapons", true);
            Voices         = YamlList(yaml, "Voices", true);
            Notifications  = YamlList(yaml, "Notifications", true);
            Music          = YamlList(yaml, "Music", true);
            Translations   = YamlList(yaml, "Translations", true);
            TileSets       = YamlList(yaml, "TileSets", true);
            ChromeMetrics  = YamlList(yaml, "ChromeMetrics", true);
            Missions       = YamlList(yaml, "Missions", true);

            ServerTraits = YamlList(yaml, "ServerTraits");

            if (!yaml.TryGetValue("LoadScreen", out LoadScreen))
                throw new InvalidDataException("`LoadScreen` section is not defined.");

            if (!yaml.TryGetValue("LobbyDefaults", out LobbyDefaults))
                throw new InvalidDataException("`LobbyDefaults` section is not defined.");

            Fonts = yaml["Fonts"].ToDictionary(my =>
                var nd = my.ToDictionary();
                return(Pair.New(nd["Font"].Value, Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(nd["Size"].Value)));

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("TileSize"))
                TileSize = FieldLoader.GetValue <Size>("TileSize", yaml["TileSize"].Value);

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("TileShape"))
                TileShape = FieldLoader.GetValue <TileShape>("TileShape", yaml["TileShape"].Value);

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("MaximumTerrainHeight"))
                MaximumTerrainHeight = FieldLoader.GetValue <byte>("MaximumTerrainHeight", yaml["MaximumTerrainHeight"].Value);

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("SubCells"))
                var subcells = yaml["SubCells"].ToDictionary();

                // Read (x,y,z) offset (relative to cell center) pairs for positioning subcells
                if (subcells.ContainsKey("Offsets"))
                    SubCellOffsets = FieldLoader.GetValue <WVec[]>("Offsets", subcells["Offsets"].Value);

                if (subcells.ContainsKey("DefaultIndex"))
                    SubCellDefaultIndex = FieldLoader.GetValue <int>("DefaultIndex", subcells["DefaultIndex"].Value);
                else                    // Otherwise set the default subcell index to the middle subcell entry
                    SubCellDefaultIndex = SubCellOffsets.Length / 2;

            // Validate default index - 0 for no subcells, otherwise > 1 & <= subcell count (offset triples count - 1)
            if (SubCellDefaultIndex < (SubCellOffsets.Length > 1 ? 1 : 0) || SubCellDefaultIndex >= SubCellOffsets.Length)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Subcell default index must be a valid index into the offset triples and must be greater than 0 for mods with subcells");

            // Allow inherited mods to import parent maps.
            var compat = new List <string>();


            if (yaml.ContainsKey("SupportsMapsFrom"))
                foreach (var c in yaml["SupportsMapsFrom"].Value.Split(','))

            MapCompatibility = compat.ToArray();

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("SpriteFormats"))
                SpriteFormats = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("SpriteFormats", yaml["SpriteFormats"].Value);
Beispiel #11
        public Manifest(string mod)
            var path = new[] { "mods", mod, "mod.yaml" }.Aggregate(Path.Combine);
            var yaml = new MiniYaml(null, MiniYaml.FromFile(path)).ToDictionary();

            Mod    = FieldLoader.Load <ModMetadata>(yaml["Metadata"]);
            Mod.Id = mod;

            // TODO: Use fieldloader
            Folders         = YamlList(yaml, "Folders");
            MapFolders      = YamlDictionary(yaml, "MapFolders");
            Packages        = YamlDictionary(yaml, "Packages");
            Rules           = YamlList(yaml, "Rules");
            ServerTraits    = YamlList(yaml, "ServerTraits");
            Sequences       = YamlList(yaml, "Sequences");
            VoxelSequences  = YamlList(yaml, "VoxelSequences");
            Cursors         = YamlList(yaml, "Cursors");
            Chrome          = YamlList(yaml, "Chrome");
            Assemblies      = YamlList(yaml, "Assemblies");
            ChromeLayout    = YamlList(yaml, "ChromeLayout");
            Weapons         = YamlList(yaml, "Weapons");
            Voices          = YamlList(yaml, "Voices");
            Notifications   = YamlList(yaml, "Notifications");
            Music           = YamlList(yaml, "Music");
            Movies          = YamlList(yaml, "Movies");
            Translations    = YamlList(yaml, "Translations");
            TileSets        = YamlList(yaml, "TileSets");
            ChromeMetrics   = YamlList(yaml, "ChromeMetrics");
            PackageContents = YamlList(yaml, "PackageContents");
            LuaScripts      = YamlList(yaml, "LuaScripts");
            Missions        = YamlList(yaml, "Missions");

            LoadScreen    = yaml["LoadScreen"];
            LobbyDefaults = yaml["LobbyDefaults"];

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("ContentInstaller"))
                ContentInstaller = FieldLoader.Load <InstallData>(yaml["ContentInstaller"]);

            Fonts = yaml["Fonts"].ToDictionary(my =>
                var nd = my.ToDictionary();
                return(Pair.New(nd["Font"].Value, Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(nd["Size"].Value)));

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("TileSize"))
                TileSize = FieldLoader.GetValue <Size>("TileSize", yaml["TileSize"].Value);

            if (yaml.ContainsKey("TileShape"))
                TileShape = FieldLoader.GetValue <TileShape>("TileShape", yaml["TileShape"].Value);

            // Allow inherited mods to import parent maps.
            var compat = new List <string>();


            if (yaml.ContainsKey("SupportsMapsFrom"))
                foreach (var c in yaml["SupportsMapsFrom"].Value.Split(','))

            MapCompatibility = compat.ToArray();