private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //WebsiteSearch webSearch = new WebsiteSearch(); // Create WebsiteSearch object
            //webSearch.SaveXML(marioMakerLevels, "MarioMakerLevels", false); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as an XML

            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();             // Create SaveFileDialog box

            saveFileDialog.DefaultExt   = "xml";                              // Set default extension to XML
            saveFileDialog.AddExtension = true;                               // Auto add csv to end of file if user doesn't add it
            WebsiteSearch websiteSearch = new WebsiteSearch();                // Create WebsiteSearch object

            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)               // If the result is ok
                if (websiteSearch.Isfiletype(saveFileDialog.FileName, "xml")) // If the file extension is xml
                        websiteSearch.SaveXML(marioMakerLevels, saveFileDialog.FileName, false); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as an XML
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        ShowErrorDialog(exception.Message, "Error opening file"); // Display dialogue box with error
                    ShowErrorDialog("Save it as an XML, Sir TrynaBeCool", "Error saving file"); // Display dialogue box with error
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //WebsiteSearch webSearch = new WebsiteSearch(); // Create WebsiteSearch object
            //webSearch.SaveCSV(marioMakerLevels, "MarioMakerLevels"); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as a CSV

            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();             // Create SaveFileDialog box

            saveFileDialog.DefaultExt   = "csv";                              // Set default extension to CSV
            saveFileDialog.AddExtension = true;                               // Auto add csv to end of file if user doesn't add it
            WebsiteSearch websiteSearch = new WebsiteSearch();                // Create WebsiteSearch object

            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)               // If the result is ok
                if (websiteSearch.Isfiletype(saveFileDialog.FileName, "csv")) // If the file extension is csv
                        websiteSearch.SaveCSV(marioMakerLevels, saveFileDialog.FileName); // Save the marioMakerLevels list as a CSV
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        ShowErrorDialog(exception.Message, "Error saving file"); // Display dialogue box with error
                    ShowErrorDialog("Save it as a CSV, shoe-brain", "Error saving file"); // Display dialogue box with error
        private void LoadCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // There are multiples of this code, probs should make it a function

            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            openFileDialog.DefaultExt   = "csv"; // Set default extension to CSV
            openFileDialog.AddExtension = true;  // Auto add csv to end of file if user doesn't add it
            WebsiteSearch websiteSearch = new WebsiteSearch();

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (websiteSearch.Isfiletype(openFileDialog.FileName, "csv")) // If the file is of csv
                        marioMakerLevels = websiteSearch.ReadCSV(openFileDialog.FileName); // Read CSV file from path, putting the list of levels into the marioMakerLevels list
                        levelsChecked    = 0;                                              // Reset levelsChecked
                        ResetAll();                                                        // Call ResetAll
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        ShowErrorDialog(exception.Message, "Error opening file"); // Display dialogue box with error
                    ShowErrorDialog("Open A CSV Ya Nong-Head", "Error opening file"); // Display dialogue box with error