Beispiel #1
        public Settings(string file, Arguments args)
            settingsFile = file;
            Sections     = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Player", Player },
                { "Game", Game },
                { "Sound", Sound },
                { "Graphics", Graphics },
                { "Server", Server },
                { "Debug", Debug },
                { "Keys", Keys },
                { "Chat", Chat }

            // Override fieldloader to ignore invalid entries
            var err1 = FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction;
            var err2 = FieldLoader.InvalidValueAction;

                FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction = (s, f) => Console.WriteLine("Ignoring unknown field `{0}` on `{1}`".F(s, f.Name));

                if (File.Exists(settingsFile))
                    var yaml = MiniYaml.DictFromFile(settingsFile);

                    foreach (var kv in Sections)
                        if (yaml.ContainsKey(kv.Key))
                            LoadSectionYaml(yaml[kv.Key], kv.Value);

                // Override with commandline args
                foreach (var kv in Sections)
                    foreach (var f in kv.Value.GetType().GetFields())
                        if (args.Contains(kv.Key + "." + f.Name))
                            FieldLoader.LoadField(kv.Value, f.Name, args.GetValue(kv.Key + "." + f.Name, ""));
                FieldLoader.UnknownFieldAction = err1;
                FieldLoader.InvalidValueAction = err2;
Beispiel #2
        public TileSet(ModData modData, string filepath)
            var yaml = MiniYaml.DictFromFile(filepath);

            // General info
            FieldLoader.Load(this, yaml["General"]);

            // TerrainTypes
            Terrain = yaml["Terrain"].NodesDict.Values
                      .Select(y => new TerrainTypeInfo(y)).ToDictionary(t => t.Type);

            // Templates
            Templates = yaml["Templates"].NodesDict.Values
                        .Select(y => new TileTemplate(y)).ToDictionary(t => t.Id);
Beispiel #3
        public TileSet(ModData modData, string filepath)
            var yaml = MiniYaml.DictFromFile(filepath);

            // General info
            FieldLoader.Load(this, yaml["General"]);

            // TerrainTypes
            TerrainInfo = yaml["Terrain"].ToDictionary().Values
                          .Select(y => new TerrainTypeInfo(y))
                          .OrderBy(tt => tt.Type)

            if (TerrainInfo.Length >= byte.MaxValue)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Too many terrain types.");

            for (byte i = 0; i < TerrainInfo.Length; i++)
                var tt = TerrainInfo[i].Type;

                if (terrainIndexByType.ContainsKey(tt))
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate terrain type '{0}' in '{1}'.".F(tt, filepath));

                terrainIndexByType.Add(tt, i);

            defaultWalkableTerrainIndex = GetTerrainIndex("Clear");

            // Templates
            Templates = yaml["Templates"].ToDictionary().Values
                        .Select(y => new TerrainTemplateInfo(this, y)).ToDictionary(t => t.Id);