Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 3.4.3 Clock Data Bits Out on +ve clock edge LSB first (no read)
 /// Use if CLK starts at '1'
 /// 0x1A,
 /// Length,
 /// Byte1
 /// This will clock out bits on TDI/DO from 1 to 8 depending on the Length byte. A
 /// length of 0x00 will do 1 bit and a length of 0x07 will do 8 bits. The data is sent
 /// LSB first. Bit 0 of the data byte is placed on TDI/DO then the CLK pin is clocked.
 /// The data will change to the next bit on the rising edge of the CLK pin. No data is
 /// clocked into the device on TDO/DI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="len"></param>
 public void BitsOutOnPlusEdgeWithLsbFirst(byte data, byte len)
     write(MpsseCommand.BitsOutOnPlusEdgeWithLsbFirst(data, len));